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world images. The name on the top denotes the training database, while the name on the bottom implies the testing database.
Bold font highlights the leading mean result for every experiment.
Method Image Aug.
(a) CNN F (C) f s 78.23 71.87 85.11
(b) CNN S (C) f s 83.50 72.95 86.18
(c) CNN M - 82.40 73.06 87.64
(d) CNN M (C) f s 81.68 74.82 85.79
(e) CNN M (C) f m 81.69 75.46 86.55
(f) CNN M (C) s s 79.52 73.56 89.88
(g) CNN M (C) t t 80.22 74.19 89.53
(h) CNN M (C) f - 80.31 73.83 82.71
(i) CNN M (F) f - 81.91 73.01 91.03
(j) CNN M GS - 71.82 66.78 89.37
(k) CNN M GS (C) f s 75.95 69.05 87.87
(l) CNN M 2048 (C) f s 80.27 76.35 86.82
(m) CNN M 1024 (C) f s 82.55 74.85 87.89
(n) CNN M 128 (C) f s 82.90 73.99 88.13
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Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Material Classification