research is needed in order to produce domain-
specific tools.
The purpose of this paper was to propose a
classification of healthcare SNA applications based
on a review of papers that used structural and
dynamic SNA methodologies to answer healthcare-
related research problems. We classified these
research works into two categories: One concerning
healthcare organizations and pertaining to policy
making, communication, and collaboration and a
patient-oriented category which concerns patients’
behaviors, social influence and healthcare
information access.
The proposed classification of healthcare SNA
applications is preliminary and requires further
enrichment through the inclusion of other research
works. The level of adequacy of a chosen SNA
methodology to a given Healthcare research problem
is yet to be examined. Experimental studies will
have to be conducted to establish comparative
analyses between variations of a given methodology
for a particular problem. For instance, different
subsets of metrics can be used and compared for
structural SNA methodologies, various propagation
models can be simultaneously tried for dynamic
SNA methodologies.
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