pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks to learn
the features of braid hairstyle as well as non-braid
hairstyles. However, due to our small-scale dataset,
data augment techniques and transfer learning are ap-
plied to deal with the problem of overfitting. The
experiment results show that our system is capable
to recognize four basic hairstyles, including braid
hairstyle, straight hairstyle, curly hairstyle, and kinky
hairstyle, however, we focus on recognize braid
hairstyle in this paper. Moreover, the strategy of
training on patch-level and performing recognition on
image-level can facility the recognition procedure for
complex hairstyles. In addition, since the system is
based on image patches, it can be used to recognize
hairstyle not only in the front-view hair images, but
also in the side-view hair images, as well as the back-
view hair image.
In the future, we need to increase our data to in-
clude more braid hairstyles. Furthermore, we need
include the spacial information as the global informa-
tion in order to eliminate mis-classified patches.
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Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs