Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs
Chao Sun and Won-Sook Lee
EECS, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
{csun014, wslee}
Braid Hairstyle Recognition, Convolutional Neural Networks.
In this paper, we present a novel braid hairstyle recognition system based on Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs). We first build a hairstyle patch dataset that is composed of braid hairstyle patches and non-braid
hairstyle patches (straight hairstyle patches, curly hairstyle patches, and kinky hairstyle patches). Then we
train our hairstyle recognition system via transfer learning on a pre-trained CNN model in order to extract
the features of different hairstyles. Our hairstyle recognition CNN model achieves the accuracy of 92.7% on
image patch dataset. Then the CNN model is used to perform braid hairstyle detection and recognition in full-
hair images. The experiment results shows that the patch-level trained CNN model can successfully detect and
recognize braid hairstyle in image-level.
Hairstyle, which can help to provide unique personal-
ity, is considered as one of the most important features
of a human being in real-world. Moreover, in com-
puter games and animation films, different hairstyles
represent different identifications of virtual charac-
ters. However, hairstyle recognition remains one of
the most challenging tasks due to the characteristics
of the hair(e.g. the texture, colors, etc), the variety of
appearances under different environments (e.g. light-
ing conditions, etc), as well as countless combinations
of different hairstyles.
Most of the researchers who work on 3D hair
modelling examine the characteristics of hair based
on single-view or multiple-view hair images and try
to obtain hair strands structure information (e.g. ori-
entation of hair strands). For certain hairstyles, such
as straight hairstyle, this kind of information is rel-
atively easy to obtain since the straight hair strands
share the same direction. However, for more complex
hairstyle, such as the braid hairstyle, the correspond-
ing recognition procedure is more challenging, and
is usually performed by human. Thus, an automatic
braid hairstyle recognition system is needed in order
to facility the hair modelling procedure.
The main challenges for braid hairstyle recogni-
tion are:
The braid hairstyle spans a diverse range of ap-
pearances in real-world, it is very difficult to use
hand-designed image features to recognize. Ex-
Figure 1: Different braid hairstyles.
amples of braid hairstyle are shown in Figure 1.
They are ”french braid”, ”reverse french braid”,
”fishtail braid”, and ”four-strand braid”.
The braid hairstyle often co-exist with other
hairstyles, thus the hair strands usually share sim-
ilar appearance. As shown in Figure 2, the hair
image contains three different hairstyles: straight
Sun C. and Lee W.
Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs.
DOI: 10.5220/0006169805480555
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 548-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: The combination of different hairstyles.
hairstyle (indicated by the blue stroke), curly
hairstyle (indicated by the yellow stroke), and a
braid (indicated by the green stroke) that lies be-
tween those two regions. The only difference
is the structure or pattern that formed by hair
The boundaries between the braid hairstyle and
other hairstyles are difficult to detect. As shown
in Figure 1, the hair strands gradually merge into
the braid region and become a part of the braid.
Braid hairstyle is defined as two to four hair
strands interlacing with each other to form a complex
structure or pattern. Since the braid hairstyle is com-
posed by certain repeated patterns, indicating that the
most distinguish pattern lies in the interlacing area.
Thus, if we can detect the interlacing pattern in the
hair images, then we can locate the braid area in the
full hair images.
Since braid hairstyle is usually co-exist with other
hairstyles, it is reasonable that we develop a recog-
nition system that can learn features from both the
braid hairstyle and non-braid hairstyle and separate
them based on those features. Thus, we include three
other hairstyles in our system. They are straight
hairstyle (hair is normally straight and do not hold a
curl), curly hairstyle (hair contains spirals or inwardly
curved forms, or has a definite ”S” pattern), and kinky
hairstyle (hair is tightly coiled with a less visible curl
Due to the characteristics of different hairstyles,
traditional image processing methods usually failed
to extract the structure features from hair images di-
rectly (e.g. the kinky hairstyle). Thus, we lever-
age the strength of the Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) to automatically learn features of dif-
ferent hairstyles. Usually, the CNNs are trained on
large-scale image dataset (e.g. ImageNet(Deng et al.,
2009), etc), however, our hairstyle patch dataset is a
relatively small one. There are four hairstyle classes
and each class has approximate 1000 image patches,
including 800 patches for training and 200 patches for
testing. When dealing with small dataset, which is re-
alistic in real-world use cases , overfitting is the main
problem we need to avoid. although . Thus, we ap-
ply the transfer learning via a pre-trained CNNs with
a final layer retrained to our own hairstyle dataset to
learn features for different hairstyles.
To sum up, the contributions of this paper are:
A novel hairstyle recognition system that can de-
tect the unique features of braid hairstyle and rec-
ognize braid hairstyle in full hair images.
The strategy of patch-level feature learning and
image-level recognition can facility the recogni-
tion for complex hairstyles. The hairstyle recog-
nition system can be applied to the front-view hair
images, the side-view hair images, as well as the
back-view hair images.
2.1 Hair Recognition in Human
Researchers use human hair as a supplementary fea-
ture for human identification recognition.
Yacoob et. al estimated a set of attributes (e.g.
length, volume, surface area, dominant color, color-
ing, etc) of the head hair from a single image. They
developed algorithms and associated metrics that en-
able detection, representation, and comparison of the
hair of different subjects. Their experiment results
shown that the hair attributes can improved the hu-
man identification results(Yacoob and Davis, 2006).
In their work, they provided some important informa-
tion for hair detection and description by introducing
the hair attributes, however, since the purpose of their
work is human identification, the images in their ex-
periments are all human frontal face images with hair
Dass et. al used unsupervised learning method to
discover distinct hairstyles, namely the whole hair re-
gions, from a large number of frontal face images.
Their learning method involved clustering of hair re-
gions, where they do not need to assume any pre-
determined number of clusters. For each hair-style
region cluster, they generate a style-template, which
is a probability mask indicating the probability of hair
at a certain position of a facial image. The templates
are subsequently used to recognize the hairstyle of
Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs
Figure 3: Braid hairstyle recognition system overview.
a person. The hair distribution of a person is com-
pared with the templates to recognize hairstyles. In
their experiments, they collected male and female
face images randomly from the Internet. Clustering
on these selected images resulted in five clusters of
hairstyles. The The five different hairstyles probabil-
ity masks are generated and the accuracy of the clas-
sification is 75.62% (Dass et al., 2013). All their ex-
periments are based on frontal face images and unsu-
pervised learning algorithm (clustering) and they fo-
cus on the recognition of complete hair regions from
face regions rather than the detailed partition of dif-
ferent hairstyles inside the hair region. To sum up,
research works on more complicated hairstyles, espe-
cially from the back-views images or side-views im-
ages, have not been explored. Furthermore, super-
vised learning algorithm can also be used in hairstyle
recognition in order to provide high-level features and
more reliable recognition results.
2.2 3D Braid Modelling
In the area of hair modelling, research obtained the
3D braid models by fitting the captured hair braid
3D point cloud with the pre-generated 3D braid mod-
els. Hu propose a data-driven method to au-
tomatically reconstruct braided hairstyles from input
data obtained from RGB-D camera. They produced a
database of 3D braid patches and use a robust random
sampling approach for data fitting. The experiment
results demonstrated that using a simple equipment is
sufficient to effectively capture a wide range of braids
with distinct shapes and structures (Hu et al., 2014).
2.3 Materials Recognition
Research works on material recognition usually ap-
plied hand-designed image features to classify differ-
ent materials.
Liu et. al proposed an augmented Latent Dirich-
let Allocation (aLDA) model to combine the rich set
of low and mid-level features under a Bayesian gen-
erative framework and learn an optimal combination
of features. Experimental results show that the sys-
tem performs material recognition reasonably well on
a challenging material database, outperforming state-
of-the-art material/texture recognition systems (Liu
et al., 2010).
Hu et. al empirically study material recognition
of real-world objects using a rich set of local fea-
tures. They applied the Kernel Descriptor framework
and extend the set of descriptors to include material-
motivated attributes using variances of gradient orien-
tation and magnitude. Large-Margin Nearest Neigh-
bor learning is used for a 30-fold dimension reduc-
tion. They also introduce two new datasets using Im-
ageNet and macro photos (Hu et al., 2011).
Qi introduced the Pairwise Transform Invari-
ance (PTI) principle, and then proposed a novel Pair-
wise Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Local Binary
Pattern (PRICoLBP) feature, and further extend it to
incorporate multi-scale, multi-orientation, and multi-
channel information. The experiments demonstrated
that PRICoLBP is efficient, effective, and of a well-
balanced tradeoff between the discriminative power
and robustness (Qi et al., 2014).
Cimpoi identified a rich vocabulary of forty-
seven texture terms and use them to describe a large
dataset of patterns collected in the wild. The result-
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ing Describable Textures Dataset (DTD) is the basis
to seek for the best texture representation for recog-
nizing describable texture attributes in images. They
applied the Improved Fisher Vector (IFV) to texture
recognition. The experiment results showed that their
method outperformed other specialized texture de-
scriptors in established material recognition datasets
(FMD and KTHTIPS-2) benchmarks(Cimpoi et al.,
Bell introduced a new, large-scale, open
dataset of materials in the wild, the Materials in Con-
text Database (MINC), and combine this dataset with
deep learning to achieve material recognition and seg-
mentation of images in the wild. For material classi-
fication on MINC, they achieved 85.2% mean class
accuracy. They combined these trained CNN classi-
fiers with a fully connected conditional random field
(CRF) to predict the material at every pixel in an im-
age and achieving 73.1% mean class accuracy(Bell
et al., 2014).
The differences between material recognition and
the hairstyle recognition are:
The material recognition emphasizes on the
recognition of different classes of materials. For
example, they want to tell the hair from the skin.
Thus, it is a inter-class recognition problem.
Our braid hairstyle recognition focus on distin-
guishing hairstyle structures inside the hair class.
The differences between hairstyles are caused not
only by the characteristics of different hair fibres,
but also by the structures that the hair strands
formed. Thus, it is more like a intra-class recog-
nition problem.
2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been
widely adopted in classification and segmentation
tasks, including object recognition (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012), hair region detection(Chai et al., 2016), and
demonstrated to provide superior performance than
traditional classification and segmentation systems.
CNNs usually require a large amount of training data
in order to reach the best performance and avoid over-
fitting. However, for our braid hairstyle detection and
recognition system, only a small amount of training
data is available. In order to avoid overfitting, we
trained our CNN on a larger data set from a related do-
main (ImageNet). Trained on large dataset, the CNN
can learned useful features and leverage such features
to reach a better accuracy than other methods that rely
on the small dataset. We perform an additional train-
ing step using our own data to fine-tune the trained
Figure 4: Hairstyle patches.
network weights. The model in our system is the In-
ception V3 network with a final layer retrained on our
own hairstyle patch dataset.
The overview of the braid hairstyle recognition sys-
tem is shown in Figure 3.
All hairstyle images used in our system are down-
loaded via Internet. The hairstyle images contain dif-
ferent hair colors, lengths, and volumes, etc. In ad-
dition, those hairstyle images are captured from dif-
ferent point of views, including front-view hairstyle
image, side-view hairstyle images, and back-view
hairstyle images. Moreover, we avoid very small-size
hairstyle images since the quality is relative low and
the details of the hair structure tend to be vague. We
also reduce the size of very high resolution hairstyle
images. Thus the average width of the hair region is
in the range of 450 pixels to 600 pixels.
The hairstyle images are then separated into the
following two categories. Noting there is no overlap-
ping between those two sets.
Dataset-I: Hair images that needed to be cropped
into hairstyle patches to form the dataset for train-
ing the hairstyle recognition system.
Dataset-II: Hair images that used to perform the
full-image hairstyle recognition.
Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs
3.1 Training Procedure
In order to prepare the hairstyle patches dataset for
training the braid hairstyle recognition model, we
manually crop hairstyle patches from Dataset-I and
label them. During the cropping procedure, we need
to control the size of the cropping window in or-
der to reserve the distinguish structures of the braid
hairstyles. Given the characteristics of the braid
hairstyle, if the cropping windows are very small, then
the image patches will lose the ability to represent
the unique interlacing structure and every image patch
will look like the straight hairstyle. On the other hand,
if the cropping window is very large, it may contains
several different hairstyles and make the recognition
difficult. Thus, instead of using a fixed-size window
for hairstyle patch cropping, we made the size of the
cropping window adjustable in order to capture the
unique braid structure.
After the cropping procedure, we adjust the size
of each hairstyle image patch into 50 pixels × 50 pix-
els. The hairstyle patch samples are shown in Figure
4. The first row shows the braid hairstyle patches,
the rest are the non-braid hairstyle patches, including:
the straight hairstyle patches (the second row), the
curly hairstyle patches (the third row), and the kinky
hairstyle patches (the last row).
Then we separate all the hairstyle patches into the
training dataset and the testing dataset to train the
braid hairstyle recognition model. The details of the
training dataset and testing datasets are shown in Ta-
ble 1.
As shown in Table 1, our training and testing
datasets only contain a small amount of hairstyle
patches. In order to prevent over-fitting and help the
hairstyle recognition model generalize better, we need
to make the most of our few training examples by
”augmenting” the hairstyle image patches via a num-
ber of random transformations, including: rotation,
vertical shift, horizontal shift, shearing transforma-
tion, and horizontal-flip. The hairstyle patch augment
results are shown in Figure 5, the first row is the orig-
inal braid patch. The second to sixth rows are aug-
mented braid patches. We notice that the augment
procedure reserves the basic structure of the braid, it
also increases the diversity of the braid by changing
the direction of the braid, modifying the width of the
braid, etc. Since all the augmented patches can be
found in real-world hairstyles, thus the augmented re-
sults are reasonable. During the training stage, we
apply the random transformations and normalization
operations on our hairstyle image patch dataset and
generate augmented hairstyle image patches and their
corresponding labels.
Table 1: Hairstyle patch dataset.
Hairstyle Index # Training # Testing
Braid 1 800 200
Straight 2 800 200
Curly 3 800 200
Kinky 4 800 200
Figure 5: Data argumentation results (braid hairstyle).
After obtain the hairstyle patch dataset, we ap-
plied the Inception v3 network (Szegedy et al., 2016)
with a final layer retrained on it. The original In-
ception v3 network is trained on ImageNet (Deng
et al., 2009), which provides enough knowledge of
real-world objects. We add a final layer retrained to
our own hairstyle dataset to learn features for different
hairstyles. Our hairstyle recognition system reaches
the accuracy of 92.7%.
3.2 Full-image based Braid Hairstyle
3.2.1 Hair Region Mask Generation
During the procedure for full image braid hairstyle
detection and recognition, the input images of our sys-
tem are selected from the Dataset-II that mentioned
before. Those hair images contain both hair regions
and non-hair regions (e.g. faces, backgrounds, etc).
We manually select points on the boundary of the hair
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Hair region mask.
region to generate the hair mask and obtain the
hair region, the results as shown in Figure 6.
We apply the sliding window method inside the
hair region. The size of the sliding window is W pix-
els × H pixels (e.g. W = 50 pixels and H = 50 pix-
els). The stride of the window is S pixels (e.g. S = 15
pixels). Then we can obtain the hairstyle prediction
for every window patch.
For each hairstyle patch patch
, the braid hairstyle
recognition system will provide the class labels and
the corresponding scores (label
, score
). Noting that
n indicates the label index in Table 1 and the scores
= 1. Although our system aims
to detect and recognize braid hairstyle, we keep all
the labels and scores for different hairstyles. How-
ever, there are overlapping regions between the adja-
cent windows, the scores and labels updating proce-
dure is shown in Figure 7. The red window indicates
the original patch, the blue window and the green win-
dow indicate current patch when the sliding window
moves 15 pixels horizontally and 15 pixels vertically,
respectively. We compare the scores of the original
score with the current score of the overlapping region.
If the current score (0.994485) is less than the original
score (0.996278), we keep the original label (straight)
and score (0.996278) for the overlapping part, other-
wise, we update the score (0.998383) and the corre-
sponding label (straight) according to the score and
label of the current window.
After the score and label updating procedure, we
compare the score of each pixel with the predefined
threshold value threshold(= 0.88), if the score is
larger than the threshold value, we accept the recog-
nition result. Otherwise, we reject the recognition re-
3.3 Experiment Results
We conduct experiments on full hair images that se-
lected from Dataset-II.
As shown in Figure 9, our system can detect braid
region in full hair image. The fist column shows the
original full hair images, the second column shows
the hair region mask, the third column shows the
hair region images, the last column shows the braid
hairstyle recognition results inside the hair regions.
Figure 7: Hairstyle label and score update.
Figure 8: The braid hairstyle recognition results.
The braid hairstyle regions are highlighted with color
In the first row of Figure 9, the size of the full
hair image is 458 pixels × 504 pixels. The size of the
sliding window is 50 pixels × 50 pixels, the stride of
the sliding window is 25 pixels.
In the second row of Figure 9, the size of the full
hair image is 517 pixels × 678 pixels. The size of
the sliding window is 50 pixels × 50 pixels, the stride
of the sliding window is 25 pixels. There are mainly
three curly hairstyle patches are recognized as braid
hairstyle, as shown in Figure 10. The patches contain
the patterns that are very similar to the strands inter-
lacing structure of the braid hairstyle. The results in-
dicate that the braid hairstyle recognition is relatively
more difficult than the recognition of other hairstyles.
In the third row of Figure 9, the size of the full
hair image is 653 pixels × 1129 pixels. The size of
the sliding window is 60 pixels × 60 pixels, the stride
of the sliding window is 30 pixels. Since the braid in
this hair image is simpler than other full hair images,
Braid Hairstyle Recognition based on CNNs
Figure 9: Braid hairstyles recognition results.
Figure 10: Mis-classified hair patches.
a slightly large sliding window will contain more in-
formation for braid recognition.
The ”fishtail” braid recognition results is shown
in the fourth row of Figure 9, the size of the full hair
image is 488 pixels × 763 pixels. The size of the
sliding window is 60 pixels × 60 pixels, the stride of
the sliding window is 30 pixels.
The experiment results indicate that the braid
hairstyle recognition system can successfully recog-
nize braid hairstyle in full hair images.
In this paper, we present a novel braid hairstyle
recognition system. We leverage the power of the
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks to learn
the features of braid hairstyle as well as non-braid
hairstyles. However, due to our small-scale dataset,
data augment techniques and transfer learning are ap-
plied to deal with the problem of overfitting. The
experiment results show that our system is capable
to recognize four basic hairstyles, including braid
hairstyle, straight hairstyle, curly hairstyle, and kinky
hairstyle, however, we focus on recognize braid
hairstyle in this paper. Moreover, the strategy of
training on patch-level and performing recognition on
image-level can facility the recognition procedure for
complex hairstyles. In addition, since the system is
based on image patches, it can be used to recognize
hairstyle not only in the front-view hair images, but
also in the side-view hair images, as well as the back-
view hair image.
In the future, we need to increase our data to in-
clude more braid hairstyles. Furthermore, we need
include the spacial information as the global informa-
tion in order to eliminate mis-classified patches.
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