interface, the user can perform simple exercises of
voice heating and cool-down, before and after voice
use, respectively.
The VoiceGuard application was designed in order to
facilitate the improvement of the management of
vocal health, aiming the adoption of habits and
behaviors able to maintain healthy voice, which is
consistent with the health promotion strategies.
As the mobile technology is present in everyday
society, use it as a resource in health care can be a
quick, easy and inexpensive strategy to achieve a
considerable number of people. Therefore, we believe
that the mobile application as a tool for vocal health
promotion is a necessary resource and a new
possibility for professional voice in the current
The usability testing gives us a positive and
preliminary indication of acceptance and positive
impact of the tool. All invited users were able to meet
the proposed activities in an average time considered
good, without doubts about the interaction with the
tool and with some good suggestions (embraced by
the staff) to change some terminologies and the
location of information in the interfaces.
A third phase will be conducted after the
development of the VoiceGuard, in which it will be
validated with experts in voice and a larger number of
elementary school teachers, in order to be available
for free in the app stores.
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