Comparing Usability of User Interfaces for Robotic Telepresence
Federica Bazzano
, Fabrizio Lamberti
, Andrea Sanna
, Gianluca Paravati
and Marco Gaspardone
Politecnico di Torino, Dip. di Automatica e Informatica, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
TIM JOL Connected Robotics Applications LaB, Corso Montevecchio 71, 10129 Torino, Italy
Telepresence, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Augmented Reality, Robot Operating System (ROS).
In the last years, robotic telepresence solutions have received a significant attention from both the commercial
and academic worlds, due to their ability to allow people to feel physically present at a remote place and
move in it. Operating a mobile robot with some autonomous capabilities from distance can enable a wide
range of mass-market applications, encompassing teleconferencing, virtual tourism, etc. In these scenarios,
the possibility to interact with the robot in a natural way becomes of crucial importance. The aim of this
paper is to investigate, through a comparative analysis, the usability of two major approaches used today
for controlling telepresence robots, i.e., keyboard and point-and-click video navigation. A control system
featuring the above interfaces plus a combination of the two has been developed, and applied to the operation
of a prototype telepresence robot in an office scenario. The system additionally includes functionalities found
in many research and industry solutions, like map-based localization and “augmented” navigation. Then,
a user study has been performed to assess the usability of the various control modalities for the execution
of some navigation tasks in the considered context. The study provided precious indications to be possibly
exploited for guiding next developments in the field.
In the scientific world, the term telepresence was
coined in 1980 by Marvin Minsky, an American cog-
nitive scientist working in the area of artificial intelli-
gence (AI) and co-founder of the AI laboratory of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In an article published in 1980 (Minsky, 1980),
he wrote: “[...] to convey the idea of remote con-
trol tools, scientists often use the words ‘teleopera-
tor’ or ‘telefactor’. I prefer to call this ‘telepresence’
[...]. It emphasizes the importance of high-quality
sensory feedback and suggests future instruments that
will feel and work so much like our own hands that we
won’t notice any significant difference”.
By leveraging the above definition, it is possible
to introduce the so-called “robotic telepresence”, i.e.,
the area of robotics where the telepresence concept
is applied to the control of a robot from a distance
(Sheridan, 1995).
When dealing with the robotic telepresence area,
two aspects are to be taken into particular account: the
remote robot operation and the sensory feedback.
The former aspect refers to the fact that the robot
and the operator do not share a common physical en-
vironment. The robot performs a given task in the
environment based on instructions received from the
remote human operator. The operator’s mental strain
resulting from performing this task in possibly com-
plex operational conditions, coupled with his or her
capability to respond to related demands, is generally
termed mental or cognitive workload (Cain, 2007).
The latter aspect indicates that the human opera-
tor, while supervising the robot, receives information
regarding its status and the surrounding environment,
which has to be displayed in a way that lets he or she
feel physically present at the remote site (Sheridan,
1992). The human’s perception and understanding of
this information is generally termed Situation Aware-
ness (SA) (Endsley, 1988).
An effective design of teleoperation interfaces re-
quires to identify the key elements to improve the op-
erator’s SA and lower his or her mental workload dur-
ing the execution of the remote tasks, while keeping
the interaction with the robot as simple as possible
(De Barros and Linderman, 2009). The number and
type of these elements directly translate into guide-
lines for designing effective techniques for human-
robot interaction (HRI).
Examples of key elements regarding SA include
Bazzano F., Lamberti F., Sanna A., Paravati G. and Gaspardone M.
Comparing Usability of User Interfaces for Robotic Telepresence.
DOI: 10.5220/0006170300460054
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 46-54
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
video and range information, as well as robot’s po-
sition and orientation (Nielsen and Goodrich, 2006).
Each element has its own advantages and drawbacks.
As a matter of example, video and range information
is useful, e.g., to inform the operator about the pres-
ence of obstacles in the environment, but it is usually
limited to the field of view of the sensors used to cap-
ture the video or to measure the distance from an ob-
ject. Position and orientation are helpful to provide
navigation reference to the human operator, but band-
width limitations and communication delays could in-
troduce critical mismatches in the frames of reference
(Goodrich and Schultz, 2007).
Based on key elements mentioned above, telep-
resence interfaces are often broken down in two main
categories: map-centric and video-centric (Keyes,
2007). In a map-centric interface, the map represents
the most important input for the operator to supervise
the navigation. In general, the map covers a wide
region of the operator’s display and all the relevant
information is shown on it. In a video-centric inter-
face, it is the video information that plays the domi-
nant role.
Another key element that can significantly impact
on the operator’s mental workload is represented by
the teleoperation paradigm used for remote robot nav-
The main teleoperation paradigms have been
historically classified into four categories, namely,
direct, multimodal/multisensor, supervisory, and
“novel” (Fong and Thorpe, 2001). Direct inter-
faces include all the “traditional” hand-controlled de-
vices, like mouse, keyboard, joystick, etc. Multi-
modal/multisensor interfaces offer multiple control
modes combined according to temporal and contex-
tual constraints in order to allow their interpretation.
Examples are voice and gesture commands combined
with traditional inputs (Stiefelhagen et al., 2007). Su-
pervisory control interfaces are designed for robots
with some level of autonomy. These interfaces pro-
vide methods for reviewing results, so that the op-
erator can monitor and identify execution anomalies.
Novel interfaces use unconventional input methods,
e.g., based on brainwave and muscle movement mon-
itoring (hence the name, basically meaning not in-
cluded in the previous categories).
In the last years, researchers from both academy
and industry proposed a number of interfaces for
robots’ teleoperation, often obtained by merging more
than one of the approaches reported above. Thus,
none of these solutions has emerged yet as the ulti-
mate approach to robotic telepresence.
By leveraging the above observations, this paper
reports on the activities that have been carried out
at Politecnico di Torino and at TIM JOL Connected
Robotics Applications LaB (CRAB) to investigate,
through a comparative analysis, the usability of two
major approaches that are used today in the industry.
The analysis has been performed by working with a
telepresence robot that has been exploited so far in
cultural heritage scenarios (Giuliano et al., 2015).
A user study was carried out with several volun-
teers, who were asked to carry out some navigation
tasks in a office environment by working with a tele-
operation solution integrating both map and live video
“augmented” with navigation cues. Volunteers were
invited to control the robot by using a direct and a su-
pervisory approach (as well as a combination of the
two) and to judge the various control modalities from
the point of view of usability. Data about time and
number of interactions required to complete the tasks
were additionally recorded in order to measure the ef-
fectiveness of the various modalities.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, relevant works in the area of telepresence
robots are reviewed. In Section 3, the robot consid-
ered in the study is described. Section 4 provides an
overview of the overall control system, and reports the
details of the navigation modalities that have studied.
Section 5 introduces the methodology that has been
adopted to perform the experimental tests and dis-
cusses results obtained. Lastly, Section 6 concludes
the paper by providing possible directions for future
research activities in this field.
Many works in the HRI domain investigated the de-
sign of interfaces for remote robotics applications.
Examples are reported in the academic literature and
are provided by commercial solutions as well.
For instance, in (Lewis et al., 2014) the map-
centric interface designed by the iRobot Corpora-
tion for the Ava 500 is presented. The interface al-
lows the operator to define the target location for the
robot by clicking on a 2D map. Similarly, in (Drury
et al., 2007), the map-centric system developed by
the MITRE Corporation is illustrated. In this system,
multiple robots are used to build up a map of the envi-
ronment. The devised interface allows the operator to
switch the navigation commands among the various
robots, by defining their target location as 2D coor-
dinates. Small windows containing the video stream
received from the robots appear under the map. In
(Nielsen et al., 2004), the activities of the Idaho Na-
tional Laboratory aimed to the creation of a semantic
map-centric interface that combines information from
Comparing Usability of User Interfaces for Robotic Telepresence
the environment with a 3D virtual map are presented.
The map is augmented by icons or symbols defined
by the operator during a preliminary exploration of
the environment, which are meant to provide a mean-
ing for given places and objects.
A limitation of this kind of interfaces could be rep-
resented by the map itself. In fact, faulty sensors or
dynamic objects in the environment could lead to the
creation of incorrect maps, which would reduce the
operator’s SA.
While the above solutions were experimented,
other works focused on the design of video-centric in-
terfaces. As a matter of example, in (Zalud, 2006), a
video-centric interface with 3D-display capabilities is
illustrated. The remote operator wears virtual real-
ity googles that show information about the robot and
the environment overlapped to the video stream. The
operator can change the point of view of the robot’s
camera based on where he or she is looking at, and
can guide the robot throughout the environment by
means of a two-hand joystick. Two severe drawbacks
of this interface are the immersion sickness due to the
use of a wearable display and the requirement about
the orientation of the operator’s head (that needs to be
enforced in order to maintain the robot’s camera prop-
erly centred). A different video-centric interface has
been developed by the Swarthmore College (Maxwell
et al., 2003). In this case, researchers used augmented
reality information overlapped to the video stream in
order to show the distance of the robot from an ob-
stacle and the pan-tilt-zoom indicators. Others infor-
mation, such as the infrared and sonar distance data,
location on the map and camera orientation are po-
sitioned around the screen area. Navigation inputs
are passed to the robot by using the keyboard or by
clicking on control buttons in the interface. The main
limitation of this interface is the way sensor data are
displayed. Visualization could be improved by merg-
ing them with the map information, in order to allow
the operator to better understand where the robot is
actually located (Keyes, 2007).
Works reviewed above have been selected as rep-
resentative examples of the developments made by
the academy. From a commercial perspective, it can
be observed that telepresence robots often rely on
video-centric interfaces. They mostly include also a
map, and generally exploit direct or supervisory tele-
operation. Some examples are the Beam Smart Pres-
ence Robot (Neustaedter et al., 2016), the VGo Robot
(Tsui et al., 2011), the Padbot Robot (Lee et al., 2015)
and the Ra.Ro Robot
. Their interfaces use traditional
technologies to let the operator define the coordinates
of the target destination on a map, while supervising
the robot through a live video stream. The latter robot
recently integrated a further navigation method called
“smart drive”, which allows the operator to guide the
robot by pointing and clicking a specific location di-
rectly on the video stream, thus obtaining the 3D co-
ordinates to be passed on to the robot.
Based on the short review above, it can be ob-
served that the panorama of interfaces available for
remotely operating telepresence robots is quite het-
erogeneous, and data about suitability of a particular
implementation for a specific scenario are actually re-
quired in order to properly support next advancements
in the field. Some activities in this direction have
been already carried out. For instance, in (Nielsen and
Goodrich, 2006), map-centric and video-centric inter-
faces are compared, by studying three configurations,
i.e., map-only, video-only, and map plus video. The
authors concluded their study by stating that, when
video and map information are integrated, they tend
to complement each other and to improve overall per-
The goal of the present paper is to build on results
reported in (Nielsen and Goodrich, 2006) to study a
richer scenario in which a mixed map & video-based
control system is considered, and two major robot’s
navigation interfaces used in recent telepresence so-
lutions available on the market as well as their com-
bination are compared from a usability perspective.
This section briefly describes the robotic platform that
has considered in this study, named Virgil, by illus-
trating its hardware and software features.
Virgil is a telepresence robot developed in the
frame of the collaboration between TIM JOL Con-
nected Robotics Applications LaB and Politecnico di
Torino. It was originally designed to be used in cul-
tural heritage scenarios and allow museum visitors to
explore areas generally closed to the public (Fig.1).
The tour guide could take control of the robot re-
motely and teleoperate it in restricted areas by dis-
playing a live video stream to the visitors at the same
The robot is based on a wheeled mobile platform
equipped with a pan-tilt camera and a laser sensor.
The former device allows the tour guide to remotely
move the focus on the area of interest without mov-
ing the robot, whereas the latter device allows the
robot to avoid possible obstacles present in the en-
vironment. It weights about 14 Kg and is 120 cm tall.
It is equipped with a Li-Fe 12V battery, which pro-
vides it with an autonomy of approximately 4 hours
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Virgil.
and a maximum velocity of 1 m/s. Virgil is capable
to navigate throughout a given environment in an au-
tonomous way by using its local and global path plan-
ning functionalities, which rely on a map of the envi-
ronment created in a preliminary exploration phase.
Algorithms are executed on the Robot Operating Sys-
tem (ROS)-based platform for cloud robotics created
by TIM.
With respect to the original setup, in this study
the robot has been modified by adding a tablet de-
vice, whose camera replaces the original sensor. The
screen is used to display at the remote site the face of
the operator, thus enhancing the sense of presence.
In this work, two navigation modalities have been
studied, which differ in the way the operator can con-
trol the robot and in the type of feedback returned.
In both the modalities, the interface displays a
large video window, in which the live stream from the
robot’s camera is shown (a smaller window shows the
video captured by a local webcam, which is displayed
on the remote tablet mounted on the robot).
In the first modality, later referred to as keyboard
teleoperation, the operator manually guides the robot
throughout the environment by means of directions
keys. In the second interface, named point-and-click
video navigation, the operator either issues step-by-
step direction commands or specifies a target destina-
tion by clicking it on the video stream received by the
robot’s camera; depending of the command issued,
the robot executes the particular commands or man-
ages to reach the destination in an autonomous way.
In the second modality, the path that is being fol-
lowed by the robot to reach the clicked target is addi-
tionally shown, overlapped to the video stream. Right
below the video window there is a colored bar, which
is used to display the distance from obstacles. The bar
is split in three regions, that depict obstacles in front,
to the left or the right of the robot. Bar color changes
from green to red based on the actual measurements
of the laser sensor.
The interface also includes a map, where the posi-
tion and orientation of the robot is shown in real time.
In particular, a yellow triangle is used to indicate the
robot’s location and orientation. In the second modal-
ity, a green marker is used to represent the clicked
destination and the orientation the robot will assume
once it will reach it. It is worth noting that navi-
gation algorithms actually work on a different map,
which was created by using the robot’s laser sensor
and applying a Simultaneous Localization and Map-
ping (SLAM) strategy.
In the present study, the focus has been kept on
robot’s navigation. Hence, the possibility to pan-tilt
the camera has not been considered.
The two modalities have been implemented in a
Web application, which communicates with the robot
and the cloud robotics platform that hosts the navi-
gation algorithms via roslibjs, a JavaScript-based
library for using ROS on the Web (Toris et al., 2015).
Details of two modalities and screenshot of the cor-
responding interfaces are reported in the next sub-
4.1 Keyboard Teleoperation
As said, this configuration allows the user to move
the robot into the remote environment with the key-
board keys. The up and down arrow keys are associ-
ated with a ROS command that changes robot’s linear
velocity, making the robot move forward or backward
in the environment. The left and right keys change an-
gular velocity, twisting the robot accordingly. When
pressed together, the above keys can be used to make
the robot move in the given direction while turning
left or right. Command issued and current robot’s di-
rection are displayed on the video stream using aug-
mented reality arrows.
The same commands can be issued by clicking the
corresponding icons. In this case, two icons are used
to control the simultaneous use of direction and ori-
entation commands. The operator could also change
the robot’s speed by using the sliders in the bottom
part of the interface shown in Fig. 2 (not used in the
present study to enable comparability of results, since
arbitrary speed values are not supported by the path
planning algorithms adopted).
In this modality the feedback provided to the oper-
ator is represented by the live video stream and by the
map. The robot exploits a local path planning algo-
rithm to navigate the environment. Hence, informa-
Comparing Usability of User Interfaces for Robotic Telepresence
Figure 2: Keyboard teleoperation interface.
Figure 3: Point-and-click video navigation.
tion regarding the distance from obstacles is shown in
the colored bar below the video stream.
4.2 Point-and-click Video Navigation
This configuration assumes that the operator defines
a target destination for the robot by simply clicking it
in the live video stream window, as shown in Fig. 3.
Since the intrinsic parameters of the camera and
(fixed) pan-tilt configuration are known, the coordi-
nates of the pixel clicked by the operator can be con-
verted to a point on the map by using ray-tracing. This
latter point is passed as a goal to the global path plan-
ning algorithm, which is designed to move the robot
towards the target destination at a constant speed by
avoiding both fixed and moving obstacles.
With respect to previous modality, at any point in
time the robot knows the path elaborated by the plan-
ning algorithm to reach the goal. This path is over-
lapped to the video stream in augmented reality, as
shown in Fig. 4. This way, operator’s SA is further
increased with respect to previous modality.
It is worth observing that, when the robot is close
to an obstacle that occupies the whole field of view
of the onboard camera, the operator is not able to
find any point to click. Hence, in order to make this
modality comparable to the keyboard-based one, a
direct control method still based on clicking on the
video stream has also been implemented. With this
method, the operator can click on several active areas
on the edges and corners of the video window (like in
Figure 4: Point-and-click video navigation interface.
Google Street View
) to directly control robot’s linear
or angular velocity. When such commands are issued,
goals that might have been set for autonomous navi-
gation are cleared. A new goal could then be specified
once the target destination or an intermediate location
are visible again in the camera’s field of view.
As anticipated, the goal of this paper is to perform an
evaluation of the keyboard teleoperation (later abbre-
viated, keyboard, or K) and point-and-click video nav-
igation (abbreviated point-and-click, or P) interfaces
and the combination of the two (combined, or C) from
the perspectives of usability and effectiveness.
Evaluation was carried out based on objective
and subjective observations collected through a user
study. The study involved 12 participants (9 males
and 3 females, aged between 24 to 27), selected
from the students of Politecnico di Torino. Accord-
ing to declarations collected, 80% of them had al-
ready used keyboard-based interfaces to issue direc-
tion commands (e.g., in video-games), and 50% had
previous experience with interfaces based on point-
Each participants was invited to control the robot
by using all the above interfaces in order to carry out
three navigation tasks, referred to as as T1 - Reach the
column, T2 - Reach the room, and T3 - Enter/exit the
room. Such tasks have been specifically designed to
test the suitability of the various interfaces in the pos-
sible scenarios the robot could be involved into when
used in an office scenario.
In particular, T1 was meant to test the interfaces
when guiding the robot to a destination that is outside
the camera’s field of view. T2 was meant to test the
interfaces when obstacles are to be avoided. Lastly,
T3 was designed to test the interfaces when guiding
the robot in constrained spaces.
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Map of the environment considered in the ex-
periments, initial location of the robot, destinations to be
reached in the tasks and possible paths.
Experiments were performed in the Graphics and
Intelligent Systems (GRAINS) Research Laboratory
in Turin on a laptop computer equipped with Ubuntu
14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) operating system, a monitor
with resolution 1920 × 1080 and an optical mouse as
input device.
After a brief training, participants were invited to
perform the three tasks in a sequence by using all the
interfaces. The interface to be used was chosen in a
random order so that to limit the effect of learning.
The robot is initially standing in the open space
of JOL laboratories in Turin. Its position is indicated
by the yellow triangle marker in the map shown in
Fig. 5. This choice has been made to ensure that the
camera cannot frame the destination to be reached in
the first task. The participant firstly has to guide the
robot close to a column identified by label T1 in the
map. The path to be possibly followed is shown by the
blue arrow. Afterwards, the robot needs to be moved
to a second checkpoint (identified by label T2) located
in front of a particular meeting room by avoiding the
column. Possible path is shown in green. Finally, the
participant has to guide the robot into the room, bring
it close to a desk (indicated by label T3), turn around
and exit the room. Path is marked in red in the map.
During each experiment, quantitative data about
time required to complete the tasks and number of in-
teractions (key presses and/or mouse clicks, depend-
ing on the interface considered) were recorded. At the
end, each participant was asked to fill in a usability
split in three parts.
The first part was created by considering the
Nielsen Attributes of Usability (NAU) (Nielsen,
1994). NAU requested participants to evaluate ve
statements referring to as many usability factors,
namely, Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Er-
rors and Satisfaction by expressing their agreement
on a 4-point Likert scale.
The second part was created by considering the
Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces
(SASSI) methodology (Hone and Graham, 2000) and
adapting it to let participants judge the user experi-
ence with the given interaction means. The (adapted)
SASSI questionnaire requested participants to evalu-
ate 6 statements referring to as many usability factors,
i.e., System Response Accuracy (SRA), Likeability
(LIKE), Cognitive Demand (CD), Annoyance (AN),
Habitability (HAB) and Speed (SPE) by expressing
their agreement on a 4-point Likert scale. It is worth
observing that other tools specifically tailored to the
evaluation of mental workload could be exploited as
well (Rubio et al., 2004), (Kiselev and Loutfi, 2012).
The third part asked participants to rank, for each
task, the experience made with the three interfaces by
providing their judgment both for the three individual
tasks as well as for the whole experiment.
Results obtained in terms of completion time as
well as number of interactions required to complete
the tasks are reported in Fig. 6. At first sight, it ap-
pears that, in T1 and T3, completion times obtained
with the keyboard and the combined interfaces were
largely lower than those experimented with the point-
and-click one (Fig. 6(a)). Statistical significance was
confirmed by running paired samples t-test (P largely
lower than 0.05). Results for T2 were not statistically
significant. Average values for the number of inter-
actions (Fig. 6(b)) indicate that, for all the tasks, the
point-and-click and the combined interfaces required
a lower number of interactions compared to the key-
board one (this number was much lower in the case
of T2).
Lower completion time and reduced number of in-
teractions for the keyboard and the combined inter-
faces are observed also when summing up results ob-
tained for the three tasks, i.e., considering them alto-
gether as a single experiment.
Results obtained with the subjective evaluation
based on the NAU methodology (Fig. 8) appear to de-
scribe an almost comparable situation overall, since
participants judged the keyboard and combined in-
terfaces more usable than the point-and-click one for
what it concerns the five factors considered.
Similar considerations can be made for five out
of the six usability factors of the (adapted) SASSI
methodology. In fact, as shown in Fig. 9, the point-
and-click interface performed better than the other
ones only in terms of Annoyance, i.e., in terms of how
much the interface was judged repetitive and boring.
Results regarding users’ preferences in using the
three interfaces to carry out individual tasks as well
as the whole experiment are shown in Fig. 7. Con-
sidering overall rankings, it appears that the favorite
Comparing Usability of User Interfaces for Robotic Telepresence
Figure 6: Results in terms of (a) completion time and (b)
number of interactions required to complete the tasks with
the considered interfaces. Bar heights report average values
(lower is better).
Figure 7: Number of times the keyboard teleoperation (K),
point-and-click video navigation (P) and combined (C) in-
terfaces have been ranked 1
, 2
and 3
for the execution
of the whole experiment and individual tasks.
interface is the combined one. When individual tasks
are considered, it could be observed that the combined
interface is the one that was preferred for performing
T1 and T3 (see in particular blue and red columns in
Fig. 7, where the number of times a given interface
has been ranked 1
or 2
is showed).
Concerning the users’ gender classes, statisti-
cally significant differences in terms of completion
time were found using Anova tests (0.05 significance
level). Females were faster than males in executing
T3 with the point-and-click interface and T1 with the
combined one. As for users’ previous experience with
keyboard-based interfaces, the task completion time
of those who indicated an everyday usage frequency
was lower than those who stated to be used to work
with such kind of interfaces once a week. A simi-
Figure 8: Results concerning the usability of the three inter-
faces for the whole experiment based on NAU factors. Bar
heights report average values (higher is better).
Figure 9: Results concerning the usability of the three inter-
faces for the whole experiment based on (adapted) SASSI
methodology. Bar heights report average values (higher is
lar consideration holds also for the number of interac-
tions required to complete the tasks. Results for prior
knowledge about point-and-click interfaces and sub-
jective observations were not statistically significant.
Based on the feedback gathered in the tests, pref-
erence seems to be mainly motivated by to fact that,
as it could be largely expected, participants were al-
lowed to switch between the two interfaces when
needed, thus benefiting from the advantages of both
of them. This behavior can be appreciated also con-
sidering results discussed above. However, by com-
bining these results with those regarding users’ in-
teraction, it is evident that, in the execution of the
above tasks, participants mainly used the keyboard in-
terface. The point-and-click interface was largely pre-
ferred in the execution of T2 and slightly preferred in
the execution of T1. This is reasonably due to the fact
that, in these tasks, robot was requested to move over
long distances. In these situations, autonomous nav-
igation capabilities could effectively limit the partici-
pants’ workload, who simply need to click on the des-
tination to reach (by possibly specifying intermediate
waypoints or adjusting the path by issuing directional
commands using the active regions on the borders and
corners of the video window). It is also worth adding
that most of the concerns regarding the use of the
point-and-click interface were related to specific field
of view of the camera, which often limited the pos-
sibility for the operator to immediately spot the des-
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
tination to click. This limitation could be addressed
by adding the possibility for the various interfaces to
control also the pan-tilt of the camera.
In this work, a comparative analysis of user interfaces
for robotic telepresence applications was presented.
The evaluation focused on two main control modali-
ties used today in most research and commercial solu-
tions, i.e., keyboard and point-and-click video naviga-
tion. The combination of the two was also considered.
Experimental results obtained through a user
study provided precious indications about user ex-
perience with the three interfaces, both in objective
and subjective terms. In particular, results obtained
with the objective evaluation showed that, through the
combined interface, time required to perform a com-
plex task and commands to be issued can be signif-
icantly reduced. Similarly, results obtained with the
subjective evaluation suggested that the favorite inter-
face was the combined one. However, based on the
feedback gathered in the tests, it could be observed
that users’ preference for the combined interface was
due to fact that they were allowed to switch between
the two interfaces when needed, thus benefiting from
the advantages of both of them. By digging more
in details in performances obtained and preferences
expressed in the execution of specific navigation op-
erations, it was found that the keyboard-based inter-
face actually provided significant advantages when
accurate control was needed, whereas point-and-click
video navigation was more effective when robots au-
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