The Influence of Emotional States on Short-term Memory Retention
by using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case
Ioana A. Badara
, Shobhitha Sarab
, Abhilash Medisetty
, Allen P. Cook
, Joyce Cook
and Buket D. Barkana
School of Education, University of Bridgeport, 221 University Ave., Bridgeport, Connecticut, 06604, U.S.A.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bridgeport, 221 University Ave., Bridgeport, Connecticut, 06604,
Keywords: Memory, Learning, Emotions, EEG, ERP, Neuroscience, Education.
Abstract: This study explored how emotions can impact short-term memory retention, and thus the process of learning,
by analyzing five mental tasks. EEG measurements were used to explore the effects of three emotional states
(e.g., neutral, positive, and negative states) on memory retention. The ANT Neuro system with 625Hz
sampling frequency was used for EEG recordings. A public-domain library with emotion-annotated images
was used to evoke the three emotional states in study participants. EEG recordings were performed while each
participant was asked to memorize a list of words and numbers, followed by exposure to images from the
library corresponding to each of the three emotional states, and recall of the words and numbers from the list.
The ASA software and EEGLab were utilized for the analysis of the data in five EEG bands, which were
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Theta. The frequency of recalled event-related words and numbers after
emotion arousal were found to be significantly different when compared to those following exposure to neutral
emotions. The highest average energy for all tasks was observed in the Delta activity. Alpha, Beta, and
Gamma activities were found to be slightly higher during the recall after positive emotion arousal.
Neuroscientists and educators have long focused on
the role of emotions in the process of learning. This
interest in such relationship became evident in
neuroscience laboratories and classrooms,
nevertheless separate from one another. It was only in
recent years that the two camps united to
acknowledge the fact that emotion guides the learning
process and overall, has a major impact on cognition
(Greene et al., 2001; Goswami, 2006; Immordino-
Yang and Damasio, 2007). It is well known that
positive and negative emotions affect the brain’s
function (LeDoux, 2000; Damasio, 2005). For
instance, positive emotions, such as joy, serenity,
happiness, gratitude, and love, have a positive impact
on the brain’s capacity to learn. These emotions can
cause an increased ability to learn and solve
problems. On the other hand, negative emotions, such
as hate, anger, sadness or fear, can impair the brain’s
capacity to learn. In consequence, educators can use
the neuro-scientific perspective on learning to create
emotional climates in the classroom that can be
conducive to learning. This case study aims to
provide support for such actions by investigating the
impact of emotion on memory retention through the
analysis of five electroencephalography (EEG)
Psychological studies have long shown that subjects’
emotional states have an influence on their learning
and memory. Researchers in psychology have carried
out many experimental techniques in order to find a
relationship between emotion, learning, and memory.
For instance, in an early experiment performed by
Bower and collaborators (1978), study participants
were asked to recall words from two lists, one list
learned while they were happy, and the other learned
A. Badara I., Sarab S., Medisetty A., Cook A., Cook J. and D. Barkana B.
The Influence of Emotional States on Short-term Memory Retention by using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006171402050213
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 205-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
while they were sad. Emotional states (happiness and
sadness) were induced via hypnotic suggestions.
Highly hypnotizable volunteers performed the
experimental task while maintaining their mood
(happy or sad) for 5 to 20 minutes. Later they recalled
both lists when they were in one mood or the other.
People who were found to be in a general sad state
recalled more of the list they had learned while being
sad from hypnosis, and people who were found to be
generally happy recalled more of the list they learned
while being happy from hypnosis. Neuro-scientific
studies have also shown that emotions exert
influences on various behavioral and cognitive
processes such as concentration, long-term memory,
and decision-making (Bower, Monteiro, and Gilligan,
1978; Bower, Gilligan, and Monteiro, 1981).
Emotions cause a change of perception of
environmental stimuli, which in turn become more
significant, lead to deeper neuronal processing, and
affect memory (Clark and Fiske, 1982). Positive
emotions have been proven essential for cognitive
organization, thought processes, creativity, flexibility
in problem solving, and intrinsic motivation (Isen,
2000; Kort, Reilly, and Picard, 2001; Chaffar and
Frasson, 2004). It has also been reported that people
who are anxious have slow decision latency, deficit in
inductive reasoning, and reduced memory capacity
(Bower, Gilligan, and Monteiro, 1981).
Electroencephalography (EEG) measurements, as
well as positron emission tomography (PET) or
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
techniques, are noninvasive techniques used to detect
changes in the brain activity. These changes in large-
scale electrical potentials, in the case of EEG, or in
regional blood flow in brain regions, in the case of
fMRI, can be correlated with various processes that
take place in the brain. For example, fMRI measures
brain activity by detecting changes associated with
blood flow. This technique relies on the fact that
increased cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation
are coupled.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that
records the electrical activity of the brain as wave
patterns generated by various brain structures. The
electrical activity of an alternating type is recorded
from the scalp surface after being picked up by metal
electrodes (small metal discs) and conductive media.
EEG reading is a completely non-invasive procedure
that can be applied repeatedly to normal adults and
children with virtually no risk or limitation. EEG
measurements are frequently used in medicine for the
detection of problems associated with certain brain
disorders (i.e., seizure disorders, stroke, brain tumors,
dementia, etc.). Research and clinical applications of
the EEG in humans and animals are used to monitor
alertness, coma and brain death; locate areas of
damage following head injury, stroke, tumor, etc.; test
afferent pathways (by evoked potentials); monitor
cognitive engagement (alpha rhythm); produce
biofeedback situations, alpha, etc.; control anesthesia
depth (“servo anesthesia”); investigate epilepsy and
locate seizure origin; test epilepsy drug effects; assist
in experimental cortical excision of epileptic focus;
monitor human and animal brain development; test
drugs for convulsive effects; investigate sleep
disorder and physiology; human-computer
interaction, and much more (Bickford, 1987). No
studies to date have been reported in the literature to
use EEG data in order to investigate the impact of
emotional states on memory, thus on the process of
Computer applications that can detect the
emotional state of the user are still in demand in an
effort to copy human communication. Facial
expressions and voice signals have been heavily
studied to detect emotions, especially in the last two
decades (Fox et al., 2000; Bartlett, Littlewort, Fasel,
and Movellan, 2003; Hudlicka, 2003). Emotion
classification accuracies lie between 80-90% in such
studies. From a physiological standpoint, there is a
net separation between physiological arousal,
behavioral expression, and the conscious experience
of an emotion. Additionally, physiological studies
indicate that face and voice can represent emotional
states which can be adapted and therefore, their
interpretation is not objective. For example, one can
smile while feeling sad. In this case, emotion
recognition systems by using facial expression will
not be able to detect the true emotion.
In contrast, EEG measurements have been shown
to correlate with emotional states (Sammler,
Grigutsch, Fritz, and Koelsch, 2007; Mauss and
Robinson, 2009). Currently, the sensitivity of EEG-
based recognition of artificially evoked emotion has
been reported around 60% (Bos, 2006). Although
there are many studies in the field of EEG-based
emotion recognition, there is much to be done to
understand and improve current EEG-based emotion
recognition systems. In addition, no studies have been
carried out to directly investigate the effects of
emotion on memory retention, and thus the learning
process, by using EEG measurements. Some of the
studies indirectly related to this research are
mentioned below.
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
A review of the research literature performed by
Banich and colleagues (2009) revealed that working
memory and long-term memory can influence, and in
turn are influenced by, emotional processes. They
concluded that lateral prefrontal regions and the
anterior cingulate cortex are recognized as playing a
large role in the cognitive control and emotional
information in both working memory and long-term
memory. EEG data was not utilized in their work.
Nonetheless, Klimesch (1999) presented evidence
that EEG oscillations in the alpha and theta bands
reflected cognitive and memory performance, which
were related to two types of EEG phenomena: a tonic
increase in alpha, but a decrease in theta power, and a
large event-related decrease in alpha but increase in
theta, depending on the type of memory demands.
Additionally, Berka and collaborators (2007) studied
task engagement and mental workload in vigilance,
learning, and memory tasks using EEG data. They
showed that EEG workload increased with increased
working memory load and during problem solving,
integration of information, and analytical reasoning,
leading to the fact that EEG engagement reflected
information-gathering, visual processing, and
allocation of attention.
In order to get a better understanding of the effects
of various emotions on our capacity to memorize and
learn, this work employed EEG measurements to
investigate the relationship between emotion and
memory. More specifically, our study compared
event-related potentials (ERP) measured by EEG
when triggered by emotions (sadness, happiness,
neutral emotion) and engagement in several tasks
(memorization of words and numbers). The outcome
of such research in the field of education can shed
light on how emotions impact memory retention. In
addition to the education field, this study’s findings
can also provide valuable information to the field of
affective computing, an emerging topic in human-
computer interaction that tries to satisfy the need of
the user.
This study investigates the influence of emotional
states on memory retention by evaluating the effects
of five mental tasks in EEG bands. The study outline
is depicted in Figure 1. The five mental tasks were: 1)
the baseline task, for which the subjects were asked
to relax as much as possible; 2) the letter task, for
which the subjects were asked to memorize ten
words; 3) the math task, for which the subjects were
asked to memorize ten numbers; 4) the visual task, for
which the subjects were asked to watch a set of
images; and 5) the recall test, for which the subjects
were asked to recall the words and numbers presented
them earlier. The visual task was separated into three
categories corresponding to the type of images
extracted from the IAPS library and the
corresponding emotional state assumed to be evoked
by them: neutral, sadness, and happiness.
Figure 1: The study outline.
Steps 0-1-2: EEG Data Acquisition.
The impact of three emotions (i.e., neutral /calm,
negative/sad, and positive/happy) on memory was
analyzed. Each emotion was evoked by a 1-minute
exposure to a set of twenty images from the
International Affective Picture System (IAPS; Lang,
Bradley, and Cuthbert, 2005). Event-related brain
potentials (ERPs) were recorded throughout the
duration of the test, as explained in Figure 2. An
event-related potential (ERP) represents the electrical
signal detected by EEG and indicates the effect of the
stimulus on the brain, millisecond by millisecond
following the stimulus. ERPs are averaged to
eliminate the background and provide a ‘picture’ of
the brain activity induced by a stimulus. The rate of
these changes may vary from milliseconds to years,
depending on what is being learned. Nonetheless, for
a simple task such as memorizing 10 numbers/words,
it has been shown that ERPs recorded from
milliseconds up to 1 minute, would serve as good
indicators of the brain changes that took place during
the task (Dehaene, 1996). Consequently, this study
analyzed short-term ERPs.
Each participant was exposed to each emotional
stimulus for 1 minute. Before exposure to a stimulus,
a list of words and a list of numbers were presented
back to back for 15 s for memorization. The word lists
contained ten words as five event-related and five not
event-related words. Event-related words include
The Influence of Emotional States on Short-term Memory Retention by using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study
Figure 2: EEG data acquisition setup with five mental tasks.
words that directly relate to the type of emotion
triggered. For example, when participants were
exposed to negative visual stimuli, such as images of
mutilated individuals, the event-related words
included ‘horror’. For positive visual stimuli, such as
images of laughing babies, the event-related words
included ‘caring’. Immediately after the exposure to
each set of emotional stimuli, each participant was
asked to recall and write down the words and numbers
from the list.
Participants: Participants were informed in advance
about the procedure and the topic of research. Each
participant signed a consent form after they were
informed. A short test was run for 1 minute during
which the participant was exposed to 3 neutral visual
stimuli in order to prepare the subject for the actual
recording. The goal of the short test was to familiarize
participants with the recording procedure in order to
prevent any anxiety-related EEG measurements. Six
male participants (enrolled in a graduate level
engineering program at the time of the study) were
recruited from the School of Engineering graduate
program. All participants had science and engineering
education backgrounds and belonged to the same age
group (between 20 and 25 years old). The research
was approved by the IRB. The fact that no female
participants took part in the study is considered as
study limitation and is discussed in the conclusion
section. Currently, the study has been extended and is
ongoing in the hope that investigators would be able
to recruit female participants and overall, enlarge the
sample size.
Software/EEG Recording: The ANT Neuro system
with 625Hz sampling frequency was used for EEG
measurements. The ANT WaveGuard cap, non-
magnetic and very comfortable, had 32 Ag/AgCl
sintered electrode configuration. Electrode cap with
electrodes were placed by following the 10-20
electrode placement system (Klem, LuÈders, Jasper,
and Elger, 1999). Contact between the WaveGuard
electrodes and the subject's head was made by using
conductive gel. Preparation time was about 20-30
The ASA software incorporates all recording
functions for optimal data acquisition. The interface
is intuitive and allows displaying online EEG, spectra
and frequency maps, averaging, triggers, and
response statistics. In addition to the ASA software,
EEG Lab in MATLAB was used for the analysis of
the EEG data.
Visual Database: A public-domain library with
emotion-annotated images (IAPS) was used in this
study (Lang, Bradley, and Cuthbert, 2005; Mikels,
Fredrickson, Larkin, Lindberg, Maglio, and Reuter-
Lorenz, 2005). Each emotion was evoked by
exposure to a set of static images based on a
dimensional model of emotion. Neutral pictures
included sceneries and household objects; positive
pictures included food items, children and happy
families; negative pictures included snakes, mutilated
bodies and scenes of attack and threat. Every picture
was presented on a 17-in computer monitor, situated
approximately 0.5 m from the participant, leading to
an image presentation with a visible angle of 15
degrees horizontally and 11 degrees vertically. Each
picture was presented for 3 s. The IAPS catalog
numbers for pictures used in this study are as follows:
neutral: 5720, 5725, 7035, 7042, 7057, 7547, 7490,
7545, 7041, 7700, 7500, 7180, 7175, 7090, 7080,
7050, 7030, 7020, 7010, 5500; negative: 2205, 9050,
9075, 9220, 2688, 1300, 1120, 3100, 1070, 3000,
1050, 6370, 1090, 3350, 1930, 9040, 9490, 6260,
6510, 2345.1; positive: 2345, 2332, 2530, 2216,
2091, 1600, 2050, 2070, 7405, 2311, 2340, 2341,
7200, 2347, 2208, 2224, 2306, 2374, 7350, 7330.
Step 3: Artifact Filtering
This step removed the eye movement/blinking (most
dominant below 4Hz) from the recorded EEG data. A
low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 50Hz was
Step 4: Five EEG frequency ranges
Band-pass filtering was used to extract five EEG
bands for each lobe: Delta (0-3.9Hz), Theta (4-
7.9Hz), Alpha (8-12.9Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), and
Gamma (31-50Hz). Brain waves of different
frequency range are generally associated with
different brain activities. The delta band frequency, or
delta activity, is highly dominant in deep sleep of
adults and infants. Harmony showed that during
concentration on a task, the delta activity increased in
mental calculation, and also during semantic tasks
(Harmony, 2013). The theta activity is seen in sleep,
drowsiness of adults, in infants and children. The high
theta activity in adults who were awake suggested
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
that there were some abnormal pathological
conditions (Subha, 2010). The alpha activity is
present in learning, light trance and relaxed adults.
The beta activity is present in alertness states and
during learning. Gamma activity refers to the state of
multi-tasking, namely simultaneous processing. In
this study we analyzed the influence of three
emotional states on memory by analyzing the five
EEG frequency bands.
Step 5: Analysis
The extracted five EEG bands were analyzed for each
task and corroborated with the three emotional states.
Data were evaluated along with the results from
memory tests. Average band energy was used as a
way to compare neuronal activities in mental tasks
and three emotional arousals. The average signal
energy was calculated as
where x(n) is the signal and N is the signal size,
In order to evaluate the level of impact perceived by
each participant while viewing emotion-annotated
images, a self-assessment sheet was provided to
participants after completion of the experiment.
Participants were asked to score the emotion-
annotated images for emotional arousal as not
effective, and effective. 20% of the participants found
the neutral images not effective and 80% found them
effective. All participants found the negative images
(thought of as inducing sadness) effective.
Interestingly, only 60% of the participants found the
positive images (thought of as inducing happiness)
effective while the remainder thought positive images
did not arouse positive emotions. We concluded that
evoking positive emotions was more difficult than
evoking negative emotions in study participants.
Nonetheless, these percentages of perceived
effectiveness of stimuli are sufficient to make our
research findings meaningful.
The capacity to memorize of study participants
was evaluated by assessing the percentage of words
or numbers recalled from a list. More numbers or
words recalled from a list was used as an indicator of
increased short-term memory retention, which can be
conducive to learning. The memory retention was
then corroborated with exposure to various emotional
stimuli from the visual library.
Data were analyzed as frequency of recalled
words, event-related words, and numbers dependent
upon participants’ exposure to various emotional
stimuli that were categorized as neutral, negative (i.e.,
sadness), and positive (i.e., happiness). Expected
frequencies were considered equal for each evoked
emotion and this null hypothesis was tested at 0.05
significance level.
A chi-square test of independence was calculated
comparing the frequency of recalled event-related
words and evoked emotions. A significant interaction
was found (χ
(4) = 10.485, p < 0.05). Participants
exposed to negative emotions tended to recall more
event-related words (56.25%) than participants
exposed to positive emotions (52.94%) or neutral
emotions (50%). We can conclude that negative
emotions can have a strong effect on memory
retention and in consequence, when exposed to words
related to such emotions, individuals recall these
words better.
A chi-square test of independence was also
calculated comparing the frequency of recalled
numbers and evoked emotions. A significant
interaction was found (χ
(7) = 22.030, p < 0.05).
Participants exposed to positive emotions tended to
recall more numbers (56%) than participants exposed
to negative emotions (42%) or neutral emotions (28
%). We can conclude that participants’ capacity to
memorize numbers was related to emotion: positive
and negative emotions increased memory retention
when compared to neutral emotion. Nonetheless,
exposure to positive emotions increased individuals’
capacity to memorize numbers.
A chi-square test of independence was also
calculated comparing the frequency of recalled words
(not related to any emotion) and evoked emotions. No
significant interaction was found at the 0.05 level.
These preliminary findings suggest that any emotion
(positive or negative) can have a considerable effect
on the capacity to memorize emotion-related words.
This finding comes in contradiction to results
reported by Valiente et al. (2012), who found that the
highest ability to memorize was associated with
neutral emotions, such as being in a calm state.
Concerning the short-term memorization of numbers,
in average, participants recollected 28% numbers
after exposure to neutral stimuli, 42% numbers after
The Influence of Emotional States on Short-term Memory Retention by using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study
exposure to negative emotional stimuli, and 56%
numbers after exposure to positive emotional stimuli.
This can indicate that, when memorizing numbers,
emotional states can lead to increased memory
retention, and in particular positive emotional stimuli
increase short-term memory retention.
We therefore conclude that the memorization of
words that are related in some way to the visual
stimulus or the emotion induced by it, leads to
increased memory retention. In other words,
connecting the word to be memorized with the visual
stimulus or the emotion induced by it increased the
memorization capacities of study participants.
Context is conducive to learning. Moreover, when
memory retention, as percentage of words
recollected, was compared according to the type of
emotional stimulus, it was found that exposure to
negative emotional stimuli led to the highest memory
retention capacity. Memory retention after exposure
to neutral and positive stimuli were lower that after
exposure to negative stimuli, with the memory
retention being lowest after exposure to neutral
stimuli. This indicates that, for words that are related
to the type of stimulus, memory retention increases.
Emotional state can play a role on how context is
conducive to learning. We were surprised by our
findings that suggested an increased memory
retention of event-related words after exposure to
negative emotional stimuli. We suppose that negative
emotions may have a more powerful impact on the
short-term memory retention, especially when
relating the word to the type of negative emotional
Analysis of ERPs in response to all five tasks was
performed on the basis that ERPs can serve as
indicators of brain changes that take place during
engagement in learning, such as the memorization of
numbers and/or words (Kelly and Garavan, 2005).
Figure 3 shows the average energy distribution for
each EEG band (alpha, beta, delta, gamma, and theta)
after each of the five tasks (relaxation, memorization
of words, memorization of numbers, exposure to
visual emotional stimuli, and recall of words and
Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma activities are related
to learning, alertness, mental calculation, and
simultaneous processing, respectively (Harmony,
2013; Subha, 2010). The highest average energy for
all tasks was observed in the Delta band. When the
participants were recalling words and numbers,
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma activities appeared slightly
higher after the positive emotion arousal compared to
Table 1: Recall percentages according to exposure to
various emotional events.
related words
40% 32% 34%
50% 56.25% 52.94%
Numbers 28% 42% 56%
neutral and negative emotion arousals. We also
observed that activities in all EEG bands were the
highest while the participants were memorizing
words. This is shown in Figure 4.
Our interpretation of this finding takes into
account the participants’ strong background in
mathematics. As engineering graduate students,
participants have had extensive exposure to tasks
involving numbers and master mathematical concepts
on a daily basis. As such, we conclude that dealing
with numbers appears as an easy task to them and in
consequence, such task does not require increased
brain activity, as assessed by EEG measurements.
To date, no other studies have been reported to use
EEG measurements in the evaluation of the influence
of emotional states on short-term memory retention.
Participants were engaged in five mental tasks,
namely relaxation, memorization of a list of 10
words, memorization of a list of 10 numbers,
exposure to neutral/negative/positive visual stimuli,
and recall of words/numbers from the lists. ERPs
were recorded with the ANT Neuro system with
625Hz sampling frequency, and processed by using
the ASA software and EEG Lab in MATLAB.
Preliminary results are presented herewith. Based on
participants’ perception of the test, evoking positive
emotions was more difficult than evoking negative
emotions. Moreover, study participants recalled more
event-related words after exposure to negative
emotional stimuli. Participants may find more
emotional relevance in words. Memorizing and
recalling numbers may be processes more sensitive to
the influence of emotional states. That said,
percentage of recalled numbers was higher after
exposure to positive emotional stimuli. So, there is an
evidence that positive emotions can lead to increased
memory retention.
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Average energy (E) distribution for events and EEG bands. (a) Relaxation; (b) Memorization of words; (c)
Memorization of numbers; (d) Emotional arousal; (e) Recall of words and numbers. Blue bars indicate average energy levels
of corresponding ERPs after exposure to neutral visual stimuli; green bars indicate average energy levels of ERPs after
exposure to negative visual stimuli; yellow bars indicate average energy levels of ERPs after exposure to positive visual
Another important finding is that participants
recalled more event-related words from the list when
exposed to emotional stimuli related to the words. For
example, words such as ‘caring’ tended to be recalled
easier when exposed to positive emotional stimuli,
such as images of families. We can conclude that
context is conducive to learning.
Although we collected valuable evidence of the
influence of emotional states on short-term memory
retention, our interpretation of the data is limited due
to the small number of participants included, their
background (graduate students in engineering), and
gender (six male participants). In the future, we plan
to extend the study to include more participants, in
particular females and individuals from different
academic backgrounds, such as humanities and social
The Influence of Emotional States on Short-term Memory Retention by using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study
Figure 4: Average energy for EEG bands recorded during
the memorization of words and numbers. The blue line
corresponds to the memorization of words, and the red line
corresponds to the memorization of numbers.
This research was supported by University of
Bridgeport Seed Money grant (UBSMG2016).
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