Figure 5: RMSE in rotation between ground truth and
CUDA best model.
In this paper we have presented a 2D-2D robust mo-
tion estimation on CUDA which is applicable to a
wide range of problems and especially to autonomous
navigation. We presented our parallelization strategy,
based mainly on performing the required RANSAC
iterations in parallel. We described our implementa-
tion dealing with several levels of parallelism namely,
warp level parallelism, block level parallelism and
thread level parallelism. In addition, we adapted
the five-point essential matrix using Gr¨obner basis
to CUDA ressources and programming model. Fur-
thermore, we described our RANSAC implementa-
tion and the rating measure used which is based on the
computation of the reprojection error of triangulated
3D points from bearing vectors. An evaluation of
our implementation has been presented and the mean
computation time of RANSAC for different outlier
ratios has been measured. Overall, the implementa-
tion showed good performance, and a speedup 4 times
faster than the CPU was measured for an outlier ratio
ε = 0.5, common for the essential matrix estimation
from automatically computed point correspondences.
More speedup was shown when dealing with higher
outlier ratios.
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