This is to eliminate the provider from having to access
multiple systems. We plan to have the POKE-R
details for a patient be directly linked to the patient’s
electronic health record. This way they can simply
view the needed POKE-R information when they are
already reviewing the patient’s chart.
Currently, we have the number of laboratory tests
but not the volume of specimen taken for the tests.
Another enhancement we want to make is to interface
with our laboratory system to get the precise volume
of blood collected. This will give us more accuracy
in measuring POKEs and associated risk for anemia.
We are also planning to roll out our POKE-R
analytics and process to more departments throughout
the hospital in the coming year.
We have implemented a comprehensive and
configurable analytics solution to give providers the
information they need to address excessive POKE-R
events in patients. While our project has only gone
into production in one hospital unit, we are already
seeing considerable evidence of improvement. This
project has the opportunity to reduce cost, improve
patient outcomes and increase customer satisfaction.
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