ciated with the classes.
Another challenge is the efficiency of visualiza-
tion recommendation given the growing space of
combinational possibilities of ever increasing data
sizes (rows and column), classes of visualization, and
intended tasks. In addition, there is also the challenge
of effectively incorporating human computer interac-
tions into visualization systems.
Furthermore, some other research studies are in-
vestigating the use of visualization recommendation
in data-driven science, and visual analytics. The list
of research directions/challenges are not exhaustive,
but they are interesting examples of the current and
future research activities.
Visualization is becoming an increasingly more im-
portant tool for getting insights into the ever bigger
and more complex data being generated in this era.
As a result, different kinds of visualizations with dif-
ferent characteristics are constantly being developed.
Consequently, deciding which visualization best suits
a user’s data and intention becomes more and more
complex. Visualization recommendation systems at-
tempt to support the user in the decision making. In
this paper, we have discussed research on this topic
has gone through several phases beginning from only
considering the data and chart characteristics to now
where several other factors such as individual prefer-
ences, insight tasks, and domain knowledge are con-
sidered in varying degrees. Still, there is strong need
for additional research in particular to keep the visu-
alization, visualization recommendation and recom-
mender system communities synchronized.
The work has been funded by the DFG Priority Pro-
gram 1374 "Infrastructure-Biodiversity-Explorato-
ries" (KO 2209 / 12-2).
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