We have developed a laboratory scale prototype,
which is in the final stages of optimization. We have
successfully tested this prototype for microfluidic,
optics and electronics integration along with flow
rates for beads and cells testing. We have also
optimized the fluorescence testing with beads and
PBMC cells with the final integration. This novel
design and integration has been patented in US and
South Africa (Saiyed et al. 2016). Currently we are
working on alternative methods for 3D flow
focusing since presently employed methods requires
complex fabrication techniques.
The authors would like to thank Feroz Musthafa and
Asish Kumar Sen for their assistance in
microfluidics and the Center for Nano science and
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, for use of
their device fabrication facility. We would also
thank BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research
Assistance Council, India) for the funding under
their BIPP scheme.
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