stimulation process not only neck ganglia, but also
influence on the stellate ganglion, the afferent
branches of the cervical plexus, cranial nerves and
their branches as well as other components of the
sympathetic trunk. All in all, abovementioned
improvements significantly enhance possibilities of
the new technical implementations of the
“SYMPATHOCOR-01” device in
neurorehabilitation tasks.
The article describes new technical implementation
of the “SYMPATHOCOR-01” device.
Implementation of the device as the two block
allowed to improve ergonomic characteristics, to
make the device mobile and compact, to realize the
simultaneous stimulation of the patients group by
single doctor. Presented in the article analysis of the
organizational and control principles of the
“SYMPATHOCOR-01” device new implementation
revealed the innovative possibilities in the
neurorehabilitation tasks. Device mobility and
wireless control allow doctors to combine several
kind of stimulation including cognitive and motor
loads and neuro-electrostimulation using
“SYMPATHOCOR-01” device.
The next step of device implementation is
automatic real-time recording of the functional
changes in the central and autonomic nervous
systems. This recording will allow us to improve
informational control of the treatment management
and to increase treatment efficiency.
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
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