Discontinued Products
An Empirical Study of Service Parts Management
Luís Miguel D. F. Ferreira
, Amílcar Arantes
and Cristóvão Silva
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Polo II Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030 Coimbra, Portugal
CERIS, CESUR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisboa,1049-001, Portugal
Keywords: Service Parts, Discontinued Products, Empirical Study.
Abstract: The procurement and inventory management of service parts for discontinued products has often been
overlooked by companies, resulting in several problems such as stock outs, rush orders or obsolete stocks.
Accordingly, the main aim of this work is to develop a methodology to deal with these issues following
product discontinuation. To this end, an empirical study – based on action research principles – was carried
out in a producer of household appliances, which is bound by law to provide service parts for its products for
a period of 15 years after they have been discontinued. The work was developed in three stages:
characterization of the company situation; definition of a procedure to eliminate obsolete stocks; and
definition of a procedure to manage active service parts. The resulting methodology and respective procedures
are presented and the results obtained with the implementation are discussed.
Rapid technological innovation and recurrent
changes in consumer preferences are decreasing
product lifecycles. This places pressure on stock
management, with a requirement for suitable stock
levels for all service parts. Service parts are used to
replace old parts that are no longer operational due to
total failure or malfunction. Moreover, after a product
has been discontinued, many of the service parts
needed in the post product life cycle are often out of
production (Inderfurth and Mukherjee, 2006).
Service parts for products like household
appliances or automobiles are considered an
important element of a company´s business. In some
industry sectors the service parts business can
represent up to 25% of the revenues and 40% to 50%
of the profits of manufacturing firms (Dennis and
Kambil, 2003; Cohen et al. 1999). Thus, it is
important for industrial companies to guarantee the
availability of service parts in order to provide the
desired after-sales service level. As a result,
companies are forced to stock an enormous amount
of service parts.
It is often the case that many service parts for
discontinued products are recognized as a major
source of inventory stock-out or obsolescence. The
inventory costs associated with service parts for
discontinued products are much higher than those of
service parts for current products. Moreover, the level
of competition that exists in the market means that
any stock-out of service parts cannot be tolerated,
since this has a negative impact on the brand image
of the company (Hong et al., 2008).
Therefore, it is important to manage service parts
carefully, because production lines used for
manufacturing a particular service part are likely to
be discontinued, prior to demand falling to zero.
Moreover, in some countries, manufacturers are
required by law to provide past model service parts
for several years after production has ceased
. Yet,
procurement and inventory management of service
parts are complex subjects due to the high number of
service parts involved; the intermittent nature of their
demand patterns; the high responsiveness needed to
minimise the downtime cost for the customer; and the
high risk of stock obsolescence (Hong et al., 2008).
Hence, the main aim of this work is to develop a
methodology to help manage these service part issues
in the period following product discontinuation,
namely: eliminating obsolete stock and managing
active service parts.
Miguel D. F. Ferreira L., Arantes A. and Silva C.
Discontinued Products - An Empirical Study of Service Parts Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006185800660074
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), pages 66-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-218-9
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
After-sales service is a period following on from the
start of the product lifecycle and before the end of life
date. When after-sales service ends, the manufacturer
no longer guarantees the supply of replacement parts
for the product. This period may be a legal
requirement, or it may be set by the company. In some
cases, it can go beyond the legal limit, in a bid to
increase the service level and improve the company´s
image. As it is normal that replacement parts are
needed after some period of use, their demand peaks
sometime after demand for the product itself. This
can be seen in Figure 1 below. While this is normally
the case, there may be exceptions to this rule.
The end of after-sales service may also occur
unexpectedly, severely complicating the management
of service parts. Where a machine is dependent on a
part to continue functioning, a stock out of that part
will make the machine obsolete. This means that all
the other parts of that machine reach the end of the
after-sales service period earlier than expected.
Another source of uncertainty occurs when one part
is substituted by another. An example may be when a
firm manufacturing mobile phone batteries brings a
new battery to market which is cheaper and lasts
longer; when the consumer changes battery, they will
likely choose the new model over the old model. This
source of uncertainty is difficult to predict (Hong et
al., 2005).
There is a considerable body of literature
concerning demand forecasting and inventory
management of service parts. Several documented
approaches exist, ranging from relatively simple
models like Croston’s method (Croston, 1972) and its
refinement (Syntetos and Boylan, 2001; Syntetos and
Boylan, 2005) to more complex algorithms like the
stochastic forecasting model presented by Hong et al
(2008). This last method considers four major factors
in their model to forecast service parts: product sales,
the discard rate of the product, the failure rate of the
service part and the replacement probability of the
service part.
Wang and Syntetos (2011) presented an
innovative idea to forecast demand for spare parts that
relies upon the demand generation process itself,
comparing it successfully with a traditional time-
series method. Leifker et al. (2014) presented two
approaches for dealing with the problem of extending
maintenance or supply contracts for spare parts of
discontinued products: one includes the use of a
continuous-time dynamic program and the other
makes use of a two-stage stochastic algorithm. Rego
and Mesquita (2015) presented a case study on spare
parts inventory management, comparing several
methods using different forecasting techniques and
inventory management policies by simulating with
field data (10 032 spare parts references); results of
the simulations allowed the recommendation of best
Figure 1: The lifecycle for spare parts. [Adapted from Inderfurth and Mukherjee (2006)].
Begin of lifetime
Manufacturing begins
Initial load order
Manufacturing ends
Final order
End-of-service (EOS)
All warranties have ceased
Possible disposal of stock
Product in Market within
Sales of products
Demand for spare parts
Discontinued Products - An Empirical Study of Service Parts Management
policies to be followed within each spare part
category. Some authors have proposed practical
approaches to manage service parts for discontinued
products in practice. Teunter and Fortuin (1998)
present a model developed to determine the size of a
final order for service parts which was implemented
in an electronic equipment company, with the
objective of covering the demand until all service
obligation has ended. Teunter and Haneveld (1998)
refer to a case study of a company that produces
appliances for which they developed a model for
service parts management in its final phase. The
model considers an ordering policy which consists of
an initial order up-to-level at time 0, the instant when
the product is discontinued, and a subsequent series
of decreasing order-up-to levels for various intervals
of the planning horizon.
However, previous research has focused primarily
on the planning and operational aspects (e.g. the
determination of optimum spare parts inventory
levels) and has neglected the strategic and
organisational problems manufacturing companies
must solve to manage their spare parts business
effectively during post product life cycle. Moreover,
a gap between research and practice has been
identified by several authors; for a comprehensive
literature review on service parts management and on
the gap between research and practice we refer to
Bacchetti and Saccani (2012). Here, for instance, the
authors make the point that “despite the wealth of
literature on the subject, no attention has in practice
been paid to proper management and control of
service-parts inventory” or that “incremental
mathematical inventory research is not likely to
enhance practice
This gap between research and practice is
probably due to the mathematical complexity of the
proposed methods and their need for data which are
often not available. It is also important to mention that
the adoption of simple but formalised procedures for
the management of service parts during the post
product life cycle can help companies achieve
substantial benefits, not only by reducing costs but
also by improving the company image (Botter and
Fortuin, 2000).
In this paper, the case of a company which produces
household appliances is presented. In the past, the
procurement and inventory management of service
parts during the post product life cycle had been
overlooked by the company. This resulted in several
problems such as stock outs, rush orders and obsolete
stock – stock of service parts for which the service
contract has expired. Moreover, sometimes service
part production also required components for which
the original supplier was no longer operating and this
would imply a time-consuming negotiation process
with a new supplier.
To solve these problems, the company decided to
start a project to define procedures to manage the
procurement and inventory management of service
parts during the post product life cycle. Moreover, it
was the intention of the company managers that the
procedures to be implemented should avoid using
complex mathematical algorithms that users would
find hard to understand as well as models that would
require data which would not be easily accessible, or
even available, from the company information
Therefore, this study applied the principles of
action research, allowing a link to be established
between the company and the researchers (Middel et
al. 2005). Nevertheless, two conditions need to be
respected for the approach taken to fall within the
field of action research. Firstly, the research objective
and project plan were driven by the researcher’s
agenda rather than by the participating company
representatives. Secondly, the project plan was
motivated primarily by the development of
procedures for the management of service parts
during the post product life cycle and not by the aim
of transforming the individual organization’s
practices. In any case, the focus of the research is to
introduce changes in reality (Baker and Jayaraman
In this section, we present the proposal for the
management of service parts during the post product
life cycle. The project to define the requested
procedures was developed in three stages, which are
described in the following subsections: the
characterisation of the company service parts; the
definition of a procedure to eliminate obsolete stocks
and the definition of a procedure to manage service
4.1 Characterisation of the Company
In the case study company, the procurement process
for service parts during the post product life cycle was
as follows: when the stock for a given service part
reaches its reorder level, a production order for this
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
service part is scheduled by the logistics department.
To manufacture the required service part, the
necessary components are taken from stock and these
can also eventually reach the reorder level. If this
happens, an order for the component is placed by the
company purchasing department. The size of this
order is calculated to satisfy the estimated demand for
the next six months, based on a simple average of the
demand seen for this component since the time the
product became discontinued and adjusted according
to the conditions of the contract between the company
and the supplier.
This stage of the project was designed to provide
a clear understanding of how many spare parts were
exclusively used in the post product life cycle. The
company information systems held information about
all the components used in the service parts of
discontinued products. However, accessing the
required information was difficult (for example, data
about the time remaining until the end of the service
contracts). In part, this information was incomplete
because each component could be used in several
service parts and each service part may be necessary
for several products. Moreover, the data was spread
over two different information systems (IS 1 and IS 2
in Figure 2).
Therefore, a support database was developed to
easily access all relevant data about the components
of discontinued products. This database was fed with
data from both company information systems (Figure
2), and was used to identify all the necessary
information for the required procurement process
Using data from the first company information
system (IS1), each component (Comp.) was related to
the service parts (SP) where it is used. The second
information system (IS2) shows how each service
part was related to the final products where they are
used, and for each final product (FP) the date of the
last production run was recorded. Furthermore, the
corresponding supplier of each component has also
been identified. The result of this operation is
presented in Table 1.
The information contained in the database
provided a description of the discontinued product
service parts and their respective components. Some
of these characteristics (namely the “Time remaining
to end of service”) allow the parts and their
components to be divided into three major groups: for
Figure 2: Data collection from the company information systems.
Discontinued Products - An Empirical Study of Service Parts Management
Table 1: Component information.
Time to end
… …
C10 5 1524 480 XYZ
C11 1 149 30 ?
… …
Cn -2 46 202 ABC
… …
the first group, the company is no longer required
to provide support; for the second group, the company
is required to provide parts and components within
the 15-year limit; and for the third group, no end-of-
service date exists (this represents around 50% of the
components listed). The complete listing of Table 1
showed that the company manages approximately
1300 components, exclusively used in service parts
for discontinued products.
These 1300 components are required in around
1800 service parts for discontinued products (there
are more service parts than components as each
component can be used in various parts). In turn,
these parts are used in 6530 end products
(appliances). The 1300 components represent 14% of
the total number managed by the company and 9% of
the company stock value. Three percent of these
components representing obsolete stock. Another
conclusion from analysing Table 1 was that
approximately 50% of the components had no active
supplier assigned.
This represents a major difficulty for the
management and procurement of those components,
because if a stock-out of one of these components
occurred, the company would have to start a
negotiation process with a new supplier, meaning
long lead times. The lack of an active supplier could
be due to two reasons: the usual component supplier
has ceased trading or a long time has passed since the
company has placed an order with the supplier who,
due to production changes, is not able or not willing
to supply that component anymore.
4.2 A Procedure to Eliminate Obsolete
Component Stocks
The previous project stage identified some obsolete
components stocks. A procedure to eliminate these
stocks was required. The stock of these components
could simply be sold as scrap; nevertheless, they
could still be valuable as components for the
production of service parts of discontinued products,
despite the fact that the company has no obligation to
do so.
In the past, if the company received an order for a
service part which was no longer active (covered
under the post product life cycle period) and for
which there was no available stock, the client was
informed that the company was no longer required to
provide this service part and the stock out was not
considered a service-level failure by the company.
Nevertheless, it is clear that this situation could reflect
badly on the company. To avoid these kinds of
problems a procedure to eliminate obsolete stocks
was defined, as shown in Figure 3.
In this situation, clients are informed which
service parts have reached the end-of-service period.
Clients are informed that if they wish they may place
a final order for these service parts. If the stock
components for the of end of life service parts is
sufficient to cover the client’s final order, the order is
delivered. If the stock of components is not sufficient
to cope with the service part production, an order for
the required components is placed. After the final
client orders, if some service parts or components
remain in stock, they are then sold as scrap. This
procedure is now scheduled for the beginning of each
year for all service parts which have reached their
end-of-life date the previous year.
This procedure allows obsolete stock to be
removed, including both spare parts and the
components which they alone use, given the direct
link between the two. In addition, the warehouse
space allocated to these parts and components
becomes available for other stock. Finally, and most
importantly, this approach ensures customer
satisfaction (service level), given that the customer is
warned in advance of the service part’s end-of-life.
They are provided with the opportunity to make a last
order, guaranteeing a fixed quantity and with a lead
time of around one month. It was also decided that
this procedure would be carried out at the start of each
year, covering the service parts which had reached
their end-of-life during the previous year.
4.3 A Procedure to Manage Active
Service Parts
This last stage of the project defined a procedure to
improve the management process of active service
parts. The main objective of managing service parts
is to establish a component ordering procedure which
ensures an adequate inventory level. The availability
of components to produce service parts is vital to the
company. Long lead times are associated with
component orders and this is not acceptable to the end
customer who is waiting for their household
appliance to be repaired.
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 3: Flowchart showing the procedure to eliminate obsolete stock.
The process for acquiring the components used to
manufacture the service parts for end products which
are still current is relatively simple as this depends on
the demand (for spare parts). However, when there is
intermittent demand for service parts, forecasting
methods are used so that inventory levels can be
properly managed.
In the past, the company used the average service
part demand over the previous six months to forecast
the demand for the next six months, whenever the
component reorder point was reached. The forecast
demand for the next six months would help anticipate
the component procurement process and the service
part production, thus avoiding long lead times for the
final client. In this respect, two distinct situations are
possible: (1) service parts with components for which
there are active suppliers and (2) service parts with
components for which there are no active suppliers.
In both cases demand forecasting is important to
guarantee an effective procurement process and
efficient inventory level management. Additionally,
in the second case forecasting is also important to
help the purchasing department negotiate with
potential new suppliers.
At the beginning of the project the company
considered that the forecasting method used was not
the most effective. Thus, in order to identify which
forecasting method to use for managing service parts
it was decided to study the demand patterns (using
available data from a seven-year period).
The service parts were classified according to
their demand patterns as: slow moving, intermittent,
erratic and lumpy, as proposed by Syntetos et al.
(2005). This classification was made considering the
values calculated using: inter-demand interval (IDI)
and the squared coefficient of variation of the demand
sizes (CV
Considering that the company had asked to avoid
complex algorithms that would be difficult for the
user to understand and considering the available data,
three demand forecasting models were tested: the
Croston Model (Croston, 1972), the SBA model
(Syntetos and Boylan, 2005) and the simple average
in use by the company.
As proposed by the authors, demand for slow
moving components should be forecast by the
Croston method and the others by the SBA model.
Using historical data, the accuracy of these models
was compared with the result obtained using the
simple average procedure in place in the company.
The comparison of the models was made comparing
the forecasting errors, considering the mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE). Table 2 presents the inter-
demand interval (IDI) and the squared coefficient of
Discontinued Products - An Empirical Study of Service Parts Management
variation of the demand sizes (CV
) for three
randomly selected service parts.
The forecasting errors obtained for each
component are presented in Table 3. It is clear that
there is no forecasting method tested which
outperforms the others for all the cases. Thus, it was
decided to keep the simple average procedure,
already in place in the company. This decision is in
accordance with the findings of Sytentos et al. (2015).
Table 2: Demand patterns of three randomly selected
service parts.
SP. 1 SP. 2 SP. 3
IDI 2.35 1.02 1.94
1.25 0.37 2.7
Having identified the forecasting model to be
used, the support database developed during this
project (referred to in the previous section) was used
to elaborate a list of all the components with no
available supplier. For these components, a single
average of the past demand (since time 0) was used to
estimate their future demand till the end of their
service life. This list was sent to the purchasing
department who was responsible for initiating
contacts to find potential suppliers for those
The demand estimate based on past demand
helped the purchasing managers negotiate with the
selected suppliers. To avoid the same problem in the
future (where components have no supplier
available), a simple procedure represented in Figure
4 was implemented in the company.
Table 3: Performance of the forecasting models.
Service Parts Forecasting model MAPE
SBA (α = 0.10) 43%
Average 42%
Croston (α = 0.17) 76%
Average 96%
SBA (α = 0.15) 202%
Average 203%
The database developed during this research
project allowed an historical record to be created,
comprising demand data for the service parts. At the
beginning of each year, the list of components is
checked to identify all components where demand
existed last year. For these components, all suppliers
are contacted to verify if they are still able to deliver
the required component. If not, the purchasing
department will be required to initiate contacts to find
a new supplier.
For the components with available suppliers the
procurement process in place in the company will be
as follows. Whenever the reorder point is attained, an
order to satisfy the demand for the next six months
will be made, considering the simple average of the
past six months’ demand.
This project allowed the company to make the
management of spare parts during the post product
life cycle more efficient and reliable, anticipating
some of the problems usually felt. To achieve this
objective, several procedures were developed to
support the procurement decisions for these spare
parts, according to the time period remaining that the
company has to assure the availability of spare parts.
The comparison of forecasting methods showed
that a simple six-month average could produce
adequate results to define the order quantity for
service parts. The procurement and inventory
management procedures for service parts described
were implemented in the company and have been
used on an ongoing basis.
The implemented procedures led to a 4%
reduction in stock outs, raising the service from a
level of 95% to 99%. The improvement essentially
resulted from a set of formal procedures that
guarantee the existence of suppliers for any service
parts components in the post product life cycle. This
avoided extremely long lead times from a negotiation
process which does not meet the expectations of final
Another result of this project was a 10% reduction
of the inventory value of service part components in.
This was mainly due to eliminating obsolete stock,
which also helped increase warehouse efficiency.
This paper demonstrates how an action research
project can provide performance improvements in the
management of service parts used in the post product
life cycle. Simple, but formal procedures are
ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 4: Procedure to guarantee the availability of suppliers.
employed to eliminate obsolete stocks and to manage
active service parts. The simplicity of the developed
procedures was important for their acceptance in the
company, since it is well known that most managers
feel uncomfortable if they are unable to understand
the models that support the results. Moreover,
available methods described in the literature often
require data which is not available in most companies.
The procedures implemented during the project
make use of a forecasting method. To choose the
forecasting method three well known models were
tested: the Croston model, the SBA model and a
simple six-month average of past demand. It was
found that no method outperforms the others,
therefore it was decided to maintain the six-month
average already in use in the company.
The implementation of the procedures has
allowed the company to improve the service levels of
service parts for past product life cycle.
The action research model used in the
development of the procedures to manage spare parts
for the post product life cycle contributed both to
achieving practical results in the field and to
developing new knowledge. This was achieved
through the active participation of both researchers
and company employees, which characterises the
action research model.
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ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems