ward) is not beneficial for formation of patterns. The
method demonstrated here is best suited for a kn own
environment. Applicatio ns o f MAS patterns are vast,
and this method demonstrated in this paper is highly
adaptable and user frien dly to account for any pat-
terns as desired. Proof of concept of this research is
presented over the formation of po lygons from maxi-
mum hexagonal dimension to minimum dimen sio na-
lity of triang ular. In this work, the control of agents to
reach the specified target is controlled independently
for both x and y position of agent. This can be ad-
vantageous in both computational efforts an d time.
To validate with other methods, the pattern formation
was tested using neural network. The drawback is
each agent should be specified with its initial position
and target. States-Space search cann ot be obtained b y
using this approach.
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(Prasad et al., 2016a) (Pr asad et al., 2016b) trajectory
tracking with pattern formation. We would like to
keep pattern selection and formation under the con-
trol of the leader. Coupling this system with le-
ader election would also be interesting and would
help counter any loss of conne ctivity during trajecto ry
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