management tool don’t have the temporal evaluation
mechanism of the models. And these problems
affect the quality of the decision-making related to
the enterprise transformation process.
In order to solve this problem, the following
issue is raised: how to ensure the consistency of the
relationship among elements in the EA modes
serving its evolution?
1.2 Goals
Look upon to the problem introduced in the previous
section, the main goal of this research is to define a
set of rules that allows the verification and
correction of inconsistencies in the relationship
among EA elements to the extent that they will
evolve over time (change of State). To have this
purpose achieved it is fundamental the achievement
of the following specific goals: (1) specify temporal
rules considering the relationship among elements,
(2) formalize the rules in an appropriate language to
facilitate the implementation in EA management
In section 2 we present the theoretical
background that focusses on three main concepts,
which are
ArchiMate, Enterprise Transformation and
Enterprise Cartography. In the following section (3)
we present the solution proposal including the
general definition of the temporal rules, the
definition and formalization of the inconsistencies
verification and correction rules. In the section 4 we
present this research evaluation. Finally, in section
5, we synthesize the conclusions and future work to
be developed.
2.1 ArchiMate
ArchiMate is an open and independent modelling
language of EA which is supported by different
software vendor’s tools and consulting firms.
ArchiMate provides a notation that allows enterprise
architects to describe, analyse and visualize the
relationships among domains (Braun and Winter,
2005). It is currently a framework of EA that is part
of the technical standards of the Open Group.
ArchiMate offers a common language for
describing the construction and operation of
business processes, organizational structures,
information flows, IT systems, and technical
infrastructure. This insight helps stakeholders to
design, evaluate and communicate the consequences
of decisions and changes within and among these
business domains.
ArchiMate uses the concept of layered views to
present the service-oriented model, where the layers
above make use of services that are provided by the
lower layers (Lankhorst, 2004).
The concepts (types of elements and
relationships) defined in the specification of the
ArchiMate (Iacob et al, 2012), serve as a basis for
the development of the proposed solution presented
in this article.
2.2 Enterprise Transformation
The transformation is seen as a set of initiatives that
change the domain of the organization from its
current state (As-Is) for a desired state (To-Be).
These states consist of a representation of
organizational elements in different periods of time.
The As-Is corresponds to the state whose elements
have changed due to past events. The To-Be
corresponds to the expected state of the
organizational elements. And among these two
states, the company reacts to other events that are
triggered by the transformation processes (Tribolet
et al, 2014).
So to control and coordinate this process of
enterprise transformation several authors propose the
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
(Ahlemann et al, 2012; Aier and Gleichauf, 2010;
Harmsen et al, 2009). The main purpose of EAM is
to provide a high-level overview of a company,
involving aspects such as business and information
technology (IT) and especially the dependence
among them. EAM provides solid bases of models
and methods to support the analysis, planning and
design of organizations from a "business-to-IT"
perspective (Abraham and Aier, 2012).
Three modelling techniques of enterprise
transformation are covered: activity modeling,
modeling and life cycle modeling (that is the focus
of this paper) (Buckl et al., 2011).
A life cycle indicates that a single element of the
EA evolves over the time going through different
stages (states) where we can highlight the
"conception", "alive" and "retired/dead".
According to Buckl et al (Buckl et al., 2011) the
most basic way to modelling temporal aspects of EA
elements is to assign validity periods for each
element individually. In projects carried out through
the EAMS tool this approach is also applied to the
metamodel of the ArchiMate by assignment of
attributes such as "Begin Date" (BD) and "End