plification, analyzing the scalability of these methods
in larger domains will also be important. Note that
most dimensionality reduction approaches substitute
the state set or the evaluation functions in (PO)MDP’s
and are therefore subject to different convergence and
optimality criteria. Our proposal is similar, assuming
that complex problems in POMDP form (P) have a
simpler, underlying representation (P
) from which
solutions may be extracted. These solutions should
be near-optimal within provable limits for P
, so an
additional challenge is finding what form of rele-
vance functions and operators preserve these proper-
ties when transferring policies back to P. We expect
the relevance thresholds previously introduced will al-
low us to estimate the approximation error.
Since this paper outlines a research project, there
is much work yet to be done. The core of this method-
ology are the context-sensitive relevance functions
and operators. A fully-functional system will require
state, observation and belief estimation and aggre-
gation. Efficient action selection, through simulation
techniques, might be a key step in avoiding irrelevant
transitions. Finally, a domain model binds these mod-
ules together and supports the practical assumptions.
Putting it all together is a challenge in its own right
but using context-sensitive criteria is the main inno-
vation of our proposal.
This work is supported by a DAAD research grant.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence