produce contextosets from any kind of dialects or
languages, requiring only basic adaptations (e.g. an
adapted tokenizer) as well as large amounts of texts.
To show the usefulness of contextosets, we pro-
posed to measure their effect on SemEval stance de-
tection task. We introduced two baselines: a sen-
timent analyzer, based on SentiWordNet, and a text
classifier, based on a SVM whose feature vector is
constituted of boolean indicators of unigram pres-
ence. In both cases, contextosets increase the global
measure, even though “sentiment” does not seem
the best approach on this task.
We believe contextosets have a great potential, and
we will continue to explore the possibilities along
both sentimental and statistical approaches. Even
if our sentiment analyzer failed to predict positive
tweets of stance against, we believe it has the po-
tential to tackle this task. For instance, results may
be improved if we enable it to consider the subject
of the tweet to grasp not only the sentiment polar-
ity, but also its target. The learning approach may
be improved if we use contextosets to disambiguate
ambiguous tweets only, and not all of them.
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