Figure 1: Human–computer interaction-based image matting. Image (a) is the original input. Image (b) is a trimap provided
by users. The resulting opacity diagram of image (c) has too much noise based on image (b). Figure (d) provides another
trimap by a user. Clearly, the opacity of image (e) obtained by the trimap of image (d) is more accurate.
steps: initialization and iterative optimization. We
adopt a local stereo matching algorithm to generate
the depth map via the opacity information. The
algorithm proposed by Levin (Levin et al., 2008) is
used to solve the opacity. Subsequently, we filter it
with the disparity value. The experimental results in
Section 4 show that the proposed algorithm is
effective in disparity and image matting. A brief
summary of the study and future research work are
presented in Section 5.
Most stereo vision disparity map algorithms have
been implemented using multistage techniques.
These techniques, as codified by Scharstein and
Szeliski, consist of four main steps: matching cost
computation, cost aggregation, disparity selection,
and disparity refinement (Scharstein and Szeliski,
2002). Generally, stereo vision disparity map
algorithms can be classified into local and global
approaches (Hamzah et al., 2016). Local algorithms
usually calculate the matching cost for a given point
based on the window. Examples of implementation
of such methods are provided by the work of
Mattoccia et al. (Mattoccia et al., 2010), Arranz et
al. (Arranz et al., 2012), Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2013),
and Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2015). A representative
global algorithm is the stereo matching technique via
graph cuts, proposed by Boykov et al. (Boykov et al.,
For the problem of image matting, the existing
algorithms require the user to provide a trimap as
input to distinguish the foreground and background
regions. The most widely used algorithm is the
Bayesian model (Chuang et al., 2001), which
transforms the matting problem into a maximum a
posteriori, given the color of each pixel on the
current image, and computes the maximum possible
values of the foreground, background, and alpha.
Wang et al. used the belief propagation to expand
the local area of the sample points (Wang et al.,
2007). Based on the color linear assumption, Levin
et al. proposed a quadratic optimization function but
only included opacity (Levin et al., 2008). Although
the existing algorithms have contributed good
results, most of them need interaction with the user.
Combining stereo matching and image matting
algorithms can avoid user interaction. Researchers
have been doing this method for a decade (Baker et
al., 1998; Szeliski et al., 1998); however, the process
of combining the two algorithms has a slow
progress. For example, Zitnick et al. first computed
the disparity map, and then used the matting
algorithm according to disparity boundaries (Zitnick
et al., 2004). This method relies heavily on the
quality of the disparity map. Once the disparity map
boundary is extracted incorrectly, this method
cannot achieve the desired effect. In this study, we
propose the joint depth and alpha matte optimization
via stereo (JDMOS) algorithm. We do not need
accurate disparity map at initialization, but only
several foreground and background areas to generate
the initial matting. During the iteration, the boundary
details of objects in the disparity map are enhanced
by combining the matting information.
Consequently, the trimap region is enlarged
gradually through the optimized disparity map to
obtain higher quality matting.