The paper proposed a novel method for scene classi-
fication for endoscopic images into classes, based on
ink and blood vessel content using SVM with Cubic
kernel. The features were based on colour, edges in-
formation and texture. The blood vessel containing
non-dyed images were used for blood vessel extrac-
tion. The blood vessel extraction process is based on
the Frangi vesselness filter. The originality added by
the proposed method lies in its ability to differentiate
the edges extracted by Frangi filter into blood vessel
and non-blood vessel edges. The proposed algorithm
achieves this aim by doing background subtraction
and filtering using a custom intensity-based dissym-
metry detection filter. Blood vessel delineation for
dyed images is a topic of future work. Another work
is to apply this research to 3D recovery of polyp with
absolute size and shape for supporting medical image
This research was done while Mayank Golhar visited
Iwahori Lab. of Chubu University for his research
internship. Iwahori’s research is supported by JSPS
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (#26330210)
and (B) (#15H02768), and Chubu University Grant.
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods