Comparison of Agents’ Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway
for Two Decisions Formulas
Anna T. Lawniczak and Fei Yu
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada
Keywords: Agents, Cognitive Agents, Autonomous Robots, Cellular Automaton, Decision Making, Learning,
Knowledge Base, Computational Intelligence.
Abstract: We compare the performance of simple cognitive agents, learning to cross a Cellular Automaton (CA) based
highway, for two decision formulas used by the agents’ in their decision-making process. We describe the
main features of the simulation model: CA based highway traffic environment, agents and their decision and
learning mechanisms. The agents use a type of “observational social learning” strategy, i.e. they observe the
performance of other agents and they try to mimic what worked for other agents and they try to avoid what
did not work for the other agents. In the decision-making process of deciding whether to cross the highway
or to wait, depending on the simulation setup, the agents use one of the two decisions formulas: the first one
based only on the assessment of the agents crossing decisions (cDF), or the second one based on the
assessment of the agents crossing and waiting decisions (cwDF). Our simulations show that the performance
of agents using cwDF is much better than the performance of the agents using cDF in their decision making
process. We measure the agents’ performance by the numbers of agents: who crossed successfully, who were
killed and those who are still queuing to cross at simulation end.
In recent years, we have witnessed the rapid
development of autonomous robots of various levels
of complexity and scale, from Google driverless cars
and drones to swarm robots, microrobots or kilobots.
Each robot is a complex dynamical systems
performance of which very often depends on many
parameters. In some cases, robots must learn to adapt
to dynamically changing conditions of environment
in which they operate, e.g. Google driverless car.
Thus, it is important to study how robots’ learning
performance and their outcomes may be affected by
various parameters. Such investigations could be
carried out through modelling and simulation, where
autonomous robots are identified with autonomous
cognitive agents, which are abstractions of
autonomous entities capable of interacting with each
other and their environment (Russell and Norvig,
2014; Poole and MacKworth, 2010; Ferber, 1999;
Uhrmacher and Weyns, 2009).
In this work, we investigate the performance of a
simple learning algorithm based on an observational
social learning mechanism (Nehavin and
Dautenhahn, 2007; Bandura 1977; Bandura et al.,
(1961; Hoppitt and Laland, 2013), in which each
cognitive agent learns from observing the outcomes
of the actions of cognitive agents that have already
attempted to carry out a task and imitating the
successful ones. The principles of the observational
social learning mechanism have been applied in the
context of multi-agent learning and to develop new
optimization algorithms (Montes de Oca and Stutzle,
2008; Gong et al. 2014; Cheng and Jin, 2015; Liu et
al., 2016), among others for finding more effective
optimizers than swarm intelligence algorithms.
In the presented work, we consider the model of
cognitive agents learning to cross a Cellular
Automaton (CA) based highway introduced and
described in (Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak et
al., 2013; Lawniczak et al., 2014). This model is an
abstraction of the situation in which an autonomous
agent must learn to decide instantaneously if it is safe
or not to cross a highway when it encounters an
incoming vehicle and when the agent can perceive
only fuzzy categories of the vehicle’s speed and its
proximity. In the model the agents are born as tabula
rasa; i.e. a “blank slate” and they do not have a built-
in knowledge base of the environmental conditions
under which it is safe or not to cross the highway. The
Lawniczak A. and Yu F.
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas.
DOI: 10.5220/0006193102080219
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 208-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-219-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
agents have a built-in template to classify the
environmental conditions and they have a reasoning
method to use this classification in deciding whether
or not to cross the highway. They are capable of
evaluating if a strategy of crossing the highway has
been applied successfully or not and they are capable
of applying this strategy again with small changes to
a similar but new situation. Thus, they are capable of
the adoption or rejection of the strategy through their
observational social learning mechanism. The agents
build their knowledge base representing the evolution
of the model dynamics as the simulation progresses.
In the presented work, we compare agents
performance in learning to cross the highway for two
decision-making formulas, the original one used in
(Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak et al., 2013;
Lawniczak et al., 2014), which is based only on the
outcomes of the agents’ crossing decisions, which we
call cDF, with the new decision-making formula
introduced in this paper. The new decision-making
formula considers the assessment of the agents
crossing and waiting decisions and we call it cwDF.
Our simulations show that the performance of agents
using cwDF is much better than the performance of
the agents using cDF in their decision-making
process. We measure the agents’ performance by the
numbers of agents: who crossed successfully, who
were killed and those who are still queuing to cross at
simulation end.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
describes the model, introduces the new decision-
making formula and provides mathematical
formulation of both decision-making formulas;
Section 3 describes simulation setup and resulting
data; Section 4 compares the performance of the
agents using cDF with the performance when they use
cwDF instead; Section 5 reports our conclusions.
For completeness of the paper, we review the main
features of the model introduced in (Lawniczak et al.,
2012; Lawniczak et al., 2014). For the software
implementation of the model we refer the reader to
(Lawniczak and Di Stefano, 2014) for details. The
model was developed under several assumptions
about the agents that are called “creatures” in papers
(Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak et al., 2014;
Lawniczak and Di Stefano, 2014), their process of
learning and their environment.
We assume that the environment is a single lane
unidirectional highway without any intersection. A
creature is an autonomous cognitive agent having a
strong instinct to survive. All creatures/agents are
initially located on one side of the highway and they
want to cross the highway without being struck by the
oncoming vehicles to get to the opposite side of the
We assume that each creature is capable of: (1)
matching simple patterns; (2) evaluating distances in
an approximate way; (3) evaluating the velocity of
moving vehicles in an approximate way; (4) assigning
a discrete number (i.e., class identifiers) to an
approximate class; (5) understanding when another
agent has been successful in crossing the highway; (6)
repeating the action that has previously resulted in
success. Each creature is equipped with a simple
mechanism to evaluate an outcome of crossing of
each creature that crossed previously. Each creature
will try to imitate the successful crossings. If
unsuccessful crossings outnumber the successful
ones, then under similar circumstances the creature
may not cross and will wait for better conditions, or
will try to find a better location for crossing.
We assume that all creatures, attempting to cross
the highway at the same crossing point, except the
first one, have witnessed what have happened to the
creatures that have previously crossed the highway at
this crossing point. This allows each crossing point to
build its own knowledge base during the experiment
that is available to all creatures at that crossing point.
In what follows we introduce agents’ new
decision-making formula, called cwDF, and compare
the performance of the agents using this decision
formula with their performance when they use the
decision-making formula of the works (Lawniczak et
al., 2012; Lawniczak et al., 2014; Lawniczak and Di
Stefano, 2014). Additionally, we provide
mathematical description of both formulas.
2.1 Highway Model and Agents
We model the highway traffic by adapting the Nagel-
Schreckenberg Cellular Automaton model and refer
the reader to (Nagel and Schreckenberg, 1992;
Lawniczak and Di Stefano, 2008; Lawniczak and Di
Stefano 2010a; Lawniczak and Di Stefano, 2010b) for
details. The model consists of four steps that are
applied simultaneously to all cars: acceleration, safety
distance adjustment, randomization, and change of
position. The implementation of the Nagel-
Schreckenberg model for this research requires a
modification of the Cellular Automata (CA)
paradigm to make the evolution of the CA not only
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas
dependent on the state of the neighbourhood but also
on the current velocity of each vehicle, (Lawniczak
and Di Stefano, 2008; Lawniczak and Di Stefano
2010a; Lawniczak and Di Stefano 2010b).
As customary in the traffic modelling literature, a
highway is modelled by large number of adjacent
cells, where each cell represents a segment of the
highway of 7.5m in length, (Nagel and
Schreckenberg, 1992). The cars are generated at the
starting cell of the highway independently of each
other with car creation probability (CCP), p, which
determines car traffic density. When cars are created,
they are assigned a random speed between zero and
the maximum allowed speed for cars that is set in the
configuration file. As some cars may start faster than
others, to avoid potential collisions, a queue is used
to hold each newly generated car until it is able to
actually move into the highway without colliding
with another car. After a car enters the highway, it
speeds up until it reaches the allowed maximum
velocity or until it encounters another car in front of
itself. To simulate erratic drivers, the model allows a
random deceleration of cars; i.e. it allows decreasing
by one, randomly with probability 0.5, the speed of
each car.
Agents/creatures are generated in a similar way as
the cars. They are generated only at the crossing
points set at the initialization step, and at these
crossing points, they are generated with the same
creature creation probability. In the presented
simulation results we consider only one Crossing
Point (CP), selected at cell 60 at the initialization
setup, i.e. we consider the CP located 450m away
from the beginning of the highway. The location of
this CP was selected sufficiently far away from the
beginning of the highway to allow emergence of the
car traffic profiles for the considered CCP values.
These profiles may not exit at the beginning of the
highway due to the potential cars build up in the
queue when they are entering the highway.
We assume that creature creation probability is 1,
i.e. at each time step a creature is generated at the
crossing point. As creatures are generated, they are
placed into the queue at the crossing point. When a
creature is generated two attributes, one of Fear and
another one of Desire, are assigned independently to
each creature, each with probability 0.5. Thus, there
are actually four types of creatures being generated
each with equal probability of 0.25, a creature with
(1) Fear & Desire; or (2) no Fear & Desire; or (3) Fear
& no Desire; or (4) no Fear & no Desire. The
attributes of Fear and Desire may be interpreted as a
pair of parameters describing each agent propensity
to risk taking (Desire) and its aversion to risk taking
(Fear). The values of these parameters are set in the
configuration file. We assume that these values are
between 0.00 and 1.00.
All the agents have the same goal of trying to
cross the highway successfully, i.e. without being hit
by a vehicle. If an agent is hit, it is killed and it will
be removed from the simulation immediately. In the
described model with the single lane highway, each
creature crosses the highway in two time steps. The
creature takes one-time step to move onto the
highway and it takes the next time step to move out
of the highway onto the other side of the highway.
Agents attempt to cross the highway having a
limited information about the environment around
them. They have a limited horizon of vision and they
can perceive only fuzzy levels of speed (e.g., slow,
medium, fast, very fast) and of distance (e.g., close,
medium, far) of cars within this horizon. The
distances and speeds that each creature is able to
perceive are set in the configuration file. If a creature
at some instance of time does not cross the highway,
because it has become afraid, creatures will build up
in the queue until the creature at the top of the queue
decides to finally cross, or move to a different
location to attempt to cross from. If the simulation
setup permits, a creature may move randomly up or
down along the car traffic stream, i.e. right or left
along the highway, in each case with probability 1/3,
to search for a new crossing point to cross from, or it
may stay at the crossing point with probability 1/3. If
a creature at the top of a queue moves up or down
along the car traffic stream to a new location, the
creature that was behind it moves to the top of the
2.2 Agents’ Knowledge Base
We call an agent at the top of its queue an active
creature. Each active creature must decide whether it
is safe to cross the highway or it is not safe to do so.
In this case the active creature must decide whether to
wait at its crossing point for better traffic conditions
or to move to another crossing point, if the simulation
setup permits. Thus, each active creature must make
one of the following two decisions: Crossing
Decision (CD) or Waiting Decision (WD). If the
active creature decides to cross, it may either succeed
or it may be hit. Thus, if the active creature’s decision
results in successful crossing, we call such decision
Correct Crossing Decision (CCD), if the crossing
decision results in hitting/killing the creature, we call
such decision Incorrect Crossing Decision (ICD).
Similarly, each waiting decision of the active creature
can be assessed as: Correct Waiting Decision (CWD),
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
or Incorrect Waiting Decision (IWD). The active
creature makes CWD in the case when, if it did not
wait and chose to cross, it would had been hit. The
active creature makes IWD in the case when, it chose
to wait but it would had crossed the highway
successfully. The assessment of each active creature
decision, i.e. if the decision was CCD, ICD, CWD, or
IWD, is recorded as a count into the Knowledge-
Based (KB) table of all the creatures waiting at the
crossing point of the active creature.
The columns of the Knowledge-Based table,
organized as a matrix with extra entry, store
information about qualitative descriptions of velocity
(e.g., such as slow, medium, fast and very fast) and the
rows of the KB table store information about
qualitative descriptions of the distance (e.g., such as
close, medium, far and out of range). The numerical
values corresponding to the qualitative descriptions
of distance and velocity that the creatures may
perceive are set in the configuration file. Since the
creatures have limited horizon of vision, the last row
of the KB table corresponds to creatures’ out of range
vision, i.e. the situation in which an active creature
cannot perceive if outside its horizon of vision there
is a vehicle and if it is, what is its velocity. Thus, in
the last row of KB table the cells corresponding to
potentially perceived velocities are all merge
together. Because of this we call this row the extra
entry of the matrix associated with the KB table.
For each time t each entry (including the extra
entry) of the KB table contains the number of CCDs,
ICDs, CWDs and IWDs made by the active creatures
up to time t-1. For example, if the active creature
successfully crossed the highway at time t, i.e. it made
the CCD for the perceived (distance, velocity) pair at
time t, then the score of CCDs for this (distance,
velocity) pair recorded up to time t-1 is increased by
one point in the Knowledge-Based table. If the
creature was struck/killed, then the score of ICDs for
this (distance, velocity) pair recorded up to time t-1 is
increased by one point in the Knowledge-Based table.
The Knowledge-Based table is initialized as
tabula rasa; i.e. a “blank slate”, represented by
“(0,0,0,0)” at each table entry for the assumption that
the creatures can cross for all possible (distance,
velocity) combinations. At the start of each
simulation, creatures cross the highway regardless of
the observed (distance, velocity) combinations until
the first successful crossing of a creature, or five
(selected for the presented simulation results)
consecutive unsuccessful crossings of the creatures,
whichever comes first.
After the initialization of the simulation, when a
new creature arrives at the top of the queue, the
creature consults the Knowledge-Based table to
decide if it is safe or not to cross. Its decision is based
on the implemented intelligence/decision-making
algorithm, which for a given (distance, velocity) pair
combines the success ratio
of crossing the highway
for this (distance, velocity) pair with the creature’s
Fear and/or Desire parameters’ values.
2.3 Agents’ Decision-Making
This section describes the creatures two types of
decision formulas, which an active creature may use
in its decision-making process/algorithm, when it is
deciding whether to cross the highway or to wait. The
first decision formula is used in the works
(Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak at al. 2013;
Lawniczak et al., 2014). This formula considers only
the outcomes of creatures crossing decisions, i.e. the
number of successful creatures and the number of
killed creatures for each (distance, velocity) pair at
time t. Since the number of successful creatures is
equal to the number of correct crossing decisions, and
the number of killed creatures is equal the number of
incorrect crossing decisions, we call this formula
Crossing Based Decision Formula (cDF) and provide
its mathematical formulation in this paper.
The works (Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak at
al. 2013; Lawniczak et al., 2014; Lawniczak et al.,
2015; Lawniczak, Di Stefano et al. 2016; Lawniczak,
Ly et al., 2016) show that each population of
generated creatures at each simulation end is divided
into three types of creatures: the successful ones, the
killed ones, and the creatures still queuing to cross the
highway, with over all very small numbers of killed
creatures. Thus, at each simulation end there are
mostly successful and queued creatures, and for some
values of the model parameters the queued creatures
outnumber significantly the successful ones. The
works (Lawniczak et al., 2012; Lawniczak at al. 2013;
Lawniczak et al., 2014; Lawniczak et al., 2015;
Lawniczak, Di Stefano et al. 2016; Lawniczak, Ly et
al., 2016) focus on demonstrating that the creatures’
performance could be improved (i.e., the numbers of
successful creatures could be increased) by passing,
at the end of a simulation run, the knowledge base
built by a generation of creatures to the next one
within the same highway traffic environment, and/or
by passing the knowledge base built in one traffic
environment to the creatures in another traffic
environment, i.e. the creatures would not start tabula
rasa their process of learning to cross the highway but
they would start with some pre-existing knowledge
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas
built during previous simulations, except for the first
generation of creatures.
In this paper, we investigate if the improvement in
creatures’ performance could be also achieved by
incorporating the assessment of creatures’ waiting
decisions into their decision-making formula, which
they use to decide whether to cross the highway or to
wait. In what follow we introduce a new decision-
making formula, called Crossing-and-Waiting Based
Decision Formula (cwDF), provide its mathematical
description and compare creatures’ performance
when they use cwDF with their performance when
they use cDF instead.
2.3.1 Crossing based Decision Formula
After the initialization phase, at each time step , each
active creature (i.e., the one at the top of its queue),
when deciding whether to cross or to wait carries
several tasks, namely: (1) it determines if there is a
car in its horizon of vision. If it is, then it determines
the (
velocity) pair of qualitative
values of the current closest car; (2) it consults the KB
table associated with its crossing point to get
information about the number of CCD(t-1) and the
number of ICD(t-1) for the observed (
velocity) pair of qualitative values, or for the
observed out of range situation, which is denoted by
(0,0) pair of indexes; (3) for the observed values it
calculates the value of the cDF, i.e. the value
, corresponding to the observed (
velocity) pair of qualitative values, or for the
observed out of range situation (0,0). The expression
is defined below and from now on we assume
that a pair of , indexes may take also the value
(0,0) reserved for the extra entry in the KB table.
The active creature decides to cross or to wait
based on the outcome of its calculation of cDF
respective value. If 
0, then the active
creature will cross. If 
0, then the active
creature will wait and additionally it may move to
another crossing point, if simulation setup permits.
If the active creature observed ,  situation,
which could be the
distance type and the
velocity type, or out of range situation (0,0), then the
for the ,  entry of KB table is calculated
as follows:
where  and  are the values of the
active creature Fear and Desire attributes/parameters,
and 
 is the Crossing Based Success Ratio
(cSR) corresponding to the 
entry of the KB table,
including the out of range entry (0,0). The 
is defined as follows:
The terms 
 1 and 
 1 are,
respectively, the numbers of CCDs and ICDs
recorded in the 
entry of the KB table at time .
The term 
 1 is the sum of CCDs over
all the entries of the KB table, i.e. it is the total
number of all CCDs made by active creatures up to
time 1, which corresponds to the total number of
successful creatures up to time 1. Recall, that the
KB table at each time stores information about
assessment of various decisions made by creatures up
to time step 1. Since the decision formula (2)
considers only the assessment of Crossing Decisions,
i.e. it considers only the CCDs and ICDs, we call this
decision formula Crossing Based Decision Formula
(cDF) to distinguish it from the decision formula
cwDF introduced in this paper that is based
additionally on the assessment of the active creatures
waiting decisions. Recall that each CCD corresponds
to creature being successful and each ICD
corresponds to creature being killed. Through this
identification we recognize that the cDF formula
defined in (1) has been used in the works (Lawniczak
et al., 2012; Lawniczak at al. 2013; Lawniczak et al.,
2014; Lawniczak et al., 2015; Lawniczak, Di Stefano
et al. 2016; Lawniczak, Ly et al., 2016).
Recall that each creature can be classified per its
 and  attributes/parameters. Depending
on these attributes we can express cDF explicitly for
each creature type as Table 1 shows. Thus, an active
creature, depending what is its type, decides to cross
only when the outcome of the corresponding 
is greater or equal to 0. Otherwise, the active creature
will wait, and additionally it may move to another
crossing point, if the simulation setup allows this.
Table 1: Expression of cDF depending on an active creature
attributes of Fear and Desire and their values.
Type of Creature
Decision Formula
no Desire & no Fea
no Desire & Fea
Desire & no Fea
Desire & Fear
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.3.2 Crossing-and-Waiting based Decision
Formula (cwDF)
The Crossing-and-Waiting Based Decision Formula
(cwDF) introduced here incorporates not only the
assessment of the crossing decisions of the active
creatures, but also the assessment of their waiting
decisions. The formula cwDF is obtained from cDF
formula by replacing the term 
by the term
in the cDF formula, i.e. by replacing the
term (2) by the term 
in the formula (1).
The term 
, called Crossing-and-Waiting
Based Success Ratio (cwSR), is defined for each 
entry of the KB table at time t as follows:
 1/
where 
is the number of CCDs,
 1 is the number of ICDs, 
is the number of CWDs and 
 1 is the
number of IWDs in the KB table entry , where each
of these numbers is being recorded up to time 1.
The term
is the sum of the numbers of CDs
and WDs, regardless of their assessments, recorded in
all the entries of the KB table up to time 1,i.e.
Thus, the new formula cwDF can be written as
,  .
where the term 
is defined in (3), and as
before  and  are the values of an
active creature Desire and Fear attributes/parameters.
An active creature decides to cross the highway
only when the outcome of 
is greater or equal
to 0. Otherwise, the active creature will wait and
additionally it may move to another crossing point, if
the simulation setup allows this. Recall that the
Desire and Fear attributes are distributed uniformly
and independently with probability 0.5 each among
all the generated creatures. Thus, each active creature
makes its decision to cross the highway or to wait
based on both, the Crossing-and-Waiting Based
Success Ratio formula 
 and its own values
of Desire and Fear attribute/parameters as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Expression of cwDF depending on an active
creature attributes of Fear and Desire and their values.
Type of Creature
Decision Formula
o Desire & No Fea
o Desire & Fea
Desire & No Fea
Desire & Fear
At each time , an active creature decision-making
process incorporates the assessments of all previous
active creatures’ decisions, through the cwSR part in
cwDF formula (5), in such a way, that it encourages
the active creature to cross the highway, if it is safe to
do so, and it encourages it to wait, if it is not safe to
cross. Additionally, to this self-feedback mechanism,
i.e. incorporating the results of the assessment of
crossing decisions and which was also considered in
cDF formula (1), the cwDF formula (5) incorporates
the self-feedback mechanism of the assessment of the
waiting decisions of active creatures, i.e. it
encourages each active creature to wait if it is not safe
to cross and it discourages the creature to wait if it is
safe to cross.
Our simulations show that the incorporation of
these two self-feedback mechanisms into creatures’
decision-making process contributes to the creatures’
better performance, i.e. more creatures cross the
highway successfully, the numbers of kills creatures
stay almost the same and the numbers of queued
creatures are smaller at the simulation ends. Thus,
when the creatures use cwDF instead of cDF in their
decision-making process some queued creatures are
converted into the successful ones during simulation
runs with almost no change in the numbers of killed
2.4 Model Simulation Loop
After the program reads in the configuration and
knowledge base files described above, it executes the
main simulation loop of the model once for every
time step in the simulation. The main simulation loop
of the model consists of: (1) generating cars at the
beginning of the highway using the car creation
probability CCP; (2) generating creatures at each
crossing point CP with their attributes of Fear and
Desire; (3) updating the car speeds according the
Nagel-Schreckenberg model; (4) moving the
creatures from their CP queues into the highway (if
the decision algorithm indicates this should occur);
(5) updating locations of the cars on the highway and
checking if any creature has been killed; (6)
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas
advancing the current time step. After the simulation
has been completed, the results are written to output
files using output functions.
This research focuses on the comparison of the
performance of creatures using cDF with their
performance when they use cwDF instead in their
decision-making process. Thus, two types of data sets
were generated, one when cDF was used and another
one when cwDF was used instead. This was the only
difference between these two generated data sets, and
both data sets were generated using the same software
implementation, the same values of the parameters
and the same number of repeats.
We consider the model parameters as factors with
various levels in the sense of the experimental design
paradigm (Dean and Voss, 1999). The
parameters/factors that remain constant through our
simulations are: (1) the single lane highway of a
length of 120 cells (i.e., a stretch of a highway of the
length of 900 meters); (2) the single Crossing Point
(CP) set at the initialization step at cell 60; (3) each
simulation run of duration of 1511 time steps; (4) 30
repetitions for each simulation set up; (5) at each CP
representation of the KB table by 3 by 4 matrix with
the extra entry. Each KB table has 3 groupings of
distance and 4 groupings of speed. A car is perceived
as: close, if it is 0 to 5 cells away, medium far if it is
6 to 10 cells away, far if it is 11 to 15 cells away and
out of range if it is 16 or more cells away, regardless
of the velocity of a car, and this is encoded in the extra
entry of the KB table. A car is perceived as: slow if
its perceived velocity is 0 to 3 cells per time step;
medium speed if its perceived velocity is 4 or 5 cells
per time step, fast if its perceived velocity is 6 or 7
cells per time step and very fast if its perceived
velocity is 8 to 11 cells per time step. A car’s max
speed can be 11 cells per time step.
There are 6 parameters/factors values which vary
through the main simulation loop. These parameters
are: (1) car creation probability, i.e. CCP; (2) Fear
parameter; (3) Desire parameter; (4) the KB transfer
direction parameter KBT; (5) random deceleration
RD and (5) horizontal movement HM of an active
The car creation probability, i.e. CCP, determines
the density of the cars traffic and it varies between the
values: 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9.
The values of Fear and Desire parameters both
vary between the values: 0.00, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and
1.00. Being a part of the decision-making formula,
these values influence the creatures’ decision-making
process of whether to cross or not the highway. The
creature’s Fear may be interpreted as its aversion to
risk taking and the creature’s Desire may be
interpreted as its propensity to risk taking.
The KB transfer direction parameter KBT can be
set as: “none” (KBT=0), or “forward” (KBT=1). The
parameter KBT determines if the KB table of the
initial CP can be transferred or not at the end of a
simulation run with lower CCP value to the beginning
of the simulation run with immediately higher value
of CCP. When KBT=0, the KB tables are never
transferred from a traffic environment with a lower
CCP value to the one with immediately higher CCP
value, or any other value. When KBT=1, the KB table
is always transferred at the end of a simulation run
from a traffic environment with lower CCP value to
the beginning of the simulation run in the traffic
environment with immediately higher CCP value. In
this case, each simulation in the traffic environment
with CCP= 0.1 starts with the KB table tabula rasa,
i.e. with the KB table containing all the entries of
(0,0,0,0). The KB table built in this simulation is
transferred next to the simulation in the traffic
environment with CCP=0.3 at its beginning. This
process continues until the simulation in the traffic
environment with CCP=0.9 starts. Thus, the
simulations with CCP=0.9 start with the KB table
accumulated over the other four less dense traffic
environments. This process of transferring KB tables
is carried out for each simulation repeat.
To simulate erratic drivers, the model allows a
random deceleration of cars; i.e. if RD=1 it allows
decreasing by one the speed of each car, randomly
with probability 0.5; if RD=0 this is not allowed.
The horizontal movement (HM) of an active
creature takes value 0 or 1. This parameter is used to
determine whether the active creatures can move
along the highway away from their original crossing
point in either direction when they decide not to cross
the highway, i.e. if they decide to wait. The creatures
are only allowed to move along the highway when
HM equals 1. For this paper, we set the number of
horizontal cells a creature may move in one-time step
to 1 and the maximum distance a creature may deviate
from its original crossing point in both directions to
5. When HM equals to 0 the active creatures are not
allowed to move, i.e. to change their original crossing
Notice, that the parameter HM determines the
upper bound on a potential number of successful
creatures. According to the model design, it takes 2
time steps for an active creature to cross the highway
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
successfully: in the first time step the creature moves
onto the highway from its queue, in the second time
step it moves away from the highway when it is not
hit by a vehicle, or it is being hit/killed. When HM
equals 0, the creatures are not allowed to leave the
original crossing point. Thus, at most only one
creature can cross the highway per each two time
steps. Since a creature is generated at each time step
this implies that the maximum number of possible
successful creatures at each simulation end can be
only half of all the generated creatures, i.e.
1511/2755. In other words, when the movement of
the creatures is not allowed, i.e. when HM=0, at each
simulation end at most 50% of all generated creatures
can cross the highway successfully and 50% of all
generated creatures are always in the queue waiting
to cross. While setting HM=1 allows creatures
simultaneously to cross the highway at potentially 11
crossing points, as they are allowed to move 5 cells
away from the CP=60 in each direction. Thus, setting
HM=1 removes the 50% bound on the maximum
number of all possible successful creatures. This
observation of the role of the parameter HM is
important one for the discussion of the simulation
The full simulation means the simulation carried
out for all the described values of all the discussed
In this section, we compare the creatures’
performance in learning to cross the highway for cDF
in their decision-making process with those when
they use cwDF instead. Because of the upper bound,
imposed by the model design on the maximal number
of potentially successful creatures, which is at most
50% of all generated creatures when HM=0 and the
fact that such bound does not exist when HM=1 we
split the full simulation data into two subsets, one for
HM=0 and another one for HM=1. For each of these
subsets we analyse the average number of each
creature type, i.e., successful, killed, and queued type,
at simulation end, and examine how the selection of
the decision formula affects these averaged numbers.
4.1 Performance of Creatures using
Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed and queued creatures at simulation ends,
expressed as percentage, and calculated from the
simulation data set with HM=0 is displayed in Figure
1, and calculated from the simulation data set with
HM=1 is displayed in Figure 2. In these simulations
creatures used cDF in their decision-making process.
When HM=0, Figure 1 shows that on average only
14.80% of all generated creatures cross the highway
successfully, which is quite low even when one takes
under consideration the imposed upper bound of
50%. Furthermore, the sum of the average of numbers
of successful creatures and the average of numbers of
killed creatures is only 15.17%. This implies that
overall only few creatures tried to cross the highway
during the simulations. However, when HM=1,
Figure 2 shows that on average 62.36% of all the
creatures crossed the highway successfully. Thus, the
parameter HM has a significant influence on the
performance of the model.
Figure 1: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed and queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the subset of simulation
data with HM=0, when creatures used cDF.
Figure 2: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed and queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the subset of simulation
data with HM=1, when creatures used cDF.
When HM=1 more creatures simultaneously try to
cross a highway, hence more of them may succeed.
Though the result of 62.36% is much better than
14.80%, still there are on average 36.83% of queued
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas
creatures at simulation end when HM=1. Even though
there is an improvement in the model performance
when HM=1, the above results show that the
creatures’ performance is not the best one, regardless
whether HM=0 or HM=1.
To better understand the model performance with
cDF we split each of these two simulation data sets
further into subsets depending on the values of the
parameters KBT (Knowledge Base Transfer), RD
(Random Deceleration, i.e. presence or absence of
erratic drivers). For each of these new subsets
characterized by the values of the parameters KBT,
RD, HM, we calculate the average of numbers of each
type of creatures (i.e., successful, killed and queued,
respectively) at simulation ends.
Table 3 displays the average of numbers of each
creature type at simulation ends, expressed as
percentage, for each subset of the simulation data
depending on the values of the model parameters
KBT, RD and HM. The values of these parameters
are listed in the rows in the first three columns of the
table. For each selection of the values of the
parameters KBT, RD and HM the average of numbers
of successful, killed and queued creatures at
simulation ends, expressed as percentage, is listed in
the corresponding row in the last three columns of the
table, respectively. Observe that for each creature
type each entry of the last row of Table 3 is the
average of the numbers listed above in the
corresponding column. Thus, these averages give on
average the percentage of the successful, killed and
queued creatures at simulation ends in the full
simulation data set.
Table 3: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed, queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the simulation data sets
characterized by different values of the parameters KBT,
RD and HM, when the cDF was used in these simulations.
The value “0” means “without” and the value “1” means
“with” KB transfer (KBT), random deceleration (RD), and
creatures movement (HM), respectively.
KBT RD HM Succe-
Killed Queued
0 0 0 13.22% 0.37% 86.41%
0 0 1 51.18% 0.82% 48.00%
0 1 0 13.81% 0.50% 85.69%
0 1 1 50.39% 1.03% 48.58%
1 0 0 16.80% 0.20% 83.00%
1 0 1 73.98% 0.48% 25.54%
1 1 0 15.36% 0.42% 84.22%
1 1 1 73.94% 0.90% 25.16%
e 38.59% 0.59% 60.82%
Looking at Table 3 we can draw the following
conclusions. The transfer of KB, i.e. when KBT=1
instead of KBT=0, always increases the percentage of
successful creatures and decreases the percentage of
queued and killed creatures. The magnitudes of these
changes vary and they depend on the values of RD
and HM parameters. In general, the effect of transfer
of KB on the decrease in the percentage of killed
creatures is very small. However, the transfer of KB
has much bigger effect on the increase of the
percentage of successful creatures and the decrease of
the percentage of queued creatures. In some cases,
this effect is quite noticeable. For example, when
RD=1 and HM=1 the percentage of successful
creatures increases from 50.39% to 73.94% and the
percentage of queued creatures decreases from
48.58% to 25.16% when KBT takes place.
Overall the effects of erratic drivers on the
changes in the percentage values of creatures’ types
are rather small in comparison with the effects of the
other parameters. The presence of erratic drivers, i.e.
when RD=1, always decreases the percentage of
successful creatures, and increases the percentage of
killed creatures. It also increases the percentage of
queued creatures, except for the case when KBT=1
and HM=1.
Table 3 confirms that the HM parameter has the
most influence on the changes in the percentage
values of successful and queued creatures. Allowing
creatures to move to different crossing points, i.e.
when HM=1, significantly increases the percentage
of successful creatures and decreases the percentage
of queued creatures, because many more creatures
may attempt to cross the highway at each time step.
Also, Table 3 shows that the parameter HM has small
effect on the changes in the percentage values of
killed creatures, which is not surprising, as the
numbers of killed creatures have been always very
small in comparison with the numbers of the two
other types of creatures.
From Table 3 we notice that the percentage of
queued creatures is always high, regardless of the
values of the parameters. It reaches its maximum of
86.41% when KBT=0, RD=0 and HM=0, and it
reaches its minimum of 25.16% when KBT=1, RD=1
and HM=1. However, even in this case still almost a
quarter of the creatures is queuing. Thus, the queuing
creatures are always a significant part of all the
creatures at each simulation end and if one wants to
improve the model performance one needs to
decrease their number. Table 3 shows that the transfer
of KB always decreases on average percentage of
queuing creatures at simulation ends. However, given
the fact that these numbers are still relatively high one
needs to look for some other mechanisms than KB
transfer to improve creatures’ performance.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.2 Performance of Creatures using
cwDF and Its Comparison with
Performance When They Use cDF
In this section, we discuss the performance of
creatures when they use cwDF instead of cDF in their
decision-making process. The average of numbers,
respectively, of successful, killed and queued
creatures at simulation ends, expressed in percentage,
and calculated from the simulation data set with
HM=0 are displayed in Figure 3, and calculated from
the simulation data set with HM=1 are displayed in
Figure 4.
Figure 3: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed and queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the subset of simulation
data with HM=0, when creatures used cwDF.
Figure 4: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed and queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the subset of simulation
data with HM=1, when creatures used cwDF.
Comparing Figure 3 with Figure 1 and Figure 4
with Figure 2 we notice that cwDF has significant
effect on the values of percentages of each creature
type at simulation ends. We notice that the use of
cwDF instead of cDF: (1) considerably decreases the
percentages of queued creatures; (2) significantly
increases the percentages of successful creatures; (3)
and causes only a very small change in the
percentages of killed creatures. More precisely, we
notice that when HM=0 (i.e. from comparing Figure
3 with Figure 1), the percentage of queued creatures
decreases by 23.59%, the percentage of successful
creatures increases by 23.68%, and the percentage of
killed creatures decreases by 0.09%. When HM=1,
from comparing Figure 4 with Figure 2, we notice
that the percentage of queued creatures decreases by
11.05% and the percentage of successful creatures
increases by 10.97%. The observed changes in the
percentages of queued creatures and successful ones
confirm our intuition that by incorporating the
assessment of WDs into DF a significant number of
queued creatures would be converted on average into
the successful ones. This is because the built in
additional feed-back mechanism into cwDF, about
the “correctness” of creatures’ waiting decisions,
increases their chances of making more often correct
crossing decisions in every time step, i.e. of choosing
more often to cross the highway instead of to wait
when the traffic conditions allow to do so.
Table 4: Average of numbers, respectively, of successful,
killed, queued creatures at simulation ends, expressed in
percentage, and calculated from the simulation data sets
characterized by different values of the parameters KBT,
RD and HM, when cwDF was used in these simulations.
The value “0” means “without” and the value “1” means
“with” KB transfer (KBT), random deceleration (RD), and
creatures movement (HM), respectively.
KBT RD HM Succe-
Killed Queued
0 0 0 32.95% 0.26% 66.79%
0 0 1 68.88% 1.03% 30.09%
0 1 0 32.32% 0.39% 67.29%
0 1 1 68.29% 1.17% 30.54%
1 0 0 44.27% 0.12% 55.61%
1 0 1 77.98% 0.56% 21.46%
1 1 0 44.39% 0.34% 55.27%
1 1 1 77.80% 1.17% 21.03%
e 55.61% 0.63% 43.76%
The average of numbers of each creature type at
simulations ends, expressed in percentage, and
calculated from the subsets of the date obtained by
partitioning the full simulation data set in to the
subsets depending on the values of the parameters
KBT, RD and HM is presented in Table 4. The
organization of the results displayed in Table 4 is the
same one as of Table 3.
By comparing Table 4 with Table 3 one observes
the increases in the percentage of successful creatures
as the result of the decrease in the percentage of
queued creatures and a very small change in the
percentage of killed creatures for all the considered
combinations of the parameters’ values. These
changes can be seen better from Table 5, which
Comparison of Agentsâ
Z Performance in Learning to Cross a Highway for Two Decisions Formulas
displays the values of differences between the values
of respective entries of Table 4 and Table 3.
Table 5: Difference in averages of numbers, respectively,
of successful, killed, queued creatures at simulation ends,
expressed in percentages, and calculated by taking the
difference between the values of respective entries of Table
4 and Table 3. The value “0” means “without” and the value
“1” means “with” KB transfer (KBT), random deceleration
(RD), and creatures movement (HM), respectively.
KBT RD HM Succe-
Killed Queued
0 0 0 +19.73% -0.10% -19.62%
0 0 1 +17.70% +0.21% -17.91%
0 1 0 +18.51% -0.11% -18.40%
0 1 1 +17.89% +0.15% -18.04%
1 0 0 +27.47% -0.08% -27.39%
1 0 1 +4.00% +0.09% -4.08%
1 1 0 +29.03% -0.08% -28.94%
1 1 1 +3.86% +0.27% -4.13%
e +17.27% +0.05% -17.32%
From Table 5 one can see easily that the use of
cwDF in creatures’ decision-making process reduces
the percentages of queued creatures and allocates
these gains mostly into the percentages of the
successful ones, i.e. the use of cwDF converts on
average some previously waiting creatures into the
successful ones.
Additionally, Table 5 shows how cwDF improves
the creature’s performance for all the considered
combinations of the parameters’ values. For instance,
the best improvement in the creatures’ performance is
achieved in simulations with KBT=1, RD=1 and
HM=0. However, when KBT=1, RD=1 and HM=1,
the use of cwDF does not enhance the creatures’
performance too much, most likely, because the
results were already quite good when the creatures
used cDF in their decision-making process.
As about killed creatures, when cwDF is used
instead of cDF, Table 5 shows that their percentages
always increase when HM=0 (i.e., the differences are
positive) and they always decrease when HM=1 (i.e.,
the differences are negative), regardless of the values
of the other two parameters, KBT and RD. This is
because when HM=0 the creatures have only two
options to choose from: to cross or to wait. Thus,
when the numbers of waiting creatures decrease the
numbers of crossing creatures increase automatically.
This increases their chances of making incorrect
crossing decisions, and results in more creatures
being killed. This is not the case when HM=1,
because when HM=1, the creatures have 3 options to
choose from: to cross, to wait or to change the
crossing point. Thus, when the creatures decide not to
wait they are not forced automatically to cross and
they may move to another crossing point. This
increase their chances of avoiding making incorrect
crossing decisions that would cause an increase in the
numbers of creatures being killed.
We have investigated performance of simple
cognitive agents learning to cross a CA based
highway for two decision formulas used by the
agents’ in their decision-making process. We
measured the agents’ performance by the numbers of
agents who crossed successfully, who were killed and
those who were still queuing to cross at simulation
ends. We described the main features of the
simulation model and the agents observational social
learning strategy. In the decision-making process,
depending on the simulation setup, the agents used
one of the two decisions formulas: cDF, which was
based only on the assessment of the outcomes of the
agents crossing decisions, or cwDF, which was based
on the assessment of the outcomes of the agents
crossing and waiting decisions.
Our simulations showed that the performance of
agents using cwDF in their decision-making process
was much better than the performance of the agents
using cDF instead. This is because in cwDF is built in
the additional feed-back information about the
“correctness” of the agents waiting decisions. This
feed-back mechanism of cwDF increases agents’
chances of making more often correct decisions in
every time step. Since in cDF this feed-back
mechanism is missing the agents may choose to wait
even when the traffic conditions allow them to safely
cross the highway.
Furthermore, our simulations showed, that
transfer of accumulated knowledge base from traffic
environment with lower car creation probability to the
one with immediately higher car creation probability
improves agents’ performance, regardless what
decision formula they used. Thus, accumulation of
knowledge base helps the agents to be more
successful. Additionally, our simulations showed: (1)
that noise in the traffic environment, i.e. the presence
of erratic drivers, decreases, but not so much, the
agents’ performance; (2) allowing agents to move to
other crossing points improves noticeably their
performance. Again, in both cases the agents’
performance was improved when transfer of
accumulated knowledge base was allowed.
Since autonomous robots may be identified with
cognitive agents, thus their process of learning in
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
dynamically changing environments can be studied
through modelling and simulation of cognitive agents
in such environments. The presented work
contributes to this area of research and investigates
how various model parameters affects the agents’
The authors acknowledge helpful discussions with
Bruno Di Stefano, Leslie Ly and Hao Wu. A.T.L.
acknowledges partial financial support from NSERC
of Canada.
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