Lamsal et al. (2015) propose an integer
programming model that seeks to coordinate the
harvest and transport of sugarcane supply chain in
order to reduce trucks waiting times. For achieving
this goal, the proposed model maximizes the
minimum gap between two successive arrivals in a
sugar mill.
Lamsal et al. (2016) propose a model to plan
trucks movement between harvest and plants. This
model is applicable when there are multiple and
independent producers and it is not convenient to
store fresh produce in the place of the harvest. The
methodology used by these authors is divided in two
stages. In the first stage, a model to determine the
harvest start times is run. In the second stage, an
algorithm for determining the number of trucks to
transport raw materials is executed.
In this research is applied a version of the model
developed by Lamsal et al. (2016), using data from a
Chilean company. The company requires a tool for
supporting decision to determine start times of tomato
harvesting machines and the number of trucks to
assign in each farm, every day. In this way, the
company can guarantee a continuous flow of raw
materials to the plants and to reduce trucks’ waiting
times and the tomato deterioration.
Therefore, this paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, the description of transport and harvest
problem is presented. In Section 3, the proposed
mathematical model for determining daily harvest
start times of each tomato farm is explained and, in
Section 4, a case study of the tomato paste company
is carried out. Finally, in Section 5 the conclusions as
further research are presented.
In agribusiness, companies generally ensure their
plants’ supplies by purchasing fresh raw materials
from different suppliers, located in areas as near as
possible to the plants. For this reason, before the
harvest season, the companies make contracts to
purchase all the yield of the suppliers’ farms. This
behaviour is also observed in the tomato industry.
In the harvest season, the tomato harvesting
machines are outsourced and they move to each farm
according to the harvest plan established by the
As the tomato harvesting activities, the fresh raw
material transport from the harvest sites to the
processing plants is also outsourced.
Every day, the selection of tomato farms to be
harvested is performed according to the information
about tomato ripening in each field and the daily
demand of each plant. The trucks allocation to the
farms depend on each transport contractor, which has
assigned one or more harvesting machines. The
contractor is responsible for determining which truck
will transport fresh tomato to a plant, based on the
number of daily truckload per harvesting machine
estimated by the company. In general, it does not exist
a decision support system for carrying out this
Each company determines the working hours of
tomato harvesting machines, but it is very common
that companies have fixed shifts during the day. Most
harvesting machines are used during the morning and
the afternoon that involves high trucks demand in
these periods.
Once a truck arrives to the receiving area of a
plant, a download code is assigned to it.
Subsequently, it is weighed and recorded at the
gathering place, where trucks wait their shift to the
next stage. Once the plant requires its fresh raw
material, the truck goes to the quality control process,
where the percentage of damage is determined based
on a sample of 20 kilograms. Finally, the truck is
directed to a defined placement area where it
proceeds to unload the tomato.
The plants operate 24 hours every day, therefore,
they require a continuous flow of raw material and,
consequently, a continuous flow of trucks. However,
because of work shifts established for the farms are
mainly concentrated during the morning and the
afternoon, the truck arrivals to the receiving area of
the plants are concentrated from the afternoon. This
situation causes trucks congestion, so each truck
waits in the receiving area on average four hours. This
problem involves an increase of transportation costs
due to the number of hours spent by trucks in the
receiving area and implies a tomato deterioration
during waiting time, because of juice and flesh loss.
In Table 1, the effect of waiting times decrease for
a constant level of production is shown. It is possible
to observe that a decrease in one hour of waiting
times, for a same level of production, reduces in 85.4
tons the plant raw material requirements. These data
were obtained from a Chilean company that
manufactures tomato paste.