Table 6: Summary of the selected features for the LSQD.
No. Measure Statistic Occ. (%)
1 Pitch Mean 100.00
2 Pitch Std 100.00
3 RUF - 100.00
4 MFFC 4 Mean 99.10
5 MFCC 5 Std 97.30
6 HNR Mean 84.68
7 EE Std 84.68
8 EE Max/Median 83.78
9 SP Mean 83.78
10 MFCC 3 Mean 82.88
11 MFCC 1 Std 78.38
12 ZCR Max/Mean 78.38
13 STE Std 66.67
14 ∆MFCC 5 Std 55.86
15 EE Mean 52.25
16 ∆MFCC 1 Std 51.35
17 STE Mean 48.65
18 ∆MFCC 3 Std 46.85
19 MFCC 1 Mean 43.24
20 MFCC 5 Mean 37.84
and quadratic detectors better than those based on
neural networks. This can be explained by the fact
that the loss of generalization is directly related to
overfitting tendencies. In that way, neural networks
can work better for a specific environment (real or fic-
tional), or when a single database is used for training
and test. However, they are not able to get good re-
sults when the databases are crossed.
Future work will focus on using other types
of classifiers and testing the system with different
databases (e.g. videogames). The use of additional
features and statistics will also be explored.
This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness (under project
TEC2015-67387-C4-4-R, funds Spain/FEDER)
and by the University of Alcal
a (under project
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods