that that this is the end of the route. This homing tra-
jectory route is shown in the lower part of Figure 5.
Our agent-based system shows behaviour with simi-
lar characteristics to the homing behaviour of bees,
and it serves as a proof of concept for our hardware-
based cognitive agent approach. Our system structure
shows the feasibility of a hardware efficient system
that is able to reproduce the cognitive behaviour of a
simple biological system.
This research is extendable in terms of the density
and complexity of the behaviour we reproduce. In-
sects, like honey bees, use many intelligent features,
which have been studied and explained in some detail,
such as the random foraging activity of ants
(Traniello 1989). Our future work will involve mod-
elling more advanced cognitive behaviours of crea-
tures such as the ant, and developing the technology
for implementing Street agents directly in low-power
In the longer term we aim to demonstrate that with
the very high speed processing and high levels of
parallelism available in custom microelectronic
hardware, it will possible to use a Street-based
architecture to implement significantly higher levels
of cognitive behaviour than insect foraging.
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