PaperClip: Automated Dossier Reorganizing
Wessel Stoop
, Iris Hendrickx
and Tom van Ees
Davinci Products, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Centre for Language & Speech Technology / Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
{wstoop, tvanees},
Dossier Reorganizing, Text Classification, Pagenumber Classification, Customer Document Processing.
We investigate the creation of a robust algorithm for document identification and page ordering in a digital mail
room in the banking sector. PaperClip is a system that takes dossiers containing pages of various documents
as input, and returns multiple files that contain all the pages of one document in the correct order. PaperClip
performs (1) document type classification and (2) page number classification on each page, and then (3) merges
the results. We experimented with various algorithms and methods for these three steps and we performed an
elaborate evaluation to measure different aspects of the methods. The best performing setup achieved a cut
F-score of 86% and a V-measure of 0.91%. This performance is sufficient to fulfill business needs of the
banking sector.
There is a clear need for office document automa-
tion that offers a real-time and secure processing, es-
pecially in the banking sector where processing of
streams of scanned and digitized administrative doc-
uments form an important work flow. Automatic doc-
ument analysis is the field that deals with the differ-
ent steps in the document processing pipeline, from
the incoming documents to document specific treat-
ment. A mayor part of this field focuses on digital
image analysis (Marinai, 2008). Here we focus on the
problems occurring at the start of the document pro-
cessing pipeline and instead of doing image analysis,
we concentrate on textual content analysis of OCR-ed
versions of the scanned documents.
Financial institutions frequently receive or store
all customer related business documents in one
dossier: a single pdf file for each customer. A cus-
tomer may for example make scans of his/her driver’s
license, bank statements and salary slips in one go,
and save the results as a single file. In this way all
documents are conveniently bundled and stored to-
gether. Further detailed automatic content analysis is
typically done with document type specific informa-
tion extraction programs. Such information extraction
programs work with single documents and this im-
plies that these dossiers need to be split into separate
documents for further processing. To make the matter
more complicated, the individual pages of documents
in the dossier may be shuffled, or pages of multiple
documents might be mixed. In this study we focus on
the development of a robust algorithm for document
identification and page ordering.
Our goal is to find the best algorithm to automat-
ically reorganize a dossier and that cuts up dossiers
in a set of smaller documents such that each file only
consists of pages belonging to same true document.
This entails (1) document type classification of indi-
vidual pages, (2) page number detection and (3) com-
bining the page and document type information to de-
cide where to split the dossier in separate documents.
In this study we aim to discover what the optimal
methods for each of these steps are. We evaluated var-
ious algorithms and methods for these three steps and
the resulting output set of documents. We performed
an elaborate evaluation to measure different aspects
of the methods. As we will explain in more detail in
section 3.3, we evaluate the output set both on cut-
ting into separate files and on grouping those pages
together that actually belong to the same true docu-
ment. The optimal combination of these steps was
implemented in one system that we named PaperClip.
This application has already been used in a number of
real life situations such as a customer loan office.
1.1 Related Work
The area of document analysis in office automation
covers a broad range from filtering and rearranging
Stoop, W., Hendrickx, I. and Ees, T.
PaperClip: Automated Dossier Reorganizing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006195904710478
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 471-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
incoming documents (the focus of the current study)
up to detailed structural analysis for document un-
derstanding as was done for example in (Klink and
Kieninger, 2001). We refer to Marinai (2008) for a
general overview and introduction on document anal-
ysis and recognition.
Many recent approaches for the classification of
identity documents rely on graphical instead of tex-
tual information (Chen et al., 2012a,b; Infantino et al.,
2014; Kumar et al., 2014; Simon et al., 2015). This
has the advantage of not being dependent on the idiom
used in the documents (Infantino et al., 2014), and can
also rely on graphical clues like layout and images
(Kumar et al., 2014). Other studies combine both ap-
proaches such as Gordo et al. (2012) who present a
study on document type classification on a large in-
house office documents data set. They compare visual
and textual information and show that a textual bag-
of-words representation outperforms a system trained
on visual features.
nol et al. (2014) focuses on page classifica-
tion of administrative documents in a banking work
flow, very similar to our work. The authors present
a system that combines visual and textual informa-
tion from the documents. The image classification
focuses on pixel density in multiple scales, the tex-
tual information uses a tf*idf weighing scheme and a
compressed semantic LSA (Deerwester et al., 1990)
representation. Several combinations of the two cues
are evaluated.
Verberne et al. (2010) try to classify patent doc-
uments according to the International Patent Classi-
fication system. They do so by feeding the textual
content in various ways to the algorithms Winnow,
Support Vector Machines and Naive Bayes. They
report that SVM and Winnow are roughly equal in
terms of performance, and slightly better than Naive
Bayes. However, Matwin and Sazonova (2012) con-
cluded that Naive Bayes performed better when clas-
sifying medical abstracts in an otherwise comparable
experiment using SVM and Naive Bayes.
For page number classification, most related work
focuses on page numbers as part of an overall docu-
ment structure analysis like for example (Klink and
Kieninger, 2001) who aimed to detect page-number
blocks in the visual page lay-out.
An overall method for automatically splitting files
into smaller files using document type classification
of digital images by using a combination of classifi-
cation and/or rules was patented by Schmidtler et al.
(2014). In a highly comparable fashion to our prob-
lem, Agin et al. (2015) concentrated on the problem
of splitting an incoming document flow into sepa-
rate documents in a banking scenario. Interestingly,
they focus on predicting the transition points between
two separate files and use a SVM classifier to learn
whether two pages are a continuation of the same file
or not. They focus solely on visual features in this
study, and actually suggest that for further improve-
ments, adding textual content would be a good future
research direction.
2.1 System Overview
We designed a system called PaperClip that takes
a file containing multiple documents as input, and
writes one or more output files to a separate folder.
Ideally these output files all contain exactly one doc-
ument. PaperClip uses a rather straightforward ap-
proach that emerged from various pilot experiments.
Firstly, the individual pages of the dossier are classi-
fied on a) document type and b) page number. These
single page classifications are used in a second phase
where the system aims to split the dossier into smaller
coherent files. These steps are described in more de-
tail in sections 2.2 and 2.3 respectively.
2.2 Single Page Classification
In PaperClip’s first stage, the text on each page is
classified twice: one time for document type (for all
classes, see table 1), and one time for page number.
With page number the position of the page in the orig-
inal true document is meant. The page number is of-
ten indicated by a small number in the top or bottom
part of the page, but not always (for example, there is
no ‘2’ on scans of the backside of an identity card).
The text of each page was extracted from the
source document by OCR tool Abbyy Recognition
Server 3.1. The resulting XML files contain informa-
tion of all identified characters, their positions, and
how they are grouped in lines, among other things.
This information was converted into a list of words
and punctuation, which was offered as simple bag of
words frequency vectors to the classifiers. The casing
was kept as it was, and no additional information was
For both classification rounds, we tested three al-
gorithms that are known to work well on text classifi-
cation tasks (Sebastiani, 2002):
1. Gaussian Naive Bayes, as implemented in the
Scikit Learn Python package (Pedregosa et al.,
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
2. Linear Support Vector Machines, as implemented
in the Scikit Learn Python package (Pedregosa
et al., 2011).
3. Balanced Winnow, as implemented in the Lin-
guistic Classification System (Koster et al., 2003).
2.3 Page Sequence Processing
Classifying the individual pages gives us a most likely
document type and page number for each page. In the
next phase, we aim to process the sequence of pages
in the dossier and split them properly in smaller files
that match the original true document boundaries.
For this sequence processing step, we need to rep-
resent the individual page number and document type
information in an efficient and truthful way. Such rep-
resentation is not trivial, and a simple IOB (Inside,
Outside, Beginning) tagging (Tjong Kim Sang and
Veenstra, 1999) cannot handle the problem of wrong
page ordering and consequent sequence changes. We
decided to represent the output sequence as a string
of the format ‘a1a2b2b1a3’, where each page is en-
coded by two characters: a letter and a number. The
number represents the page number of the page in the
original document (so not the dossier), and each letter
identifies a unique document. Thus a file with out-
put string ‘a1a2b2b1a3’ contains two documents: one
with three pages in the correct order (found on page
1, 2 and 5 of the dossier), and one with two pages in
reverse order (found on page 3 and 4 of the dossier).
To convert these classification results to actual de-
cisions, we tested three algorithms:
1. SameDocumentUnlessSamePageNumber
(SDUSPN). This algorithm walks through
the pages one by one, and glues every page to
all pages previously encountered with the same
document type. Only when the pagenumber of
a particular page was previously encountered, it
assumes a new document has started.
2. SameDocumentUnlessUnexpectedPageNumber
(SDUUPN). This algorithm is similar to the
previous one, but requires an extra condition to
be fulfilled before it assumes that a page belongs
to a document previously identified: it should
also have a pagenumber that is adjacent to the last
page encountered of this document.
3. SameDocumentUnlessGap (SDUG). This algo-
rithm walks through the pages one by one, and
glues each page to the previous page as long as
the previous page has a different pagenumber, but
the same document type.
All algorithms can also be run evaluating the
pages in reverse order. This leads to six possible
ways to merge the classification results into an out-
put string. As an example, say we have a dossier
consisting of 7 pages with the following most likely
document types and pagenumbers: [(SalarySlip, page
1), (BankStatement, page 1), (BankStatement, page
2), (BankStatement, page 3), (BankStatement, page
2), (SalarySlip, page 2),(SalarySlip, page 7)]. The re-
sults of the six merging options (all of which could
be correct, depending on which pager actually were
from the same document):
1. SameDocumentUnlessSamePageNumber, for-
ward. a1b1b2b3c2a2a7
2. SameDocumentUnlessGap, forward.
3. SameDocumentUnlessUnexpectedPageNumber,
forward. a1b1b2b3c2a2d7
4. SameDocumentUnlessSamePageNumber, back-
wards. a1b1b2c3c2a2a7
5. SameDocumentUnlessGap, backwards.
6. SameDocumentUnlessUnexpectedPageNumber,
backward. b1c1c2d3d2b2a7
We randomly split the data set in two parts, 80% (40
dossiers) was used for training the PaperClip system
and a held-out set of 20% (10 dossiers, 268 pages)
was used for evaluation. We ran experiments for all
combinations of the three different classifiers for both
3.1 Baseline
As a baseline, we used two alternatives to PaperClip:
1. CutEverywhere, which simply assumes each
dossier only consists of one page documents.
2. SimpleDocumentTypeClassification, which has
access to information about the document types,
and assumes that all adjacent pages of the same
document type belong to the same document.
3.2 Dataset
Unfortunately, publicly available data sets for docu-
ment type classification (Marinai, 2008) do not re-
semble the type of administrative documents that we
work with. Therefore we use a data set of real life
dossiers acquired from a Dutch anonymous company
that provides consumer loans. These dossiers consist
PaperClip: Automated Dossier Reorganizing
Figure 1: Example dossier, vertical lines indicate a new document (unreadable on purpose).
of 30 pages on average, and contain various docu-
ments of 1 or more pages. In total, there were 1522
pages, bundled in 50 dossiers. Figure 1 shows a
full example dossier. Following Simon et al. (2015),
who also work with privacy sensitive information, we
made the example too small to read on purpose, and
blurred out graphical information.
All pages were manually labeled for document
type and page number (classes were the numbers 1-
17). In case a particular document did not match any
of the predefined list of document types, it was la-
beled Miscellaneous.
This category was later analyzed again to identify
recurring document types not covered by the prede-
fined list, which resulted in the extra document types
Email, Insurance and HousingContract. Because the
annotation task was simple and straightforward, only
one annotator was considered necessary. Table 1
gives an overview of all 18 document type labels that
were used, and of how many pages these documents
had in our data set.
3.3 Evaluation
We first report on the quality measures of the two clas-
sification rounds on single pages. However, these re-
Table 1: For each document type: the mean number of
pages, in what percentage of dossiers it occurs, and the
mean number of occurrences in a single dossier when
Document type label # of pages % of dossiers # per dossier
BalanceBill 1.04 0.54 1.67
BankStatement 2.23 0.96 3.25
CoverLetter 1 0.30 1.40
DivorceSettlement 4.67 0.08 1.50
Email 1.67 0.18 1.33
EmployerDeclaration 1 0.02 1
EmptyPage 1.0 0.02 5
HousingRentContract 1.37 0.34 4.24
LoanInfo 1.42 0.68 7.94
Mortgage 1.0 0.02 2
Miscellaneous 1.46 0.56 4.39
ID 1.29 0.92 1.74
Insurance 1.33 0.34 1.29
PensionInformation 1.75 0.14 4.86
PensionStatement 1.4 0.02 5.0
ResearchedPersonalInfo 1.5 0.02 2
SalarySlip 1.02 0.96 2.87
WorkContract 1.93 0.36 1.72
sults do not fully capture to what extent the final goal
is met. This is because it is possible, as indeed hap-
pens in practice, that the correct final decisions are
made despite mistakes by the classifiers. For example,
the classifiers might label the first and second page of
an identity card as the fourth and fifth page of a salary
slip; although this is completely wrong, the two pages
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
will still be cut and glued together correctly.
At a first glance, it seems a reasonable option
to evaluate the predicted PaperClip output page se-
quence by comparing against a true page-number se-
quence representation. For example, we can match
the true constructed sequence ‘a1a2b1b2’ to the pre-
dicted string ‘a1a2b1c1’ and count the differences.
However, such evaluation method often does not suf-
fice for two reasons:
1. A small mistake in the beginning can shift the
entire output string. For example, if the second
page in ‘a1a2b1b2c1c2’ (a2) is incorrectly recog-
nized as a new document, this leads to an out-
put string where all following letters are different:
2. In some cases mistakes have no effect on the de-
sired outcome of correctly reorganizing a dossier:
when the second page in ‘a1a2b1b2’ is incorrectly
recognized as a third page (so the system output
is ‘a1a3b1b2’), the dossier will still be organized
Therefore, we mainly focus on two groups of
more sophisticated evaluation metrics:
1. Cut precision, cut recall and cut F-score. These
metrics consider the transition between each of
the pages in the dossier If PaperClip correctly
makes a cut at a particular transition (that is, there
also is a cut according to the annotation), this is
considered a True Positive. Incorrect cuts by Pa-
perClip are considered as False Positives, missed
cuts are counted as False Negatives, and if Pa-
perClip does not make a cut where there indeed
should not be one, this is considered a True Neg-
ative. On the basis of the resulting confusion ma-
trix, the cut precision and cut recall can be calcu-
lated, which represent whether all predicted cuts
are correct, and whether all cuts that should have
been made are actually done, respectively. The
harmonic mean of the cut precision and cut recall
is called the cut F-score. The cut F-score thus rep-
resents to what extent PaperClip makes cuts on the
correct places.
2. Homogeneity, completeness, V-measure and Ad-
justed Rand Index. The cut F-score does not cap-
ture whether particular groups of pages are cor-
rectly identified to be of the same document. To
fill this gap, we use evaluation metrics that are
traditionally used for clustering algorithms. Each
document in a dossier is viewed as a cluster and
we evaluated to what extent the clusters detected
by PaperClip match the true clusters. Homogene-
ity entails to what extent pages that were detected
to be from a single document are indeed part of
a single true document. Completeness entails to
what extent pages truly belonging to the same
document were also detected to be from the same
document. The harmonic mean of homogeneity
and completeness is called the V-measure (Rosen-
berg and Hirschberg, 2007).
Because there are many single page documents in
the data set, and the algorithm is biased towards
cutting between pages, we expect that many of
PaperClip’s decisions will be correct by chance.
The V-measure does not control for this. For this
reason, the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) is also
included, which checks for each pair of pages
whether it is from the same document, compares
this to corresponding pair of pages from the an-
notated dossier, and controls for chance. The V-
measure and the Adjusted Rand Index thus repre-
sents whether pages that are from the same docu-
ment are also identified to be from the same doc-
We first report on the phase of individual page classi-
fication with the three different machine learning al-
gorithms. The best performing algorithm was then
used for the page sequence processing.
4.1 Individual Page Classification
We report on the performance of the individual clas-
sifiers on the held-out test set of 268 pages. The per-
formance of recognizing document types is summa-
rized in table 2, the performance of the pages number
classification for the first 5 pages is in table 3. Fur-
thermore, we report both the macro and the macro av-
erage. For the macro average we first compute the
average score per document type, sum these averages
and then divide by the number of types, for micro av-
erage we compute the score per page and divide by
the total number of pages.
We observe a lot of variation between document
types, ranging from an F-score of 0.18 for the Bal-
anceBill by Naive Bayes to an F-score of 1 for the
PensionStatement by Winnow. Winnow outperforms
the other two classifiers for most document types and
on average, and the same is true for the page numbers.
4.2 Page Sequence Processing
We show the baseline results on page sequence pro-
cessing in table 4. The baseline algorithm CutEvery-
PaperClip: Automated Dossier Reorganizing
Table 2: Precision (p), recall (r) and F-score (f) of individual document type classification on the held out set. Classes present
in the training material but not in the test set are omitted.
Document type # Naive Bayes SVM Winnow
BalanceBill 8 p 0.50 r 0.25 f 0.33 p 0.67 r 0.50 f 0.57 p 0.56 r 0.62 f 0.59
BankStatement 53 p 0.88 r 1.00 f 0.94 p 0.88 r 0.98 f 0.93 p 0.93 r 1.00 f 0.96
CoverLetter 3 p 1.00 r 0.67 f 0.8 p 1.00 r 0.67 f 0.8 p 1.00 r 0.67 f 0.8
DivorceSettlement 10 p 1.00 r 0.10 f 0.18 p 0.78 r 0.7 f 0.74 p 1.00 r 0.70 f 0.82
Email 2 p 0.00 r 0.00 f 0.00 p 1.00 r 1.00 f 1.00 p 1.00 r 1.00 f 1.00
HousingRentContract 20 p 0.59 r 0.80 f 0.68 p 0.62 r 0.65 f 0.63 p 0.85 r 0.85 f 0.85
ID 19 p 0.93 r 0.68 f 0.79 p 1.00 r 0.63 f 0.77 p 0.94 r 0.89 f 0.92
Insurance 4 p 1.00 r 0.25 f 0.40 p 1.00 r 0.25 f 0.40 p 0.50 r 0.25 f 0.33
LoanInfo 58 p 0.68 r 0.81 f 0.74 p 0.79 r 0.98 f 0.88 p 0.85 r 1.00 f 0.92
Miscellaneous 31 p 0.53 r 0.58 f 0.55 p 0.59 r 0.32 f 0.42 p 0.62 r 0.48 f 0.55
PensionStatement 5 p 0.57 r 0.8 f 0.67 p 1.00 r 0.40 f 0.57 p 1.00 r 1.00 f 1.00
SalarySlip 26 p 1.00 r 0.92 f 0.96 p 1.00 r 0.96 f 0.98 p 0.96 r 0.96 f 0.96
WorkContract 10 p 1.00 r 0.50 f 0.67 p 0.67 r 0.6 f 0.63 p 0.88 r 0.7 f 0.78
Average (micro) p 0.74 r 0.74 f 0.74 p 0.77 r 0.77 f 0.77 p 0.86 r 0.86 f 0.86
Average (macro) p 0.74 r 0.57 f 0.59 p 0.85 r 0.66 f 0.72 p 0.85 r 0.78 f 0.81
Table 3: Precision (p), recall (r) and F-score (f) of individual page number classification on the held out set.
Page Number # Naive Bayes SVM Winnow
1 153 p 0.68 r 0.97 f 0.8 p 0.81 r 0.93 f 0.87 p 0.81 r 0.95 f 0.88
2 37 p 0.75 r 0.32 f 0.45 p 0.42 r 0.51 f 0.46 p 0.59 r 0.59 f 0.59
3 20 p 0.89 r 0.4 f 0.55 p 0.5 r 0.45 f 0.47 p 0.52 r 0.55 f 0.54
4 11 p 1.00 r 0.27 f 0.43 p 1.00 r 0.36 f 0.53 p 0.88 r 0.64 f 0.74
5 7 p 1.00 r 0.14 f 0.25 p 0.67 r 0.29 f 0.40 p 1.00 r 0.29 f 0.44
Average (micro) p 0.69 r 0.69 f 0.69 p 0.71 r 0.71 f 0.71 p 0.74 r 0.74 f 0.74
Average (macro) p 0.86 r 0.42 f 0.5 p 0.68 r 0.51 f 0.55 p 0.76 r 0.604 f 0.64
Table 4: Performance of baselines (PaperClip alternatives)
Cut Everywhere (CU) and Simple Document Type Classifi-
cation (SDTC).
Cut precision 62.09 86.51
Cut recall 100.0 50.32
Cut F-score 75.59 59.4
Homogeneity 1 0.61
Completeness 0.78 0.93
V-measure 0.87 0.72
ARI 0.0 0.3
where performs well (due to the many 1-page docu-
ments). The relatively high results of CutEverywhere
can be explained by the high recall that follows from
the algorithm: because it always makes a cut, it will
by default cover all cuts that needed to be made at the
cost of making unnecessary cuts, resulting in a lower
We compare the baseline method results shown
in table 4 against the results of the six different se-
quence processing methods described in section 2.3
using the best individual page classifier (Winnow for
both tasks) in table 5.
Focusing on the Cut F-score we see that Winnow
outperforms the baselines regardless of the merging
algorithm used. This means that adding Winnow for
both document type and page number classification
leads to more useful cuts than simply splitting the
dossiers in single pages or to only use document type
We see a similar pattern for internal relations:
CutEveryWhere performs good at Homogeneity, but
is outperformed by Winnow because Winnow is able
to give a more balanced result. This leads to a higher
completeness, V-measure and ARI. Furthermore, we
see that homogeneity consistently has a higher score
than completeness, indicating that pages that Paper-
Clip groups together are indeed from the same docu-
ment, but that there sometimes are even more pages.
Another thing that might strike the eye is that the Ad-
justed Rand Index is lower than homogeneity, com-
pleteness and the V-measure because it corrects for
chance. This shows that part of the correct deci-
sions by PaperClip can indeed be attributed to chance,
but also that PaperClip clearly performs better than
chance. In a purely chance based system, the ARI
would be 0, as demonstrated by the CutEveryWhere
As for the merging algorithms, we see that the for-
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: Merging algorithm results with Winnow for both classification tasks, F(orward) and B(ackward).
Direction F B F B F B
Cut precision 79.37 72.92 75.1 74.41 77.53 73.38
Cut recall 97.0 91.2 98.5 97.14 97.83 91.2
Cut F-score 85.99 79.67 84.13 82.81 85.19 80.0
Homogeneity 0.98 0.95 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.96
Completeness 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.87 0.84
V-measure 0.91 0.89 0.91 0.9 0.92 0.89
ARI 0.5 0.35 0.44 0.41 0.52 0.33
ward versions consistently outperform the backward
versions. The differences between the three forward
versions turn out to be minimal, in particular for the
balancing metrics Cut F-score. Any differences are
related to whether false positives of false negatives are
considered more problematic: SDUSPN has a higher
precision, but a lower recall, SDUUPN has the re-
verse, and SDUG is in between. For the internal rela-
tions, we note that SDUUPN has a lower ARI, but we
believe that the rest of the differences are too small to
be meaningful.
An advantage of Winnow is that it allows to look
‘inside’ the model to see what terms it has identified
as good predictors for a particular class. Interestingly,
for the page number classification, these are not only
page numbers; it also uses other general page indi-
cations and words typically appearing on particular
pages of several document types such as ‘voorschot’
(deposit), ‘openbare’ (available) and ‘geschieden’ (ar-
chaic form of ‘to happen’).
The reason for the latter phenomenon is that iden-
tity documents and most contract(-like) document
types use partly fixed formats on designated pages,
where whole paragraphs of text are copied from a
standard model. Furthermore, we observe that even
in more free form documents the same content is han-
dled on roughly the same places in the document.
The following three issues have been identified as
main challenges for the current implementation of Pa-
1. Identity documents are often misclassified by Pa-
perClip, because (1) there is often multiple such
documents in the dossier and (2) they are smaller
than a typical scanned page, which encourages
customers to scan two documents on a single
page. Multidocument pages are not yet supported.
The expectation is that the only way to extract
multiple documents from a single page is with a
more graphical approach.
2. Over-reliance on single page documents. As
shown by table 1, by far most documents con-
sist of only one page. This means that the safest
choice is to always make a cut; most classifiers
would learn this quickly. This is indeed what
we see in table 5, where recall is consistently
higher than precision, indicating that PaperClip
‘cuts when in doubt’. A possible solution could be
to apply down-sampling, but we expect that down-
sampling would be accompanied by a significant
performance drop, at least partly resulting from
the decrease in the size of the training corpus.
3. Classification problems caused by unseen docu-
ment types in the category labeled Miscellaneous.
Classification of this diverse category was prob-
lematic for all classifiers, as learning from training
examples for this category provided little informa-
tion about unseen instances. A solution for this
problem could be to include another algorithm
into the system, which would identify whether a
particular document is similar enough to the train-
ing material (and otherwise label it as ‘new doc-
ument type’). We believe, however, that the most
practical solution would be to simply increase the
amount of training documents, thereby increas-
ing the chance that a particular document type is
Our goal was to find the best algorithm to automat-
ically reorganize a dossier. PaperClip does this by
performing (1) document type classification and (2)
pagenumber classification on each page, and then (3)
merges the results to make decisions on where to
make cuts and reorder pages the original input dossier.
For the first two steps the text classification algo-
rithms Naive Bayes, SVM and Winnow were evalu-
ated, with Winnow outperforming the other two on
both tasks. The results of Winnow were then ap-
plied with six variations of merging algorithms, all
of which performed better than the baseline algo-
PaperClip: Automated Dossier Reorganizing
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods