Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep
Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition
Pornntiwa Pawara
, Emmanuel Okafor
, Olarik Surinta
, Lambert Schomaker
and Marco Wiering
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (ALICE),
Nijenborgh 9, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Multi-Agent Intelligent Simulation Laboratory (MISL), Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand
{p.pawara, e.okafor, l.r.b.schomaker, m.a.wiering},
Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Bags of Visual Words, Local Descriptor, Plant Classification.
The use of machine learning and computer vision methods for recognizing different plants from images has
attracted lots of attention from the community. This paper aims at comparing local feature descriptors and bags
of visual words with different classifiers to deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on three plant datasets;
AgrilPlant, LeafSnap, and Folio. To achieve this, we study the use of both scratch and fine-tuned versions of
the GoogleNet and the AlexNet architectures and compare them to a local feature descriptor with
neighbors and the bag of visual words with the histogram of oriented gradients combined with either support
vector machines and multi-layer perceptrons. The results shows that the deep CNN methods outperform the
hand-crafted features. The CNN techniques can also learn well on a relatively small dataset, Folio.
The machine learning and computer vision community
aims to construct novel algorithms for object recogni-
tion and classification. Recently, different works have
studied the application of these algorithms on plant
datasets. Plant classification is considered a challeng-
ing problem because of the variety and the similarity
of plants in nature.
Early approaches to plant classification have con-
sidered the use of local descriptors. Nilsback and
Zisserman (2008) used a joint learning approach of
multiple kernels of local feature descriptors, includ-
ing the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and
the Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), a color
histogram with a support vector machine (SVM) clas-
sifier for the classification of a 103 flower category
dataset. The study showed that the classification per-
formance can be improved by combining multiple fea-
tures in a suitable kernel framework. An extension
on the study of local feature descriptors with the use
of the HOG-based approach (Xiao et al., 2010) for
leaf classification showed a superior performance over
inner-distance shape context (IDSC) features on the
Swedish leaf and ICL datasets. Latte et al. (2015)
worked on crop field recognition using the gray level
co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and various color fea-
tures with artificial neural networks (ANNs). The per-
formance was significantly increased when combining
both types of features.
Other studies have focused on the use of segmen-
tation and morphological based methods for recogniz-
ing plants using leaf datasets. For instance, Markov
random field segmentation (Nilsback and Zisserman,
2010), which is optimized by using graph cut, has
been used on the 13 classes of flowers. Munisami et al.
(2015) combined several features of convex hull, mor-
phological, distance map, and color histogram with
-nearest neighbors (KNN) to classify different kinds
of leafs and provided comparable accuracies with less
computational time. Wang et al. (2014) proposed the
combination of texture feature (intersected cortical
model), and shape features (center distance sequence)
with an SVM for classification of leaf images. Fur-
thermore, on the use of segmentation based methods,
Zhao et al. (2015) showed that using learned shape pat-
terns with independent inner-distance shape context
(I-IDSC) features can be adopted for classification of
both local and global information from leaves. The
authors suggested that recognizing leaves by pattern
counting approach is more effective than by matching
their shape features.
Recently, attention has been shifted to the use of
deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for plant
classification. Lee et al. (2015) presented a leaf-based
plant classification using CNNs to automatically learn
Pawara, P., Okafor, E., Surinta, O., Schomaker, L. and Wiering, M.
Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0006196204790486
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 479-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the discriminative features. Grinblat et al. (2016) em-
ployed a 3-layer CNN for assessing the classification
performance on three different legume species and they
emphasised the relevance of vein patterns. The works
of Mohanty et al. (2016) and Sladojevic et al. (2016)
used the deep CNN architectures to work on plant dis-
ease detection by focusing on leaf image classification.
Mohanty et al. (2016) compared the performance of
two CNN architectures: AlexNet and GoogleNet, with
different sizes of training and test sets. The authors
also worked on three choices of image type - color
images, gray scale images, and leaf segmented images.
The results showed that the GoogleNet architectures
steadily outperform AlexNet. Additionally, with the
train-test set distribution of 80%-20%, the learning
methods obtained the best results.
In this study, we compare the performance of local
descriptors and the bag of visual words with different
classifiers to deep CNN approaches on three datasets:
a novel plant dataset (AgrilPlant) and two already ex-
isting datasets.
In this paper, we compare seven dif-
ferent techniques and assess their performance for rec-
ognizing plants from images using three plant datasets;
AgrilPlant, LeafSnap, and Folio. We created a novel
dataset, AgrilPlant, which consists of 10 classes of
agriculture plants. For the comparison study, we make
use of both scratch and fine-tuned versions of the
GoogleNet and AlexNet architectures and compare
them to a local descriptor (HOG) with
-nearest neigh-
bors (KNN) and a bag of visual words with the his-
togram of oriented gradients (HOG-BOW) combined
with either a support vector machine (SVM) and multi-
layer perceptrons (MLP). Using many experiments
with the various techniques, we show that the CNN
based methods outperform the local descriptor and the
bag of visual words techniques. We also show that
the reduction of the number of neurons in the AlexNet
architecture outperforms the original AlexNet archi-
tecture and gives a remarkable improvement in the
computing time.
Paper Outline:
The remaining parts of the paper are
organized in the following way. Section 2 explains
the deep CNN architectures and the reduction of the
number of neurons in details. Section 3 entails brief
discussions on the hand-crafted local descriptors. In
section 4, we describe the plant datasets and the ex-
perimental settings. Section 5 presents and discusses
the performance of the various techniques. The last
section concludes and recommends possible areas for
future work.
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were first
introduced by LeCun et al. (1989) and have become
the most influential machine learning approach in the
computer vision field.
A deep CNN architecture consists of several layers
of various types. Generally, it starts with one or several
convolutional layers, followed by one or more pooling
layers, activation layers, and ends with one or a few
fully connected layers.
There are usually a certain number of kernels in
each convolutional layer which can output the same
number of feature maps by sliding the kernels with a
specific receptive field over the feature map of the pre-
vious layer (or the input image in the case of the first
convolutional layer). Each feature map that is com-
puted is characterized by several hyper-parameters:
the size and depth of the filters, the stride between fil-
ters and the amount of zero-padding around the input
feature map (Castelluccio et al., 2015).
Pooling layers can be applied in order to cope with
translational variances as well as to reduce the size
of feature maps (Sladojevic et al., 2016). They pro-
ceed by sliding a filter along the feature maps and
outputting the maximum or average value, depending
on the choices of pooling, in every sub-region.
A nonlinear layer or activation layer is convention-
ally applied to a feature map after each convolutional
layer to introduce nonlinearity to the network. The
Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) function is a notable
choice (Glorot et al., 2011; Couchot et al., 2016) be-
cause of the computational efficiency and the allevi-
ation of the vanishing gradient problem. The ReLU
basically converts the input to its positive value or zero
otherwise, i.e.
(x) = max(0, x).
The fully connected layers typically are the last
few layers of the architecture. The drop out technique
can be applied to prevent overfitting (Srivastava et al.,
2014; Yoo, 2015). The final fully connected layer in
the architecture contains the same amount of output
neurons as the number of classes to be recognized.
2.1 AlexNet Architecture
The AlexNet architecture (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)
follows the pattern of the LeNet-5 architecture (LeCun
et al., 1989). The original AlexNet contains eight
weight layers, which consists of five convolutional
layers and three fully connected layers.
The first two convolutional layers (conv
) are
followed by a normalization and a max pooling layer.
The last convolutional layer (conv5) is followed by the
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: The AlexNet architecture used in our work. The number
w × w × d
in each convolutional layer represents the size
of the feature map for each layer. The fc6 and fc7 layers contain 1,024 neurons.
in the fc8 layer is the number of neurons,
which represents the number of classes in each dataset, which are set to 10, 184, and 36 for the AgrilPlant, the LeafSnap, and
the Folio dataset, respectively.
max pooling layer. Each of the sixth and seventh fully
connected layers (fc
) contain 4,096 neurons. The
final fully connected layer (fc8) contains 1,000 neurons
because the ImageNet dataset has 1,000 classes to be
classified. The ReLU activation function is applied to
each of the first seven layers. A dropout ratio of 0.5 is
applied to the fc6 and fc7 layers. The output from the
fc8 layer is finally fed to a softmax function.
In our study, the original AlexNet architecture is
adapted by reducing the number of neurons in the fc6
and fc7 layer from 4,096 neurons to either 256, 512,
and 1,024 neurons in both layers. The idea behind this
is to increase the computational performance and miti-
gate the risk of overfitting (Xing and Qiao, 2016). We
performed preliminary experiments on the AgrilPlant
dataset to choose the best number of neurons. The re-
sults of this experiment are shown in Table 1. It shows
that 1,024 neurons are the most efficient in terms of
accuracy and it provides 34% improvement in training
time compared to 4,096 neurons. Consequently, we
set the number of neurons in the fc6 and fc7 layers to
1,024 for all datasets. The AlexNet architecture used
in our works is shown in Figure 1.
Table 1: Accuracy comparison among different numbers
of neurons and time improvement compared against 4,096
neurons in the AlexNet architecture on the AgrilPlant dataset.
The results are reported with test accuracies and standard
deviations using five simulations.
Number of neurons Accuracy Time improvement (%)
4,096 88.30
1.34 -
1,024 89.53
0.61 34.06
512 89.13
1.24 39.09
256 88.90
1.35 41.08
2.2 GoogleNet Architecture
GoogleNet, presented in the work of Szegedy et al.
(2015), is among the first architectures that introduced
the inception module that greatly dropped off the large
amount of trainable parameters in the network. The
inception module uses a parallel combination of
1 × 1
3 × 3
, and
5 × 5
convolutions along with a pooling
layer. Additionally, the
1 × 1
convolutional filter is
added to the network before the
3 × 3
, and
5 × 5
volutions for dimensionality reduction as shown in
Figure 2. This is called the “network in network” ar-
chitecture (Lin et al., 2013).
The GoogleNet architecture uses 9 inception mod-
ules, containing 22 layers along with four max pooling
layers, and one average pooling layer. The ReLU is
used in all the convolutional layers, including those
inside the inception modules. To deal with the problem
of vanishing gradients in the network, inspired by the
theoretical work by Arora et al. (2014), two auxiliary
classifiers are added to the layers in the middle of the
network during the training process (Yoo, 2015). A
dropout ratio of 0.4 is applied to the softmax classifier.
The illustration of the convolutional layers and the in-
ception modules designed in GoogleNet is shown in
Figure 2. A more detailed explaination along with all
relevant parameters of the GoogleNet architecture can
be found in the original paper (Szegedy et al., 2015).
3.1 Histogram of Oriented Gradients
The histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) was ini-
tially introduced for human detection (Dalal and
Triggs, 2005). The HOG feature extractor represents
objects by counting occurrences of gradient intensi-
ties and orientations in localized portions of an image.
Based on the work of (Bertozzi et al., 2007; Surinta
et al., 2015), the HOG descriptor computes feature
vectors using the following steps:
Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition
Figure 2: The illustration of the GoogleNet architecture (Szegedy et al., 2015). All convolutional layers and inception modules
have a depth of two.
1) split the image into small blocks of n × n cells,
2) compute horizontal gradient
and vertical gra-
of the cells by applying the kernel [-1,0,1] as
gradient detector,
3) compute the magnitude
and the orientation
of the gradient as:
+ H
= arctan
4) form the histogram by weighing the gradient
orientations of each cell into a specific orientation bin,
5) apply L2 normalization to the bins to reduce
the illumination variability and obtain the final feature
In our preliminary experiments, we use 5 × 5 rect-
angular blocks and 8 orientation bins, thus yielding
a 200-dimensional feature vector. We then feed the
feature vector to the KNN classifier.
3.2 Bags of Visual Words with
Histogram of Oriented Gradients
The idea of the bag of visual words (BOW) model
(Csurka et al., 2004; Tsai, 2012) in computer vision
is to consider an image consisting of different visual
words. The image descriptor can be obtained by clus-
tering features of local regions in the images, which
contain rich local information of the images, such as
color or texture. In the paper, we combine BOW with
the HOG feature descriptor, resulting in HOG-BOW.
The construction of the HOG-BOW feature vectors
involves the following steps:
1) To compute patches, the set of local region
is automatically extracted from the dataset
of images,
P =
, p
, ..., p
, where
is the num-
ber of patches. The size of each patch is a square of
w × w
pixels. Each patch is computed by using lo-
cal descriptors, and then used as an input to create a
2) The codebook
is obtained by applying the K-
means clustering algorithm over the extracted feature
vectors of each patch based on a number of centroids.
3) Construct the BOW feature by detecting the
occurrences in the image of each cluster. Each image
is split into four quadrants and we compute the feature
activation using sum-pooling (Wang et al., 2013).
In our experiments, based on the work of Surinta
et al. (2015), the HOG descriptor is employed as the lo-
cal descriptor. The number of patches is set to 400,000,
the size of each patch is
15 × 15
pixels, and the num-
ber of centroids is set to 600. As the image is split
into four quadrants, the HOG-BOW generates 2,400
dimensional feature vectors.
The feature vectors are then fed to the classifiers,
for which we use the L2-SVM (Suykens and Vande-
walle, 1999) and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).
The process of the HOG-BOW method used in our
experiments is illustrated in Figure 3.
4.1 Plant Datasets
In our experiments, we performed experiments using
three datasets; AgrilPlant, Leafsnap, and Folio.
AgriPlant Dataset:
The AgriPlant dataset consists of
3,000 agriculture images that are collected from the
website It consists of 10 classes with
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: Illustration of generating the BOW feature vectors.
the following plants: apple, banana, grape, jackfruit,
orange, papaya, persimmon, pineapple, sunflower, and
tulip. Each class contains exactly 300 images. The
images may have been taken from five different views,
i.e. entire plant, branch, flower, fruit, and leaf. A
sample of the AgrilPlant dataset is shown in Figure 4.
The challenges of classification on the AgriPlant
dataset are (a) the similarity among some classes, i.e.
apple, orange and persimmon have similar shapes and
colors, (b) a diversity of plants within the same class,
for example, there are green and red apples, or there
are varieties of tulips, and (c) the existence of complex
backgrounds or other objects such as human, car, and
house on several images.
LeafSnap Dataset:
The Leafsnap dataset (Kumar
et al., 2012) originally contained 185 tree species and
is used for leaf recognition research. The dataset con-
sists of leaf images taken from two different sources;
lab images and field images. In our experiments, we
performed experiments with field images. This con-
sists of 7,719 leaf images and has a coverage of 184
tree species (one class is missing for the field images)
of the Northeastern United States. All the images were
taken in outdoor environments with mobile devices
and might contain some amounts of noise, blur, and
shadows. The number of images in each class vary
from 10 to 183 images. A sample of the LeafSnap
dataset is shown in Figure 5(a).
Folio Dataset:
The Folio dataset, introduced in the
work of Munisami et al. (2015), consists of 32 differ-
ent species of leaves which were collected from the
farm at the University of Mauritius. It consists of ap-
proximately 20 images for each species. All images
were taken under daylight on a white background. A
sample of the Folio dataset is shown in Figure 5(b).
4.2 Experimental Settings
We evaluate the deep CNNs architectures and the hand-
crafted local descriptors combined with KNN, SVM,
and MLP for plant classification. In our study, the plant
datasets are split into a training set and test set with
the ratio of 80:20 and 5-fold cross validation is used to
evaluate the performance of the studied methods. The
resolution of plant images is set to 256 × 256 pixels.
Most parameters for the deep CNN architectures,
for both AlexNet and GoogleNet, are set to the same
values for scratch and fine-tuned versions, except for
max iteration and step size that are set to different
values. The parameters settings are shown in Table 2.
For the hand-crafted local descriptors, we combine
the HOG with the KNN classifier and the HOG-BOW
with MLP and SVM. We select the optimal
for the
KNN classifier in the range of k =
3, 5, 7, 9
On each dataset, a grid search is applied to tune
parameters for the SVM in the range of
C =
, 2
, ..., 2
and choose the best
parameter that
gives the highest accuracy result. We then perform the
5-fold cross validation using this C parameter.
For the MLP, we use the scaled conjugate gradient
(Møller, 1993) as a training algorithm. The number
of neurons and the learning rate are set to 512 and
0.001, respectively. These values resulted in the best
performance using preliminary experiments.
We now report the test accuracies using the deep CNN
methods and hand-crafted local feature descriptors
with different classifiers. The experiments are carried
Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition
Figure 4: Sample pictures from the AgrilPlant dataset. Note that, the images on each column represent one class. From left to
right, the class is apple, banana, grape, jackfruit, orange, papaya, persimmon, pineapple, sunflower, and tulip.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Sample pictures from two datasets (a) LeafSnap,
and (b) Folio.
Table 2: Summary of experimental parameters for the
AlexNet and GoogleNet architectures on the three datasets.
Parameters AgrilPlant LeafSnap Folio
Learning rate 0.001 0.001 0.001
Weight decay 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005
Train batch size 20 20 20
Validation batch size 10 10 10
Max iteration (scratch) 50000 50000 50000
Step size (scratch) 25000 25000 25000
Max iteration (fine-tuned) 20000 20000 20000
Step size (fine-tuned) 10000 10000 10000
Test iterations of solver 30 77 6
Test iterations evaluation 60 154 12
out based on 5-fold cross validation and we report the
top-1 accuracy. The results are shown in Table 3.
5.1 AgrilPlant Dataset Evaluation
Comparing the performance of the deep CNN meth-
ods and the hand-crafted local feature descriptors, the
deep CNN methods consistently outperform the local
descriptors. The fine-tuned approaches of both the
GoogleNet and the AlexNet architectures obtain the
best performance, reaching an accuracy of 98.33% and
96.37%, respectively. This is an improvement of ap-
proximately 5% and 6.8% over the scratch versions of
each architecture. The GoogleNet fine-tuned version
gives approximately 19% better performance than the
HOG-BOW with SVM, which obtains the best per-
formance among the local feature descriptors. The
HOG-BOW with SVM outperforms the HOG-BOW
with MLP with 4.8% difference. The HOG with KNN
obtains the worst performance with an accuracy of
5.2 LeafSnap Dataset Evaluation
For the LeafSnap dataset, the GoogleNet fine-tuned
and scratch versions obtain the best performance with
an accuracy of 97.66%, and 89.62%, respectively. The
AlexNet fine-tuned architecture follows up with an
accuracy of 89.51%. The HOG-BOW with MLP, how-
ever, slightly outperforms the AlexNet scratch archi-
tecture with an accuracy of 79.27%. Comparing this to
previous work on the LeafSnap dataset using curvature
histograms, Kumar et al. (2012) reported a top-5 ac-
curacy of 96.8%. We note that GoogleNet fine-tuned
significantly outperforms that method with a top-1
accuracy of 97.66%. Comparing between the local
feature descriptors, The HOG-BOW with MLP gives
an accuracy of approximately 6.6% and 20.7% higher
than the HOG-BOW with SVM and the HOG with
KNN, respectively.
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 3: Test Accuracy comparison among all techniques on three plant datasets.
Methods AgrilPlant LeafSnap Folio
HOG with KNN 38.13
0.53 58.51
2.47 84.30
HOG-BOW with MLP 74.63
2.16 79.27
3.36 92.37
HOG-BOW with SVM 79.43
1.68 72.63
0.38 92.78
AlexNet scratch 89.53
0.61 76.67
0.56 84.83
AlexNet fine-tuned 96.37
0.83 89.51
0.75 97.67
GoogleNet scratch 93.33
1.24 89.62
0.50 89.75
GoogleNet fine-tuned 98.33
0.51 97.66
0.34 97.63
5.3 Folio Dataset Evaluation
For the Folio dataset, Munisami et al. (2015) reported
an accuracy of 87.3% by using shape features and
a color histogram with KNN which outperforms the
AlexNet scratch version on our study with an accuracy
of 84.83%.
In our experiments, the AlexNet fine-tuned and
the GoogleNet fine-tuned architectures obtain the best
results with an accuracy of 97.67% and 97.63%, re-
spectively. The next two techniques with the best
performance are the HOG-BOW with SVM and the
HOG-BOW with MLP classifiers, both of which yield
an accuracy of 92.73% and 92.37%, respectively. The
scratch version of GoogleNet still obtains acceptable
results with an accuracy of 89.75%. Note that on this
dataset, the HOG-BOW with either SVM and MLP
classifiers gives roughly 8% better performance than
the AlexNet scratch version. The HOG with KNN
gives the worst result with an accuracy of 84.30%.
The evaluation on the Folio dataset shows that the
deep CNN architectures also perform well on a small
dataset as this dataset contain only 637 images in total
for 32 classes.
In this paper, we have presented a comparative study
of some classical feature descriptors to deep CNN ap-
proaches on three plant datasets. The HOG feature
descriptor combined with KNN, and HOG-BOW com-
bined with SVM and MLP classifiers are compared
to AlexNet and GoogleNet, both trained from scratch
and using the fine-tuned versions as deep CNN archi-
We evaluated all the image recognition techniques
on three plant datasets and achieved notable overall
performances. The fine-tuned versions of the deep
CNNs architectures persistently outperform the classi-
cal feature descriptors techniques on all datasets. The
GoogleNet fine-tuned architecture obtains the best re-
sult with accuracies of 98.33% and 97.66% on the
AgrilPlant dataset and the LeafSnap dataset, respec-
tively. The AlexNet fine-tuned and the GoogleNet
fine-tuned techniques also give the best result on a
relatively small dataset, Folio, with an accuracy of
approximately 97.6%.
Comparing between the HOG-BOW descriptors
on each of the three dataset, on the AgrilPlant dataset,
the HOG-BOW combined with SVM performs 4.8%
better than the HOG-BOW combined with MLP. On
the other hand, the HOG-BOW combined with MLP
works 6.64% better than the HOG-BOW combined
with SVM. On the Folio dataset, however, both HOG-
BOW descriptors give insignificantly different results
with an accuracy of approximately 92%. Among all
studied techniques, the HOG with KNN always yields
the worst accuracy on all datasets.
In further work, we want to study the deployment
of deep learning in an unmanned aerial vehicle system
targeted for precision identification of plant diseases.
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods