Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features
Yerzhan Kerimbekov
and Hasan Şakir Bilge
Department of Computer Engineering, Ahmet Yesevi University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
kerimbekov@ogr.yesevi.edu.tr, bilge@gazi.edu.tr
Keywords: Classification, Lorentzian Distance, Feature Selection.
Abstract: Machine Learning is one of the frequently studied issues in the last decade. The major part of these research
area is related with classification. In this study, we suggest a novel Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple
Features (LDCMF) method. The proposed classifier is based on the special metric of the Lorentzian space
and adapted to more than two features. In order to improve the performance of Lorentzian Distance Classifier
(LDC), a new Feature Selection in Lorentzian Space (FSLS) method is improved. The FSLS method selects
the significant feature pair subsets by discriminative criterion which is rebuilt according to the Lorentzian
metric. Also, in this study, a data compression (pre-processing) step is used that makes data suitable in
Lorentzian space. Furthermore, the covariance matrix calculation in Lorentzian space is defined. The
performance of the proposed classifier is tested through public GESTURE, SEEDS, TELESCOPE, WINE
and WISCONSIN data sets. The experimental results show that the proposed LDCMF classifier is superior to
other classical classifiers.
Nowadays, machine learning techniques are used in
different domains such as data mining, pattern
recognition, image processing and artificial
intelligence (Louridas and Ebert, 2016), (Wang et al.,
2016). Generally, a machine learning algorithm has
two stages: training and testing. The main purpose of
machine learning is to train a computer system by
studying a training samples and use it in test samples.
Two Learning Strategies as supervised
(classification) and unsupervised (clustering)
learning are existed in literature (Bkassiny and
Jayaweera, 2013). In supervised learning a training is
used over the labelled data and a model is built to
classify the new samples. Unsupervised learning is
the clustering of unlabeled samples which have
similar properties (Bkassiny and Jayaweera, 2013).
One of the most solved problems in machine learning
is a classification problem. As known, Bayes, k-
Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classifiers are the commonly used
machine learning algorithms (Theodoridis and
Koutroumbas, 2009).
In this study, a classification problem was
investigated in Lorentzian space for data sets that
have more than two features. Lorentzian space is one
of the main issues of the General Relativity Theory
(Kerimbekov et al., 2016). In this context, for
obtaining the best classification result a feature
selection method and pre-processing step were
developed. As known every feature selection method
needs a discriminative criterion (Theodoridis and
Koutroumbas, 2009). For this purpose, in this study,
unlike the criteria that commonly used in pattern
recognition as Divergence, Bhattacharyya Distance,
Scatter Matrix, Fisher’s Discriminant Ratio (FDR)
(Theodoridis and Koutroumbas, 2009), a new
criterion was improved based on Lorentzian metric.
In this study, the Lorentzian metric is used for
feature selection and classification. This metric is
non-positive definite. The use of such a metric is an
interesting contribution of our study. For two
dimensional features, one of the features has a
negative effect on the distance measure. This property
gives us a special opportunity to increase the success
rate of the classification in Lorentzian space. The
statement that mentioned above gives us the idea to
use the Lorentzian metric as a discriminative criterion
and use it in feature selection. Thus, in this study, the
new classifier for more than two features data in
Lorentzian space was developed.
Kerimbekov, Y. and Bilge, H.
Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0006197004930501
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 493-501
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Lorentzian space is also recognized as a non-
Euclidean space and known as special case of
Riemannian space. Because of positive definiteness
condition an inner product operation in Lorentzian
space is different than the analogue in Euclidean space
(Gündogan and Kecilioglu, 2006). Also, a distance
between points in Lorentzian space is different from
commonly used Euclidean distance. The group of
points with the same distance occurs a circle in
Euclidean space. However, because of the
neighborhood structure dissimilarity according to
Euclidean space the shape of the same distance points
in Lorentzian space is different. The only way to find
out the neighborhood structure in Lorentzian space is
possible by clearly understanding the concept of the
distance between two points in this space. In every
defined space in art the metrics are existed to compute
the distance between points. Thus, the distance d
between two points (U and Y) in Lorentzian space can
be computed by the following formula.
where l is the dimension of the space (the number
of features). This value also defines that the last
dimension has negative signature (Kerimbekov et al.,
As it can be clearly seen from (1), the Lorentzian
metric has a minus sign in the second term, which
corresponds to time axis. The main difference in
Lorentzian metric is that the distance between two
points can be zero. To demonstrate this case, the
calculation of distances between two points are done
according to both Lorentzian and Euclidean metrics.
For this, two points: (-2, -1) and (0, 1) are selected.
The places of these points visually can be seen from 2
dimensional Lorentzian space that shown in Figure 1.
The first coordinate belongs to the first feature, the
second one belongs to the second feature. If we accept
that these points are in Euclidean space:
then the distance is
8. If we accept that these points
are in Lorentzian space:
then the distance becomes zero according to the
In the Lorentzian space, the Lorentzian distance
between two points over the lines parallel to cross
direction with 45
degree (cone edges or cone lines or
forward/backward light rays or null like lines) is zero.
Thus the neighborhood is different in Euclidean and
Figure 1: The difference between Euclidean and Lorentzian
Lorentzian spaces. The other attribute of the
Lorentzian space is the matrix multiplication
operation that different than the analog in Euclidean
space. Namely, for =
and =
matrix a multiplication operation can be
calculated with the formula below:
Where, the notation ‘
’ is define the
multiplication in Lorentzian space (Gündogan and
Kecilioglu, 2006). For example, the multiplication of
two matrix , in Lorentzian space with 2×2
dimensions is obtained by following expression:
3.1 Feature Subsets and Selection
In classification problem the requested classification
results can be produced in case of using the most
important features from data set. The extracting or
selecting the most significant features from data set is
the main purpose of the Data Mining (DM)
algorithms and it is also considerably decreases the
computational complexity of classifier. In this study,
first of all, the properties (metric) of Lorentzian space
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
were investigated in term of selecting the best feature
subsets that represent the data set ideally. Also, the
diverse number of selected feature subsets were tested
in obtaining better classification success rate. In our
previous research we found out that the classification
success rate can be increased by using less number of
best feature subsets (Kerimbekov et al., 2016). Hence,
in this study, from original data sets the feature pair
subsets were generated according to the well know
combination formula (4) which is commonly used in
statistics (Brualdi, 2010). In this formula feature
combination subsets are occurred by rule as one
feature and other ones. For example, in three
dimensional data case all feature pair subsets looks as
{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}. The position and order of the
feature subsets in cluster are not important. Generally,
in  dimensional data set the total number feature
subsets defined as
and calculated by
expression below:
where, is the dimension of subsets. Thus, by (4)
formula we can obtain the feature pair subsets that
include all features in original data set. In this study,
the dimension of subsets was taken as two. Because
of smallest dimension the computational complexity
of classification process is acceptable. Furthermore,
the two dimensional Lorentzian space classifier was
introduced in our study (Kerimbekov et al., 2016) and
the superiority of that algorithm was also proved.
Thus, for data set with 50 features and dimension of
subsets as =2 totally 1225 feature pair subsets are
produced according to (4). However, as seen from
this example the number of these subsets in high
dimensional data set will be huger and it is costly to
use all of them. Hence, in this study, we propose the
novel feature selection method that selects optimal
feature subsets according to Lorentzian metric.
The main aim of feature selection method is to
increase the classification success rate by using less
number of feature and decrease the computational
complexity of classifier. The methods based on
statistics like mean, variance, correlation are
commonly used in pattern recognition (Theodoridis
and Koutroumbas, 2009). These criteria serve in
feature selection process as a determinative criterion
in measuring the relation among the features and the
discrimination for best or worst feature subsets is
made. In Euclidean space we have the discriminative
which based on within and between class
scatter matrices of samples:
is the within class scatter matrix of
class data set. The within class scatter matrix of
samples consists from multiplication of a prior
probability value
and the covariance matrix Σ
class. The subtraction of feature vector and
within class mean
for every
class from data set
is established covariance matrix Σ
. Hence, the
covariance matrix Σ
can be occurred as:
Thus, according to the statement mentioned above a
scatter matrix of within class samples
takes form
The other S
value in (5) formula is the Mixture
Scatter Matrix of samples (Theodoridis and
Koutroumbas, 2009). This matrix is calculated as
covariance matrix of feature vector and general
subtraction and can be calculated by formula
The discriminative criterion J that given by (5) is
valid only in Euclidean space and this criterion was
restructured according to Lorentzian metric. As we
can see from (7) and (8) expressions the criterion
includes the covariance matrix calculation.
Furthermore, a covariance matrix is based on matrix
multiplication operation. However, as explained in
section II above a matrix multiplication operation in
Lorentzian space is different than Euclidean analogue
and dependent to rule (2). Hence, redesigning of the
(7) and (8) expressions in Lorentzian space according
to rule (2) gives us next formulas:
As a result of this restructuring the covariance matrix
calculation path in Lorentzian space is suggested as
(9). Thus, the novel  (Lorentzian ) discriminative
criterion in Lorentzian space based on (9) and (10)
expressions was suggested. The  criterion defines a
significance rate of features in Lorentzian space and
according to (5) can be formulated as below:
Eventually, the new Feature Selection in
Lorentzian Space (FSLS) method based on 
discriminative criterion was proposed. The new FSLS
Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features
method selects optimal feature subsets according to
Lorentzian metric.
3.2 Pre-processing and Optimal
In classification problem occasionally a
preprocessing step is necessarily. Because of better
representing and making usable a data set this
operation can enhance the classification success rate.
In this study, the preprocessing step is composed only
from matrix multiplication (compression) (Marcus
and Minc, 1992). This transformation matrix is used
with the aim to make the data meaningful in
Lorentzian space. Thus, after doing compression over
n-dimensional =
training set in
Euclidean space it is transformed as
) and becomes suitable for training and
classification in Lorentzian space. This preprocessing
step can be defined as the following expression:
Where, is the diagonal matrix which can be
expressed by
Hence, the transformation matrix that forms the
preprocessing step for two dimensional data is
determined as following formulas:
where, ,.
In this study, the first form of transformation
matrix was used. The relation between the
parameters , of this matrix
is as=20.
Hence, the primary case is assumed as:
However, our research shows us that these
parameters meanings are significant in term of
classification success.
Because of this the optimal
meanings of parameters which produce the best
classification output were also investigated in
Generally, a classification process consists from
training and test steps. In this study, preparing the
data for training is done in two steps. First of all, the
optimal feature pair subsets are selected by new
proposed FSLS method. Subsequently, over these
feature subsets the pre-processing operation is
applied that mentioned in third section. For training
of selected and transformed feature subsets the
Classification via Lorentzian Metric (CLM)
(Kerimbekov et al., 2016) method was improved. The
classification algorithm CLM is valid in two
dimensional Lorentzian space and based on
Lorentzian distance. The CLM classifier assigns the
class label of new sample according to Lorentzian
distances that explained by formula (1). It means that,
the k nearest pairs are selected by Lorentzian metric.
These pairs define the relation of a test sample
between k training set samples and finally the
classification can be done by using the majority rule.
The CLM method was described as a classifier in two
dimensional Lorentzian space. However, in our
research, we use the multidimensional data sets.
Therefore, the CLM method was improved by adding
the supplementary decision rule and hereinafter
referred to as the Lorentzian Distance Classifier for
Multiple Features (LDCMF).
The proposed novel LDC method is the aggregate
of next stages. The novel LDC method takes as the
inputs , training and test sets. However, as
mentioned before, the training data sets are separated
to feature pair subsets by (4). Namely, in first step
from the training set all possible
pair subsets are occurred as
. Subsequently, the
feature pair subsets are weighted by
 criterion. Thereafter, the =(1,) number
optimal feature pair subsets are selected by FSLS
method that based on Lorentzian metric. Here,
defines the total number of feature combination (fc)
pairs. The selected feature pair subsets are
compressed by (12) formula and becomes ready for
training. The new LDC classifier has iteration in
length. This value is also used as a threshold for
stopping in the proposed algorithm. According to
how will be defined the meaning of less or more the
computational time of proposed algorithm is changed.
Furthermore, was found that the selected feature pair
by including the efficient features
represents the original data set in best way. Thus, the
selected feature pair subsets
are used in proposed
LDC classifier as training data set.
For new sample coming from 
test set feature
selection and preprocessing step that explained before
are applied as like in training samples case.
Subsequently, the class labels of test samples are
assigned as
,=(1,). The determined
is the
class label of . feature pair from
which respective
. It means that, the new proposed LDC classifier
in testing stage of new coming sample is iterated
times. In every iteration the new proposed classifier
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
produces a combined class label
which includes the
class labels of each selected feature pairs
. The
combined class label
represents one test sample
and defines the class affiliation. In first step of
iteration the combined class label is defined as
. In the other iteration it continues as
. The classification ratio obtains according to
majority rule. It means that, in two class sample case
if the number of selected optimal feature pairs will be
3 than the proposed classifier produces class label as
. All steps
that mentioned before compose the new Lorentzian
Distance Classifier for Multiple Features (LDCMF)
method. Finally, the LDC method can be defined as
Algorithm-1 in the following processes in order:
Algorithm-1. Lorentzian Distance Classifier (LDC)
Input: , training and test datasets
Step 1: Create
fc pairs with
Step 2: From
select feature subset
using 
Step 3: Do compression
Step 4: For new sample from test set,
Generate 
′′ and find K nearest pairs
Assign class label
by using the majority rule
Step 5: Compute classification rate using
5.1 Data Sets
In this study, for purpose of testing the new suggested
classifier performance some public data sets were
and WISCONSIN (Lichman, 2013). The number of
features in the selected data sets varies in interval of
7-33. There is some statistical information about
these data sets in Table 1. The samples in training and
test set were selected randomly from original data set.
In experiments the 30% of the data was used for
training and the rest 70% for testing.
Table 1: Data set descriptions. (f -feature, c -class, s -
f c s train s test s
GESTURE 18 2 448 150 298
SEEDS 7 2 140 46 94
TELESCOPE 10 2 400 134 266
WINE 13 2 130 44 86
WISCONSIN 33 2 198 66 132
5.2 Experimental Results
In this study, the new LDC classifier in Lorentzian
space is suggested. This algorithm uses the optimal
feature pairs which selected by FSLS method based on
Lorentzian space metric. To evaluate the proposed
classifier performance some public data sets as
WISCONSIN were used in experiments. As clearly
seen from Table 2. the number of features in these data
sets are different. Hence, in experiments the number
of feature subsets obtained from these data sets are
also different. As we see from this statement the large
number of features in data set is considerably
increased the subsets number. Hence, the FSLS
method in term of classification is important.
Moreover, as mentioned before, the best outputs of
LDC method is linked to number of selected optimal
feature pair subsets. Therefore, in experiments, the
meaning of was defined as 20. Subsequently, from
all feature pair subsets only 20 feature pairs were
selected according to FSLS method. On the one hand,
the new LDC classifier with value =20 in terms of
computational complexity does not produce the
perceivable difference in comparison with classic
Bayes, kNN and SVM classifiers. For example, for
feature pair from GESTURE data set case the classic
classifiers Bayes, kNN and SVM are produced the
work times as 0.0078, 0.0349 and 0.0596 second
respectively. The work time of our method for the
same case was produced as 0.0677 second. The
computational time of our method as seen from results
is little more than SVM output which is the biggest
among the others. However, it can be explained by use
of pre-processing step which is reported in section 3.2.
Despite the fact that the number of feature pairs for
data sets are dissimilar as it has been seen from
experimental results definition of as 20 was
sufficient to get the best success rate with LDC
classifier. Also, it was found out that the meaning of
=(1,) which produces the best success rate in
LDC method can be less than . The last statement
enhances the proposed methods validity in terms of
computational complexity and effectiveness. The
numerical information about the features and feature
pair subsets obtained from data sets take place in Table
2. Also, the differences between and
produce the best classification outputs with proposed
LDC method is given.
Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features
Table 2: feature (f), feature combination (fc), k- selected
subsets, k
- optimal subsets that produce best result.
f fc
GESTURE 18 153 20 20
SEEDS 7 21 20 12
TELESCOPE 10 45 20 8
WINE 13 78 20 14
WISCONSIN 33 528 20 15
As mentioned in section III the meaning of ,
parameters are important in terms of transforming the
data and making them usable in Lorentzian space. In
this regard, the optimal values of these parameters
were found out for all data set. The meanings of
parameters changes according to distribution of points
in data set. The whole list of optimal parameter values
obtained for data sets that produce the best
classification results with proposed LDC method are
took place in Table 3. below.
Table 3: The optimal parameters of compression matrix for
data sets.
GESTURE 0.9, 1.8
SEEDS 2, 1.4
TELESCOPE 1.9, 1.8
WINE 0.9, 1.9
The performance of new LDC classifier over all
data set was evaluated by comparing the classification
results with Bayes, kNN and SVM classifiers outputs.
For classic classifiers the Euclidean analogue of
proposed feature selection method was used. It means
that except the compression of data set which is
explained in the section 3.2. and special for Lorentzian
space the other steps of proposed algorithm are
common for classic classifiers. It was made with the
aim of to keep the experiment path similar and
meaningful in term of comparison the classification
results. Also, in experiments the classic classifiers
result for data sets with all features were investigated
and compared with the results of new proposed
method. For example, for GESTURE data set the
results of classic Bayes, kNN and SVM classifiers
were recorded as 84.56%, 80.20% and 53.69%
respectively. It was made to define the superiority of
presented method.
Thus for GESTURE data set, the best
classification rate for SVM is obtained as 67.45%. The
best results for kNN is obtained as 82.21% and for
Bayes as 93.29%. Under these circumstances, the
proposed LDC classifier produced the best finding as
96.64%. Despite of the kNN method result which is
sufficiently high almost 4% superiority was provided
by our method in GESTURE data set. For GESTURE
data set case new proposed classifier produced the best
classification rate in
=20 which is equal to
threshold meaning. It means that, the new LDC
classifier using the FSLS method selects only 20
optimal feature pairs from 153 subsets and obtains the
best result. This statement can be used as a
considerable measure in proving the validity and
usability of the proposed LDC classifier. Further, in
=1 case, namely, only with two feature our method
produces success rate as 71.48% and in this wise left
behind the classic classifiers and this superiority
continues in all feature pair subsets cases. The
illustration of the classification results of classic
method and the outputs recorded by proposed
classifier for GESTURE data set in varies meaning of
is imaged in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Classification results for GESTURE data set.
Totally 21 feature pair subsets were extracted by
(4) from SEEDS data set. The number of selected
feature pair subsets by FSLS method was 20 and the
best classification result was produced by new LDC
classifier as 97.87%. The worst success rate was
recorded by kNN as 95.74%. For SEEDS data set
Bayes and SVM classifiers have produced the same
classification rate as 96.81%. As a result of
experiments, an optimal meaning of
produces the best classification rate with the proposed
new LDC classifier was found out as 12. As clearly
visible from Figure 3. in =12 case the best result
for SEEDS which produced by both of Bayes and
SVM was increased almost for 5%. Moreover, in
comparison to outputs that were recorded by classic
methods the findings of suggested classifier for
SEEDS data set in most of means are the best ones.
Additionally, despite of the high success rate obtained
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
by classic classifiers our method is able to produce
better outputs. The visual comparison of classic
classifiers and the proposed methods outputs for
SEEDS data set are illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Classification results for SEEDS data set.
For TELESCOPE data set having 45 feature pair
subsets in total which were extracted from 10 features
both of Bayes and SVM method produced the same
success rates as 53.01% and it is the worst one among
others. The same situation was observed in PI
DIABTES data set case between kNN and SVM. In
TELESCOPE case the best result was obtained by the
proposed LDC classifier in eighth iteration (
as 68.42%. The closest classification result to LDC
classifier output is 66.17% that recorded by kNN. As
we clearly can see from Figure 4. in all selected feature
pair subsets, except four of them, the new suggested
classifier produces better results than other methods.
The variations of the new proposed classifier results
throughout all means are imaged in Figure 4. Also,
in TELESCOPE case our algorithm with only two
feature (=1) obtains better results than SVM and
Bayes in all iterations.
Figure 4: Classification results for TELESCOPE data set.
The similar course of action as in SEEDS case was
exhibited by LDC classifier for WINE data set.
Namely, in first iterations the proposed method
produces the worst success rate than other classifiers
and from =6 to end only the best ones. For WINE
data set the worst one among the best classification
results was produced by Bayes as 89.53%. Also, the
best results of SVM and kNN classifiers were
recorded as 91.86% and 94.19% respectively. The
proposed LCMF classifier in SEEDS case produces
the best classification output as 98.84% and for it only
14 optimal feature pairs of selected 20 subsets has
been enough. As mentioned above, the suggested
LDC classifier in most of the selected subsets that
were extracted from WINE and SEEDS data sets
produces better classification outputs. Even in
GESTURE case the supremacy was observed in whole
iterations. Essentially, this fact describes that the new
classifier is not useful only on specific feature pair
groups and also available in all subsets. The classic
classifiers outputs and the results of LDC classifier for
selected feature pairs from WINE data set were
visualized in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Classification results for WINE data set.
WISCONSIN is the last data set which was used
in this study to validate the LDC classifier. The worst
classification results in entire the selected subsets
from WISCONSIN data set were produced by SVM
and the best of them was recorded as 61.36%. And,
75.00% and 78.03% are the best results of kNN and
Bayes classifiers for WISCONSIN data set
respectively. For the same case the new LDC
classifier with 15 optimal feature pairs produces
80.30% classification rate. In this study, from
WISCONSIN data set were occurred in total 528
feature pair subsets by (4) and only 15 of them that
selected according to FSLS method was sufficient to
produce the best classification result. Moreover, in
more than half of the selected feature pairs the results
Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features
obtained by proposed classifier are better than others.
The comparison of classification results for
WISCONSIN data set are illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Classification results for WISCONSIN data set.
Generally, as result of experiments in this study,
the classification rates obtained from GESTURE,
data sets by new LDC classifier are better than other
classic methods outputs. In terms of classification the
proposed classifier is superior to kNN, Bayes and
SVM methods. This situation and the best
classification results obtained by classic classifier
methods can be seen in comparison from Table 4.
Table 4: The comparison of the best classification results.
GESTURE 93.29 67.45 82.21
SEEDS 96.81 95.74 96.81
TELESCOPE 53.01 53.01 66.17
WINE 89.53 91.86 94.19
WISCONSIN 78.03 61.36 75.00
In this study, the novel Lorentzian Distance Classifier
for Multiple Feature (LCDMF) method is developed.
The proposed classifier uses the improved Feature
Selection in Lorentzian Space (FSLS) method. The
FSLS method was restructured according to
Lorentzian metric and based on  discriminative
criterion. It selects optimal feature subsets from data
set with the aim of to reduce the dimension. Thus, by
selecting most important feature subsets from original
data set according to Lorentzian space metric the best
classification results can be produced by proposed
LDC classifier. Also, in this study, the pre-processing
step is proposed. This pre-processing step is
important in terms of transforming the data and
making them suitable in Lorentzian space. Further,
the covariance matrix calculation in Lorentzian space
was described. The validity and correctness of the
proposed classifier were tested over GESTURE,
data sets. The performance of new proposed LDC
classifier over all data set was evaluated by
comparing the classification results with Bayes, kNN
and SVM classifiers outputs. In experiments besides
the results of the classical classifiers for selected
feature pairs, also the results for all features were
investigated and compared with the results of new
proposed method. As result of experiments, the
superiority of proposed LDC classifier to other classic
methods is clearly seen.
In future studies, Lorentzian metric may be used
for Principal Component Analysis by reconstruction
of its internal calculations. Furthermore, the structure
of the SVM method may also be reorganized
according to properties of the Lorentzian space.
These modifications could improve the success rate
of the classification.
This study was supported by TUBITAK (Turkish
Scientific and Technical Research Council). The
project number is 115E181.
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Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features