domains must scale from 1 agent on 1 team to
agents on teams with ≤ without artificially
limiting the search space of possible interpretations.
Ramirez and Geffner (2010) also compared that
optimal and satisficing planners, reducing run time
with little cost to PRAP accuracy. We are also
investigating alternative and specialized planners.
Secondly, moving to a probabilistic recognizer
allows for evaluating performance on suboptimal
action traces. While we are primarily interested in
applications that do not use base rates, our
probabilistic approach is very amenable to
introducing base rates, likely improving mean
precision and accuracy provided one is willing to
accept varying recall.
In this paper we introduced P-MAPRAP a
probabilistic version of MAPRAP, our MAPR
system based on an extension to PRAP. This
recognizer uses a multi-agent planning domain vice
a human-generated plan library. Our implementation
enforces generalization and eliminates the
dependency on human expertise in designating what
actions to watch in a domain.
We show that we can recognize team
compositions from an online action sequence,
without domain-specific tricks, and manage the very
large the search space of potential interpretations.
We evaluated the efficiency and performance of P-
MAPRAP a range of Team Blocks scenarios, and
compared these to a previous discrete version given
the same scenarios. Despite tracking all possible
interpretations, we found prioritizing consideration
of interpretations effectively prunes the search space
and this continues to reduce run-time independent of
the planner used. Our results placed P-MAPRAP
We evaluated our recognition performance on a
multi-agent version of the well-known Blocks World
domain. We assessed precision, recall, and accuracy
measures over time and compared those results with
discrete MAPRAP. In both cases we maintained
perfect recall, but observed low precision,
particularly during early stage recognition. Accuracy
was improved over discrete version. This in turn
requires more observations to limit potential
interpretations down to the single correct
interpretation. Our precision and accuracy measures
over time help quantify this difference.
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