A Review of Risk Identification Approaches in the Telecommunication
Ahmed Seid Yesuf
Deutsche Telekom Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security, Goethe University Frankfurt,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Risk Identification, Security, Telecommunication Service, Risk Assessment, Fraud Risk, Risk Management.
Risks in the telecommunication (telco) domain are complex to identify due to the involvement of several
independent stakeholders and the difficulty of predicting emerging threats to the services. This is costing
the Telecom operators billions of dollars. We believe the little emphasis given to the important step of risk
assessment process risk identification (RI) is the main reason for this loss. Unlike other domains, the
proprietary nature of Telecom systems makes it challenging to show the risk assessment approaches in the
domain. In this paper, we investigate the classifications of the RI approaches from the literature written on
the telco and other related domains. We also investigate the research trends in the last 16 years when Telecom
risks are evolving and the revenue loss of Telecom operators is largely affected. Based on our review, we also
show future research directions in the domain.
The lives of people are changing through time since
the beginning of telecommunication (telco) services.
Individuals able to communicate with their families,
friends and relatives from almost anywhere using
data, voice or video communication services. Compa-
nies and organisations facilitate their tasks better than
ever using the telco services. Telecom companies
strive to deliver their services considering customers’
information security and privacy requirements into
consideration. It is also obvious that they want to
protect their revenue stable and profitable. The re-
sponsibilities of a Telecom companies include accept-
ing, delivering and transmitting the message from a
sender to a recipient. Typical telco services are roam-
ing, VoIP, PBAX service, national and international
messaging and call services. Unfortunately, attackers
or fraudsters are working to deform the telco services
to gain individual or organised benefit, for instance,
using the service without payment.
According to the Communication Fraud Control
Association (CFCA)(CFCA, 2015), fraud is the use
of telco services or products with no intention of pay-
ment. Thus, fraud negatively affect the global telco
revenue. In 2015, fraud affect the global Telecom rev-
enue by almost $38.1 billion USD. It is lower from
the previous reporting years because the Telecom op-
erators outsource their fraud risk management to the
third party companies. Even though there is momen-
tum in reduction of fraud loss from 2009, it requires
a lot of work in risk reduction from the Telecom op-
erators’ perspective. The estimated global loss from
2000 is shown in Table 1. The two top most sustain-
able fraud categories from the year 2000 are subscrip-
tion and PBX hacking, where the loss in 2013, for in-
stance, is $5.22 and $4.42 billion USD respectively.
Despite the fact that the Telecom industry loses
billions of dollars every year due to several types
of risks (socio-technical-economic risks), the control
measures are not handling to stop risks from happen-
ing. The reasons are due to the following problems:
1) risks in the Telecom industry are not straight for-
ward to identify how they could happen, 2) the exist-
ing risk assessment process in the Telecom industry
couldn’t cope up with those complex, dynamic and
sophisticated attacks/fraud, and 3) researches on risk
assessment techniques are limited in the telco domain
to handle those risks. In this paper, we are interested
in business related and socio-technical risks, but we
use the general term risk to indicate also other types
of risks - fraud risks, performance and security risks.
In order to address problems, the risk assessment
process – specifically the risk identification (RI) stage
- plays an important role. There are different types of
RI approaches in the research community specific to
the field of studies. In this paper, we perform a sys-
tematic review to find out the existing RI approach-
Yesuf, A.
A Review of Risk Identification Approaches in the Telecommunication Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0006197603890396
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 389-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Yearly fraud loss (in billion USD) based on
CFCA(CFCA, 2015).
Year 2003 2006 2009 2011 2013 2015
Loss $35.0 $54.6 $72.8 $40.1 $46.3 $38.1
es/techniques available in the domain. This helps us
to identify the research landscape and shape future re-
search directions. Section 2 describes the scope and
methodology used for the review; Section 3 discusses
the findings including the research trends in the last
16 years. Finally, Section 4 highlights open issues
and future research directions of risks identification
in the domain.
Scope. To shape the scope of the review process, we
use Coopers literature review taxonomy (von Brocke
et al., 2009). The focus of the review is to investi-
gate and analyse the research outcomes and applica-
tions of the RI approaches. This happens by exhaus-
tively searching publications in the telco domain and
related domains. The goals of the review are: 1) iden-
tifying and classifying the RI approaches with their
applicability to the telco domain: the review mainly
focuses on the RI methods, frameworks or approaches
of the telco domain. But we also investigate the RI
approaches from related domains, e.g. e-commerce,
communication systems and network systems, in or-
der to find out approaches that are applicable to the
telco domain. 2) Finding out the research trends in
the domain: in order to understand the trends of the
literature, we exhaustively search the selective key-
words in each database for publications from 2000 to
2016. This is because since 2000 risks in the domain
get sophisticated and costs the Telecom operators bil-
lions of dollars (CFCA, 2015).
The general audience of the review include ex-
perts, scholars or practitioners in the telco sector.
Therefore, the selection of databases and keywords is
based on the above taxonomy.
Methodology: Search Resources. In order to span
several databases of literature in the selected domains,
we use well-known publishers in several disciplines:
IEEE, Springer, and ACM from the area of Com-
puter Science; AiSeL from the areas of Information
Systems; Elsevier from several disciplines spanning
from Computer Science, Engineering, E-commerce,
and Telecommunication. The combined search results
from these databases provide the big picture of the do-
main. The keywords are carefully selected to span the
problem domain. Besides, we include keywords re-
lated to e-commerce and communication systems in
order to observe how the problem is addressed in the
related field of studies. Even though the searching
mechanism varies from one database to another, we
kept the main scheme of our keywords in all of the se-
lected databases. The main query keywords are shown
{(" risk i de nt i fi c at io n " or " ris k
an a lys is " or " r is k ana lys e s " or
" ris k ass e ss m en t " or " ris k
ma nag e me n t " )
and ( m e thod or app roa c h or f r am e wor k )
and ( e ? c omm e rce or
el ect r on i c ? c om m erc e or
" c om m un i ca ti o n sy s tem " or
te le c om mu n ic at i on )
not ( a gr i cu l tu r e or oil or vo l ca n ic ) }
By searching the keywords in the databases above, 44
representative papers are filtered after fifth iterations.
The summary of iterations is listed in Table 2.
3.1 Classes of RI Approaches
RI is the process of finding out several types of risks in
an enterprise before, and after the system is developed
or the service is released to the customers. The RI ap-
proaches of the telco domain are limited in number
from the literature identified above but the fact that
we extended the search to the related domains (e.g.
e-commerce, communication networks and systems)
provide several other types of approaches which can
be extended and applicable to the telco domain. From
this, nine different RI classes of approaches are identi-
fied which allow us to classify the 44 papers observed
above. As the classes are produced considering the
perspective and emphasis of each paper (the input for
RI, the model leveraged, the security standard they
use), it can be extended to be used to observe papers in
similar domains. The following classes are produced.
The classification of RI approaches with respect to the
selected literature is shown in Table 3.
Model-based security engineering (MBSE): is a
strategy of assessing risks against the security re-
quirements/policies based on different types of sys-
tem models (e.g. system architecture, use-cases, se-
quence, deployment diagrams). These models provide
the possibility to understand the context of the risky
environment, which in the end need to be analysed.
Some of the MBSE approaches identified in the lit-
erature include CORAS(Aagedal et al., 2002; Gran
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Number of publications in each database.
Databases IEEE ACM Springer Elsevier AiSeL Total
iteration (first search) 657 749 694 582 284 2966
iteration (filtered by the titles) 128 40 61 40 22 291
iteration (filter by the abstracts) 55 20 8 11 11 105
iteration (filter by the contents) 42 42
iteration (with backward search) 44 44
Total number of publications observed 44
et al., 2007), UMLsec(Jurjens et al., 2008; Vinnakota,
2011), and goal-oriented analysis modelling.
Threat modelling: provide the capability of
analysing a system based on standardised threat mod-
els. Through understanding the context of target of
analysis, threats can be identified structurally us-
ing threat models. STRIDE
(Zalewski et al., 2013;
Prasad, 2007), for instance, is a threat model from Mi-
crosoft, which allows categorising threats of a target
of assessment. This threat categorisation provides an
indication to the available weaknesses of the system
and helps decision makers design countermeasures.
Structural analysis: is the conventional way of
structural analysis through identifying assets, vul-
nerabilities, threats and the probability of an attack
against identified assets.
Business process-based RI: is an approach that
business process models are used to identify risks in
an enterprise.
Data mining: analysing large amount of data (e.g.
usage characteristics of mobile call subscribers) to
identify the associated risks. Data mining is mainly
used to identify fraud related risks perpetrated in the
telecommunicaiton services.
Game theory: is a situation where the risk assess-
ment process is considered as a game, involving two
players: an attacker and a defender. The RI process
involves understanding the behaviour of the attacker,
i.e., the cost of the attack and the benefit from it. The
decision of the defender to defend the attack is, there-
fore, based on the attacker behaviour.
Methods and standards: Using different stan-
dards, some of the papers propose a risk man-
agement approaches mainly to deal with secu-
rity risks. ISO 27001 (Information Security Man-
agement), ISO27011 (Information security manage-
ment guidelines for telecommunications organiza-
tions based on ISO/IEC 27002) and ISO 31000 (Risk
Management principles and guidelines)(ISO, 2009).
Some other risk management methods, for instance,
CRAMM and HazOp are used to identify security
STRIDE: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Informa-
tion Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege
risks in telco.
Survey and Brainstorming: helps to understand
the context of the environment to be analysed through
preparing question-answer sessions, focus groups,
and continuous discussions. This is a classical ap-
proach that happens mostly when there is no sufficient
data to perform the risk assessment process.
Probabilistic analysis: analyses probabilities of,
for example, failure of a system to provide reliable
service to customers. Based on identified probabili-
ties, preventive measures take place.
Discussion: The Result. Model-based risk assess-
ment approach is proposed for telco domain in (Ju-
rjens et al., 2008) and (Vinnakota, 2011). UMLsec
- one of model-based approaches and the extension
of UML modelling - is used to identify and analyse
risks in mobile communication systems (Jurjens et al.,
2008). It provides the possibility of integrating se-
curity requirements (basically security policies) of a
Telecom enterprise into the development of a secured
system. In (Vinnakota, 2011), Cybernetics Risk In-
fluence Diagraming (CRID) is used to identify inter-
connected, interrelated and emerging risks in a soft-
ware project, which is applicable to the Telecom do-
main. CRID begins its process by identifying risk in-
fluencers - events or conditions - that lead for a risk to
happen. With the involvement of project manager and
team members of a project, the influence of each risk
influencers will be identified. This process iterates at
each stage of the project life cycle to identify and eval-
uate risks of the project. Some papers from the re-
lated domains have proposed security risk modelling
and assessment approaches of their IT systems and
services (Mounzer et al., 2010), (Dantu et al., 2004),
(Aagedal et al., 2002), (Sadiq et al., 2010), (Zalewski
et al., 2013), (Nostro et al., 2014), (Cholez and Feltus,
2014), by which some of them are applicable in the
telco domain. To mention some of the others, the RI
process in (Mounzer et al., 2010) is a structural way
of identifying threats and the corresponding attacks
against the crucial assets of a system, even though
the main focus is given to the assessment and mitiga-
tion stages of the risk management process. Based up
A Review of Risk Identification Approaches in the Telecommunication Domain
Table 3: Classification of RI approaches.
Classes of RI ap-
Known approaches from the se-
lected literature
Model-based secu-
rity engineering
UMLsec, Archimate, ISRM,
Mission tree, goal-oriented, use
case diagram, multi-layer tree,
CRID, graphs, attack graph,
CRID technique, CORAS
(Jurjens et al., 2008) (Vinnakota, 2011) (Mounzer et al., 2010)
(Dantu et al., 2004) (Aagedal et al., 2002) (Sadiq et al., 2010)
(Zalewski et al., 2013) (Nostro et al., 2014) (Cholez and Fel-
tus, 2014) (Gran et al., 2007) (Ariss, 2011) (Clark et al., 2008)
(Prasad, 2007) (Wu and Wang, 2011)
Threat modelling STRIDE, DREAD, fault tree (Prasad, 2007) (Zalewski et al., 2013)
Structural analysis Identification of assets, inter-
nal/external risk factors
(Prasad, 2007) (La Corte and Scat
a, 2010) (Rossebø et al.,
2007) (Yu and Wu, 2010) (Iannicca et al., 2013) (Rippon,
2006) (Tsai and Huang, 2011)
Business process
based RI
Mapping business process with
the probabilities of failure, im-
pact analysis
(Ernawati et al., 2012) (Mayer and Aubert, 2014) (O’Donnell,
2005) (Rohde et al., 2016)
Data mining Fraud detection algorithms (Harmantzis and Malek, 2004) (Bihina Bella et al., 2009)
(Brucker et al., 2010) (Subudhi and Panigrahi, 2015) (Tseng
et al., 2015) (Subudhi and Panigrahi, 2015) (Tseng et al.,
Game Theory Attacker-defender model (He et al., 2008)
Methods and stan-
based on CRAMM, HazOp,
NIST, ISO 27001, ISO 31000,
ISO 27011
(Mounzer et al., 2010) (Aagedal et al., 2002) (Ernawati et al.,
2012) (Mayer and Aubert, 2014) (Stoneburner et al., 2002)
(Vahl et al., 2009) (Seify and Bijani, 2009) (Bojanc and
c, 2008)
Survey and Brain-
Questions-Answers, discussions,
SWOT analysis, SJT, existing lit-
(Mounzer et al., 2010) (Sadiq et al., 2010) (Rippon, 2006)
(Martinez-moyano et al., 2006) (Esteves et al., 2004)
(Herzfeldt et al., 2012) (Macwan, 2004) (Sutton et al., 2008)
(Rohde et al., 2016)
Probabilistic analy-
Bayesian networks; Failure of
system, router
(Dantu et al., 2004) (Vidalenc and Ciavaglia, 2010) (Sherif
et al., 2003) (Wickboldt et al., 2011) (Cortellessa et al., 2005)
on the preliminary RI process, the risk modelling and
control/mitigation is performed through graph-based
approach and mathematical optimisation respectively.
In order to estimate risks of a critical resources in an
enterprise, (Dantu et al., 2004) argues that identify-
ing the behaviour of attackers play an important role.
A behaviour-based attack graph is used to show their
argumentation. Another model-based enterprise risk
assessment approach called CORAS (Aagedal et al.,
2002; Gran et al., 2007) uses modelling of unwanted
incidents, vulnerabilities and threat scenarios of a sys-
tem to identify risks against the target of assessment.
Threat modelling is also used as an approach
to identify risks. It is the process of identify-
ing threats structurally using standard threat mod-
els, e.g. STRIDE, DREAD (Prasad, 2007) or fault
trees (Prasad, 2007); in this regard, besides integrat-
ing other model-based risk assessment models, (Za-
lewski et al., 2013) and (Prasad, 2007) leveraged Mi-
crosoft STRIDE threat model and fault trees to anal-
ysis the security of cyber-physical systems and en-
terprise risks respectively. Even though some of the
literature above follows structural analysis together
with the model-based approach, there exist literature
which only used the structural analysis - identify as-
sets, vulnerabilities, threats to find out security risks
(La Corte and Scat
a, 2010) (Rossebø et al., 2007) (Yu
and Wu, 2010) (Iannicca et al., 2013) (Rippon, 2006)
(Tsai and Huang, 2011). The approaches from (La
Corte and Scat
a, 2010), (Rossebø et al., 2007), (Yu
and Wu, 2010), and (Rippon, 2006) are applied in the
telco domain.
Some of the RI approaches use business processes
to identify risks in an enterprise (Ernawati et al.,
2012), (Mayer and Aubert, 2014) and (O’Donnell,
2005), where the first two papers applied the approach
for the telco domain. Some others, (Harmantzis and
Malek, 2004) (Bihina Bella et al., 2009) and (Brucker
et al., 2010) describe and use approaches of data min-
ing for identifying fraud risk in the telco domain.
Under the class of Standards and Methods, secu-
rity standards and other known methods (e.g. Ha-
Zop) are used in the risk assessment and manage-
ment process including RI (Mounzer et al., 2010)
(Aagedal et al., 2002) (Ernawati et al., 2012) (Mayer
and Aubert, 2014) (Stoneburner et al., 2002) (Vahl
et al., 2009) (Seify and Bijani, 2009) (Bojanc and
c, 2008).
Discussions, SWOT analysis, existing literature
and survey are also considered as a way to iden-
tify different types of risks in (Mounzer et al.,
2010) (Sadiq et al., 2010) (Rippon, 2006) (Martinez-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: The distribution of papers to the RI approaches
for different types of domains. SDC (Single Domain Case),
DDC (Double Domain Case).
moyano et al., 2006) (Esteves et al., 2004) (Herzfeldt
et al., 2012) (Macwan, 2004) (Sutton et al., 2008).
Research Focus of the Selected Papers. We show
the results using the RFC 2904 requirements (Voll-
brecht et al., 2000) that helps to categorise the focus
of the selected papers based on the authorisation level
- single domain case (SDC) and distributed domain
case (DDC). In a single domain case (SDC) there ex-
ists only one administration domain that put decisions
on different aspects; everything else is grouped into a
distributed domain case (DDC). Considering the con-
text of the telco as a system or a service released to
customers, we further have three subcategories of ap-
plicability: before, at real-time and after a system is
developed or a service is released to customers. The
distribution of the selected papers in the telco and
other related domains is shown in Figure 1. Open re-
search gaps in SDC domain include threat modelling
approaches, game theory and data mining. In addition
to these, structural analysis, business process based
RI, and probabilistic analysis are the research gaps in
the domain of DDC. This helps to understand the re-
search landscape of the telco domain and other do-
mains (specifically e-commerce and communication
In general, we draw the following key points: 1)
Risks in the telco domain are continuous and happen
in variety of forms, but the RI approaches only apply
to specific domains. 2) The review based on public re-
searches on this area only reveals the partial image of
the problem. The challenges include lack of enough
publication resources, difficulty of getting real telco
data to do researches and willingness of the Telecom
operators for external researchers.
3.2 The Research Trend
In the first five years, mobile applications, the devel-
opment of application software for smart phones and
the next generation networks (NGN) were the topic of
discussion. The risk management and assessment ap-
proaches were, therefore, targeting such trend to iden-
tify risks, analyse the impacts and provide counter-
measures of different types of risks (including human
From the beginning of 2006, IP-based telco ser-
vices, as the main part of NGN, were widely adopted
to provide the complementary functionalities to the
classic audio, messaging and data services. Since then
the research trend were extended to risk assessment
of the NGN networks and associated elements that go
together with it, including risks of network infrastruc-
tures, mobile applications development, fraud risks
and leakage of customers information. Several risk
assessment and management approaches were pro-
posed. More than 30% of the selected telco papers
lied between 2006 and 2010.
In continuation to the above trend, due to the in-
troduction of NGN, the Telecom enterprise have en-
forced to work together with other enterprises includ-
ing banks. This relationship also produced new busi-
ness and security risks. The regulatory bodies mod-
ify the existing regulations on the telco services based
on the new types of services. So flexible ways of
risk management and assessment approaches were the
main focus of discussions. Table 4 summarises the
main focus of the selected papers and the types of
telco risks with in different years of time.
The RI approaches identified above cover some of the
telco risks in the domain. We believe telco risks can
be minimised through investigation of specific prob-
lems and researching suitable approaches, which can
prevent risks before occurring or before the damage
escalates beyond a threshold. From this perspective
the following are future research directions on identi-
fication of telco risks.
Usage of model-based security engineering
(MBSE) for several types of risks: MBSE is applicable
to many of risk assessment problems in the telco do-
main. From the review, (Jurjens et al., 2008) shows
how the security policies of a company can be en-
forced and verified on telco network architectures and
communications. This is the effort of involving MBSE
A Review of Risk Identification Approaches in the Telecommunication Domain
Table 4: The research trends between 2000 and 2016, based on the selected papers.
Years Types of risks Main focus Literature
2000 -
Security risks, enter-
prise risks (business
process performance
risks) and Human
Vulnerability identification of
network-based systems,
Model-based risk assessment,
Event (negative) identification of
an enterprise,
Risk management approaches,
Performance risk assessment
(Aagedal et al., 2002) (Cortellessa et al.,
2005) (Dantu et al., 2004) (O’Donnell,
2005) (Sherif et al., 2003) (Stoneburner
et al., 2002) (Harmantzis and Malek, 2004)
(Esteves et al., 2004) (Macwan, 2004)
2006 -
Security risks (of
mobile applications,
software, network
mobile network),
Risks of NGN (next
generation networks),
IP-based voice systems,
Fraud risks (of NGN),
Data leakage (of
customer information)
Risk management approaches (us-
ing model-based security risk as-
sessment, considering business ob-
Model-based software risk analysis
and evaluation,
Game theory as security risk assess-
ment paradigm,
Determination of investment in in-
formation security,
Fraud management systems
(Clark et al., 2008) (Vahl et al., 2009)
(Vidalenc and Ciavaglia, 2010) (Yu and
Wu, 2010) (Prasad, 2007) (Rippon, 2006)
(Buhr et al., 2007) (Iannicca et al., 2013)
(Sadiq et al., 2010) (Seify and Bijani, 2009)
(Rossebø et al., 2007) (La Corte and Scat
2010) (He et al., 2008) (Gran et al., 2007)
(Bihina Bella et al., 2009) (Bojanc and
c, 2008) (Brucker et al., 2010)
(Mounzer et al., 2010) (Jurjens et al., 2008)
2011 -
Security risks, Perfor-
mance risks,
Risks because of telco
Integrated risks (busi-
ness, technology and
social risks), Fraud
Risk Management (based on IT se-
curity standards,
Systematic assessments of a project
(e.g. telco software) risks,
Model-based risk assessment,
Vulnerability management, Fraud
(Zalewski et al., 2013) (Ariss, 2011) (Wu
and Wang, 2011) (Vinnakota, 2011) (Wick-
boldt et al., 2011) (Tsai and Huang, 2011)
(Nostro et al., 2014) (Mayer and Aubert,
2014) (Iannicca et al., 2013) (Cholez
and Feltus, 2014) (Ernawati et al., 2012)
(Herzfeldt et al., 2012) (Subudhi and Pan-
igrahi, 2015) (Tseng et al., 2015) (Rohde
et al., 2016)
in the development of mobile applications. An in-
teresting development could go beyond enforcement
of security requirements. For instance, MBSE can
itself help in identifying other security, transaction,
and privacy risks. The combination of MBSE mod-
els can also represent other risks as shown from some
of the papers from related fields (e.g. (Dantu et al.,
2004) shows how behaviour based attack graph can
be used in assessing enterprise risks). In this regard,
the EU project TREsPASS (Montoya, 2013; Pieters
et al., 2014) strives to come up with a modelling ap-
proach which identifies, analyse and prioritize socio-
technical risks covering the telco domain.
Unlike for other domains, real-time RI approaches
of the telco domain identify risks after the damage has
occurred. In a call service, for instance, a real-time RI
approach detects only after some amount of call traf-
fic has been inflated. Unfortunately, the damage has
already been done even though the risk has been de-
tected. Therefore, a RI and assessment approach that
takes the call payment plan, telco services architec-
ture and surrounding context into consideration is an
interesting research direction which prevent risks be-
fore happening.
Risks in distributed domain case, for instance
roaming, involve multiple operators where the autho-
risation level for each of operators is different. Risks
emerge not only from the weaknesses of the home op-
erators but also due to existing settings of other oper-
ators. A new requirement of a RI approach from this
regard is that it should engage the existing settings of
the surrounding environment. From our review, we
identified data mining approaches and business pro-
cess based approaches are open issues that could ad-
dress such problems when they are designed to a spe-
cific set of problems involving several authorization
levels. Other types of RI approaches including game
theory, threat modelling and probabilistic analysis are
also the potential approaches that can be applicable
together with other types of approaches.
Data mining approaches are observed strong in RI
and real-time risk detection. Through identifying pat-
terns of the risky situation, this approach detects risks
at real-time. The fact that risks are detected after the
damage has been done limits the full functionality of
this approach. Instead, preventive RI approaches (e.g.
analysis of service contracts and policies) can help de-
velop the maximum possible prevention and detection
As new technologies get increased, the risk assess-
ment approach should also adopt the changes to pre-
vent emerging risks. Fraud risks could emerge due to
the tariff plan of operators, social engineering attacks,
flawed business processes and transaction failures. A
RI approach, therefore, should consider internal and
external risk motivating factors (e.g. the security level
of employees and market competition respectively).
In general, due to the complication of risks in the
telco domain, the risk assessment steps should also
be designed taking such complication into considera-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tion. In this regard, this paper provides an overview
of classes of RI approaches, investigate the research
trends and future research directions of risk assess-
ment steps in the telco domain.
Part of the research leading to these results has
received funding from the European Union Sev-
enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under
grant agreement no. 318003 (TREsPASS). This pub-
lication reflects only the authors’ views and the Union
is not liable for any use that may be made of the in-
formation contained herein.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy