to a task process whose resource launches a thread
for reading on the serial port and that processes the
specified component that each time a data is read. In-
deed, some components whose implementations have
to be provided by developers should refer to generated
components. This is a shortcoming of this approach.
The current work presents a model-driven develop-
ment for automatically generating source code of
service-oriented JEE applications that corresponds to
SCADA applications from a model of sensor and actu-
ator networks. This approach consists of a model-to-
model transformation from a domain-specific meta-
model of sensor and actuator networks to a meta-
model of component-based web services; the code
generation is delegated to the REIFIER tool that pro-
vide JEE application source code from web service
models. It makes possible to develop customized
SCADA applications for given sensor and actuator
networks and to reverse SCADA application engineer-
ing. In fact, the traditional approach consists in cus-
tomizing an existing SCADA application.
Prospects are threefold. Firstly, it aims at ensuring
smart network security and modelling roles and grants
of users in order to generate industrial-like SCADA
applications and fine-grained user management. Sec-
ondly, it aims at designing a top-down engineering of
sensor and actuator networks by incremental refine-
ment steps from sensor and actuator specifications to
implementations. Thirdly, it aims at integrating com-
mon patterns of data analysis directly as artifacts of
the model transformation instead of embedding into
SCADA applications them as user triggered processes
of sensor and actuator network models.
The research leading to these results was partially
funded by the ITEA 2 project FUSE-IT.
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MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development