selected randomly and automatically by selecting
some voxels corresponding to bone (voxels with
Hounsfield values over 1700). The inclusion
criterion only takes into account Hounsfield values
within a range specified by the user by means of two
range values. Experimentally, the best lower and
upper inclusion values were 800 and 2500,
respectively. Only voxels with values within the
range are selected if also their neighbouring voxels
have Hounsfield values within the same range. With
this algorithm, artifacts or air (like in lungs or
outside the body) are discarded. The result is a
binarized image.
Figure 3: Examples of the 3D surface (skin) of a patient.
Left figures correspond to the surface before the skin
extraction operation. Right figures show the outer surface
of the patient.
The outer boundary of the binarized image will
correspond to the skin. Thus, in the second step, an
structure element of 3 voxels in the xy axis and 1
voxel in the z axis is employed. Using a simple
erosion morphological operation and substracting
the result to the original binarized image, the skin
can be obtained.
Fig. 2 shows the skin boundaries of three CT
slices corresponding to three different patients. Fig.
3 shows two examples of the 3D surface (skin) of a
patient. Left figures correspond to the surface before
the skin extraction operation. Right figures show the
outer surface (skin) of the patient. Note in Fig. 2 and
3 how artificial artefacts, such as sheets or bed, have
been removed.
2.2 Bone Segmentation
The algorithm for bone segmentation has three
different stages.
2.2.1 Normalization
In the first stage, a thresholding operation is
performed in order to remove soft tissue (such as fat
or some organs) with Hounsfield values below those
present in bones. To compute this threshold a set of
training CT slices were analyzed to determine the
minimum value present in all the bone structures.
More particularly, the training set was composed by
10 CT slices extracted from CTs of different patients
and different to those used in the test set.
Subsequently, a threshold was chosen under this
minimum value. The thresholding operation
guarantees that all the bone structures are maintained
in the CT slices while removing all those soft tissue
structures which could interfere in the bone structure
delimitation. The experimentally threshold obtained
had a value of 900 HU (Hounsfield Units). With this
thresholding operation all the bone structures are
still clearly visible while many of the soft tissues
have been removed.
Finally, the CT volumes are scaled with the
following scaling operation:
where Thresh_Im is the thresholded Image obtained
in the previous step and Scaled_im is the Image
obtained after the scaling operation. The maximum
value within the training set is used also to scale the
Dicom CT slices. Note that with this scaling
operation the Dicom slices will have values in the
range [0,1].
2.2.2 Computation of Statistical Distance
In the second stage, using all the voxels within bone
structures in all the scaled CT slices belonging to the
training set, the mean and variance parameters are
extracted. This set of two parameters is denoted as
RSP (Reference Statistical Parameters). Then, for
each CT volume in the test dataset and at each voxel
position (x,y,z), the parameters mean and variance
are computed using a 5x5 local neighborhood around
the voxel position (x,y,z). Then, the Euclidean
distance from this computed set of parameters to the
reference parameter set RSP (mean and variance) is
obtained. This distance value is stored in the called