focused in urban centres, Overeem et al. (2013)
proposed an Android application (Weather Signal)
that uses an algorithm to estimate the air temperature
from the battery temperature of smartphones through
a heat-transfer model considering some additional
parameters. To evaluate the performance of this new
proposal, they compared official air temperature data
from official entities with the data from their
experiment in defined time intervals, and found very
positive indicators, but still requiring some
adjustments in the heat-transfer model.
In a more recent work with smartphones and
urban sensing, the HazeWatch project (Hu et al. 2016)
used the smartphone as an intermediary between a
proprietary data-collection platform and the end-
users. The project relies in the mobility of the
platform, often carried by taxis, bicycles and
voluntaries to identify phenomena that can be unseen
by stationary and official platforms. The
communication between smartphones and the
platforms is through Bluetooth, the smartphone
process the data and then upload them to the cloud
using mobile Internet access networks. They reached
very solid results, but identified the cost of the
platform and its weight as a limitation that hinds the
spread of this initiative, due to motivations-related
There are also efforts towards the user’s
motivation and engagement in collaborative sensing.
When using smartphones, the main issue relates to
battery consumption. People avoid to use applications
that drain too much energy from batteries and has too
few to offer in exchange. Rodrigues et al. (2012)
investigated the “engagement of users” in
participatory mobile campaigns. As they identified
the energy drain as one predominant negative aspect
to attract more – and keep the existing – smartphone
users, the authors introduced a desktop application to
be used in laptops, that are also pervasive, in a study
of human mobility. As results, they appointed that the
initial attraction of users to get involved, in low and
medium quantities, is not difficult, but the main
challenge found is how to keep these users active for
long-periods, as well as to reach a massive numbers
of users even when rewards are considered.
Yet on motivation and engagement studies, the
authors in Zaman et al. (2014) demonstrated that
collaborative campaigns often emerges from
common concerns of a group of people or
community, and proposed a conceptual framework
for management and orchestration of community
campaigns driven by citizens. The most relevant a
subject is for a group of people or community, the
higher are the chances of more users getting involved.
So, keeping these users active through time is also
dependent on how the main subject of a campaign is
important for each individual, on the role each person
can play in it (citizen participation), and also in the
quality of data generated by the campaign and made
available to its users (closing the loop).
Relying on these efforts, and on the fact that there
are a reasonable number of people carrying
smartphones with environmental sensors everywhere,
the idea of using these embedded sensors for a
ubiquitous, collaborative and smart sensor grid
emerged inside the smart cities and environmental
monitoring contexts. Thus, the motivation used as
ground to this investigation is the importance to
develop an analysis about the potential role of
smartphones for the environmental monitoring, either
in urban centres or indoors, using its own hardware in
the data-collection stage through some technical
considerations about the data quality and other related
In recently years we observed an empowerment of
smartphones capabilities through the aggregation of
several features such as GPS, accelerometers,
gyroscopes and lux meters. The presence of these
sensors transformed the mobile phones into versatile
devices. Thus, the embedding of temperature,
pressure and humidity sensors in popular phones,
such as the Samsung Galaxy S4
(iFixit, 2013),
highlighted the possibility of a totally new way of
environmental sensing using smartphones.
Table 1 shows the current models of smartphones
with environmental sensors embedded, obtained from
screening in smartphone-specialized websites
databases. The first conclusion is that environmental
sensors were hugely deployed in 2013 by Samsung,
but they not maintained the trend to the current days
(some of these sensors were not included in newer
models). The only environmental sensor that stills
currently being embedded in a considerable
percentage of devices is the barometric sensor,
probably due to its function in altitude positioning.
This is corroborated by the data extracted from the
Open Signal crowd sensing campaign for Android
devices, where it is possible to see that
environmental-enabled smartphones in activity
decreased in number from 2014 to 2015 (Open
Signal, 2015).
Bearing this information, Table 2 depicts the
quantitative of devices listed in Table 1 that was seen