UBM/GMM system needs 0.03 second to pro-
cess 1 second of data in the adaptation phase and 0.01
second in the scoring phase. While for the proposed
HMM system, the time needed for the adaptation
to process 1 second of data is 1.2 second. For the
scoring part, the LLR and the concurrent scoring
methods require, respectively, 0.07 second and 0.6
second to process 1 second of data.
In this paper, a data-driven HMM modeling is pro-
posed for text-dependent speaker verification to ex-
ploit the temporal information of speech data. The
data-driven models are trained on raw speech data
to obtain a set of generic HMMs. This set is then
adapted to the target speaker and lexical content of
the pass-phrase. Two systems based on log-likelihood
radio and concurrent scoring are introduced. The sys-
tems are evaluated on Part1 of RSR2015 database.
This evaluation shows that concurrent scoring sys-
tem is more accurate than the one based on the log-
likelihood ratio. Moreover, the results show the rele-
vance of the proposed method when compared with
an UBM/GMM and the HiLAM systems. Future
works will be dedicated on the evaluation of the
proposed system on Part2 and 3 of the RSR2015
database. In addition, the concurrent scoring method
should be accelerated in case of integration on a mo-
bile device.
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods