For some datasets, the ARIMA model presented
better forecast results (smaller PAAE) when
compared with the ARFIMA model. This might be
because the ARFIMA model is based on a long
memory process, while some datasets are less
affected by external activities and other processes.
However, that does not imply that having more
historical data will always result in a better forecast.
In a linear model scenario, independently of the used
statistical properties and the monitoring of memory
dependency values, the data itself should still be
carefully analysed in order to achieve an accurate
This indicates that it is not always clear how
much impact the past values have on the
accumulative error and what is their influence in the
future values. A possible solution for this is to
increase the lag in the ACF and observe the effect of
the prediction accuracy of future values. Different
time windows can also be used to achieve a better
fitting, as observed in the course of this study.
Specific pre-processing operations can be
applied to each dataset in order to reduce the
accumulative error, but only in situations in which a
clear objective exists.
The obtained results motivate the development
of a combined methodology compatible with both
fractional and integer integration values along the
time series prediction, in order to account for short
and long memory dependencies. Future work also
include the use of more and larger datasets in order
to further understand the memory dependency
effects on time series forecasting.
The first author is supported by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT), Government of Japan.
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