In this paper, we have applied different compression
techniques on Fisher vectors derived from restricted
Boltzmann machine to make them amenable for large
scale retrieval problems. We explored four different
dimensionality reduction techniques for Fisher vec-
tors: PCA, spectral hashing, parametric t-SNE and
autoencoder,and found that parametric t-SNE outper-
forms all the other techniques on high dimensional
Fisher vectors. Moreover, the Max-Min normalisa-
tion scheme improves the accuracy of the linear clas-
sifier in Euclidian space.
In the future, we would extend our experiments
to other large scale data sets like PASCAL-VOC (Ev-
eringham et al., 2015) and ImageNet (Russakovsky
et al., 2015) and test the classification performance of
compressed Fisher scores with other competitive clas-
sifiers like support vector machines (SVM). In addi-
tion, we shall also explore if feature selection meth-
ods are much apt than feature compression schemes
to reduce the dimensionality of deep Fisher vectors
for retrieval tasks.
This research was supported by Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan (SRGP: 21-402) & NVIDIA
(Ref.: 281400) with a valuable donation of Titan-X
graphics card.
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