Furthermore, by replacing the ROS framework
with other means for communication our approach
may also be applied to other application areas where
a multi-agent system should use a common human-
machine interface to communicate with its users.
Other modalities could also be developed in
addition to the speech interface. By extending the
functionality of the Voice Agent other input methods
like text input with autosuggest function, gesture
recognition or simple menu-based interfaces could
also be implemented. Such additional modalities can
amplify the disambiguation capabilities and improve
the efficiency of the communication (Green 2009,
Breuer 2012, Fardana 2013).
This work was supported in part by ARTEMIS Joint
Undertaking and in part by the Hungarian National
Research, Development and Innovation Fund within
the framework of the Reconfigurable ROS-based
Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems
(R5-COP) Project.
The prototype application was developed by a
group of researchers including István Engedy, Péter
Eredics and Péter Györke at our department.
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Agent-based Reconfigurable Natural Language Interface to Robots - Human-Agent Interaction using Task-specific Controlled Natural