CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
Razvan Beuran, Cuong Pham, Dat Tang, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yasuo Tan and Yoichi Shinoda
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
Cybersecurity Training, Cybersecurity Education, Cyber Range, Information Security Testing and Assess-
In a world in which cyber-attacks occur on a daily basis, cybersecurity education and training are indispens-
able. Current training programs rely on manual setup and configuration for hands-on activities, which is a
tedious and error-prone task. In this paper we present CyTrONE, an integrated cybersecurity training frame-
work that we designed and implemented to address such shortcomings. The key insight is automating the
training content generation and environment setup tasks. The advantages of this approach are: (i) improve the
accuracy of the training setup; (ii) decrease the setup time and cost; (iii) make training possible repeatedly, and
for a large number of participants. In the paper we thoroughly discuss the architecture and implementation of
the framework, and we evaluate it from several perspectives in order to demonstrate that CyTrONE meets the
aforementioned objectives.
Cyber-attacks occur worldwide on a daily basis. The
cyber breach at the Target stores in the U.S. in 2013
compromised the credit and debit card information of
40 million shoppers. In 2015 the Japan Pension Ser-
vice was hacked, which led to the exposure of per-
sonal data of 1.25 million of its users. A recently
disclosed breach at Yahoo, that actually occurred in
2014, compromised the accounts of more than 500
million users—and it is considered to be the largest
discovered breach in the history of Internet so far.
In this context cybersecurity education and train-
ing are becoming more and more relevant, as the only
way in which such cyber breaches can be prevented
and handled adequately. There is a plethora of avail-
able training programs, most of them paid, but also
several to which participation is free. In Japan, for
instance, CYDER (MIC, 2016) is a program coordi-
nated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Commu-
nications for providing hands-on training to IT per-
sonnel of government organizations and large com-
panies. Hardening Project (WASForum, 2016) is a
security contest organized by the Web Application
Security Forum in Japan, in which teams of secu-
rity experts and IT professionals compete with each
other in terms of the security improvements they can
provide in a realistic e-commerce company network.
Also in Japan, enPiT-Security (SecCap) (enPiT Uni-
versity Consortium, 2016) is an education program
targeting students that is supported by the Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technol-
ogy, and organized by a consortium of ve universi-
ties. Amongst the paid cybersecurity education and
training programs available internationally, we men-
tion the training provided by the SANS Institute, both
as live courses and online training (NetWars) (SANS
Institute, 2016).
Such education and training programs make use of
specifically set-up training environments for hands-
on activities meant to improve the practical skills of
the participants. However, many of the current train-
ing programs rely on the manual setup and configu-
ration of these environments, which is a tedious and
error-prone task. Although some training programs
may employ various tools behind the scenes to facil-
itate setup tasks, such tools are not disclosed, there-
fore they do not benefit the public at large. Thus, our
analysis of training programs in Japan (Beuran et al.,
2016) has shown that only one of the surveyed pro-
grams, namely Hardening Project, is consistently au-
tomating setup tasks, even though the said automation
refers only to the execution environment itself, and
not to security content creation, which is still done
We believe in the democratization of cybersecu-
rity training. We believe that, while the improvement
of the skills of current security professionals in vari-
ous organizations, companies and in the military is of
course important, the only solution for making it pos-
sible to cope with the ever increasing cybersecurity
threats is to have large-scale education and training
programs that reach young people in universities, col-
leges and even high schools.
Beuran, R., Pham, C., Tang, D., Chinen, K-i., Tan, Y. and Shinoda, Y.
CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0006206401570166
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 157-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For this reason we have proceeded to design and
implement CyTrONE (Cybersecurity Training and
Operation Network Environment), a cybersecurity
training framework that aims to facilitate training ac-
tivities by providing an open-source framework that
automates the training content generation and envi-
ronment setup tasks. The advantages of this approach
are threefold: (i) improve the accuracy of the training
setup; (ii) decrease the setup time and cost; (iii) make
training possible repeatedly, for many participants.
We stress that CyTrONE is not a cloud con-
troller, such as OpenStack (The OpenStack Founda-
tion, 2016), nor simply a management tool, such as
Ansible (Red Hat, Inc., 2016) or Chef (Chef, 2016),
although it shares some features with such systems.
CyTrONE is indeed an integrated framework for cy-
bersecurity training that covers all the necessary func-
tionality, from user interfaces for both organizers and
trainees, continuing with training content generation
and security content creation, and finishing with train-
ing environment setup and cleanup.
The main contributions of the present paper are:
Present the design and implementation of the
CyTrONE cybersecurity training framework;
Evaluate the CyTrONE framework from several
perspectives to demonstrate that it meets the
aforementioned goals;
Discuss future directions for improving the
present framework in particular, and cybersecu-
rity training in general.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we discuss in more detail the prin-
ciples that guided the framework design, and how we
addressed them in practice. Then, in Section 3, we
provide more technical details about the actual frame-
work implementation, and about its components. This
is followed (Section 4) by a multi-perspective eval-
uation of the framework which demonstrates that it
meets the design requirements. Finally, in Section 5,
we discuss our vision for further improving cyberse-
curity education and training. The paper ends with
conclusions and references.
In this section we present some background informa-
tion, the design requirements that have driven the de-
velopment of CyTrONE, and the actual design.
2.1 Background
The training environments used in cybersecurity
training are typically known as cyber ranges. The un-
derlying concept of this kind of practical training is
illustrated in Figure 1. Thus, in addition to theoretical
lectures, the trainees have access to a network envi-
ronment in which they can practice and improve their
skills. Such an environment could contain traces of
cyber-attacks, for use in forensics training, but could
also be subjected to live attacks by white-hat hack-
ers, for use in defense and even attack training (see
(Beuran et al., 2016) for a more detailed description
of security training methodologies).
Whit e-hat
Trai nees
Cy be r &R a n g e
Trai nees Instruc tors
Netwo rk(Environment
Figure 1: The concept of cybersecurity training conducted
using cyber range environments.
For a realistic training, trainees could also com-
municate with staff members, similarly to what would
be required in the case of a real cyber-attack, for in-
stance in order to report the issue to management, to
request assistance from a cybersecurity company, etc.
2.2 Design Requirements
The issues of current cybersecurity education and
training programs need to be considered for improv-
ing their effectiveness. A deep analysis conducted
in (Beuran et al., 2016) led to the establishment of a
set of requirements for any effective security training
The training content should be appropriate for the
target audience in terms of knowledge and ability
The training content should be in accordance with
the skills that the program aims to develop;
The training program should use hands-on activi-
ties for developing practical abilities, so as to en-
sure that trainees can subsequently deal with real-
life incidents;
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The training program should reach a large audi-
ence, in order to have a significant impact on the
cybersecurity readiness of a country;
The training program should have good
cost/performance characteristics, so that it is
sustainable on long term.
These requirements can be reflected in practice by
noting that they refer to two key aspects: (i) train-
ing content, and (ii) hands-on activities. Therefore, in
terms of practical implementation, the above require-
ments can be mapped into two features that are nec-
essary for creating an effective cybersecurity training
1. Ability to modify and add new training content in
an easy manner;
2. Ability to automatically create and manage the
training environment.
2.3 Framework Design
We designed the cybersecurity training framework
CyTrONE specifically to meet the aforementioned re-
quirements; an overview of the framework design is
shown in Figure 2.
Tr ain i n g '
Figure 2: Design overview of the CyTrONE cybersecurity
training framework.
Specifically, based on training organizer input,
CyTrONE will generate the training content for a par-
ticular training session, and upload it to an e-Learning
system (also known as Learning Management Sys-
tem, or LMS). Simultaneously, CyTrONE will create
the cyber range training environment corresponding
to that training content. This automatic generation is
made possible through the use of an easily updatable
training database, which contains all the necessary in-
formation, both regarding the training content that is
shown to the trainees, and the properties of the associ-
ated training environment. This design addresses the
requirements in Section 2.2 as detailed next.
2.3.1 Training Content Management
To deal with the first implementation requirement re-
garding the easy modification and addition of training
content, we decided to use the YAML text-based for-
mat (Evans, 2016) for representing the training sce-
narios (descriptions, questions, and answers). Thus,
this information can be easily updated by the train-
ing organizers, without a need for significant techni-
cal knowledge. Moreover, we envisage that in the fu-
ture questions could also be partially generated based
on meta-level descriptions, such as training topics,
by using information from a richer training database
(see also Section 5.2). In all cases, the correspond-
ing training content as shown to trainees is produced
automatically, without any direct intervention.
2.3.2 Cyber Range Creation
Current cyber ranges are highly customized, and their
setup requires a high level of cybersecurity expertise.
This makes it prohibitive to setup complex environ-
ments, which leads to high training costs. The reuse
of cyber range environments for subsequent training
sessions is often considered as an acceptable solu-
tion, but this limits the quality of the training, since
the environments cannot be updated if the need arises.
Moreover, it engenders the possibility of information
leakage, hence it decreases the effectiveness of the cy-
ber range as a skill-evaluation tool. The automatic cy-
ber range instantiation functionality in our framework
addresses this issue, and thus meets the second im-
plementation requirement for effective cybersecurity
training: the automatic creation and management of
the practice environment.
2.4 Advantages
We outline below some of the advantages and possible
uses of our integrated training framework:
Bridge the gap between descriptions of train-
ing content, such as the U.S. NIST Technical
Guide to Information Security Testing and As-
sessment (Scarfone et al., 2008), and the environ-
ment in which the corresponding training activi-
ties should occur;
Provide flexibility in creating cyber ranges and
updating their content based on information re-
garding recent security incidents, the skill level
of the participants, etc. Consequently, improve
the effectiveness of the training through ensuring
a higher variability of the scenarios;
Decrease the cost of setting up complex train-
ing environments, and thus improve the scalability
of cybersecurity training, by allowing for a large
number of training sessions and participants.
CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
The detailed architecture of the CyTrONE cybersecu-
rity training framework is shown in Figure 3. Next we
shall provide more details about each component.
3.1 User Interface
The user interface (UI) in Figure 3 is intended for the
training organizers. Assuming the training database is
already set up as needed, the UI should make it possi-
ble for organizers to decide the content of a particular
training session as easily as possible. The current im-
plementation of the UI uses the Swift programming
language, and thus the UI can run on any iOS device.
Nevertheless, as the UI uses the standard HTTP pro-
tocol and JSON format (Crockford, 2006) to commu-
nicate with the training server, other implementations
are possible in the future (e.g., web application, Java,
The UI employs a wizard-like paradigm, and it
guides the organizer through selecting the type of
training (“Scenario Based”, “Topic Based”), the class
of training (e.g., “Security Testing and Assessment”,
“Incident Detection and Response”), and finally the
training difficulty level (e.g., “Easy”, “Moderate”,
“Hard”). The last screen summarizes the training pa-
rameters; the organizer can create the actual training
session, or go back and modify some of the choices.
Several screenshots of the UI are shown in Fig-
ure 4. From left to right we present: (i) the initial
screen providing several actions to the user; (ii) the
confirmation screen displaying a summary of the set-
tings for the cyber range to be created; (iii) the cyber
range creation notification shown when the setup pro-
cedure is completed.
The UI also has a settings screen for configuring
aspects such as the hostname or IP address of the
training server, the number of cyber range instances
to be created, output file formats, etc.
3.2 Training Database
Currently we employ the same training paradigm with
many other training programs, in that trainees are pre-
sented questions that they have to answer by carrying
out an investigation in the cyber range. For our future
plans regarding a more realistic training approach see
Section 5.2.
We have already prepared some sample content
that follows the U.S. NIST technical guide mentioned
previously (Scarfone et al., 2008), and we envisage
that training organizers could easily add more con-
tent as they see suited. We hope that eventually such
content will be released publicly for the benefit of the
entire community, or at least licensed to other training
As mentioned already, the training content in
our framework is described using the YAML format,
therefore it is easily editable for modifications or ad-
ditions. Figure 5 contains a brief example that in-
cludes the overall description of a training level, and
one training question.
The associated cyber range is also described in
YAML, in the form of a template. In Figure 6 we in-
clude an example cyber range specification template
that includes: (i) host settings regarding the physical
host(s) on which the cyber range is to be instantiated;
(ii) guest settings regarding the content that is to be
prepared on the cyber range virtual machines (VMs);
(iii) clone settings concerning the replication of VMs
to create multiple cyber range instances for trainees.
Note that the fields that depend on practical as-
pects such as training location, identity of the or-
ganizer, and so on, make use of variables that will
be replaced by the Training Description Generation
module based on user settings, in a manner similar
to Ansible (Red Hat, Inc., 2016) variables. For in-
stance, the value of the management IP address of the
host on which the instantiation is to be done (variable
host mgmt addr on line 4 in Figure 6) is only decided
and allocated at cyber range creation time, based on
the information regarding the hosts allocated to a par-
ticular organizer.
3.3 Training Description Generation
The Training Description Generation is a key compo-
nent of CyTrONE. Its function is to generate a de-
tailed description of the training that is to be con-
ducted. For this purpose the organizer input is used
to select the appropriate sources from the training
database, which was described in Section 3.2 above.
The training description has two components. Re-
garding training content, a Content Description sim-
ilar to what was shown in Figure 5 will be created
and sent to the Content Description Processing mod-
ule (see Section 3.4 below). Communication takes
place using the HTTP protocol and JSON format.
As for cyber range instantiation, a template similar
to the one shown in Figure 6 will be combined with
actual user settings (IP address of the hosts, etc.) to
create an actual Cyber Range Specification that will
be sent to the Cyber Range Instantiation module (see
Section 3.5). In this case too communication takes
place using the HTTP protocol and JSON format.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Training '
Descri pti on
Databa se
Descri pti on'
Cyber Range
Figure 3: Architecture of the CyTrONE cybersecurity training framework.
Figure 4: Screenshots of the wizard-like UI aimed at train-
ing organizers; from left to right: the initial screen, the con-
firmation screen, and the range creation notification.
3.4 Content Description Processing
Our framework proposes the use of e-learning sys-
tems as a simple, flexible and scalable manner to pro-
vide a user interface for the trainees, so that they can
refer to the training questions, request hints, etc. The
e-learning system also verifies their answers, compute
result statistics, and so on.
The function of the Content Description Process-
ing module is mainly to convert the training content
description (cf. Figure 5) that is generated by the
Training Description Generation module to a format
that is suitable for e-learning systems. For this pur-
pose we have selected the SCORM format, which is
widely used for representing e-learning content (Ad-
vanced Distributed Learning Initiative, 2016). The re-
sulting SCORM file can thus be imported into most
e-learning systems.
We currently use Moodle as e-learning sys-
tem (The Moodle Project, 2016), since it appears to
be popular in many communities and well supported.
We are now working on improving the user experi-
ence both for organizers and trainees through a deeper
integration of our framework with Moodle. Thus, ap-
propriate plugins will make it possible to automate
tasks such as importing the SCORM package, will
allow trainees more control of the cyber range, etc.
Although the tight integration with Moodle leads to
- training:
- id: NIST-Level1
description: >
Investigate the security of a desktop
header: >
Today is your first day on the job as
a sysadmin. Your boss tells you that he
suspects somebody tried to hack into
your company’s network, and asks you to
investigate a possible cyber-attack
that may have happened when the system
administrator was a guy called Daniel
Craig. The boss sits you in front of
the previous sysadmin’s computer, and
wishes you good luck.
You glance at the machine and reluctantly
get to work.
level: 1
- id: NIST-L1-Q01
type: fill
content: >
The operating system and kernel
release (version) can tell you about
the possible vulnerabilities of a
computer. Find out the kernel release
of the machine (e.g., 3.4.56-789).
choice: "null"
answer: 3.10.0-327
- hint: >
You can use the command uname to
find out OS details.
- hint: $ uname -r
- hint: >
An alternative solution is to check
the version file: $ cat /proc/version
Figure 5: Excerpt of a training content description in YAML
format that contains a level header and one question.
a loss of generality, we see it as an optional added
value that training organizers can choose to ignore if
they prefer other LMSs.
CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
- host_settings:
- id: host_1
mgmt_addr: {{ host_mgmt_addr }}
virbr_addr: {{ host_virbr_addr }}
account: {{ host_account }}
- guest_settings:
- id: desktop
ip_addr: {{ guest_ip_addr }}
basevm_host: host_1
basevm_config_file: /123456/basevm_desktop.xml
basevm_type: kvm
basevm_name: basevm_desktop
- add_account:
- account: daniel
passwd: daniel_passwd
- account: trainee
passwd: trainee_passwd
- install_package:
- package_manager: yum
name: wireshark
version: 1.8.10
- package_manager: yum
name: GeoIP
- emulate_attack:
- attack_type: ssh_attack
target_account: daniel
attempt_number: 123
- emulate_malware:
- name: spyeye
cpu_utilization: 40
mode: dummy_calculation
- clone_settings:
- range_id: 123456
mgmt_network: {{ clone_mgmt_network }}
- host_id: host_1
- guest_id: desktop
count: {{ clone_count }}
mgmt_addr_list: {{ clone_mgmt_addr_list }}
Figure 6: Sample of a cyber range specification template in
YAML format that represents a basic setup.
3.5 Cyber Range Instantiation
A key component of the CyTrONE framework,
named CyRIS (Cyber Range Instantiation System),
has already been developed for automatically creating
a cyber range based on its specification (Pham et al.,
The Cyber Range Specification created within
CyTrONE is compatible with CyRIS, thus our frame-
work can use all the functionality of the instantiation
system. This includes: (i) training environment setup
functions, such as account management, tool instal-
lation, network configuration, etc.; and (ii) security
content generation functions, such as log generation,
firewall configuration, malware and cyber-attack em-
ulation, and so on (cf. Table 1).
One important characteristic of CyRIS in the con-
text of this paper is that the messages associated with
all the setup steps involved in the cyber range instan-
tiation are logged. At the end, the logs are automat-
ically checked for errors, so that the correctness of
the entire setup is validated. For more details about
CyRIS please consult the reference cited above.
In what follows we shall discuss the evaluation of
CyTrONE from two perspectives:
Functionality. The types of cybersecurity training
that can currently be conducted using CyTrONE;
Performance. The performance characteristics of
CyTrONE, especially regarding cyber range in-
stantiation at large scale.
4.1 Functionality Evaluation
The first type of evaluation we present bears on the
features of the CyTrONE framework in terms of the
types of cyber ranges that can be created using it,
hence the kinds of training that are possible.
The U.S. NIST Technical Guide to Information
Security Testing and Assessment (Scarfone et al.,
2008) that we used as reference for our implemen-
tation contains three classes of technical assessment
1. Review techniques: Documentation review, log
review, ruleset review, system configuration re-
view, network sniffing, and file integrity checking;
2. Target identification and analysis techniques:
Network discovery, network port and service
identification, vulnerability scanning, and wire-
less scanning;
3. Target vulnerability validation techniques: Pass-
word cracking, penetration testing, and social en-
In Table 1 we show that the cyber range creation
features of CyTrONE can be combined in order to set
up environments that cover the requirements for all
the techniques included in the NIST guideline. Thus,
we conclude that our framework provides functional-
ity that is broad enough as to support all the training
topics related to security testing and assessment, at
least as they were envisaged when the said guideline
was released.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Coverage of the U.S. NIST Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment (Scarfone et al., 2008)
through a combination of environment setup and content generation features.
Information Security
Testing and Assessment
Training Environment Setup Security Content Generation
Log Review
Ruleset Review
System Configuration Review
Network Sniffing
File Integrity Checking
Network Discovery
Port and Service Identification
Vulnerability Scanning
Wireless Scanning
Password Cracking
Penetration Testing
Social Engineering
4.2 Performance Evaluation
The second kind of evaluation we conducted refers
to the performance of CyTrONE, in particular related
to cyber range instantiation. We have already men-
tioned that the democratization of large-scale training
is a target of our research. We are currently in dis-
cussions with representatives of the union of techni-
cal colleges in Japan for integrating our framework
with the cybersecurity program they will initiate na-
tionwide. We expect that in the future professors in
such colleges will try to set up many parallel training
sessions for hundreds of students.
4.2.1 Evaluation Setup
To assess the framework performance in such condi-
tions, we have conducted experiments on the large-
scale network testbed StarBED (NICT, 2016), and
used a total of up to 30 physical hosts. Note that the
cyber range instantiation process is divided into three
1. Preparation of the base images for VMs, currently
conducted on one of the hosts, the master host;
2. Content installation into the VMs prepared above,
also conducted on the master host;
3. Cloning of the VMs on multiple hosts, which is
mainly composed of the time to copy the VM base
images from the master host to the other hosts,
and the actual time for starting the VMs on each
host from the copied base images.
For VM base image copying we use parallel copy-
ing to all the other hosts using the parallel-scp
command; if a cyber range instance contains multi-
ple base images, then they are also copied in parallel.
We conducted the performance evaluation using
two training scenarios, as follows:
Level 1. A basic training which includes topics such
as log and system configuration review, network
sniffing, and vulnerability scanning; one VM,
playing the role of a desktop PC, is needed for
this training scenario;
Level 2. A training of medium difficulty on topics
such as network discovery, password cracking,
and penetration testing; two VMs, a “desktop”
and a “web server”, are required for this training.
4.2.2 Evaluation Results
The first performance measurements were conducted
with a fixed number of virtual machines (20) that are
instantiated on 1, 2, 5, and 10 hosts (with 20, 10,
4, and 2 VMs per host, respectively), so as to study
the effects of distributed execution. In Figure 7 we
present the average time required to instantiate cyber
ranges in this experiment, for each step of the instan-
tiation procedure and in total. The results show that
the preparation time doubles for Level 2 compared to
Level 1, which is expected given that Level 1 uses
only one VM, whereas two VMs are used in Level 2.
The installation time also increases for Level 2 com-
pared to Level 1, but not necessarily doubles, since
it depends on the actual content to be generated and
installed for each type of VM.
The most significant effect is observed for the
cloning stage. For the 1 host case (which is actually
the master host), as there is no need to copy the VM
base images, time is only needed to start the VMs on
the master host from these images. For more hosts,
the copy process, even done in parallel, becomes im-
portant. Nevertheless, although for Level 2 it is nec-
essary to copy two VMs to each host instead of one
VM for Level 1, the time is not much different until
the right-most case of 10 hosts.
The total creation time plots show that, following
the initial increase because of the need to copy the
prepared VMs to the other hosts that was explained
above—due to our parallelization— there is no signif-
icant increase in setup time afterwards. In most cases
CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of hosts (20 VMs total)
Cyber range creation time [min]
Level 1 [prepare]
Level 2 [prepare]
Level 1 [install]
Level 2 [install]
Level 1 [clone]
Level 2 [clone]
Level 1 [total]
Level 2 [total]
Figure 7: Cyber range creation time versus the number of
hosts when using a total fixed number of 20 VMs and up
to 10 instantiation hosts, for Level 1 (i.e., 20 trainees) and
Level 2 (i.e., 10 trainees) scenarios.
creation finishes in a reasonable time of under 10 min-
utes, and only in the worst case (Level 2, 10 hosts) the
creation time reaches about 12 minutes.
For the second series of measurements, we de-
cided to keep the number of VMs per host constant
(20), and assess performance for a large-scale sce-
nario with up to a total of 600 VMs on 30 hosts (rep-
resenting 600 cyber ranges for Level 1, or 300 cyber
ranges for Level 2). The results shown in Figure 8
show that for preparation and installation there is ba-
sically no difference with respect to the lower-scale
experiments shown before, since these operations are
the same in both cases.
The cloning phase exhibits an exponential in-
crease for the required time, with a higher exponent
for Level 2, which requires copying a double number
of VM base images. This is caused by the fact that, as
the total amount of throughput in the interconnecting
network increases, transfer times increase as well.
Nevertheless, the total creation time results show
that, in a relatively large-scale setup for 100 trainees,
creation can be finished in under 10 minutes for Level
1 (100 VMs), and in under 15 minutes for Level 2
(200 VMs), durations that we consider reasonable
given the typical 10 minute breaks between classes.
In the extreme case of using 600 VMs, for Level 1
(600 trainees) the setup is completed in under 15 min-
utes, and even for Level 2 (300 trainees) the setup is
completed in about 22 minutes.
We believe that through further optimization we
can reduce even more the total cyber range creation
time. We are currently investigating the possibility to
tackle the long cloning time issues by allowing each
host to set up its own VMs (after an initial copy of raw
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Number of virtual machines (20 VMs per host)
Cyber range creation time [min]
Level 1 [prepare]
Level 2 [prepare]
Level 1 [install]
Level 2 [install]
Level 1 [clone]
Level 2 [clone]
Level 1 [total]
Level 2 [total]
Figure 8: Cyber range creation time versus the number of
virtual machines when using a fixed number of 20 VMs per
host and up to 30 instantiation hosts, for Level 1 (i.e., up to
600 trainees) and Level 2 (i.e., up to 300 trainees) scenarios.
VM images, which only needs to be done once before
the very first training). This approach will not require
copying the VMs from the master host during instan-
tiation, as it is done now, and will eliminate the expo-
nential increase seen in Figure 8; thus we expect that
the total creation time results will become relatively
flat for any number of hosts. The only inconvenient
would be that all the hosts need to be provided access
to the repositories containing the required packages
and tools to be installed, which may pose a security
risk in some circumstances.
For a more detailed analysis of cyber range in-
stantiation performance at low scale, and the differ-
ences with respect to other environment setup tools
see (Pham et al., 2016).
In this section we compare CyTrONE to similar
frameworks, and discuss two additional directions on
which we plan to focus in the near future.
5.1 Comparison
Realistic cybersecurity training using cyber ranges is
currently mainly conducted in military environments,
and the proprietary systems that are available publicly
are expensive and have a low configurability. To the
best of our knowledge CyTrONE is the first open-
source cybersecurity training framework that is fully
configurable and flexible.
Facebook has recently released an open-source
CTF (Capture The Flag) platform, supporting quiz
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
type, flag type and king-of-the-hill type of CTF train-
ing (Facebook, Inc., 2016). However, the Facebook
CTF platform is mainly a cool UI for the training,
and it does not provide assistance with a full environ-
ment setup as CyTrONE does. Moreover, there is no
support for generating security content either. These
tasks remain the organizer responsibility, and conse-
quently are still tedious.
In (Raj et al., 2016), the use of application
containers is proposed as a solution for improving
the scalability of CTF contests. The approach fo-
cuses only on deployment though, as content creation
and management still have to be handled manually.
CyTrONE has a much more thorough and general ap-
proach, and we are planning to investigate in the fu-
ture the possibility of using container technology in-
stead of virtual machines to improve the scalability of
our framework.
Closed, proprietary systems, such as the Boe-
ing Cyber-Range-in-a-Box (CRIAB) create a vendor
lock-in, both in terms of software and hardware. On
the other hand, our open-source framework makes it
possible to decouple the training content from the exe-
cution infrastructure, making it possible to update the
content and also to expand the infrastructure depend-
ing on actual needs. The open-source approach also
brings about perspectives for standardization of the
training content format; this would create opportuni-
ties for training companies to easily produce content
adapted to various levels of trainee skills, age, back-
ground, and so on, and license it without having to
worry about the details of the platform on which the
content is actually used.
By using CyTrONE, with automatic environment
setup and content generation based on YAML de-
scriptions, it becomes possible for practically anyone
to conduct security training anytime and anywhere
(given that host servers are available for the cyber
range creation), thus leading to the democratization
of cybersecurity training. The flexibility of the frame-
work, in association with the use of a Learning Man-
agement System, means that not only classical CTFs,
but any other kind of training can be conducted, for
instance by leveraging the advances of modern edu-
cation methodologies, such as adaptive learning, etc.
We have currently reached the first concrete goal
of our project: develop the fully-configurable cyber-
security training framework that based on organizer
input and a training database will automatically pro-
duce the training content and training environment
necessary for that training. Once its testing is final-
ized, we shall publicly release CyTrONE as an open-
source project, so that it can be used by other organi-
zations; the release is planned for the end of the cur-
rent Japanese fiscal year (March 2017).
5.2 Training Database
Our framework currently uses a classical training
paradigm of scenario-based and topic-based questions
that are prepared in advance. At release we shall in-
clude samples of such training content targeting var-
ious audiences, such as technical college students,
company employees, etc. However, while this ap-
proach undoubtedly serves many training purposes,
especially for beginners, we are planning to also de-
velop a new training paradigm, by which actual inci-
dent information is used to automatically recreate the
corresponding training environment.
In this context, the framework of the ITU-T
X.1500 recommendation for structured cybersecurity
information exchange techniques (CYBEX) (ITU-T,
2016) is extremely relevant, and detailed informa-
tion about the incidents can be obtained in stan-
dard machine-readable formats, such as Structured
Threat Information eXpression (STIX) (OASIS CTI
Technical Committee, 2016) or Incident Object De-
scription Exchange Format (IODEF) (Danyliw et al.,
2007). This information is the basis for reproduc-
ing the incident; furthermore, vulnerability databases
such as CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Expo-
sures) (MITRE Corporation, 2016) will be used to
recreate the target (victim) environment, and public
websites such as the Exploit Database (EDB) (Of-
fensive Security, 2016) will be used to obtain exploit
code for recreating the attack in the cyber range.
The novelty of this approach is that, through the
use of de-facto standards as the source of the database
content included in our framework, it becomes possi-
ble to conduct training in similar conditions to a cer-
tain incident and/or vulnerability as soon as the cor-
responding information is made public. This would
make it possible for IT professionals to immediately
gain first-hand knowledge and develop response tac-
tics, so that the said incident is avoided elsewhere.
5.3 User Trials and Integration
Once the development of the framework is finalized,
we shall proceed with several usability tasks. First
of all, we’ll do a series of user trials to validate the
system in various training scenarios, from the point
of view of: (i) content and training environment, and
(ii) user interfaces both for organizers and trainees.
Secondly, we’ll proceed with the integration of the
framework into the workflow of existing training pro-
grams, such as CYDER and Hardening Project that
were mentioned in beginning of the paper, through
CyTrONE: An Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
our already established contacts with those program
The usability testing we shall carry out will ensure
that the framework is operating correctly in a wide
range of scenarios, and the integration with existing
training projects will ensure a clear and immediate
contribution to society.
As more training content is added to the frame-
work, we shall also conduct tests and surveys regard-
ing the training quality improvement ensuing from the
use of CyTrONE, which is another measure of train-
ing effectiveness.
In this paper we have presented the design and im-
plementation of an integrated cybersecurity training
framework named CyTrONE. Through the develop-
ment of this framework we aim to increase the effec-
tiveness of cybersecurity training by improving the
accuracy of the training environment setup, and de-
creasing the setup time and costs, thus making large-
scale security training possible.
The CyTrONE framework was evaluated in terms
of its functionality, and we have shown that it cov-
ers all the security testing and assessment techniques
discussed in the relevant U.S. NIST guideline.
We have also evaluated the framework perfor-
mance regarding cyber ranges instantiation, and we
have demonstrated that it meets reasonable target
times for cyber range creation: within 10 minutes for
100 participants for a basic setup with one VM per
trainee (Level 1), and within 15 minutes for 100 par-
ticipants when using a more advanced training setup
with two VMs per trainee (Level 2). Even for a total
of 300 participants, the setup time is under 10 min-
utes for Level 1, and only a little above 20 minutes
for Level 2.
Our future work includes several main directions:
(i) improve the performance of the current system; (ii)
introduce a new training paradigm in which machine-
readable incident reports are used to automatically
generate the corresponding training environments;
(iii) conduct user trials for the overall framework, and
integrate it with existing training programs.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy