method to compare the optimization objectives re-
flected in the different VM placement algorithms.
This evaluation method uses an equation which scores
the different optimization objectives based on their
importance rating. According to the evaluation
method, the VM placement algorithm which scores
the highest is assumed to have the most important op-
timization objectives. The idea is to further expand
such an algorithm to include security-aware objec-
tives in order to achieve an Optimized Security-aware
(O-Sec) VM placement algorithm.
To achieve their goal, the authors of this pa-
per have categorized VM placement algorithms into
three. These categories are based on what the algo-
rithms aim to accomplish; cost reduction, good QoS
and security. The authors further discuss how the VM
placement algorithms for each category can further be
adapted or modified to accomplish the notion of O-
Sec VM placement algorithm. The optimization ob-
jectives reflected in these VM placement algorithms
help to identify and rate the objectives suitable for
the evaluation criteria. After the evaluation process,
the Traffic and Power-aware VM Placement algorithm
(TPVMP) is found as a potential candidate to further
be augmented with security features.
For future envision, the authors propose the pos-
sible extension to the TPVMP to include some secu-
rity features. This extension takes into consideration
the optimization objectives of TPVMP, which are; en-
ergy consumption, VM communication and elastic-
ity. In addition to these, the proposed implementation
will strive to place critical and non-critical VMs sep-
arately with the provision to detect potential attacks
to the VMs. Whenever there is an alert for potential
attacks, migrations will be used to neutralize the sit-
uation. The proposed VM placement algorithm aims
to ensure the availability of the critical VMs through
strategic placement.
We would like to thank Moseme Anna Thulo, who is
a sister to the first author, for helping in editing the
article in hand.
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