sifier models. Classifier error rate is the percentage
of miss-predictions reported to the total number of
predictions. As we can observe the introduction of
a second step after the linear classifier allows to de-
crease the error rate by at least 6 percentage points.
Using 20 intermediate inner products allows further-
more to decrease the percentage of miss-predictions
by ≈ 2.5%. In contrast using 30 intermediate inner
products instead of 20 increase the performance by
less than 0.5%. We suppose that using different num-
ber of “artificial” sub-classes for each digit will allow
to obtain better results.
In this work we have used an instantiation of an inner-
product functional encryption scheme in order to per-
form classification over encrypted data. The learning
process is kept secret and only linear classifiers coeffi-
cients are shared with the authority. In the protocol we
introduce, we have a trusted authority, some servers
computing classifications and the users who encrypt
their data. Obtained execution times are reasonably
small (a prediction is made in approximatively 69 sec-
onds without any parallelization) just like the size of
the ciphertexts. We have studied a method for ensur-
ing that we cannot find the original image from the
inner product values. In perspective, we consider to
study more deeply the information leakage of inner
product encryption schemes used in classification and
to propose methods to lower it. We also consider to
improve our implementation (with elliptic curve for
example) in order to have smaller sizes.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy