Why Snoopy Loves Online Services:
An Analysis of (Lack of) Privacy in Online Services
Vittoria Cozza
, Zisis Tsiatsikas
, Mauro Conti
and Georgios Kambourakis
Electrical & Information Engineering Department (DEI), Polytechnic University of Bari,
via Orabona, 4, 70125, Bari, Italy
Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean,
Karlovassi, Samos, 83200, Greece
Department of Mathematics, University of Padua, Via Trieste, 63 - 35131, Padua, Italy
vittoria.cozza@poliba.it, {tzisis, gkamb}@aegean.gr, conti@math.unipd.it
Privacy, Offensive Security, Attack, Web-services, Flaws.
Over the last decade online services have penetrated the market and for many of us became an integral part of
our software portfolio. On the one hand online services offer flexibility in every sector of the social web, but on
the other hand these pros do not come without a cost in terms of privacy. This work focuses on online services,
and in particular on the possible inherent design errors which make these services an easy target for privacy
invaders. We demonstrate the previous fact using a handful of real-world cases pertaining to popular online
web services. More specifically, we show that despite the progress made in raising security/privacy awareness
amongst all the stakeholders (developers, admins, users) and the existence of mature security/privacy standards
and practices, there still exist a plethora of poor implementations that may put user’s privacy at risk. We
particularly concentrate on cases where a breach can happen even if the aggressor has limited knowledge about
their target and/or the attack can be completed with limited resources. In this context, the main contribution
of the paper at hand revolves around the demonstration of effortlessly exploiting privacy leaks existing in
widely-known online services due to software development errors.
During the last decade, online services and more
specifically web-based ones, such as travel, educa-
tional, telecom and google, presented a huge out-
spread playing a vital role in the society’s develop-
ment. Current reports indicate that the market share of
these services will present an additional 20% growth
in terms of Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
between 2016 and 2020 (Technavio, 2016). This
blooming occasionally have been proved to put the
end-users privacy at risk. This is because often these
services present vulnerabilities which become a par-
adise for privacy invaders. Such weaknesses are
mainly due to poor and hasty design and lack of secu-
rity/privacy awareness from their developers.
Among others, the various vulnerabilities exist-
ing in online services can be exploited by invaders
with the aim to excercise Open-source intelligence
(OSINT) (Burattin et al., 2014) for extracting useful
pieces of information regarding their victim. Con-
versely, consumers are gradually becoming more
aware and concerned about privacy issues related to
them. As highlighted in the Digital Agenda for Eu-
rope, concerns about privacy are among the most fre-
quent reasons for people not buying goods and ser-
vices online(European-Union, 2010). A similar con-
sideration holds true for US. In fact, according to the
US Consumer Confident Idx, 92% worried about their
privacy (Thepaypers, 2015; Kambourakis, 2014).
This work analyses a variety of real-world exam-
ples of popular online services and reports on ineffi-
ciencies found in their authentication mechanism. We
classified the discovered flaws in 4 classes according
to (a) the ways a script kiddie can gain access to per-
sonal information, given the availability of an easily
obtainable information related to the user (e.g. email
address or phone number), and (b) and which kind of
personal data are revealed if the attack is successful.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The
next section presents the threat model that pertains to
the considered scenarios. Section 3 details on the real
world services attack scenarios we considered in this
study. A discussion on the results is given in Sec-
Cozza, V., Tsiatsikas, Z., Conti, M. and Kambourakis, G.
Why Snoopy Loves Online Services: An Analysis of (Lack of) Privacy in Online Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0006207204310438
In Proceedings of the 3rd Inter national Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 431-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion 4. Section 5 addresses related work. The last sec-
tion concludes and gives pointers to future research.
The work at hand builds over the fact that an adver-
sary is able to access a significant amount of personal
information about a user of an online service either
if they are aware of just a single piece of data about
the victim or not. By personal information we mean
“any information relating to an identified or identifi-
able natural person (data subject)” (Council of Euro-
pean Union, 2016). Specifically, having in mind an
attacker-centric model, we can designate two distinct
types of attack: the targeted attack and the random
one. According to a random attack the attacker does
not obtain information in regards to a specific user,
but they are able to penetrate the security apparatus
with limited or moderate effort. On the other hand, a
targeted attack is applicable when the perpetrator is in
position to straightforwardly reveal a significant mass
of personal information by obtaining a single piece of
information, say, the victim’s mobile phone number
or their date of birth or a ticket booking code. In this
respect, we can realise a two-step attack: (a) Obtain
the necessary information about the victim to initiate
the attack, and (b) Exploit the obtained information
with the purpose of accessing the service and steal
personal information about the victim.
Having the above in mind, an attacker can take
advantage of web forms meant to provide a fast and
easily accessible web service. This is especially true
for services which for the sake of simplicity and us-
ability allow clients to access their account without lo-
gin. Instead, such web forms require as username an
easily obtainable in most cases code (email, student
code, booking code) plus a weak in terms of length
and complexity password. While this situation ren-
ders user access easier and faster, it simultaneously
exposes the user to privacy-breaching attacks. To sum
up, we focus on two basic types of adversaries: inter-
nal and external ones. The main difference between
them lies in the actual type and amount of information
they need or already possess in order to initiate the at-
tack. That is, an internal attacker belongs to the inner
circle of the victim, say, she is the victim’s colleague
or friend. Obviously, an internal adversary can initi-
ate the attack in a shorter period of time in contrast to
an external one. This is because as an internal aggres-
sor is considered honest, their environment inherently
leaks more useful data regarding the victim.
Based on our threat model, we selected several cate-
gories of real-world applications and for each of them
analysed the top 3-4 applications that were found to
suffer from inherent privacy leaks. Naturally, this
list is not exhaustive and the cases analysed here are
only representative, meaning that there exist numer-
ous others out there. Surprisingly, our study revealed
that even large and well-known organizations that on
a daily basis handle personal information of thousand
of people all over the world, in travelling, telecom-
munication and other sectors. As explained further
in this section, all these services fail to address with
consistency the corresponding security/privacy stan-
dard practices (Calder and Watkins, 2010).
3.1 Classes
In the analysis of the various cases demonstrating vul-
nerable services, we use four different empirically de-
rived classes, namely C1-C4:
The first class (C1) refers to services which utilize
at most 6-digit PINs.
C2 refers to services which require public records
such as email addresses and exactly 6-character
long alphanumeric PINs.
The class C3 corresponds to services which re-
quire the combination of public records (e.g.,
email address) in combination with a minimum
6-character long password to access the service.
Opposite to C2, this class covers cases where the
users are required to employ special characters in
selecting their password.
The last class (C4) refers to user login forms
which require publicly-known information and
are exercised through social engineering tech-
3.2 Cases
This subsection details on the various real-world ser-
vices that were pinpointed to be weak in terms of
security. Furthermore, the vulnerabilities found are
classified according to at least one of the four classes
of section 3.1. We analyze examples from diverse sec-
tors, including social networks, travel services, smart-
phone services, educational services, and Google.
3.2.1 Social Networks
We manually analysed the prevailing social networks
in Europe according to Alexa, namely Twitter and
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Google+. We report also a vulberability related to
Facebook beta version, spotted initially by [Prakash
et al.] (note however that this bug has been patched
in the meantime). Google allows unified access to a
plethora of services via the “My Account” web in-
terface at https://myaccount.google.com/?hl=en. This
means that after accessing it using their username
and password, a user is automatically logged into all
of the rest Google services, including Gmail. With
this mindset, we analyse the case of breaking Gmail
and then Google+ aiming to gain access to the user’s
Google services.
Facebook beta version: The hack in (Prakash,
2016) refers to C1 class and presents a way to access
any Facebook (FB) account by exploiting a flaw in
the beta version of FB website(Facebook beta, 2016).
More specifically, FB’s policy, specified that when-
ever an “i lost my password” request is received, a
special 6-digit code can be sent either to the user’s
email address or their phone number. For initiating
the attack, the aggressor can use an network inter-
ceptor like for example the Burp Suite (PortSwigger,
2016) in order to sniff the requests and responses be-
tween the user and the FB’s server. The next step for
the attacker would be to bruteforce the n parameter
of a special string lsd=AVoywo13&n=XXXXXX existing
in the initial http POST request. This attack is ini-
tiated using the interceptor and providing a range of
6-digit codes, which will be searched in order to find
the correct one. For every one of the aforementioned
codes, a request to the beta FB webpage is generated.
In the case of a correct code the http response is equal
to a 302 found web page, otherwise it is a 200 OK.
After receiving the 302 found response, the adversary
is able to set a password for any user account. This
allows her to access user’s personal information, in-
cluding contacts, messages, photos, etc. The attack
was feasible in the FB beta version because a block-
ing mechanism has not been activated.
Google Plus (via Gmail) Case: This case pertains
to the C4 class and reports on the widely-known gmail
service (Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google,
2016). It specifically describes how an attacker could
easily compromise a user’s Gmail account by combin-
ing social engineering techniques with publicly avail-
able information. That is, Gmail service allows a user
to send a password recovery request by providing the
username related to the account of interest. The re-
covery process requires two steps. First off, the veri-
fication of two relatively easy to obtain pieces of data
is required. The first one corresponds to the date the
user created the account, while the other is related to
the last time the victim logged in to their account. In
the latter step, the attacker has to provide five recently
contacted email addresses. Therefore, the attacker
can easily bypass this countermeasure by sending the
same email (in carbon copy) to 4-5 other addresses,
including that of the victim.
Regarding the first step, we assume that by fol-
lowing a social engineering strategy one could rela-
tively easy obtain the necessary data. For example, if
the attacker and the victim work in the same office or
if the victim responds in some fake email, the attack
can be initiated. This happens because the aggressor
would be in position to know the last time the victim
logged in the service of interest. For the second step,
the 5 email addresses may be falsified, created by the
attacker only for this purpose. In any case, if the at-
tacker follows the aforementioned steps, the unaware
victim will have seemingly conformed to the service
policy, and thus the service will allow the attacker to
reset the password.
3.2.2 Travel Services
We analyzed the most popular (Monkey, 2016) ac-
commodation companies in Europe namely Booking,
TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and (low-cost flight companies)
RyanAir, Eurowings, and Easyjet.
TripAdvisor, and Airbnb require the user to login
by email and a 6-char long password, which combines
digits, letters, and special characters. Also, they re-
quire email confirmation after password lost, there-
fore, in terms of login policy, these services are con-
sidered generally safe. On the downside, as detailed
next, we were able to discover some vulnerabilities
in Booking, Ryanair, Eurowings, and Easyjet web
Booking: This case pertains to the far farmed
Booking company (Booking, 2016) and can be classi-
fied under C2 class. This company provides an online
service for booking an accomodation based on user
ratings, comments and price comparison. It also of-
fers an easy way to manage an already existing book-
ing to a user, without requiring full website registra-
tion and authentication, but by simply accessing the
“make change to your booking online” option. The
service requires a 9-digit booking code and a 4-digit
PIN to access the account. If the attacker knows the
booking code, for example, using Social Engineer-
ing, and bruteforces the PIN, then they can access the
booking information.
RyanAir: This scenario belongs to the C2 class
and revolves around the well-known and currently the
biggest in Europe in terms of budget, low-cost flight
company Ryanair. In the following, we describe this
attack scenario by following a two-step approach, and
we particularly concentrate on two kinds of vulnera-
Why Snoopy Loves Online Services: An Analysis of (Lack of) Privacy in Online Services
bilities that could be exploited by a potential aggres-
1. Step 1 - If the attacker knows the booking details
(flight date, origin, destination) for a future flight,
as well as the email address used by the victim
for accessing Ryanair they can retrieve a victim’s
valid booking reference. While this information
may not be directly useful to the attacker, it serves
as a stepping stone for step 2.
2. Step 2- Once the attacker obtains a valid booking
reference and the victim’s email address, they are
able to retrieve all the victim’s booking history.
Figure 1: Form to retrieve the booking reference for a future
As given in Figure 1, for Step 1 above, assum-
ing the attacker knows that a certain person is going
to fly with Ryanair to a given destination on a par-
ticular date, they can insert this information (flight
date, email, origin, destination) in the web form avail-
able at https://www.ryanair.com/us/en/check-in. As
observed from the figure, this form has been designed
to ease the passenger to retrieve their next booking
information and eventually proceed to check-in, but
it does not require any password or other authenti-
cation method. That is, by only inserting the afore-
mentioned information, the user as well the potential
attacker will have in return the code of the victim’s
next flight. It is to be noted that all the aforemen-
tioned pieces of data may be known to people that are
connected to the victim, including their colleagues.
In any case, Ryanair is well-known to sell extremely
discounted flights nearly every week and for selected
destinations. This means that it is almost always fea-
sible to book a flight for less than 10 Euro. This in
turn means that an assailant would be able to book
(and even with a good deal) a flight for its target, only
with the purpose to access a valid booking reference
to be exploited in the next step of the attack.
Regarding the second step of the attack, as shown
in Figure 2, in order for someone to access the vic-
tim’s booking history, they have to connect (but not
login) to the corporate website, and just select the
“Manage my Booking Webpage” option (Ryanair:
Manage Your Booking, 2016). Next, by choos-
ing “View Booking History” and inserting one valid
booking reference and the passenger’s email, one can
straightforwardly obtain access to their personal in-
formation. Specifically, as observed from the Fig-
ure 2, this attack reveals the full booking history, in-
cluding details of any future flight bookings of the
victim. Actually, as it is depicted in Figure 2, there
is no option in the menu for the client (passenger) to
delete these historical booking information, and we
realized that these log files are kept for at least the
current and the previous year. Once again, a valid
booking reference can be retrieved as in Step 1, or by
exercising a bruteforce attack, or even by performing
shoulder surfing. It is also important to note that while
the first step allows for obtaining a booking flight ref-
erence pertaining to a future flight, the second step
can be exercised having either a past or future flight
booking reference. Summarizing, the most impor-
Figure 2: Travel history of a passenger by only entering a
valid flight booking reference and the passenger’s email.
tant finding in this case is that virtually everyone is
able to access personal information about the victim
by possessing two quite effortlessly obtained infor-
mation about them. The results obtained from such
a search query are easily observable in Figure 2 that
zooms out the details of a single booking among those
returned in our example. Also, keep in mind that Fig-
ure 2 presents two distinct names which correspond
to different persons. Precisely, the first name (Vitto-
ria) corresponds to the owner of the account, that is,
the person who possesses valid credentials for this ac-
count, while the second name (Ahmad) is the person
on behalf of which the account owner booked a flight
and perhaps she travelled with. Therefore, regardless
of the individual for whom the flight has been booked,
this flaw can be exploited to reveal information for
both individuals. All the aforementioned attacks are
clearly feasible since Ryanair clients are not required
to login before booking their flight or access their his-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
torical data. Starting from Sept. 7 2016 Ryanair is
finally encouraging its clients to create an account on
the website, e.g. by offering them a 10 Euro voucher
on their next flight as well as by advertising a person-
alized flight experience for those who create a user
Figure 3: Retrieved invoice data for a Eurowings flight.
Eurowings: This case applies to the low-cost
flight company Eurowings and can be classified
under C2 class. More specifically, excluding the
typical login option via the use of username and
password, Eurowings allows a traveller to check
their flight details by providing a booking code
(6-char) and their surname. The vulnerable form is
accessible at https://www.eurowings.com/skysales/
MyDashboard.aspx?culture=en-GB. Besides the
flight details, once the traveler expands link button
“Booking overview: Here you will find all details
about your booking”, they obtain also the invoice
data and payment that includes the victim’s physical
address as in Figure 3. Therefore, if the attacker
knows the person, the only piece of data they need
to additionally acquire is a valid flight code. This
can be done by, say, dumpster diving and enables
the attacker to gain access to personal data related
to the victim. A similar case has been found in the
widely-known Easyjet airline company.
3.2.3 Mobile Phone Related Services
In order to survey mobile phone related services, we
selected a well-known Canada company. We also an-
alyzed services that are based on the availability of
a mobile phone number, specially parking services:
PaybyPhone, and Phone and Pay because these are
popular in UK. In the following, we detail on cases
that found to be vulnerable.
WIND mobile Canada: This attack scenario refers
to WIND Canada (Wind: Login to My Account,
2016) mobile communication company and belongs
to the C1 class. The majority of user login pages out
there support the username/password login method.
However, as observed from the corresponding login
form, this page provides the user with two options.
The first one is the common way in which a user pro-
vides a username and a password, whereas the sec-
ond asks the user to insert their phone number and a
PIN. The service demands a 4-digit PIN which can
be bruteforced easily. According to (Brute Force Cal-
culator, 2016), such a PIN requires 11110 password
combinations or 1 sec to brute force it. If the attack
is successful, the assailant can access sensitive infor-
mation related to the victim’s call history, including
information about the date, the number, the type of
the call, the amount charged, and finally the remain-
ing balance.
PaybyPhone: This case belongs to C1 class and
focuses on a worldwide PayByPhone company (Pay-
byphone: Manage your account, 2016). The afore-
mentioned company offers a service meant to be used
for parking fee payment in a fast and easy way. To
login to their account the customer needs to provide
their mobile phone number and a 4-digit PIN. Nev-
ertheless, a person’s mobile phone number is known
in their social circle or exposed in publicly available
documents, including telephone catalogues, CVs, etc.
In this respect, this piece of information is not se-
cret. On the other hand, as with the previous case,
the 4-digit PIN can be easily bruteforced or obtained
with legacy social engineering techniques. The result
is that the assailant can access the legitimate user’s
account and view their personal information related
to vehicle details and payment info. This way, loca-
tion information, regarding the victim, is exposed as
well. A similar vulnerability to the PaybyPhone case
has been spotted in a Phone and Pay company located
in the UK (Phoneandpay: Customer Account Login,
3.2.4 Educational Services
For this category we analyzed services like the OR-
FEAS system operated by the Hellenic American
ORFEAS: This scenario pertains to C2 class and
refers to ORFEAS online service (Orfeas: Student
Exam Results, 2016), which is used by English lan-
guage tutors with the aim of viewing examinees re-
sults regarding the Hellenic American Union exams.
This service requires two codes for accessing current
and past examinees results. The first code needed
is the school code which can be obtained exercising
common social engineering techniques. For example,
a person working in such an institute is in position
Why Snoopy Loves Online Services: An Analysis of (Lack of) Privacy in Online Services
Table 1: Analysis of Cases (PR = Public Record, PN = Phone Number, SC= School Code, BF=Brute Force, BC=Booking
Required information
Reveals Personal Data
Effort to bruteforce
Data How to obtain
(in terms of BF)
4-digit PIN
Social Eng. Trivial Long-term 10K No 5.8 Phone and Pay, PaybyPhone, Canada Wind
6-digit PIN BF
Trivial Long-term 1M No 9.7 Facebook beta version
6-char BC
Social Eng.
Easy Long-term 2G No 20.1 Ryanair, Eurowings, Easyjet
6-char BC
Social Eng.
Easy Short-term 2G No 20.1 Booking
6-char PIN
Social Eng.
Easy Short-term 2G No 20 Orfeas
6-char Pass
Social Eng. Hard Long-term 735G Yes 26.3 Twitter, TripAdvisor, Airbnb
Social Eng.
Hardt Long-term 6P Yes 30.3
Google Services
via Gmail
to access the code and leak it to the adversary. Also,
several times the teachers write down these codes on
scrap of papers and leave them in plain sight, say, on
their desk. The other code is a 6-digit password which
combines lower-case letters and numbers, but not spe-
cial characters.
We consider a qualitative evaluation of three main fac-
tors which characterize the attack and have to do with
reward vs. effort from an attacker’s viewpoint. These
three factors express i) the type and the amount of in-
formation the adversary would need in order to initi-
ate the attack, ii) the type and amount of effort needed
to run the attack, and iii) the type and amount of per-
sonal information gained after exercising the attack,
that is, if it is fast outdated or of longterm validity.
From the real case scenarios presented in the previous
section, which all have in common at least one eas-
ily obtained information, we identify five basic attack
classes summarized in Table 3.2.3.
Generally, a bruteforce is feasible when one deals
with short-length homogenous credentials. To cal-
culate the duration of such a process, one can ac-
cess an online service as that in (Brute Force Cal-
culator, 2016). For example, as already pointed out,
to bruteforce a 4-digit PIN, in a numeric space, em-
ploying a BSDi DES-based ciphertext format, one
would need 11,110 password combinations. In the
absence of an additional defensive mechanism, in-
cluding CAPTCHA (Conti et al., 2016) or IP address
blocking, a key space of this size can be searched in-
stantly, and thus the password strength is practically
very low.
In many cases, online services employ obsolete
security standards or policies in authentication mech-
anisms with the purpose of protecting users’ privacy.
Moreover, despite Best Current Practices (BCP) and
other guidelines do exist for the multi-factor authen-
tication (MFA)(NIST, 2016), as stressed by this work
still several popular services out there do not employ
them. For this reason, these standards should regu-
larly be reviewed in order to keep up with the cur-
rent computational growth. Very popular services as
Facebook, Amazon and Fidelity still allows the min-
imum length of a newly created password equal to
six characters. Nevertheless, they do have protection
against online attacks; a slow-down answer or a fail-
ban mechanism that will reduce the effectiveness of
the attack. This tactic is generally adopted as a means
to balance between security and usability (Flor
et al., 2014).
To sum up, all flaws shown in the various cases of
Section 3.2 could have been avoided by following the
privacy by design strategy (PbD) (Privacy By Design,
2016). However, it seems that the designers of these
services focused mostly on usability rather taking into
account privacy from their design state. PbD enables
engineers to take into account privacy issues from the
beginning of the development cycle, hence develop-
ing systems which inherently protect privacy. Further-
more, online services should regularly update their se-
curity mechanisms in order to follow proportionally
the growth of computer systems (Moore’s law). Also,
this should be done for the dated services with the aim
to regularly update their security level by including
mobile phone verification, geolocation, (Hang et al.,
2015) and captcha (Conti et al., 2016). All these
mechanisms are used in order to avoid bruteforce at-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The work done so far in demonstrating and remedi-
ating security and privacy flaws in online web-based
services is rather large. So, in this section, we only
address related work that are related to the following
issues contained in the OWASP Top Ten (Mark, 2016)
and pertain to authentication mechanisms in general.
The authors in (Liginlal et al., 2009) present a so-
lution strategy to avoid human errors aiming to elim-
inate privacy leaks. More specifically, this solution is
based on the application of three different strategies,
namely error avoidance, error interception and error
correlation. Moreover, the work in (Kraemer et al.,
2009) tries to investigate how human and organiza-
tional factors affect computer vulnerabilities by ap-
plying a macroergonomic approach in order to iden-
tify the bonds between human and organizational fac-
tors. Furthermore, the authors in (Barlow et al., 2013)
rely on the factorial survey method aiming to train
employees to avoid security policy violations.
In(Gejibo et al., 2012), the authors deal with the
usage of mobile phones, PDAs and other mobile com-
munication devices for managing sensitive data re-
lated to e-health in developing countries. Mecha-
nisms for secure storage and end-to-end encryption
are introduced as an extension of the openXdata stan-
dard (Switch to openXdata, 2016). As highlighed
also in the current work, the need of a more fast and
easy to use system, that could be used by, say, a mo-
bile device, has as a counter-effect the implementa-
tion of a less secure system. In (Ohata et al., 2016)
the authors consider a provably secure password reset
protocol and show its efficiency via a prototype im-
plementation. Several online services could take ad-
vantage of such a protocol. Indeed, the services that
adopt a password-based authentication usually sup-
port a mechanism with which a user can reset their
password, but this mechanism can be unsecure, as
analyzed in Section 3. The authors, in (Xie et al.,
2011), concentrate on software development errors.
They conduct a qualitative research based on inter-
views with the aim to investigate the reasons that af-
fect developers and make them prone to development
errors. They state that their results indicate lack of
relation between the developers awareness and their
behaviour. As about 24% percent of the top 10 mil-
lion web sites are built upon the content management
system WordPress, it comes as no surprise that con-
tent management systems in general and WordPress
in particular are frequently targeted. By using man-
ual and statistic analysis, the authors in (Trunde and
Weippl, 2015) elaborate on possible ways of detect-
ing common programming errors. Their analysis has
been conducted starting from public available secu-
rity exploits. In (Tiwari, 2014) the author shows sim-
ple ways to add Security to Web Development, high-
lighing poor designed programming language fea-
tures that favor SQL injections. Also, he discusses
ways that such errors can be avoided. Similarly to our
work, in (Hang et al., 2015) the authors evaluated the
strength and the weaknesses of a widely used autenti-
cation mechanism, namely the security questions. As
a plus, the authors propose a location-based authen-
tication with security questions as a more usable and
secure fallback authentication scheme.
The paper at hand presents a handful of real-world
web services which present striking flaws that render
them easy targets to even naive or script kiddies kind
of attackers. We categorize these cases in four dis-
tinct classes based on the required effort to launch the
attack and gain access to personal information. In a
nutshell, the crux of our work lies on the fact that sev-
eral web services used by a plethora of people on ev-
eryday basis still suffer from basic both intentionally
and unintentionally introduced flaws, which in turn
reveal that either the situational awareness in cyber
security and privacy is low or the designers continue
to consider the usability aspect above anything else,
including security. This also strongly suggests that
holistic approaches like the PbD one should be given
more attention by all the stakeholders in an effort to
end up to services that present a drastically reduced
attack surface.
Mauro Conti is supported by a Marie Curie Fellow-
ship funded by the European Commission (agree-
ment PCIG11-GA-2012-321980). This work is also
partially supported by the EU TagItSmart! Project
(agreement H2020-ICT30-2015-688061), the EU-
India REACH Project (agreement ICI+/2014/342-
896), the Italian MIUR-PRIN TENACE Project
(agreement 20103P34XC), and by the projects “Tack-
ling Mobile Malware with Innovative Machine Learn-
ing Techniques”, ”Physical-Layer Security for Wire-
less Communication”, and “Content Centric Net-
working: Security and Privacy Issues” funded by the
University of Padua.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy