An Adaptive Acknowledgement On-demand Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Cung Lian Sang
, Marc Hesse
, Sebastian Zehe
, Michael Adams
Timm H
and Ulrich R
Cognitronics and Sensor Systems Group, CITEC, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Ambient Intelligence Group, CITEC, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Adaptive Protocol, WSN, ACK, No-ACK, Acknowledgement On-demand, TDMA, Schedule-based, Wireless
Sensor Network, CC1101.
The concept of packet acknowledgement in wireless communication networks is crucial for reliable data trans-
mission. However, reliability comes with the cost of an increased duty cycle of the network. This is due to
the additional acknowledgement time for every single data packet sent. Therefore, energy consumption and
latency of all sensor nodes is increased whilst the overall throughput in the network decreases. This paper
contributes an adaptive acknowledgement on-demand protocol for wireless sensor networks with star network
topology. The goal is to tackle the trade-off between energy efficiency and reliable data transmission. The pro-
posed protocol is able to detect network congestion in real time by constantly monitoring the overall packet
delivery ratio for each sensor node. In case the packet delivery ratio of any sensor nodes in the network is
dropped significantly (e.g. due to environmental changes), the protocol switches automatically to a more reli-
able data transmission mode utilizing acknowledgements concerning the affected sensor nodes. Our proposed
method is tested and evaluated based on a specific hardware implementation and the corresponding results are
discussed in this paper.
In wireless sensor network (WSN) applications, the
concept of packet acknowledgement (ACK) is often
crucial because it is the best way for the transmitter to
know whether the transmitted packets were received
successfully. If the transmitter does not receive the
ACK signal, it is concluded that the packet was not
received, thus the same data needs to be retransmit-
ted. Depending on the type of protocol used, the re-
transmission could be done in the next active time slot
(scheduled based topologies) or it could be done until
a certain time-out is reached (IEEE, 2011). However,
it is obvious that those approaches increase the over-
head of the data frame format and require a certain
delay in order to receive the ACK signal. In turn, this
delay can have a negative effect on long-term energy
efficiency of low power WSNs. This is because en-
ergy efficiency is strongly correlated with the sensor
node’s duty cycle in WSNs. Thereby, the duty cy-
cle refers to the cyclic ratio of active time (transmit-
ting and receiving) vs. sleep time in schedule-based
Reducing ACK time is also directly related to the
throughput in WSNs. Since the throughput is lim-
ited, not only by the transmission time of the pack-
ets, but also by the transmission time of ACK sig-
nals (Takamori and Yamao, 2015). At the same time,
it is also directly related to the energy efficiency of
WSNs. The reason behind is that the shorter the data
transmission time, the longer the sensor nodes can
stay in sleep mode. This allows extended operating
times in battery-operated scenarios. This issue is even
more relevant if the packet size of the transmitted data
is comparable to the packet size of the ACK signal,
which is very often the case in WSNs (Takamori and
Yamao, 2015).
The key contribution of this paper is the devel-
opment of an adaptive acknowledgement on-demand
protocol for WSNs, which is able to switch from non-
acknowledgement (No-ACK) to acknowledgement
(ACK) mode and vice versa. It is using time divi-
sion multiple access (TDMA) channel access method.
The switch over between ACK and No-ACK- depends
on the condition of the network congestion. With
the proposed Acknowledgement On-Demand Proto-
Lian Sang C., Hesse M., Zehe S., Adams M., HÃ˝urmann T. and RÃijckert U.
An Adaptive Acknowledgement On-demand Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006208501740181
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2017), pages 174-181
ISBN: 421065/17
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
col, we aim towards improving the overall energy
efficiency, latency, and throughput in WSNs. Fur-
thermore, we describe how the reliability of data
transmission in star network topologies with TDMA
scheme can be achieved effectively without using
ACK. The proposed protocol was tested indoors with
a specific hardware implementation simulating a typ-
ical smart home environment.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
the related work of the proposed concept is presented,
followed by the system model of the proposed adap-
tive protocol in Section 3. The results of experimen-
tal evaluation and summary are presented in Section
4. The current limitations of the proposed protocol is
described in section 5 and finally, the paper is con-
cluded in section 6.
We found that very few papers in the literature explore
how to efficiently reduce the packet ACK time in sen-
sors networks for reliable data transmission. Con-
cerning this, we briefly discuss previous related work
that supports and highlights our proposed approach in
this section.
In this regard, the group ACK method in a star
topology of sensors network (Takamori and Yamao,
2015) was proposed to reduce the duration of the
ACK time. With this approach, the network perfor-
mance was improved and the bottleneck problem of
the sink node (or central node), where the communi-
cation traffics are concentrated, was reduced. Also,
the turnaround time of the antenna and the duration
of total ACK time was reduced. This is because in-
stead of sending individual ACK signals for every sin-
gle transmitted data packet, a multiplexed group ACK
signal is sent once in the preceding communication
frame. The variable-period group ACK method is the
best choice in all of the three methods for reducing
the average time delay. Also, both fixed- and variable-
period ACK methods outperform the normal individ-
ual ACK method. With their contribution, they high-
light how the extended time frame due to ACK signal
affects the performance of the whole WSNs. How-
ever, their approach is not based on network conges-
tion and could lead to unnecessarily sent ACK mes-
Moreover, the comparison of ACK and No-ACK
modes in sensors networks on end-to-end delay and
throughput was analysed by (Al-Sharbaty, 2014). In
their work, fixed and mobile sensor nodes are com-
pared for tree and mesh topologies using the Zig-
bee protocol
. According to the simulation results,
the choice of ACK or No-ACK influences the per-
formance of the network, which also depends on the
topology type that is used in the above mentioned two
states of sensor nodes. According to the authors’ find-
ings, the end-to-end delay of the No-ACK is gener-
ally shorter than ACK in both fixed and mobile sensor
nodes states. In the same way, the overall throughput
of No-ACK is generally higher compared to ACK in
both mentioned states.
Packet loss analysis for the No-ACK mode of
IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (Shu et al., 2007) was presented
with a non-stationary Markov Chain on the beacon
enabled star topology. Moreover, the accuracy of the
model was verified with the simulation results. It was
concluded that the packet loss rate in No-ACK, in
general, will increase in a network with more nodes
and bigger packet size. This could be overcome with
our approach by taking advantage of prior knowledge
of reliable data transmission in a specific network sce-
A dynamic adaptive acknowledgement strategy
was presented by (De Oliveira and Braun, 2005).
They improves the performance of Transmission Con-
trol Protocol (TCP) in multi-hop wireless networks by
dynamically adjusting channel conditions. Another
approach that effectively performs congestion con-
trol in WSNs was presented by (Scheuermann et al.,
2008). Their evaluations are specifically focused on
the issue of TCP congestion control in the transport
layer of wireless ad-hoc multi-hop networks. How-
ever, the impact of ACK in single hop centralized net-
work scenario was not fully investigated.
In this paper, the presented protocol is based
on TDMA scheme because it is one of the promis-
ing approaches for latency and energy efficient pri-
oritized applications in low power WSNs (Hadded
et al., 2015). For instance, the TDMA-based e-health
WSNs (Gama et al., 2010) and a resource allocation
scheme in wireless body sensor networks (Liu et al.,
2016) were implemented with TDMA to optimize
both energy efficiency and quality of service (QoS).
Another example of TDMA can be found for WSNs
operating in noisy environments where it is used to
avoid packet collision (Montiel and C
ardenas, 2014).
Besides, the comparative analysis of a contention
based and TDMA based MAC protocols for WSNs
(Chand and Kakria, 2015) has shown that the TDMA
based protocol outperforms contention based proto-
cols in terms of averaged end-to-end delay, packet de-
livery ratio, and average energy consumption.
By far, all related work mentioned in this section
focuses on the best and appropriate static method of
An Adaptive Acknowledgement On-demand Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
the protocol for WSNs before the network is actually
deployed in a specific area. Thus, they are designed
to perform well in a static situation. However, there
are certain cases, in which the trade-off between en-
ergy and latency efficiency made is unnecessary and
can be optimized if prior knowledge of the network
congestion is effectively applied.
However, our proposed protocol differs in many
ways from that of the above-mentioned approaches.
Firstly, the decision whether No-ACK or ACK mode
should be used for a specific sensor node is deter-
mined by the central node itself after the network is
properly deployed in a certain area. Secondly, the
proposed protocol has the ability to adapt to the cur-
rent network congestion and is able to switch from
No-ACK to ACK mode for particular sensor nodes if
necessary in order to maintain the highest energy effi-
ciency. Calculation of packet delivery ratio (PDR) be-
tween transceivers for reliable data transmission with-
out using ACK in TDMA based WSNs is presented
in this paper. To realize energy efficient data trans-
mission, our proposed protocol uses TDMA without
ACK (No-ACK) for the sensor nodes in the uncon-
gested network scenario and TDMA with ACK is
used for the congested network scenario. This dual
approach is chosen in order to increase the reliability
of the data transmission while maximizing the energy
efficiency. The implementation details and test results
of our proposed adaptive protocol are given in section
3 and 4.
3.1 Hardware Design
In order to test our proposed networking concept in
hardware, we implemented exemplary sensor nodes
and a central node using the BRIX
prototyping plat-
Figure 1: Base module and extension modules of BRIX
(Zehe et al., 2012) consists of a base
module that can be combined with optional exten-
sion modules (Fig. 1). These extension modules al-
low to add functionalities to match a desired appli-
cation. The BRIX
base module contains an Atmel
ATmega32U4 and an ATmega328P microcontroller,
a Texas Instruments CC1101 Radio Frequency (RF)
transceiver operating in the 868 MHz ISM band, an
Invensense MPU9150 IMU as well as a 450 mA Li-
Poly battery. The compact form factor of BRIX
the software framework based on Arduino
us to rapidly develop, modify and deploy an exem-
plary WSNs.
3.2 Data Frame Format of the Proposed
All conducted tests and results presented in this pa-
per are solely obtained by using BRIX
devices. To
reduce the overhead, only a single data format is used
for both the receiver and transmitter in our proposed
protocol (Fig. 2). The protocol is evaluated with star
network topology. The message size of the physical
layer for BRIX
is 29 bytes with a user control data
payload of 20 bytes. The user control frame is com-
posed of the senders address, the frame control sec-
tion, the length of the message sent and the payload.
The frame control section is responsible for control-
ling the message flow in the network. The reason why
we use only a sender address in our proposed imple-
mentation, is that the data transmission in a star net-
work topology is simply between the central node and
the sensor nodes. Thus, it can easily be identified with
just the sender’s address. The data frame format for
the physical layer has already been defined in the li-
brary of BRIX
MAC Data Payload
(User Control Data Payload)
2 B
1 B
20 B
4 B
Data Payload Unit
2 B
PHY Frame Data Format of BRIX
MAC or User Control Frame Data Format of BRIX
2 B
2 B
2 B
14 B
Figure 2: Data frame format of the proposed algorithm with
minimum overhead.
3.3 Time Slot Allocation in TDMA
In TDMA, each sender is allocated to a certain time
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
slot. With this mechanism, a single carrier frequency
can be shared among different sensor nodes without
risking packet collisions. Figure 3 describes the time
slot allocation for TDMA scheme implemented in
device for testing the proposed protocol. The
time slot for each sensor node in TDMA depends on
the number of bytes that are to be transferred. This
number changes with the packet size and the decision
between ACK and No-Ack mode. It follows that duty
cycle and throughput of a sensor node in TDMA are
directly associated with the active time of that sen-
sor node and the FrameTimeSlot of the network. In
fact, the active time depends on the size of the data
payload and the ACK or No-ACK mode (Fig. 3). In
the same manner, the FrameTimeSlot depends on the
active time of every sensor node in the network with
their corresponding guard time slot and the number of
the sensor nodes in the network.
3.4 Algorithm of the Proposed Adaptive
Protocol for WSNs
The duty cycle is the key factor for energy effi-
ciency in TDMA based WSNs as previously men-
tioned. Therefore, our proposed protocol is evalu-
ated in this manner. This is because the energy con-
sumption of a sensor node in WSNs is determined
by the sensor nodes’ current consumption in transmit,
idle and sleep mode, which is 16.8 mA, 1.7 mA and
100 µA in BRIX
. To maximize the energy efficiency
and maintain the reliability of the network, we pro-
posed an adaptive acknowledgement on-demand pro-
tocol for WSNs. The flow chart of our proposed pro-
tocol is depicted in Figure 4 and could be summarized
as follows:
An initial network congestion test is done by
sending predefined packets without ACK. This is
done after the sensor nodes are actually deployed
in a specific network area.
If the packet delivery ratio (PDR) of a sensor
node in the network is higher than the predefined
threshold value, the central node uses the No-
Time (ms)
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node N
Tf = Frame Time Slot Ts = Single Time Slot (Node)
Ta = Active Time Tg = Guard Time
Figure 3: TDMA scheme of the proposed protocol.
ACK mode for this particular sensor node. Oth-
erwise, ACKs are used.
During data transmission using the No-ACK
mode, a continuous network congestion test is car-
ried out. It is done by constantly monitoring the
PDR of each sensor node. This allow to react to
temporary changes in the network. Based on the
PDR soft margin threshold, automatically switch-
ing to the ACK mode is done in case failure of one
or more sensor nodes is detected.
In order to identify whether switching to the ACK
mode is caused by a temporary or permanent
changes in the network environment, the protocol
is able to switch back to the energy efficient No-
ACK mode once an adjustable countdown timer
runs out.
The assurance of PDR is the central process in
the proposed algorithm. The monitoring process of
the algorithm is mainly based on counting how many
times data from a certain sensor nodes is received by
the central node. The PDR calculation for No-ACK
mode is based on the received packets counter and
the TDMA frame cycle time.
For a reliable and energy efficient data transmis-
sion, the proposed protocol allows a mixed mode
which is ACK and No-ACK modes are applied to-
gether in the network. Since we are able to deter-
mine which sensor nodes fail to send data in the net-
work, we can efficiently switch to a different mode
for every sensor node on demand. The idea is that
the non-failing sensor nodes will continue transmit-
ting data using the No-ACK mode while the failing
sensor nodes are switched to the ACK mode to guar-
antee reliability.
We expect that in the described way, unnecessary
energy consumption and latency caused by the ACKs
in WSNs can be reduced. The adaptability of the pro-
posed protocol makes the network able to combine
the benefits of the energy efficiency in No-ACK mode
and the robustness in ACK mode on demand.
The energy consumption in WSNs basically depends
on the duty cycle and packet size of the sensor nodes,
which is directly associated with their active time. In
fact, the duration of the active time depends on both
the data transfer speed of the network and the type of
protocol used in the network (Hadded et al., 2015).
In this section, we focus only on the latter and com-
pare the results of using ACK, No-ACK and mixed
modes in sensors networks. To discuss the results,
An Adaptive Acknowledgement On-demand Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Figure 4: Proposed algorithm of the adaptive acknowledgement on-demand protocol for wireless sensor networks.
we provide network parameters such as packet deliv-
ery ratio (PDR), data throughput, active time and duty
cycle of the sensor nodes. The tests are conducted us-
ing BRIX
modules with widely used existing proto-
cols namely the un-slotted CSMA/CA method imple-
mented in accordance with the IEEE 802.15.4 stan-
dard, TDMA with ACK and TDMA without ACK.
The RF interface of BRIX
is set up to 868 MHz fre-
quency band with 0 dBm transmit power using the
Anaren Integrated Radio 66089 series antenna.
Figure 5: Indoor office environment test setup for packet
delivery ratio.
4.1 Packet Delivery Ratio
The test setup created to measure the PDR is done in
an offcie indoor, simulating a typical smart home en-
vironment. The building is mainly constructed using
steel and glass. For the experiment, 6 sensor nodes
were deployed across the building along with a cen-
tral node to retrieve the data from the deployed sensor
nodes (Fig. 5). In this scenario, 3 sensor nodes, (node
1, 2 and 3) are located in the direct line of sight (LOS)
with the central node along the corridor. The other 3
sensor nodes (node 4, 5 and 6) are placed in non-line
of sight (NLOS) locations.
For each test, 1000 packets were transferred with
the maximum payload size of 20 bytes. All tests are
repeated 50 times (Fig. 6). According to the test re-
sults, the average PDR of the nodes in LOS condition
is 100 % in both the ACK and No-ACK mode (Fig.
6). Only node 3 shows a lower PDR (99.5 %) if tested
in No-ACK mode. In the NLOS condition, the aver-
age PDR of node 4 is 100 % in both modes while it is
99.6 % for node 5 when tested without ACK. In gen-
Node1 Node2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6
Sensor Nodes
Figure 6: Comparison of the packet delivery ratio for
TDMA with ACK and without ACK.
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Type of Tested Protocols
Figure 7: Comparison of packet delivery ratio for single
sensor node in congested location 6.
eral, there are no significant deviations between the
average PDRs (ACK vs. No-ACK) concerning node
1 to 5. However, differences in the average PDRs be-
tween ACK and No-ACK modes are found for sensor
node 6. In the particular position of node 6, a higher
average PDR is achieved when ACK mode is used
(Fig. 6). In this context, one-time packet retransmis-
sion is allowed in TDMA using ACK mode.
Moreover, the test is conducted with different
schemes to compare the average packet delivery ra-
tio for a single sensor node (Fig. 7), which is placed
in the position of node 6 (Fig. 5). Results show that a
better PDR is reached in TDMA with ACK compared
to TDMA without ACK. The highest PDR is achieved
in CSMA/CA scheme, in which up to three packet re-
transmission are allowed. However, packet losses are
occurred in all of the three tested schemes from this
specific sensor node’s location.
4.2 Data Throughput
Additionally, we compare the test results of data
throughput for TDMA with ACK, without ACK and
different conditions of mixed ACK and No-ACK
mode (Fig. 8). For all tests, the maximum data
size is 20 bytes. The graph represents the mean data
throughput received at the central node for the whole
Individual ACK, No-ACK and Mixed ACK and No-ACK methods
& 0_ACK
& 1_ACK
& 2_ACK
& 3_ACK
& 4_ACK
& 5_ACK
& 6_ACK
Figure 8: Comparison of data throughput in different
schemes at run time period of 30 minutes.
network in 30 minutes. The ideal case (Fig. 8)
refers to the data throughput measured directly be-
tween only two BRIX
modules with maximum pay-
load and no channel access method.
The throughput declines as the number of sensor
nodes that use ACK in the network increases. Thus,
highest data throughput is achieved with TDMA in
No-ACK mode. This value is also closed to the ideal
value (12.83 kbit/s). Lowest throughput is received
when all nodes are using ACK mode (4.8 kbit/s).
The reason that the data throughput of the ACK
mode in TDMA is noticeably lower compared to the
No-ACK mode is that the ACK requires additional
waiting and processing time on both sides of the
transceivers for the ACK signal. The problem of this
ACK time becomes more crucial if the size of the
ACK signal outweighs the data size ifself (or com-
parable to it). As previously stated, this is common
especially in energy constraint low power and low
data rate WSNs in which only small data packages
are transferred.
4.3 Active Time of the Sensor Nodes
The active time of the sensor nodes is directly associ-
ated with the duty cycle. In turn the duty cycle is di-
rectly related to the energy consumption of the whole
network. This is particularly true when the sensor
nodes are transferring data through half duplex anten-
nas. The active time of a sensor node, as explained in
section 3.3, refers to the data transferring time plus the
idle waiting time of ACK signal (in ACK mode) with-
out going to their sleep mode. Therefore, we compare
the minimum and maximum active time of the BRIX
module depending on the protocols that are used in
the test (Fig. 9). In general, the active time for TDMA
in the No-ACK mode is more than bisected compared
to that of the ACK mode. Thus, the life time of the
sensor nodes could be approximately doubled if the
network is running with the No-ACK mode all the
time. The minimum and maximum active times are
Header Only Max. Payload
Typed of Tested Protocols
Figure 9: Comparison of minimum and maximum active
time for three tested protocols in BRIX
An Adaptive Acknowledgement On-demand Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Figure 10: Comparison of the average duty cycle for ACK,
No-ACK and mixed ACK and No-ACK modes.
measured for the two severe case scenarios:(i) header
part only (no payload) and (ii) maximum data payload
of 20 bytes. The maximum active time of CSMA/CA
is based on the maximum random back-off time of the
handshaking between the request-to-send (RTS) and
clear-to-send (CTS) mechanism of the IEEE 802.15.4
4.4 Duty Cycle
The average duty cycle of each sensor node (Fig. 10)
is based on the TDMA frame cycle of 200 ms when
6 sensor nodes are deployed in the network. This
means the central node collects the data from each
sensor node in the network every 200 ms. For both the
header only and maximum payload data transmission,
the lowest average duty cycle is found in the No-ACK
mode with 1.4 % and 7 % respectively. Maximum
average duty cycles (header and payload) with 6 %
and 16.5 % are found when the ACK mode is used by
all of the sensor nodes in the network. According to
the test results, it can be concluded that the average
duty cycle of the sensor nodes in the network would
gradually be increased according to the number of the
sensor nodes that are running in ACK mode.
4.5 Summary
According to the test results presented in this section,
a mixture of TDMA with ACK and No-ACK should
be used for energy efficient and reliable data transmis-
sion. For instance, node failure in sensor node 6 (Fig.
5) would cause all the sensor nodes in the network to
switch to ACK mode in normal networking protocol.
However, only node 6 needs to be switched to ACK
using our proposed protocol. Thus, the data through-
put will be 9.14 kbit/s instead of 4.8 kbit/s in which
all the sensor nodes are using ACK mode. Simulta-
neously, the duty cycle of the maximum data payload
will also be reduced from 16.5 % to 8.58 %.
With our current implementation of the proposed
adaptive acknowledgement on-demand protocol for
WSNs, the maximum number of sensor nodes that can
operate in mixed ACK mode is limited by the total
payload length of the protocol scheme. This is be-
cause the switching of the modes is controlled by the
central node. This is done by individually adding the
sensor node’s identification number (IDs) to a broad-
cast packet. However, the scheme is subjected to be
improved in a future implementation.
Moreover, the current switching time between
the energy efficient data transmission with No-ACK
mode to mixtures of ACK and No-ACK mode is from
100 ms up to approximately 1 second. This time de-
pends on the number of sensor nodes in the network
and the active and sleeping time of each individual
sensor node. Again, we tend to improve this issue in
a future implementation.
Furthermore, traffic differentiation between nodes
will be accounted in the future implementation of the
protocol to distinguish traffic classes such as high or
low priority, real-time or best-effort.
In this paper, an adaptive ACK on-demand protocol
for WSNs is presented. The protocol is tested on a
hardware implementation using BRIX
devices. The
impact of ACK signals in WSNs is highlighted by
comparing network parameters such as data through-
put, duty cycle, packet delivery ratio and active time
of the sensor nodes. Two main concepts were de-
ployed: Firstly, the protocol selection was done af-
ter all of the sensor nodes were deployed in a spe-
cific location in order to minimize the unnecessary us-
age of energy and latency caused by the ACK signal.
Secondly, the data was transmitted in TDMA without
ACK as much as possible in order to achieve maxi-
mum energy and latency efficiency. As a result, indi-
vidual node failures can effectively be addressed us-
ing our proposed protocol.
However, the central node is expected to be con-
nected to a continuous or large power source, since
the proposed protocol is mainly focusing on the en-
ergy efficiency of the sensor nodes, which are solely
supplied with a battery-based power source.
For future work, a simulation model for the pro-
posed adaptive acknowledgement on-demand proto-
col for WSNs will be designed. The purpose is to fur-
ther explore the impact of ACK in WSNs by varying
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
the network parameters such as throughput, packet er-
ror rate, duty cycle and active time for both custom
and general designs.
This work was supported by the Cluster of Ex-
cellence Cognitive Interaction Technology ’CITEC’
(EXC 277) at Bielefeld University, which is funded
by the German Research Foundation (DFG), and
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Re-
search (BMBF) within the project “KogniHome” and
the Leading-Edge Cluster ”Intelligent Technical Sys-
tems OstWestfalenLippe” (it’s OWL), managed by
the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).
Author Cung Lian Sang was supported by German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The authors
are responsible for the contents of this publication.
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