Table 2: This table shows a comparison of our method
against well-known antiviruses. Our tool achieves a detec-
tion rate of 100%.
Antivirus Detection Rates Antivirus Detection Rates
Our tool 100% Panda 19%
Avira 16% Kaspersky 81%
Avast 87% Qihoo-360 96%
McAfee 96% AVG 82%
BitDefender 87% ESET-NOD32 87%
F-Secure 87% Symantec 14%
The main contribution of this paper is the applica-
tion of graph kernel based learning techniques for
malware detection in a completely static way (no dy-
namic analysis). As far as we know, this is the first
time that these techniques are applied for malware
detection in a static manner. We introduced an auto-
matic malware detection algorithm based on SVMs.
First, we use static analysis in order to create ab-
stract API graphs from control flow graphs. Then, we
build SVMs that learn the malicious behaviors from
these API graphs and achieve malware detection and
recognition. These SVMs are built upon a well ded-
icated random walk graph kernel (RDW) that mea-
sures graph similarity as the number of common paths
of increasing lengths and characterizes common ma-
licious behaviors through training and test data. The
use of this kernel is clearly appropriate as it allows us
to handle non-vectorial data (i.e., graphs) without any
explicit generation of features on these graphs. Exper-
iments show that our RDW-based classifier achieves
a TPR of almost 99% with only 1.24% FPR for mal-
ware detection and an accuracy of 96.55% for mal-
ware category recognition. Compared to other ker-
nels (such as histogram intersection and convolution),
our RDW based method obtains the best classification
Note that we could have extracted vectorial features
from graphs and then applied other learning tech-
niques such as ANNs, but this would have led to loss
of information. Thus, we believe that applying graph
kernel based SVMs is the best choice to learn our ma-
licious behavior graphs.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy