that these features achieve a high detection ratio
(Yang et al., 2011). Also the IP-address a tweet is
sent from, can be valuable information. This infor-
mation is not available to the public, but can be imple-
mented by Twitter itself. Furthermore, the approach
can be improved by checking if the URL is listed on
blacklists. N.S. Gawale and N.N. Patile already im-
plemented a system to successfully detect malicious
URLs on Twitter (Gawale and Patil, 2015). Twitter
also lends itself for network features, such as number
of followers, user distance and mutual links. How-
ever, Twitter does not offer a way to retrieve historical
data about changes in these network features, so such
an extension could only be developed and evaluated
by monitoring a large set of users ‘hoping’ that they
will get hacked. Finally, features based ontext anal-
ysis may have potential, because malicious tweets,
spam tweets in particular, use very striking and sus-
picious sentences.
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Detecting Hacked Twitter Accounts based on Behavioural Change