where H
and H
are respectively the histograms
of intensity (or orientation) of the missing area and
the exemplar.
The Kullback and Leibler difference values obtained
on the histograms of the output images of Fig. 5 are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Objective results obtained on the images of Fig.
α = 1 α = 0.5 α = 1 α = 0.5
0.412 0.201 0.399 0.297
0.308 0.31 0.402 0.289
0.398 0.356 0.3 0.306
The objective evaluation of Table 1 generally
confirms our subjective analysis. In result A, both
intensity and orientation histogram differences are
higher with α = 1 than with α = 0.5, which verifies
that the dynamics of the inpainted missing area are
distorted with the pure Wei and Levoy inpainting.
The high orientation histogram difference (0.402) in
result B is due to the undesired repetitive patterns
shown in the inpainted area with α = 1. Finally, the
success of both, Wei and Levoy’s algorithm and the
proposed approach, in leading to output images of
roughly similar quality, is verified in the last row of
Table 1.
We have proposed an image inpainting algorithm
which consists in first inpainting the structure layer
of the image, then using it to constrain the inpainting
process of the image. The proposed approach relies
on adapting the algorithm of Wei and Levoy to the
specificities of the second-moment matrix. The
obtained results quality was highly encouraging, in
terms of dynamics and structures preservation, and
proved that using the structure layer in the inpainting
process could be advantageous comparing to pure
intensity-based approaches.
However, using other non-parametric methods
than Wei and Levoy, and evaluating their efficiency
in the structure and image inpainting processes, is of
our interest. We also aim at comparing the
performance of the proposed algorithm with several
existing inpainting methods, using a large database.
In addition, we aim at reinforcing the use of the
proposed approach with different inpainting scan
types, different neighbourhood shapes and size.
Finally, it is necessary to consolidate the proposed
objective evaluation using second order statistics,
such as the autocorrelation, for example.
This work has been partly supported by a research
grant from the Higher Center for Research at the
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon.
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