Subjective Assessment Method for Multiple Displays
with and without Super Resolution
Chinatsu Mori and Seiichi Gohshi
Department of Informatics, Kogakuin University, 1-24-2 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, 163-8677, Tokyo, Japan,
Keywords: Display, Image Quality, Subjective Assessment, Paired Comparison, 4K TV, Super Resolution.
Abstract: At present, although 4K TV sets are available in the market, the provision of 4K TV content is still not
sufficient. Almost all TV content is in high-definition television (HDTV) broadcasting, and images/videos
with insufficient resolution are up-converted to the resolution of the display. Thus, almost all 4K TV sets are
equipped with super-resolution (SR) technology to improve the resolution of the content. However, the
performance of SR on TV sets has not been guaranteed. Although the capability of SR needs to be assessed,
there has been no standard method for such an assessment. In this paper, a subjective assessment method for
multiple displays is proposed. Subjective assessment experiments of displays with and without SR are
conducted to confirm the ability of an SR method. As the results of statistical analysis, the superiority of the
SR in resolution quality is proved by the significant differences indicating the reproducible results. As the
reproducible results are obtainable, the proposed method is useful to assess multiple displays. In this paper,
the methodology of the proposed assessment method is described and the experimental results are presented.
Digital high-definition television (HDTV)
broadcasting has begun, and home-use television
(TV) displays have evolved from cathode-ray tubes
to liquid crystal displays. In 2011, 4K TV sets,
which have four times the resolution (3,840 × 2,160)
of HDTV (1,920 × 1,080), were introduced in the
market, and in 2014, 4K satellite broadcasting
started in Japan. However, 4K video content is still
not widespread, resulting in the release of 4K TV
sets ahead of the 4K broadcasting. Almost all TV
content available currently is in HDTV, and thus,
format conversion is necessary to play conventional
HDTV content on 4K TV sets. However, enlarging
an image causes blurring.
To improve image/video quality, almost all TV
sets are equipped with signal processing
technologies such as an enhancer. However, the
enhancer only enhances the edges of an image and
cannot actually improve resolution. Super-resolution
(SR) technology is one way to increase resolution.
4K TV sets equipped with SR have been released by
some manufacturers (Toshiba, 2013; Sony, 2015).
A popular SR method is super-resolution image
reconstruction (SRR), which uses multiple low-
resolution images to reconstruct a high-resolution
image (Farsiu, 2004). Although 4K TV sets
equipped with SRR are available (Toshiba, 2013),
the inability of SRR to improve the resolution of the
TV content has been discussed (Mori, 2016). Note
that SR is a catchphrase used in TV marketing, and
the performance of SR on TV sets is not guaranteed.
Although the assessment of SR performance on
TV sets is required, there is no method for such an
assessment at present. The simplest evaluation of SR
is signal analysis, which is a comparison of the
signals with and without SR in the frequency
domain. However, there is no way to measure the
signals after the SR processing on the TV sets. As
signal analysis cannot be used, a subjective
assessment is the only way to evaluate the
performance of SR embedded in video devices.
There are various TV sets equipped with signal
processing technologies including SR by different
manufacturers. Consumers compare these products
when they purchase a TV set. Although image
quality is frequently considered in the decision, there
is no way for consumers to evaluate the relative
merits of image quality between the products. A
standardized assessment methodology for television
video quality is described in BT.500 (ITU-R, 2002).
However, BT.500 is not adaptable for assessing
multiple displays leading to a product comparison.
Mori C. and Gohshi S.
Subjective Assessment Method for Multiple Displays with and without Super Resolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0006215202600265
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 260-265
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In other method, a paired comparison (Scheffe,
1952), was applied to image quality assessments
(Nakamae, 1996), and also applied to assess
different display panels (Kubota, 2008); however,
these assessments are for still-images. The typical
use for TV sets is video appreciation. The usefulness
of the method for video assessments on multiple
displays has not been verified. The purpose of this
study is to propose an assessment method for
multiple displays enabling to obtain consumers’
subjective impressions. Another purpose is to assess
TV sets equipped with different SR methods. In
authors’ previous work, a novel SR method using
non-linear signal processing (NLSP) was proposed
(Gohshi, 2014). The effect of NLSP is assessed by
the proposed method (Sugie, 2014; Mori, 2015). The
methodology of the assessment and the experimental
results are presented. The proposed method is
applicable to product comparisons.
Subjective image quality is a psychophysical
quantification of how a viewer perceives images and
videos. Human perceptions vary individually. Thus,
statistical analysis is essential to validate the
reproducibility of assessments. The reproducibility
is evaluated with the significant difference. Thus,
significant differences must be detectable because
the result without them makes no sense. Note that
psychophysical quantities are susceptible to various
factors, and we must carefully select the assessment
method and experimental conditions to obtain
reproducible measurements.
One of the most common subjective assessment
tools is BT.500 (ITU-R, 2002). BT.500 is useful in
evaluating the relationship between subjective image
quality and bitrate of the image coding. However,
BT.500 assessments must use a single display to
present assessment videos, and it is not directly
adaptable for multiple display assessments. A paired
comparison method and ranking method are
commonly used for sensory evaluation and it is
adaptable to multiple display assessments involving
simultaneous comparisons. The ranking method is a
comparison of all samples, whereas the paired
comparison is that of every pair of samples. The
ranking method is inferior to the paired comparison
method with respect to the sensitivity of the
assessment (Nakamae, 2000). In this paper, the
paired comparison method is combined with some of
the BT.500 experimental conditions, such as the
eligibilities of test sequences and observers. The
proposed method copes with the inadaptability of
BT.500 assessments to multiple display assessments.
3.1 Scheffe’s Paired Comparison
A paired comparison method is a round-robin paired
comparison that helps in obtaining a statistical order
for image quality. The process of Scheffe’s paired
comparison method is as follows. Using a pair of
target and reference samples, observers score their
quality on a five-grade scale from -2 to +2 (+2:
Excellent, +1: Good, 0: Even, -1: Poor, -2: Bad).
The same assessments are repeated for all pairs of
samples. Figure 1 shows the actual experiment using
the paired comparison method. The observer
compares the quality of multiple displays placed
together. This situation reproduces an environment
in which shoppers compare multiple items at a store.
3.2 Observers and Test Sequences
BT.500 specifies that observers must be non-experts
who do not work in the video industry and have
normal visual acuity and color vision. Moreover, the
number of observers must be at least 15. The
proposed method adopts these conditions.
BT.500 specifies that each test sequence used in
the assessment must last for 10-15 s and at least four
test sequences must be used. The proposed method
also adopts these specifications. Although BT.500
does not specify assessment areas, it is not easy for
non-expert observers to recognize the difference in
quality. To stabilize the observers’ decisions, the
proposed method specifies assessment areas that
make it easier to assess image quality in each of the
test sequences. Examples of the test sequences and
the assessment areas are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The ovals indicate the assessment areas, and the
observers judge the image qualities in these areas.
3.3 Experimental Environments
A training session is conducted in advance to
explain the meaning of high- and low-quality images
Figure 1: Experimental setup.
Subjective Assessment Method for Multiple Displays with and without Super Resolution
and the experimental method to observers. The
experimental process and evaluation points are
effectively explained to observers using a dummy
test sequence. The test sequence is repeated for each
display during the assessment. There is no time limit
for the assessment. The observers can freely move to
the front of each display and view the test sequences
to decide on their opinion. BT.500 specifies an
observation angle of ±30° from the front of the
screen. The proposed method maintains this angle,
and the observers are asked to view the videos from
the front of the display. A viewing distance of three
times the display height is specified in BT.500;
however, the appropriate viewing distances vary for
individuals according to their visual acuity. In the
proposed method, observers can freely select their
viewing distance during the assessment.
4.1 Experiment 1
Subjective assessment experiments were conducted
to verify the effect of NLSP. In experiment 1, the
effect of NLSP was assessed on multiple TV
displays. We used a pair of the same consumer-
grade 4K TV sets to present different assessment
videos. Figure 4 shows the 4K TV set used in the
experiment. NLSP was applied to one of the TV sets
by using the additional hardware shown in Figure 6.
Figure 7 shows a system diagram of the experiment.
The solid arrow indicates the process for presenting
the NLSP video signal, and the dashed arrow
indicates the process for presenting the original vi-
(1) Cherry tree (2) Bus
(3) Cruise ship 1 (4) Cruise ship 2
(5) Red brick
Figure 2: 4K test sequences.
deo signal. The 4K video player outputs a video
signal with 4K resolution. For the NLSP process, the
signal is input to the NLSP hardware and is
processed with NLSP. The processed video signal is
then displayed through the 4K TV set. For the
original process, the original 4K video signal is
directly input and displayed through the 4K TV set.
4.2 Experiment 2
The qualities of NLSP and conventional up-
conversion methods were compared. Experiment 2
also considered the effect of different display panels.
The same and different display sets were used for
the experiments. The stimuli are the 4K signals up-
converted from a 2K (1,920 × 1,080) signal by three
methods: NLSP, SRR, and the Lanczos filter
(Burger, 2010), which is a common interpolation
algorithm. Experiment 2-A uses two consumer-
grade 4K TV sets, as shown in Figure 4, and
experiment 2-B uses the 4K TV set shown in Figure
4 and a professional 4K display, shown in Figure 5.
The 4K TV set shown in Figure 4 is equipped with
SRR and implements it when the resolution of an
input signal is less than that of its display resolution
(4K), but it does not work with the same resolution.
The system diagrams for two experiments are shown
in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. They are the same
experiment except for the types of display devices.
The solid arrow indicates the process for presenting
the NLSP or original video signal. The dashed arrow
indicates the process for presenting the SRR video
signal. The video player outputs a video signal with
2K resolution. For the NLSP process, the 2K signal
is input to the NLSP hardware and is first up-
converted to 4K using the Lanczos filter. Then, the
(1) Ruins (2) Bricks
(3) Plaza (4) Castle
(5) Cathedral
Figure 3: 2K test sequences.
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
NLSP is implemented with the SR processing on the
hardware enabled (ON). If this setting is disabled
(OFF), the unprocessed 4K signal is output. The
output signal is either displayed through the 4K TV
set or the professional 4K display. For the SRR
process, the original 2K signal is directly input to the
consumer-grade 4K TV set. The signal is then up-
converted to 4K by the SRR embedded in the 4K TV
set and displayed through the 4K TV set.
4.3 Experimental Conditions
Thirty non-expert observers participated in the
experiments. The observers assessed image quality
using the five-grade scale from -2 to +2. They were
asked to assess resolution only. Other quality
factors, such as noise and color, were not considered
in the assessment. Five test sequences were used in
each experiment: the 4K test sequences shown in
Figure 2 were used in experiment 1, and the 2K test
sequences shown in Figure 3 were used in
experiment 2. These sequences do not include pan
and tilt scenes. The assessment areas indicated by
ovals in Figures 2 and 3 were specified. These areas
have high-resolution elements and are appropriate
for recognizing resolution differences.
5.1 Results of Experiment 1
The stimuli of experiment 1 are the original 4Kvideo
signal (original) and 4K video signal processed by
NLSP (NLSP). The assessment results for the
“Cherry tree” sequence are shown in Figure 10,
which shows the average and standard deviation of
the assessment score for each stimulus. The
horizontal axis shows an assessment score, and the
marks show the average score of original and NLSP
(rhombus and square, respectively). The bars
extending from the marks show the range of the
Figure 4: 4K TV. Figure 5: 4K display.
Figure 6: NLSP hardware.
standard deviation, which indicates the dispersion of
the score from its average. A higher average
indicates a higher assessment. The average of NLSP
(1.73) is higher than that of original (-1.27).
A reproducibility test is necessary to guarantee
the difference in averages. Reproducibility is
evaluated by the average score and range of the
standard deviation. The separation of the ranges
between the stimuli indicates the reproducibility of
the assessments. Comparing the ranges of the NLSP
and original values shown in Figure 10, there is a
complete separation of the range. Similar results are
obtained from the assessments for other test
sequences. All results prove the reproducibility and
the superiority of NLSP’s scores.
5.2 Results of Experiment 2
The stimuli of experiment 2 are signals up-converted
by the Lanczos filter (Lanczos), SRR equipped on
the 4K TV set (SRR), and SR with NLSP (NLSP).
Table 1 is the cross table for the “Ruins” sequence.
Row indicates the reference stimulus for
comparison, and column indicates the target
stimulus. The values in Table 1 are the sums of the
assessment scores for all observers. Further,
represent the sums of each row and column,
Figure 7: Experiment 1. Figure 8: Experiment 2-A. Figure 9: Experiment 2-B.
Subjective Assessment Method for Multiple Displays with and without Super Resolution
is the difference of
, and
the total of each row or column.
Here, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
assess the significant differences in the assessment
scores of the stimuli. The ANOVA results for the
“Ruins” sequence are shown in Table 2. The sum of
squares, degrees of freedom, and mean squares were
calculated for each factor (Fukuda, 2009). The
score is a statistical value for the F-test, and it is
obtained by dividing the mean square of a specific
factor and that of the residual factor. Further,
a critical F value for the 1% significance level. If
of the stimuli factor is greater than
, there is a
significant difference in the assessment scores of
stimuli. Here,
of the stimuli factor is
4.881. Thus, a 1% significant
difference between the stimuli is observed. Owing to
space limitations, the results for the other test
sequences cannot be shown, but all the ANOVA
results are the same in that there are significant
differences for the stimuli factor.
The significant differences in each pair of stimuli
were assessed because the ANOVA results
guarantee the significant differences of least one of
the pairs of stimuli. The yardstick values α for each
stimulus are calculated by 
/2, where
is the number of observers (30) and N is the
number of stimuli (3). The yardstick values for the
“Ruins” sequence are shown in Figure 11. In Figure
11, the horizontal axis is the yardstick value, and the
marks (rhombus, square, and triangle) show the
values of each stimulus. Higher values indicate
higher assessment. The values on the arrows show
the differences between the stimuli. A critical value
of the difference in yardstick values with
significance level is calculated as follows:
is the mean square of the residual factor
(0.26), as shown in Table 2. Further, is obtained
from the Student’s t-distribution with the degrees of
freedom for the residual factor (89) and number of
stimuli N (3). Let significance level be 0.01. Then
4.282, and thus,
0.164. If the difference
in yardstick values is greater than
, there is a
significant difference between the yardstick values.
In the results of the “Ruins” sequence, the yardstick
values in Figure 11 are the highest for NLSP, SRR,
and Lanczos, in that order. The differences in the
yardstick values of adjacent stimuli, NLSP with
SRR (α
), and SRR with Lanczos (α
) are as follows:
Because α
is greater than
, a 1%
significant difference between NLSP and SRR is
observed. The value of α
is not greater
, and thus, a significant difference between
SRR and Lanczos is not guaranteed. The asterisks
(**) in Figure 11 indicate 1% significant differences
between the stimuli. The significance level of the
difference is the error decision probability. The
complement value 99% to “**” is the probability of
the difference. Thus, a quality difference practically
exists with a 99% probability. All results have
similar tendencies; NLSP has the highest evaluation,
and there are significant differences between NLSP
and SRR as well as NLSP and Lanczos in all cases.
Significant differences between SRR and Lanczos
are obtained for “Plaza,” “Castle,” and “Cathedral.”
The results of experiment 2-B were analyzed in the
same way as those of experiment 2-A. As the
ANOVA results, the 1% significant difference
between the stimuli is observed in all test sequences.
Figure 12 show the results of yardstick values for the
“Ruins” sequence. All the results are similar to those
of experiment 2-A. The yardstick values of NLSP
are the highest of all stimuli in all cases. The
significant differences are revealed between NLSP
and the other two stimuli, SRR and Lanczos.
Significant differences between SRR and Lanczos
are obtained for “Bricks” and “Castle.”
5.3 Discussion
As a result of experiment 1, a quality difference in
resolution with and without NLSP was observed.
The reproducibility of the results was proven, and
thus, the effect of NLSP on 4K TV sets is
guaranteed. In experiment 2, the superiority of
NLSP is proven from the results of two experiments
with the same and different displays. The same
results were obtained regardless of the different
displays. The quality differences between SRR and
Lanczos are too small to guarantee because they
depend on the display and sequence. The essential
limits of the ability of SRR to improve the resolution
of the TV content were discussed (Mori, 2016), and
the results of the experiments are consistent with
these discussions. All the results prove its
reproducibility, regardless of the different displays.
Figure 10: Assessment results (experiment 1 Cherry tree).
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
The proposed assessment method is useful for
assessing multiple displays with SR.
In this paper, a subjective assessment method for
multiple displays was proposed, and the subjective
assessment experiments of different displays with
and without SR were conducted. The results prove
the superiority of NLSP in resolution quality. Since
the statistical differences were observed from all
assessment results, the proposed method is useful to
reproducible assessments. The proposed method is
adaptable for measuring other quality factors, such
as noise or color; the measurement of overall image
quality by proposed method is the future work.
Table 1: Cross table (experiment 2-A Ruins).
Lanczos NLSP SRR
Lanczos 55 8 63
NLSP -42 -39 -81
SRR 9 56 65
-33 111 -31
-96 192 -96
Table 2: ANOVA results (experiment 2-A Ruins).
Sum of
Degree of
Stimuli 307.20 2 153.60 582.96** 4.881
39.47 58 0.68 2.58** 1.746
Combination 0.05 1 0.05 0.19 6.963
Position 12.27 1 12.27 46.58** 6.963
8.56 29 0.30 1.12 1.944
Residual 23.45 89 0.26 - -
Overall result 391.00 180 2.17 - -
**: 1% significant difference
Figure 11: Assessment results (experiment 2-A Ruins).
Figure 12: Assessment results (experiment 2-B Ruins).
**: 1% significant difference
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Subjective Assessment Method for Multiple Displays with and without Super Resolution