our approach. The fourth version is the online SVM
algorithm which is trained with the same first 3000
examples and then increases the initial training set
with the following 3000
samples. The difference
between this and our method is that this model is re-
trained every time a new instance arrives (full
instance memory). Table 1 shows the average
accuracy the methods achieved in predicting the
price of stock for 3000 examples. The incremental
SVM algorithm achieves the highest accuracy which
is increased with the increase of the training set. It
achieves 71% accuracy for the first half of the
training set and 77% for the second half.
Table 1: Accuracy of various SVM algorithms.
Classic SVM 52%
Static Incremental SVM 60%
Online SVM 62%
Incremental SVM Learning 74%
In this paper we proposed two different data miming
techniques for time series and data streams. The first
is associated with the problem of lag correlation
discovery of time series. The proposed HSLC
algorithm achieved a reduction in time complexity in
contrast to the state-of-the-art method PLC while
preserving high accuracy in the results. Furthermore,
it has an infinitesimal error for both the value of the
lag and the value of the correlation coefficient for
every detected correlated pair of series. In the
second part of this paper, we examined the problem
of classification of data streams and evaluated
several approaches on a stock prediction case.
Specifically, an incremental SVM learning
algorithm used for data mining on streams was
employed on the KOSPI dataset. The algorithm
achieved higher accuracy compared to three other
versions of the SVM algorithm concluding that the
training models for the stock prediction problem
should follow an incremental iteration methodology.
This work was supported in part by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 690140.
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