Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling
Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco
Shaukat Ali
, Marius Liaaen
, Shuai Wang
and Tao Yue
Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway
The University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Cisco Systems, Oslo, Norway
{shaukat, shuai,tao}@simula.no, marliaae@cisco.com
Keywords: Testing, Modeling, Video Conferencing Systems, the Unified Modeling Language, the Object Constraint
Language, Feature Model.
Abstract: Research-Based Innovation (RBI) aims at bringing research-driven innovative solutions to the industrial
problems identified from the industry in close collaboration with researchers. This paper focuses on
presenting one such instance of RBI between Cisco Systems, Norway and the Software Engineering
department of Simula Research Laboratory, Norway over the period of last nine years. The main topic of the
collaboration was related to improving the current testing practice at Cisco with the use of models. We
present a brief overview of various model-driven testing projects, and lessons learned from such RBI
collaboration from researchers’ perspective.
To observe a quicker impact of research in the
industry, the research problems must be identified
directly from the industry and innovative solutions
to those problems must be developed in a close
collaboration with the industry. Such an approach
referred as Research-Based Innovation (RBI) is
applicable to a wide variety of engineering
disciplines including software engineering as
highlighted by Briand et al (Briand et al., 2012).
In this paper, we present our experience, results,
and lessons learned from a long-term collaboration
of such RBI of Simula Research Laboratory (SRL),
Norway with Cisco Systems, Norway over the
period of last nine years. More specifically, we focus
on projects of testing that aimed at solving problems
whose solutions required the use of models. The
branch of Cisco we collaborate with was previously
known as Tandberg—the world leading Norwegian
company developing high-quality Video
Conferencing System (VCSs). Tandberg was later
bought by Cisco and their core business still focuses
on developing a wide variety of hardware and
software-based (including cloud-based solutions)
telepresence devices, such as VCSs.
First, we present a brief overview of mode-
driven testing projects followed by commenting on
our collaboration by presenting some of the lessons
learned. Notice that the purpose of this paper is to
summarize our collaboration with Cisco and not to
present the new unpublished research. Thus, we
refer to appropriate references where readers can
find the details on the projects and research results.
Furthermore, experiences and lessons learnt are
solely from researchers’ perspective.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 0 presents an overview of our collaboration
with Cisco including various modeling notations we
tried in different projects. Section 3 presents the
projects related to model-drive test generation,
Section 4 presents projects for model-driven product
line testing, and Section 5 provides an overview of
various model-driven test optimization projects.
Section 6 presents some research work based on
restricted natural language-based notations that had
a comprehensive metamodel behind it. Section 7
presents lessons learned from our collaboration.
Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 8.
All the authors are alphabetically ordered.
Ali, S., Liaaen, M., Wang, S. and Yue, T.
Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling - Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco.
DOI: 10.5220/0006216105810589
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017), pages 581-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-210-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A timeline of collaboration with Cisco.
Figure 2: A timeline of modelling languages tried.
The research scientists from the Software
Engineering department of Simula Research
(SRL), Norway initiated collaboration
with Cisco Systems
, Norway in the beginning of
2008. The tagline for the Software Engineering
department was “The Industry Is Our Lab”
(Sjøberg, 2010) and thus the interest was to build
long-term collaborations with industry on various
topics in software engineering. The research
interests of the sub-group in the software
engineering department were on verification and
validation of software-intensive systems. The
collaboration initiated with one of the testing groups
at Cisco focused on testing software for one of the
Video Conferencing Systems (VCSs) being
developed at Cisco. The testing team was led by the
test manager (the second author on this paper), who
is still after nine years the main contact of the
collaboration of SRL with Cisco. Later on, in 2011,
the Cisco and SRL’s collaboration was further
strengthened, when a new verification and validation
center was established at SRL with Cisco as one of
the key user partners. The center is named as Certus
Software Verification and Validation Centre
has a duration of eight years and Cisco has been
actively participating in several sub-projects in the
An overview of the timeline of our collaboration
is shown in Figure 1. The timeline shows various
phases of model-driven testing projects together
with Cisco ranging from model-driven test
generation (Phase 1), model-driven product line
testing (Phase 2), model-driven test optimization
(Phase 3), and requirements modelling-driven test
generation (Phase 4). Over the time of collaboration,
we tried out a variety of modeling notations for the
above-mentioned testing problems as shown in
Figure 2 including UML-based models, feature
models, and dedicated natural language based
modeling notations. Based on the timeline of the
collaboration, we will provide a brief introduction to
the testing problems we solved (Section 3 to Section
6) followed by key lessons learned from our
collaboration in Section 7.
IndTrackMODELSWARD 2017 - MODELSWARD - Industrial Track
Our initial collaboration with Cisco was focused on
the use of models to improve the current testing
practice. We set the objective of collaboration at a
very high level with the ultimate aim of working
together with Cisco to elicit interesting research-
based innovation problems that we can solve
together. Based on several meetings and workshops,
we decided to automate the generation of test scripts
based on the models since test scripts were manually
coded by test engineers at the time of collaboration.
The test scripts were then executed using the already
developed test execution system.
This very first project included two Ph.D.
students, a master student, and two scientists from
SRL. Initially, the two Ph.D. students and the master
student worked together to develop models and
model-driven test case generation tool, called
TRUST(Ali and Hemmati, 2014, Ali et al., 2010) to
support functional testing of a Videoconferencing
System (VCS) called as Saturn. The aim was to set
up a base to build the Ph.D. theses on. The master
student’s thesis was focused on the development of
the tool.
Once the support for functional testing was
established, two parallel tasks were initiated. Each
Ph.D. student exclusively worked on his respective
tasks; however, there was intense collaboration
among the topics. Given the fact that a large number
of test cases can be generated from models, our
natural need was to devise scalable methods to
reduce the number of test cases to be executed
without compromising their effectiveness. This was
the focus of the first thesis (Hemmati et al., 2013).
The second thesis focused on testing the robustness
of the VCS in the presence of a variety of faults in
the environment (Ali et al., 2011a, Ali et al., 2012a).
During the first phase of collaboration, the focus
was testing one system at that time; however other
VCSs were used with the System Under Test, i.e.,
Saturn to assist test execution. Our choice of
modeling was the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) and more specifically, we used UML class
diagrams to model testing APIs of Saturn that was
implemented in the system and was used to
automate testing. UML state machines were used to
model the expected behavior of the system based on
the APIs defined in the class diagrams. For
automated test data generation, constraints in the
Object Constraint Language (OCL) were modeled
on the transitions as guard conditions that were
solved automatically to generate data to fire
transitions (Ali et al., 2014, Ali et al., 2011b, Ali et
al., 2012b). Test oracles were also implemented as
OCL constraints that were used to check actual
system states during the test execution with the ones
specified in the models(Ali et al., 2011a, Ali et al.,
Our in-house prototype, i.e., TRUST (Ali and
Hemmati, 2014, Ali et al., 2010) was developed that
take the models developed as input and generated
test scripts that can be executed to test the system.
TRUST had several other integrated tools including
state machine flattener to flatten hierarchy, test data
generation from OCL constraints, and runtime
constraint checking (Ali and Hemmati, 2014, Ali et
al., 2010, Ali et al., 2014, Ali et al., 2011b, Ali et al.,
Test ready models in UML were created together
with a research engineer for Saturn and were
discussed with several others and the test manager
(Ali et al., 2011a). This part of collaboration was
research-oriented and eventually results were
transferred only in the form of knowledge.
The Phase 1 collaboration was focused on testing
only one system at a time. Based on further
investigation, we discovered that Cisco develops
product lines of VCSs and thus by applying
methodologies from Product Line Engineering
(PLE), we can enable systematic reuse of test ready
models for the products belonging to a product line
instead of creating models from scratch for each
product to be tested. However, such reuse comes at
the expense of a methodology with the tool support
to configure models for each product.
Our first attempt (Ali et al., 2012c) was
developing configurable UML class diagrams, UML
state machines, and their associated OCL constraints
(product line models). On the top of the models, we
developed a methodology with the tool support (Ali
et al., 2012c) that allows to configure the models for
each new product and then use the configured
models for test case generation using the existing
version of our prototype test case generation tool,
i.e., TRUST (Ali and Hemmati, 2014, Ali et al.,
Over the time, we further learned that the test
engineers were reluctant in using UML models.
They rather prefer coding test scripts, and thus we
decided to further raise the level of abstraction of the
product lines models, where we introduced Feature
Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling - Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco
Models as the main frontend to select and configure
UML models for a particular product. Such an
approach (Wang et al., 2013b) hides the UML
Models from users (e.g., test engineers in our case)
who rather focuses on the Feature Models. All the
configuration of models took place using the feature
model, where the users only need to select relevant
features followed by selecting various values of
attributes and the result was configured UML
models for a VCS product (Wang et al., 2013b) to be
used for test case generation.
Motivated by the industrial needs of testing product
lines of VCSs coined as Saturn, we further managed
to identify three test optimization problems together
with the test engineers at Cisco in the context of
product line testing, which included: 1) Test case
selection; 2) Test suite minimization and 3) Test
case prioritization. Our previous works have
addressed the above-mentioned test optimization
problems by employing systematic and automated
approaches with models (e.g., feature models) and
search algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms) (Ali et
al., 2009). We briefly present each problem along
with proposed approaches as below together with the
5.1 Model-Driven Test Case Selection
The key goal for test case selection was to
automatically and systematically select a subset of
test cases for testing a particular VCS product from
the test suite developed for testing the entire product
line. To achieve this goal, we proposed an
automated test selection approach using feature
model together with the test engineers at Cisco
(Wang et al., 2013a, 2016a, 2015). More specifically,
a Feature Model for Testing (FM_T) was defined to
capture commonalities and variabilities across a
VCS product line while a Component Family Model
for Testing (CFM_T) was designed to model the test
case repository that is used to test the entire product
line. Moreover, restrictions were employed to link
FM_T, CFM_T and test cases in the repository and
thus test engineers are able to perform automated
test case selection at a higher level of abstractions
(i.e., through FM_T) using our approach.
5.2 Model-Driven Test Suite
The aim of test suite minimization was to eliminate
the redundant test cases from the selected test suite
(obtained from the test case selection activity) in
order to 1) reduce the cost of testing (e.g., execution
time) while 2) preserve high effectiveness (e.g.,
coverage of testing functionalities modeled as
features in the feature model). With such goal in
mind, we formulated such test suite minimization
problem as an optimization problem followed by
proposing a search-based test minimization approach
(Wang et al., 2014a, 2013a). The approach defined a
fitness function that took five cost-effectiveness
objectives (e.g., fault detection capability) into
account and integrated the fitness function with a
multi-objective search algorithm (e.g., Random-
Weighted Genetic Algorithm) with the best
performance based on an extensive empirical
evaluation. In addition, a tool named TEst
Minimization using Search Algorithms (TEMSA)
was also designed and implemented for supporting
test suite minimization activity using our search-
based approach.
5.3 Model-Driven Test Case
The goal for test case prioritization was to schedule
the minimized test suite (obtained from the test suite
minimization activity) into an optimal order before
executing with the aim to achieve high effectiveness
(e.g., fault detection capability) as early as possible
with the minimum cost (e.g., execution time). To
address such challenge, a search-based multi-
objective approach was proposed to prioritize a
given set of test cases in a cost-effective manner
when there is a limited budget (e.g., time and test
resources) (Wang et al., 2014b, 2016b, Pradhan et
al., 2016, Wang et al., 2016c). The approach defined
a fitness function by considering multiple cost and
effectiveness measures (e.g., resource usage and
feature pairwise coverage on the features modeled in
the feature model). Moreover, the approach
empirically evaluated more than ten multi-objective
search algorithms and integrated the best one for
prioritizing test cases in practical applications.
Notice that the above-mentioned approaches
have been proposed together with test engineers at
Cisco with the aim to cost-effectively testing VCS
products in the context product line. It is worth
mentioning that the proposed approaches are also
applicable separately in other contexts (e.g.,
IndTrackMODELSWARD 2017 - MODELSWARD - Industrial Track
regression testing).
In this approach, we made another attempt to
automate test script generation from a dedicated test
case specification language, called Restricted Test
Case Modeling (RTCM) (Yue et al., 2015). With
RTCM, one can specify test case specifications
using restricted natural language. The RTCM
specification language is composed of a set of
keywords (e.g., VERIFIES THAT) for the purpose
of reducing ambiguities inherent in natural language
based specifications and facilitating automated
analyses and generations such as test scripts. RTCM
specifications are automatically formalized into
instances of TCMeta, the metamodel designed
particularly for the RTCM methodology. From
TCMeta instances, test scripts can be automatically
In the context of this research stream, we have
developed an editor dedicated for specifying test
case specifications. With this editor (with the RTCM
test case specification template implemented), one
can directly embed testing APIs of the system under
test into test case specifications by simply making a
selection from a drop list that lists all the available
APIs, while typing. Using the easy-to-use template
provided with RTCM, test specifications are
specified in natural language combined with testing
APIs related to making calls, checking state
variables, and configuring a VCS. Once the test case
specifications are written, our test generator
(integrated with the RTCM editor) automatically
outputs test scripts using various coverage criteria
such as All Branch and All Condition coverage
criteria (Yue et al., 2015).
This work is ongoing and is mostly of research
nature with a prototype implementation of the editor
and generator. It has been validated on the VCS
systems at SRL available for experimentation and
provided by Cisco.
In this section, we present a set of lessons learnt
extracted from the fruitful collaboration with Cisco.
The aim for presenting these lessons learnt is to
provide some guidelines for the future practitioners
who plan to conduct industry-oriented research.
7.1 Willingness of the Industrial
Collaborators to Try out New
Things is Critical for Research-
based Innovation
Based on our nine-year collaboration with Cisco, we
observe that the willingness of learning new
knowledge plays a key role in the adoption of
research findings (e.g., approaches and prototype
tool) into industrial practice. In the worst case, the
door of collaboration would be closed if industrial
companies are not open and do not like to depart
from what they are already doing. In our case, we
are very fortunate to have Cisco as our industrial
partner who always expresses a strong desire to
receive new knowledge that could be used for
improving their testing practice. More specifically,
one test quality assurance manager and around 5-6
test engineers have been involved in our
collaboration and these people have shown high
degree of openness and motivation for acquiring
diverse theories and developing innovative
approaches. For instance, when the collaboration
started in 2007, there were no concepts of model-
driven testing (even though some models were used
sometimes for illustrating concepts, e.g., test cases)
or product line testing (even though several VCS
products already existed at that time). The test
engineers at Cisco were also not aware of the state-
of-the-art with respect to these research fields. With
our collaboration, one of the key outcomes is that
several concepts have been well introduced along
with the proposed approaches throughout the testing
group, e.g., model-drive test case generation and test
case selection using feature models. Notice that the
test manager/test engineers who we are collaborating
with managed to ‘advertise’ the knowledge and
approaches they gained to the whole company
through department meetings or workshops and thus
more practitioners at Cisco have opportunities to
learn fresh knowledge that have potentials to be
employed for solving other challenges. From the
long-term view, such learning circle is essential for
companies to be innovative and competitive since a
diversity of knowledge is always brought in.
7.2 Productive Collaborations Require
Collaborators Holding a
Long-Term Vision
Another of our key observations is that it is crucial
Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling - Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco
for industrial collaborators to have a long-term
vision when there is an ambition to mature research
findings into practical applications. Such
observation is extracted due to several factors based
on our experience with Cisco. The first factor is that
it usually takes years to successfully deploy research
achievements (e.g., approaches and prototype tools)
into the industry. With respect to model-driven
testing, it even takes more time since models (e.g.,
UML and feature model) are not well known in
industry and practitioners have to first acquire
relevant modeling knowledge (e.g., UML and
feature models) before digging into specific
approaches and tools. Therefore, it requires that
industrial companies have a long-term vision for
future markets when establishing collaborations with
research institutions. For instance, Cisco has a strong
ambition to fully automate their testing process of
VCS products (which is a very challenging goal) and
thus they are willing to investigate significant effort
on research that can be employed for their ambition.
In the past nine years, on average two meetings
(around 1.5 hours) per month have been arranged
between researchers in SRL and engineers at Cisco
for discussing potential challenges, designing and
revising approaches with tool support. With such
large amount of effort we spent, a set of testing
challenges have been identified faced by Cisco (e.g.,
test case generation) and a number of cost-effective
model-based approaches have been proposed and
developed together with tool support (Section 3 to
Section 6). We have ambitions to mature all these
research approaches into the current testing practice
of Cisco with the aim of improving the efficiency of
7.3 Seeking ‘champions’ in the
Industry to Support Collaboration
In most of the industrial companies, technical
employees (e.g., test engineers in our case) do not
hold the power to make final decisions for the
adoption of new approaches or tools. Such decisions
usually need to be submitted and discussed through
the level of the management team. Based on our
experience, it is also infeasible for technical staff to
decide and establish collaboration between research
institutions (e.g., SRL) and industrial companies
(e.g., Cisco). Such process also requires involving
one or more high-level persons from the
management team. Therefore, it is of paramount
importance to seek champions from industry who
can play as backbones for strongly supporting during
the entire process of collaboration, e.g., identifying
problems and realizing solutions. Such champions
usually hold several key characteristics including 1)
being highly motivated for improving the current
practice; 2) being open to new knowledge and
techniques; 3) having a high influence on the
decisions of the management team; and 4) working
stably in the company for a long time. In our case,
we are lucky in having such strong champion at
Cisco, who plays as test quality assurance manager
and have been working in the testing department of
Cisco for more than 15 years. He is always
motivated to tackle difficult challenges that exist in
the VCS testing process, has an open mind for
learning new theories/approaches and is active to
provide us with real testing dataset used for
evaluating the research approaches. In general,
finding such champion is essential for research-
industrial collaboration to produce useful outcomes
that can have an impact on practical applications.
7.4 Efficient Teamwork with Good
Attitude are the Key Factors for the
Success of Collaboration
This lesson learned underlines the importance of
efficient teamwork and good attitudes for both
researchers and industrial collaborators. More
specifically, efficient teamwork and good attitudes
refer to two angles. First, researchers and engineers
(e.g., test engineers in our case) should communicate
and understand each other in a good way. This is
particularly important since researchers and
engineers sometimes use different terminologies,
which could mislead the understanding (e.g., for
problems or approaches). In our case, we did a
mapping job to unify the terminology between
research and industry, which will be used throughout
the collaboration. For instance, we tried to map the
term feature in feature model to the term testing
functionality at Cisco and thereby avoiding
misunderstanding of terminology. Second, efficient
teamwork and good attitudes denote that both
researchers and engineers should be willing and
active to work together. From the perspective of
research, researchers need to be positive for
communicating with industrial practitioners,
identifying potential challenges, proposing
approaches and revising the approaches based on the
feedback provided by industrial practitioners. From
the view of the industry, practitioners should be
active to learn new knowledge (e.g., models), help
researchers to realize the proposed approaches,
provide real dataset (e.g., VCS testing results) for
empirical evaluation and eventually deploy the
IndTrackMODELSWARD 2017 - MODELSWARD - Industrial Track
approaches into the practice. Notice that all these
activities required by researchers or industrial
practitioners have a lot of overlap, which requires an
efficient teamwork and optimistic attitudes from the
both sides. In our case, researchers from SRL
frequently communicate with test engineers at Cisco
with different means (e.g., video call, physical
meetings and workshops) to ensure that challenges
have been identified and addressed in a proper way.
Test engineers also like to share ideas and provide
their valuable feedback to further improve the
approaches. Sometimes, both researchers and test
engineers work together for the integration of the
research approaches. All these activities can
guarantee the collaboration is productive and fruitful
from a long-term perspective.
7.5 Introducing Modeling Notations to
Industry in a Smart Way
This lesson learned emphasizes that industrial
practitioners usually prefer simple modeling
notations in terms of learning and employing model-
driven testing approaches. Based on our experience,
modeling notations with high complexity would
make industrial practitioners get lost and lose their
interests in a short time and thereby resulting in a
failure of productive collaboration. In our case,
when introducing UML notations to Cisco, we first
investigated what would be the sufficient subset of
UML modeling nations for VCS testing based on
several discussions with the test engineers at Cisco.
We observed that most of the UML notations were
not needed for VCS testing and therefore we only
chose several key notations (e.g., classes and state
machines) and presented to the test engineers. With
such way, we found that the test engineers were able
to acquire the UML modeling notations in an
efficient way and some of them even tried to model
VCSs with these notations by themselves.
In terms of variability modeling, we chose
feature model (Section 5.1) since 1) the notations of
feature model are sufficient for capturing the
commonalities and variabilities of VCS product line,
and 2) the notations of feature model is simple and
quite easy to understand by the test engineers even
without modeling background. We also tried to map
the notations of feature model to the terminology
used in VCSs, which again made the modeling
notations easily understood. In our previous work
(Wang et al., 2016a), we also conducted a controlled
experiment for soliciting the views of the experts of
VCS testing (e.g., test manager and test engineers) in
terms of understanding and using the modeling
notations of feature model. The results showed that
industrial practitioners at Cisco was able to gain a
good understanding on the modeling notations we
introduced and they were positive to employ our
proposed model-driven testing approaches (Section
5.1) into their practice.
7.6 User-friendliness of a Tool is a Key
Factor for the Success to the
Adoption of Research Results
One of the major gaps between academics and
industry is that academics usually do not put
particular focus on tool support, which is, however,
the key concern from the perspective of the industry.
To bridge such gap, researchers should push
themselves to spend more effort on maturing
research approaches into tool support, which can be
eventually employed by industrial practitioners. In
our case, we designed and developed a set of user-
friendly tools together with the test engineers at
Cisco, which integrated the proposed approaches,
e.g., TRUST (Ali and Hemmati, 2014, Ali et al.,
2010) for model-based test case generation (Section
3), TEMSA (Wang et al., 2014a) for model-driven
test suite minimization (Section 5.2). Based on our
experience, we also notice that industry usually
prefers to use commercial tools instead of open-
source tools. For instance, there are currently a
number of tools available for feature modeling, e.g.,
and pure::variants
. After we discussed
with the test engineers at Cisco, we decided to
choose pure::variants for feature modeling since: 1)
it is a commercial tool that holds good stability and
reliability; 2) it has a good and friendly user
interface that can be learned and used quickly; 3) it
supports plugin development and we can implement
our functionalities on the top of it; and 4) technical
support is usually efficient for commercial tools.
In this paper, we summarized and reported our nine-
year collaboration between the Software
Engineering department (Simula Research
Laboratory, Norway) with Cisco Systems, Norway,
which focus on employing models to cost-
effectively test Video Conferencing Systems (coined
as model-driven testing). With such long-term
productive collaboration, we managed to gain
Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling - Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco
achievements (with numerous research publications
and tool support) from four angles together with
industrial practitioners at Cisco, which include:
model-based test generation, model-driven product
line testing, model-driven test optimization and test
case generation from requirements-based test
specification. With respect to each angle, we
reviewed the challenges identified together with
approaches (with tool support) proposed to deal with
these challenges. Furthermore, based on our
experience, we extracted and shared a set of lessons
learned from researchers’ perspective with the aim
of providing guidance to future practitioners who
plan to work on industrial-oriented research,
particularly for the research related with model-
driven testing.
It is also worth mentioning that the collaboration
between Simula with Cisco is still ongoing and will
be continued from a long-term perspective in the
future. We are currently working together to address
new challenges. We believe that the outcomes from
such collaboration (i.e., research-based innovation)
will be beneficial to both academics and industry.
Tao Yue and Shaukat Ali are supported by RCN
funded Zen-Configurator project, the EU Horizon
2020 project Testing Cyber-Physical Systems under
Uncertainty, RFF Hovedstaden funded MBE-CR
project, RCN funded MBT4CPS project, and RCN
funded Certus-SFI. Shuai Wang is supported by RFF
Hovedstaden funded MBE-CR project and RCN
funded Certus-SFI.
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Conference On Model Driven Engineering Languages
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Ali, S., Briand, L. C. & Hemmati, H. 2012a. Modeling
Robustness Behavior Using Aspect-Oriented
Modeling To Support Robustness Testing Of
Industrial Systems. Software And Systems Modeling,
11, 633-670.
Ali, S., Briand, L. C., Hemmati, H. & Panesar-Walawege,
R. K. 2009. A Systematic Review of the Application
And Empirical Investigation of Search-Based Test
Case Generation. Ieee Transactions On Software
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Ali, S. & Hemmati, H. Model-Based Testing of Video
Conferencing Systems: Challenges, Lessons Learnt,
And Results. 2014 IEEE Seventh International
Conference On Software Testing, Verification And
Validation, March 31 2014-April 4 2014 2014. 353-362.
Ali, S., Hemmati, H., Holt, N. E., Arisholm, E. & Briand,
L. 2010. Model Transformations As A Strategy To
Automate Model-Based Testing - A Tool And
Industrial Case Studies, Simula Research Laboratory,
Technical Report (2010-01).
Ali, S., Iqbal, M. Z. & Arcuri, A. 2014. Improved
Heuristics For Solving OCL Constraints Using Search
Algorithms. Proceedings of The 2014 Conference On
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver,
Bc, Canada: ACM.
Ali, S., Iqbal, M. Z., Arcuri, A. & Briand, L. 2011b. A
Search-Based OCL Constraint Solver for Model-
Based Test Data Generation. Proceedings of The 11th
International Conference on Quality Software (Qsic
2011). IEEE Computer Society.
Ali, S., Iqbal, M. Z., Arcuri, A. & Briand, L. 2012b.
Generating Test Data from OCL Constraints With
Search Techniques. Simula Research Laboratory.
Ali, S., Yue, T., Briand, L. & Walawege, S. 2012c. A
Product Line Modeling and Configuration
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Empowering Testing Activities with Modeling - Achievements and Insights from Nine Years of Collaboration with Cisco