deep-insights about the framework internals in order
to apply adaptions and customizations with a
reasonable performance. The documentation usually
fundamentally lacks of many important details,
interfaces are unclear or redundant, and reasons for
framework malfunctions are hard to detect. All these
factors contradict the requirements of enabling rapid
prototyping and trustworthiness of the applied
solutions. This especially affects the close
collaboration between the MBE designer and the
development team in a negative way and raises the
probability to object to the MBE adoption process.
Many user experience aspects are still
underrepresented but must be treated as first class
requirements from our point of view. Compared to
off-the-shelf IDEs for traditional programming
languages, user guidance features have by far not
reached the same maturity level. Despite the better
situation for DSLs, traditional modelling tools
usually significantly lack in user guidance: hardly
anything is indicating to the users that they are doing
something right or wrong, nor any suggestions for a
certain modelling context are provided. Besides
increasing the probability of rejection, the lack of user
guidance is a reason for individual interpretation of
model semantics with the known fatal consequences.
Defining a formal meta-model semantics
underneath (such aimed by fUML), only partially
solves the problem of misinterpretation. The user still
has to understand the formal specification, but in
practice many formalism representations are
considered to be rather discouraging due to their
mathematical notation and the (subjectively) implied
poor comprehensibility. A promising approach here
could be to hide the formalism from the end user, but
instead derive user guidance features directly from
these formalisms.
On the other hand, formalized semantics are the
basis for the requirement of composability (Broy,
2010), which we consider as essential regarding our
hypotheses of MBE micro injections: if the applied
injections remain just local islands and are hard to
combine in form of a step-wise integration process,
the overall MBE adoption strategy will fail.
Finally, another potential showstopper has to do
with the dominance of the Eclipse community
regarding modelling frameworks. On the one hand, a
kind of monopolism is even an advantage here, since
the Eclipse frameworks are on the way to become the
de-facto standard for modelling tools and
frameworks, which makes tool decision and
integration much easier und supports the requirement
of trustworthiness in terms of long-term tool
availability, especially due to its open-source
philosophy (Bordeleau, 2014). On the other hand, it
still remains a challenge to integrate traditional of-
the-shelf development tools outside the world of
Eclipse-based modelling frameworks (e.g. Microsoft
Visual Studio). The existence and widespread use of
these development tools, however, cannot be
discussed away. It is practically impossible to migrate
extensive development projects with a significant
amount of legacy from one platform to another.
However, it would be unfortunate to exclude half of
the potential modelling advocates just because their
companies are not using Eclipse-based development
tools. Thus corresponding platform bridges are
fundamental and need to be much more promoted.
We have observed that the two hypotheses presented
in this paper have the potential to make the adoption
of MBE principles in industry more successful.
However, these hypotheses are based on long-term
experiences within an industrial environment rather
than on scientific research. Thus we want to
encourage the scientific modelling community to put
some attention on them in form of further evaluations.
In addition, the two hypotheses are related to a
series of requirements for MBE methods, tools and
frameworks. We have acknowledged corresponding
trends in the modelling community to address
requirements such as customizability and user
experience issues, which are currently mostly
reflected by DSL approaches. From an industry point
of view, however, many of the mentioned
requirements are still not manifested enough in MBE
tools and frameworks. Consequently, we would
appreciate if the modelling framework and tool
community put even more focus on these topics.
Bordeleau, F., 2014. Model-based engineering: A new era
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Driven Engineering Languages, pp. 2-8.
Broy, M., Feilkas, M., Herrmannsdoerfer, M., Merenda, St.,
Ratiu, D., 2010. Seamless model-based development:
from isolated tools to integrated model engineering
environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 526-
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