Action Recognition using the R
Transform on Optical Flow Images
Josep Maria Carmona and Joan Climent
Barcelona Tech (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
R Transform, Action Recognition, PHOW, Projection Templates.
The objective of this paper is the automatic recognition of human actions in video sequences. The use of spatio-
temporal features for action recognition has become very popular in recent literature. Instead of extracting the
spatio-temporal features from the raw video sequence, some authors propose to project the sequence to a sin-
gle template first.
As a contribution we propose the use of several variants of the R transform for projecting the image sequences
to templates. The R transform projects the whole sequence to a single image, retaining information concern-
ing movement direction and magnitude. Spatio-temporal features are extracted from the template, they are
combined using a bag of words paradigm, and finally fed to a SVM for action classification.
The method presented is shown to improve the state-of-art results on the standard Weizmann action dataset.
One of the multiple applications of automatic vi-
sual analysis of human movements is the understand-
ing of human activities in video sequences. Clas-
sification and recognition of human activities can
be very useful for multiple applications, like video-
surveillance, human-computer interaction, biometric
analysis... The objective of action/gesture recognition
is to identify human movements invariantly to the ges-
ture speed, distance to camera, or background.
Since human activity is captured in video se-
quences, the temporal domain is very important to
model gestures or human actions. Several authors
have extended the classical object recognition tech-
niques to the spatio-temporal domain (Kl
aser et al.,
2008), (Scovanner, 2007), (Jhuang et al., 2007). They
use vocabularies of volumetric features that are com-
puted using three-dimensional keypoint detectors and
descriptors. In (Scovanner, 2007) they used 3D SIFT
for action recognition using spatio-temporal features.
In (Kl
aser et al., 2008), authors proposed a descrip-
tor based on the histogram of 3D spatio-temporal gra-
dients. 3D gradients are binned into regular polyhe-
drons. They also extend the idea of integral images to
3D which allows rapid dense sampling of the cuboid
over multiple scales and locations in both space and
time. The approach presented in (Jhuang et al., 2007)
combined keypoint detection with the calculation of
local descriptors in a feed-forward framework. This
was motivated by similarity with the human visual
system, extending a bioinspired method to action
recognition. At the lowest level, they compute the
spatial gradients along the x and y axis for each frame.
Then the obtained responses are converted to a higher
level using stored prototypes.
We present a new method for action/gesture
recognition, based on a projection template, which is
obtained using a variant of the R transform. The R
transform was originally designed for object recogni-
tion, but some authors (Souvenir and Parrigan, 2009)
(Wang et al., 2007) (Zhu et al., 2009) (Vishwakarma
et al., 2015) (Goudelis et al., 2013) have used it, or
some variants, for action recognition too. In (Vish-
wakarma et al., 2015), they proposed a method based
on the combined information obtained from the R
transform and the energy silhouettes. They generated
a feature vector from the average energy silhouettes
and applied R transform to the normalized silhou-
ette extracted. Authors presented in(Goudelis et al.,
2013) two methods to assess the capability of the
Trace transform to recognize human actions. Trace
transform is a generalization of the Radon transform.
These previous works use this transform on sil-
houette images or human shapes previously seg-
mented from image sequences. In this work, we apply
the R transform directly to the optical flow compo-
nents of the input sequence, avoiding all the problems
regarding the segmentation stage.
We also show in this paper that some variants of
Carmona J. and Climent J.
Action Recognition using the Rf Transform on Optical Flow Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0006218002660271
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 266-271
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the R transform preserve important information of hu-
man action sequences, giving more accurate results in
the recognition process.
We compute different R transforms using different
projection functions. Using a R
transform, being f
a projection function, we obtain a single image from
each video sequence. Different projection functions
f lead to different templates. In the results section
we evaluate several projection functions and select the
one that gives the highest recognition rate.
Once the image template is computed, we use a
Pyramid Histogram Of visual Words (PHOW) (Bosch
et al., 2007) as feature descriptor. Next, we combine
the feature descriptors, ignoring the structural infor-
mation among keypoints, using the paradigm known
as Bag of Words (BoW) (Csurka et al., 2004). In a
BoW approach, the number of occurrences of similar
feature patterns is accumulated in the bins of a his-
togram. Some other authors have successfully used
BoW for action recognition (Niebles et al., 2008).
Once the feature patterns have been computed, the
action sequence is recognized by means of a SVM
classifier. In the results section, we compare the re-
sults obtained using our approach on the Weizmann
action dataset with the ones reported by other authors
using the same dataset.
The Radon transform (Radon, 1917) consists in a
multiple angle projection of a given image I(x, y). The
result of this projection is an integral line, that is,
the cumulative sum of pixel values in all directions.
Given a line in its polar form:
ρ = xcosθ + ysinθ (1)
the Radon transform can be expressed mathemat-
ically using equation 2
g(ρ, θ) =
I(x, y)δ(xcosθ + ysinθ ρ) (2)
where I(x, y) is the input image, δ is the Dirac
function, ρ is the distance from the line to the ori-
gin, and θ is the line direction. The main drawback
of the Radon transform is that it is not invariant to
translation, scale, or rotation. There exist several ap-
proaches to achieve such invariances (Arodz, 2005).
In (Tabbone et al., 2006), they presented a variant of
the Radon transform, the R transform, which is in-
variant to translation and scale.
The R transform is computed summing all
squared values of the Radon transform for all image
rows having a given direction θ. It can be expressed
using equation 3
R(θ) =
(ρ, θ) (3)
The result of the R transform is a function giv-
ing the normalized sum of pixel values for all orienta-
tions. It maps a 2D image to a 1D signal.
The R
transform is a variant of the R transform,
being f a generic function. It can be expressed in its
general form:
(θ) = f (g(ρ, θ)) (4)
where g(ρ, θ) is the Radon transform and f is a
function that can be tuned as parameter, and allows
to adapt the transform to the specific problem to be
For example, R
substitutes the squared values
of the R transform by the maximum of the absolute
value of pixel values. This transform is invariant to
translation and, if correctly normalized dividing by
the supremum of the image values, is also invariant
to scale.
(θ) =
(g(ρ, θ)) i f R
(g(ρ, θ)) i f R
< R
where R
= |max
(g(ρ, θ))| and R
(g(ρ, θ))|.
uses the standard deviation instead the sum
of squared values. It is also invariant to translation.
(θ) = dev
(g(ρ, θ)) (6)
uses the man value of pixel values for all
orientations. Even though is pretty similar to the orig-
inal R transform, it has the advantage of considering
the negative values of g(ρ,θ).
(θ) = mean
(g(ρ, θ)) (7)
The properties of all these R
transform are to-
tally dependent on the function f chosen. Apart from
their properties concerning invariances, they present
different behaviors when applied to images that may
contain negative values (like the optical flow images
used in this work). Figure 1 shows the result of the
R, R
, R
, R
for two input images containing
positive and negative values. We can see that R
and R
transform give different results for positive
and negative values, while these differences are lost
when using the standard R and the R
Action Recognition using the Rf Transform on Optical Flow Images
Figure 1: Result of the R, R
, R
and R
tively, for two sintetic images containing positive (left col-
umn) and negative (right column) values.
In this work, we consider to use the R transform,
and its variants, on human action video sequences, but
instead of applying them to grey level, shape, or edge
images like in (Souvenir and Parrigan, 2009), (Wang
et al., 2007) and (Zhu et al., 2009), we do it on their
optical flow components.
This section describes the method used for action
recognition in this work. It is based on a Bag of fea-
tures approach, but previous to the keypoint extrac-
tion stage, the video sequences are projected to static
templates. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the
whole process. Next, we describe in detail the differ-
ent stages of our system. The implementation details,
including the tuning parameters, are given in section
In order to project the video sequences, we ap-
ply the R
transform to both F
, F
components of
the optical flow, obtaining two surfaces R
f x
and R
f y
Figure 2: Block diagram of our approach.
These surfaces can be considered as spatio-temporal
templates defining an action sequence. These surfaces
retain some information of the different speeds that
action movements have in a local region of the scene.
Figure 3 shows an example of such surfaces, con-
cretely the result of applying the R
transform on
the ’bend’ image from the Weizmann action dataset
(Blank et al., 2005).
The optical flow of the video sequence has been
computed using the real-time algorithm presented in
(Karlsson and Bigun, 2012).
Figure 3: R
f x
and R
f y
surfaces computed applying R
transform on the ’bend’ image from the Weizmann action
Once the transform has been computed, we search
a set of keypoints in both surfaces using a standard de-
tector. In this work we have used the PHOW detector
(Bosch et al., 2007), a variant of SIFT but computed
on a dense grid at different scales. Figure 4 shows
the keypoints obtained using PHOW on the images
shown in figure 3. Only 50 keypoints, randomly cho-
sen, are shown for visualization purposes. The cir-
cles are centered on the selected keypoints, their sizes
represent the scale, and the lines inside the circles
show the main gradient orientation. Once the key-
points have been selected, we use a classical descrip-
tor based on a gradient orientation vector. We use a
128 bins histogram for each keypoint to describe the
gradient orientations within a local neighborhood.
Using a Bag of features approach, similar descrip-
tors are grouped using a k-means clustering tech-
nique. The set of cluster centers form a visual code-
book. In this way, every input sequence is represented
by a set of words, each word describing a small re-
gion of the R
surfaces. For the classification stage,
we use a Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Meth-
ods (SDCA)(Shalev-Shwartz and Zhang, 2013) linear
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Keypoints obtained using PHOW on the R
f x
f y
SVM solver. We tested several kernels and we ob-
tained the best performance using Chi-Squared Ker-
nel (χ
) (Vedaldi and Zisserman, 2012). It can be
expressed using equation 8.
k(x, y) =
+ y
Where x, y are the n-element input vectors.
In our preliminary experiments we have used the
Weizmann dataset (Blank et al., 2005). It is a widely
used sequence database containing a set of human ac-
tions. The sequences have been recorded with static
camera and background, there are no occlusions, and
only a person is moving in all sequences. They do
not present serious illumination changes either. This
dataset consists in 10 different actions carried out by
9 different persons. Figure 5 shows some snapshots
of the Weizmann dataset.
Figure 5: Weizmann human actions. Bend, jack, jump,
pjump, run, side, skip, walk, wave1, wave2.
For the experiments, we have used leave-one-out
cross validation method, since it is the usual method
used by other authors for testing. We use the 10 ac-
tions done by a single person for testing, and the ac-
tions done by the remaining 8 persons are used for
training. This process is repeated for all 9 persons.
We have done two different experiments. The first
one has the objective of determining which one of the
transforms will produce a higher action recogni-
tion rate. As evaluation criteria we have computed
the recognition rate (RR) using all four different trans-
forms (R, R
, R
, and R
RR =
samples correctly classified
Total samples Tested
Once we have determined the optimum R trans-
form, it is selected for the second experiment. The
objective of this second experiment is to compare the
results of our approach with the ones published by
other authors using the same dataset.
For tuning the parameters of our approach, we
have tested codewords from 100 to 1100 visual words.
For PHOW we have tested from 1 to 5 pixels between
keypoints in the grid of dense SIFT and from 2 to
10 for the size of the spatial bins (scales). We have
obtained the best performance using 1-pixel distance
between keypoints in the grid of dense SIFT, a single
scale of size 3, and a Visual Vocabulary of 900 visual
Table 1 shows the results obtained for the four dif-
ferent transforms R
(R, R
, R
, and R
) using
the scheme shown in the figure 2. We can see that us-
ing the supremum as projection function (R
) we
obtain the best results.
Table 1: Recognition rate (%) for R and R
transforms ap-
plied to Weizmann dataset.
Transform %
R 95.55
To establish a fair comparison with the state-of-
art methods, we have tuned all parameters exactly
as reported by the authors in their original papers.
For the Scovanner method (Scovanner, 2007) we have
used the configurations of the sub-histograms 2x2x2
and 4x4x4, and 8x4 histograms to represent θ and φ
in the 3D SIFT descriptor. For the Kl
aser method
aser et al., 2008) we have used a code-book size
V=4000, spatial and temporal support s0=8, t0=6,
amount of histogram cells M=4, N=3, number of sup-
porting mean gradients S=3, cut-off value c=0.25,
and a complete orientation polyhedron icosahedron.
For the Jhuang method (Jhuang et al., 2007) we used
500 gradient-based features. For the Niebles method
(Niebles et al., 2008) the parameters chosen were σ
=1.2, τ =1.2, the descriptors dimensionality was 100,
and the codebook size was fixed to 1200. For (Vish-
wakarma et al., 2015) we have used a feature vector of
[1 * 7 + 1 * 168 + 1 * 2] dimensions. For the method
Action Recognition using the Rf Transform on Optical Flow Images
presented in (Goudelis et al., 2013) we have used Lin-
ear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and a vector of 31
features. This latter method requires a previous sil-
houette extraction stage.
Table 2 shows the comparative results for all these
methods using the Weizmann sequences. In our ap-
proach we have used the R
transform since it was
the one that gave higher accuracy in the former exper-
Table 2: Recognition rate (%) on the Weizmann dataset.
Method %
(Scovanner, 2007) 84.2
aser et al., 2008) 84.3
(Niebles et al., 2008) 90
(Jhuang et al., 2007) 98.8
(Vishwakarma et al., 2015) 96.64
(Goudelis et al., 2013) 93.4
Ours (using R
) 98.8
The mean computational time for recognizing an
action sequence of 100 frames of 160x120 pixels is
900ms. It has been computed using a 3.1GHZ i3 Intel
Core. For these preliminary tests, code is not opti-
mized and the whole process has been implemented
using Matlab.
Template based approaches allow to project a whole
sequence into a single image. In this paper we have
presented a generalized form R
of the Radon trans-
form for projecting the action sequence. Choosing the
correct projection function f , it can be adapted to a
concrete problem.
We have tested three different f functions to
project the Radon transform, namely, mean, standard
deviation and supremum, and applied these trans-
forms to the optical flow components of a video se-
quence. This experiment has shown that the R
transform gives the highest recognition rate for ac-
tion recognition, higher than the standard R trans-
form, and the other projection functions.
The results obtained in a second experiment also
show that the use of such transforms is a very promis-
ing technique since it yielded higher recognition rates
than the state-of-art methods using the same dataset,
achieving a 98.8 % recognition rate.
The results presented in this paper have been obtained
using the Weizmann dataset as testbed. Next experi-
ments will involve other popular action/gesture recog-
nition datasets like KTH (Schuldt et al., 2004) dataset,
and Cambridge hand-gesture data set.
We are currently working on the extension of this
technique to action segmentation. Standard action
recognition datasets used by most researches, usually
contain a set of single actions that start at the begin-
ning of the sequence and stop at the end. In a real ap-
plication actions should be detected, segmented, and
finally, recognized. The use of the R
transforms is a
promising technique for sequence segmentation too.
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry
of Science and Innovation, project DPI2016-78957-
R, and AEROARMS European project H2020-ICT-
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Action Recognition using the Rf Transform on Optical Flow Images