The main goal of our study was to assess the applica-
bility of the measures of domain-specific meta-model
evolution, such as NoC, on other domain-specific and
general-purpose meta-models. In order to achieve our
goal, we analyzed the applicability of the data-model
behind these measures for measuring the evolution of
Modelica and UML meta-models and calculated the
measures on a set of chosen UML/Modelica releases.
As the answer to our research question, the results
of this paper show high applicability of the NoC and
other measures for measuring the evolution of both
Modelica and UML meta-models. However, certain
modifications to the data-model used for calculating
the measures needed to be made. In particular, a
subset of the data-model elements was taken in both
cases of Modelica and UML, e.g., TaggedValues and
Stereotypes were excluded. Additionally, UML meta-
model required a transformation related to the defini-
tion of UML Associations (Connectors) that need to
be aggregated by the connected Elements instead of
s. Nevertheless, the semantics of the meta-
models was not changed and the data-model and mea-
sures could have been applied without modifications.
The thing this paper did not investigate is the ac-
tual benefit of the measurement results, i.e., using
NoC for early estimation of impact of adopting new
releases of Modelica and UML meta-model on the
modeling tools and existing models in the develop-
ment projects. This study represents a natural contin-
uation of the presented work and could be extended
in future by measuring the evolution of specific pack-
ages of Modelica, UML, or other meta-models related
to different design roles in the development process.
The authors would like to thank Swedish Governmen-
tal Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) for
funding this research (grant no. 2013-02630), and
Adrian Pop from Link¨oping University who helped
us with the access to the Modelica meta-model.
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