Measuring the Evolution of Meta-models -
A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-models
Maxime Jimenez
, Darko Durisic
and Miroslaw Staron
ENSICAEN Engineering School, Caen, France
Volvo Car Group, Gothenburg, Sweden
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Meta-models, Evolution, Measurement.
The evolution of both general purpose and domain-specific meta-models and its impact on the existing models
and modeling tools has been discussed extensively in the modeling research community. To assess the impact
of domain-specific meta-model evolution on the modeling tools, a number of measures have been proposed by
Durisic et al., NoC (Number of Changes) being the most prominent one. The proposed measures are evaluated
on a case of AUTOSAR meta-model that specifies the language for designing automotive system architectures.
In this paper, we assess the applicability of these measure and the underlying data-model for their calculation in
a case study of Modelica and UML meta-models. Our preliminary results show that the proposed data-model
and the measures can be applied to both analyzed meta-models as we were able to capture 68/77 changes
on average per Modelica/UML release. However, only a subset of the data-model elements is applicable for
analyzing the evolution of Modelica and also certain transformation of the data-model is required in case
of UML. Despite these encouraging results, further studies are needed to assess the usefulness of the actual
measures, e.g., NoC, in assessing the impact of Modelica/UML meta-model evolution on the modeling tools.
Meta-models are nowadays widely used in industry to
define languages for domain-specific models used in
the design of large software systems. These models
represent instances of domain-specific meta-models,
that in turn could also be instances of existing general-
purpose meta-models, e.g. UML. The relationship
between domain-specific models, meta-models and
general-purpose meta-models is commonly referred
to as the meta-modeling hierarchy of MOF (Meta-
Object Facility) (MOF, 2004).
In order to be able to use new features in the mod-
els, e.g., new modeling elements, domain-specific
meta-modelsneed to be updated first in order to define
the new elements and their relationships. In indus-
try, the impact of adapting new meta-model releases
in the development projects can be time-consuming
due to its impact on the existing models and modeling
tools (Staron and Wohlin, 2006). Therefore, an early
indicator of such impact can be beneficial for the soft-
ware designers in order to make the right decision of
adopting a new meta-model release or accepting the
limitations of using the old one.
The study of Durisic et al. (Durisic et al.,
2014) in the automotive industry aimed to provide
such an indicator based on the defined measures
of domain-specific meta-model change, NoC (Num-
ber of Changes) being the most prominent measure.
These measures were developed for the AUTOSAR
meta-model, that represents a domain-specific meta-
model used in the design of the automotive software
architectures, and they are based on the data-model
specifically designed for this purpose. The AU-
TOSAR meta-model represents an instance of UML
(Durisic et al., 2016).
In this paper, we aim to assess the applicability
of the proposed measures for analyzing the evolu-
tion of the AUTOSAR meta-model on others meta-
models, both domain-specific and general-purpose.
We achieve this goal in a case study of two additional
meta-models: Modelica (Modelica, 2014) and UML
meta-model. Modelica meta-model is used to define
the language for modeling complex systems contain-
ing mechanical, electrical, electronic, and other com-
ponents. UML is a well known general-purpose meta-
model that defines the language that can be used for
modeling a variety of different domains.
Jimenez M., Durisic D. and Staron M.
Measuring the Evolution of Meta-models - A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006218204960502
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017), pages 496-502
ISBN: 978-989-758-210-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our research question is defined as: What is the
level of applicability of the measures of domain-
specific meta-model evolution and the underlying
data-model defined in (Durisic et al., 2014) for moni-
toring the evolution of Modelica/UML meta-models?
The results of our study show that the analyzed
data-model used for the definition of NoC and other
measures described in Section 2 can be applied to the
meta-models of Modelica and UML. Nevertheless,
certain data-model elements and attributes are not ap-
plicable in case of Modelica, in particular tagged val-
ues, stereotypes and UUIDs (unique identifiers), and
also the definition of connectors in UML had to be re-
worked in order to fit the proposed data-model. We
also concluded that the NoC measure together with
other proposed measure can be used for visualizing
the evolution of Modelica and UML meta-models.
In conclusion, despite the fact that different meta-
models require slightly different data-models for the
definition of measures of their evolution, it is gen-
erally possible to use the data-model and measures
based on it proposed by (Durisic et al., 2014) for
measuring the evolution of both domain-specific and
general-purpose meta-models. However, validation
that the results of the proposed measures, in particu-
lar NoC, can indeed be used as a preliminary indicator
of impact of adapting new meta-model versions in the
development projects is yet to be performed.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents the data-model and the measures pro-
posed for measuring the evolution of the AUTOSAR
meta-model; Section 3 describes the steps we fol-
lowed in assessing the applicability of the proposed
measures for measuring the evolution of Modelica
and UML meta-models; Section 4 discusses the ap-
plicability of the data-model in case of Modelica and
UML and shows the results of calculating the pro-
posed measures; Section 5 briefly describes the val-
idation of the measurements result and discusses gen-
eral assumptions taken in this study and their conse-
quences; finally, Section 7 concludes our studies and
presents guidelines for future work in the field.
In order to identify different types of AUTOSAR
meta-model changes, a data-model presented in Fig-
ure 1 has been defined in (Durisic et al., 2014).
MetaModels consist of a number of Packages that
are used to logically group meta-classes and meta-
objects (referred to as Elements) based on their se-
mantics. Elements may be connected using a num-
ber of Connectors, e.g., associations and inheritance
+ Name :string
+ UUID :string
+ ClassifierName :string
+ Name :string
+ Note :string
+ Stereotype :string
+ Type :string
+ UUID :string
+ LowerBound :string
+ Name :string
+ Note :string
+ Type :string
+ UpperBound :string
+ UUID :string
+ Note :string
+ SourceCardinality :string
+ Stereotype :string
+ TargetCardinality :string
+ Type :string
+ UUID :string
+ Name :string
+ Value :string
+ Version :string
+packages 0..*
Figure 1: Data-model for AUTOSAR meta-model changes.
Connectors (in case of meta-classes). Additionally,
Elements that represent meta-classes may contain ar-
bitrary number of Attributes. Finally, Elements, At-
tributes and Connectors may have additional seman-
tics captured in the TaggedValues, e.g., note and ori-
gin of Elements.
Based on the defined data model, the following
four main types of changes between different ver-
sions of the AUTOSAR meta-model are considered
(changes to Packages are not considered):
1. Added, removed or modified Element.
2. Added, removed or modified Attribute.
3. Added, removed or modified Connector.
4. Added, removed or modified TaggedValue.
Based on these types of changes, the following
measures of meta-model change are defined for mon-
itoring the evolution of meta-models:
1. NoE (Number of Elements) in one meta-model re-
2. NoME (Number of Modified Elements) between
two meta-model release.
3. NoAE (Number of Added Elements) between two
meta-model release.
4. NoRE (Number of Removed Elements) between
two meta-model release.
5. NoC (Number of Changes) between two meta-
model release.
Measures calculating the total number of modi-
fied, added and removed Attributes, Connectors and
TaggedValues were not considered critical for moni-
toring the evolution of domain-specific meta-models
as Elements represent the main building blocks for
supporting and using new features in the modeling
tools and existing models. However, changes to At-
tributes, Connectors and TaggedValues are included
in the NoC measure that captures all atomic changes
to the elements and their sub-elements of the data-
model (counted as one change), except for Packages.
Measuring the Evolution of Meta-models - A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-models
In order to provide the answer to our research ques-
tion, we performed two case studies according to the
protocol described by (Runeson et al., 2012) using
Modelica and UML meta-modelsas a unit of analysis,
and calculated the proposed measures of meta-model
change. We performed the following steps:
Step 1: Data-model applicability assessment
consists of a detailed study of the Modelica and UML
meta-models using the available literature and manu-
als and comparison of these meta-models to the AU-
TOSAR meta-model, that served as bases for the def-
inition of the data-model used for calculating NoC
and other measures. We focused on identifying dif-
ferences in the structure of the analyzed meta-models
and how to transform the meta-models of Modelica
and UML, without changing their semantics, so that
they represent instances of the NoC data-model.
Step 2: Development of meta-model parser in-
volves the development of a software tool for extract-
ing the relevant information from the Modelica and
UML meta-models specified in a proprietary format,
to a universal format that could serve as input to an-
other software tool that is used for calculating NoC
and other measures for different meta-model versions.
We chose XML format due to its wide acceptance in
the modeling community. Therefore, all analyzed ver-
sions of the Modelica meta-model were parsed into
our XML format. All analyzed versions of the UML
meta-model can already be found in the XML format,
however because they do not follow the same schema,
we had to transform them into our XML format.
Step 3: Calculation of the measures involves
the development of software tools similar to ARCA
(Durisic et al., 2015), that is used for measuring the
evolution of the AUTOSAR meta-model, for mea-
suring the evolution of Modelica and UML meta-
models. One difference between our tools and ARCA
is that our tools use XML representation of the meta-
model versions as input instead of Enterprise Archi-
tect models used by ARCA. The tools read two ver-
sions of Modelica/UML meta-model into instances of
the data-model defined in the first step and calculate
the proposed measures between them. We developed
two separate tools for UML and Modelica because
certain features of the tool were only applicable to one
of them (e.g. meta-model extraction for Modelica).
The first tool supports Modelica meta-model re-
leases 1.9.2 to 1.9.6 defined in the ”OMCompiler”
folder (5 releases, also referred to as MetaModelica
(Fritzson and Pop, 2011)). We were not able to de-
termine the total coverage of Modelica meta-model
releases as this historical information was not avail-
able due to format change. The second tool supports
UML meta-model releases 2.1.1 to 2.4.1 (6 releases
which represents 60% of UMLs meta-models). As
UML meta-model releases before 2.0 (i.e., 1.X) and
release 2.5 use different identifiers and names for the
same data-model elements, we decided to exclude
them from the analysis as they would result in added
and removed elements only. The UML meta-model
version 2.0 in the XML format was unfortunately not
available at the OMG website.
Based on the suggestion of Cook and Campbell
(Cook and Campbell, 1979), we briefly discuss in this
section possible threats to internal, external, construct
and conclusion validity of our study:
Internal validity is concerned with the results of
the analysis not being accidental. The internal valid-
ity of our study can be mostly threatened by possible
defects in the implemented software tools for pars-
ing Modelica/UML meta-models and calculating the
change measures. To minimize this threat, we per-
formed manual testing of the tools using small ex-
amples of the meta-models and compared the results
with the results of the manually calculated measures.
External validity is concerned with the general-
ization of results. The purpose of this study was to
assess the generalizability of the results of previous
studies of meta-model evolution on a broader scope of
meta-models. As this paper shows, the proposed mea-
sures of meta-model evolution could be calculated on
two additional meta-models of Modelica and UML,
using certain number of transformations to the under-
lying data-model or just using its subset. However,
other meta-models may bring additional concept (e.g.
primitive type variations) that may require extension
of the data-model, thus reducing its generalizability.
Construct validity is concerned with the mis-
match between theory and observations. In our study,
this concerns the ability of the analyzed data-model to
capture variations between different meta-model ver-
sions. As the purpose of our study was to assess the
applicability of the already defined data-model, this
part of the construct validity is implicitly achieved.
However, the threat related to the necessary transfor-
mations of the UML meta-model to represent an in-
stance of the NoC data-model still remains.
Conclusion validity is concerned with the degree
to which the conclusions of the study are reasonable.
This is considered high for our study due to the fact
that we were able to calculate the measures of meta-
model change on the evolution of Modelica and UML
meta-models. However, the usefulness of the mea-
sures in monitoring the evolution of Modelica/UML
is yet to be assessed in future work.
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
In the results section, we first show the data-models
that we used for calculating NoC and other measures
between different releases of Modelica and UML
meta-models, and discuss their similarity and differ-
ences to the AUTOSAR data-model presented in Fig-
ure 1. We then show the results of calculating the
measures for a set of Modelica and UML releases.
4.1 Modelica Data-model
For calculating the measures between different re-
leases of the Modelica meta-model, we used a subset
of the AUTOSAR data-model presented in Figure 2.
+ Name: string
+ Name: string
+ Note: string
+ Type: string
+ LowerBound: string
+ Name: string
+ Note: string
+ Type: string
+ UpperBound: string
+ Note: string
+ SourceCardinality: string
+ TargetCardinality: string
+ Type: string
+ Version: string
+packages 0..*
Figure 2: Modelica data-mode.
The relationship between one Package and its sub-
Packages has been kept in case of future use, but
it has not been used for the measurements because
the Modelica meta-model does not contain any sub-
packages. Additionally, the Elements, Attributes and
Connectors in Modelica do not contain any additional
semantics captured in a form of TaggedValues, nor
do they have Stereotypes and UUIDs (unique identi-
fiers). Therefore, we did not use these elements from
the AUTOSAR data-model for the measurement.
4.2 UML Data-model
For calculating the measures between different re-
leases of the UML meta-model, we used a subset of
the AUTOSAR data-model presented in Figure 3.
+ Name: string
+ UUID: string
+ Name: string
+ Note: string
+ Type: string
+ UUID: string
+ LowerBound: string
+ Name: string
+ Note: string
+ Type: string
+ UpperBound: string
+ UUID: string
+ Note: string
+ SourceCardinality: string
+ TargetCardinality: string
+ Type: string
+ UUID: string
+ Version: string
+packages 0..*
Figure 3: UML data-mode.
After the initial inspection of the UML meta-
model, we identified a number of similarities but also
a few differences in comparison to the AUTOSAR
meta-model. The biggest difference is related to the
definition of connectors (referred to as Associations
in UML) that are owned by Packages instead of Ele-
ments. However, the definition of Associations is also
present in the Elements in a form or Propertys (at-
tributes) that are referred to by two associationEnds.
The compliance of the UML and AUTOSAR
meta-models can be achieved with one transformation
of the UML meta-model. The transformation implies
aggregating the UML Association twice by the two
Elements connected by this Association, as shown in
Figure 4. As the AUTOSAR meta-model represents
an instance of UML (UML model), this transforma-
tion was already performed in case of AUTOSAR
by the UML modeling tool used in the development
of the AUTOSAR meta-model (Enterprise Architect),
i.e., UML Association aggregated by Packages are in-
stead aggregated by the connected Elements.
Package Element
Association Property
Package Element
+connectors 0..*
Figure 4: UML (left) and AUTOSAR (right) meta-model.
In addition to this, Tagged Values and Stereotypes
of Elements, Attributes and Connectors are not appli-
cable in case of UML meta-model as it defines them
for the instantiating UML models such as AUTOSAR
meta-model. Despite these differences, the similar-
ity between the AUTOSAR and UML meta-models
is higher than between the AUTOSAR and Model-
ica meta-models. This is expected as the AUTOSAR
meta-model represents an instance of UML.
4.3 Modelica Measurements
In order to visualize the size of Modelica meta-model
and its evolution, we calculated the Number of Ele-
ments (NoE) in the analyzed Modelica releases. The
results are presented in Figure 5.
We can see that the NoE slightly increases be-
tween releases 1.9.2 and 1.9.4, while it remains sta-
ble between releases 1.9.4 and 1.9.6. The increase in
the number of elements in releases 1.9.3 and 1.9.4 is
related to the addition of new packages in the meta-
model, e.g. Dump and StateMachineFlatten.
Measuring the Evolution of Meta-models - A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-models
1156 1156 1156
1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6
Figure 5: NoE in different Modelica meta-model releases.
In order to dive deeper into the analysis of Model-
ica meta-model changes, we calculated the results of
the NoC measure. Figure 6 shows the NoC between
each two meta-model releases.
1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6
1.9.2 0 97 242 242 242
1.9.3 97 0 146 146 146
1.9.4 242 146 0 0 0
1.9.5 242 146 0 0 0
1.9.6 242 146 0 0 0
Figure 6: NoC between Modelica meta-model releases.
As expected, the wider the gap between releases
is, the bigger number of changes we have. Moreover,
we can see that the NoC between consecutive releases
is not very big (0 to 146 changes). We believe that this
is due to the fact that we analyzed minor releases of
the Modelica meta-model only.
Finally in order to identify the types of changes
that are driving the evolution of the Modelica meta-
model, we calculated the Number of Added Elements
(NoAE), Number of Removed Elements (NoRE) and
Number of Modified Elements (NoME) between the
consecutive meta-model releases. Figure 7 shows the
NoAE and NoME while the NoRE does not appear
because no elements were removed between the an-
alyzed versions (probably due to strong backwards
compatibility requirements).
0 0
0 0
1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6
Figure 7: Modelica meta-model NoAE vs. NoME.
The figure shows that, apart from releases 1.9.2
and 1.9.3 where the NoME is equal to NoAE, in other
releases changes are mostly driven by modifications
of the existing elements.
4.4 UML Measurements
The size of the UML meta-model and its evolution,
as a result of calculating the NoE of the analyzed re-
leases of UML, is presented in Figure 8.
Figure 8: NoE in different UML meta-model releases.
We can see that the NoE slightly increases be-
tween releases 2.1.2 and 2.3 (4 new Elements are in-
troduced, 1%), while it remains stable between re-
leases 2.3 and 2.4.1.
The results of the NoC measure between each two
analyzed releases of the UML meta-model are pre-
sented in Figure 9.
R 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1
2.1.1 0 0 38 164 257 257
2.1.2 0 0 38 164 257 257
2.2 38 38 0 136 229 229
2.3 164 164 136 0 108 108
2.4 257 257 229 108 0 0
2.4.1 257 257 229 108 0 0
Figure 9: NoC between UML meta-model releases.
As expected, the NoC increases gradually between
releases that are further apart from each other (e.g.,
releases 2.1.1 and 2.4.1). Moreover, we can see that
there are no changes between the minor releases of
UML (change in the third digit), e.g., between re-
leases 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.
Finally, Figure 10 shows the results of NoAE,
NoRE and NoME measures between the consecutive
releases of the UML meta-model.
The figure shows that the evolution of UML is
mostly driven by the modification of existing ele-
ments. We can also verify that the change in the NoAE
and NoRE matches the evolutionof the NoE presented
in Figure 8 (e.g., 6 new elements and 3 removed el-
ements between releases 2.2 and 2.3 yields 3 more
elements in release 2.3).
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
00 0
2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1
Figure 10: UML meta-model NoAE vs. NoRE vs. NoME.
There are ve important points from this study that re-
quire further discussion. First, quantitative analysis is
usually an efficient approach for making preliminary
assessments of certain phenomenon with low cost.
However, deeper qualitative analysis is usually ex-
pected to follow for more precise assessment. In our
case, NoC can be used for initial understanding of the
amount of changes between different meta-model ver-
sions, but in order to understand their consequences,
e.g., impact on the compliant models and modeling
tools, analysis of the actual changes is needed. There-
fore, tools that we developed are also able to present
the list of Modelica/UML meta-model changes with
their description. Additionally, role-based analysis
of meta-model changes can be helpful in evaluat-
ing which roles/teams will be mostly affected by the
adoption of a new meta-model version.
Second, as the data-model we used in this study
has been designed for measuring the evolution of the
AUTOSAR meta-model (Durisic et al., 2014), we
could have designed a data-model that is more inline
with the structure of the UML and Modelica meta-
models. Nevertheless, we show that it is possible
to use a unified data-model for measuring the evolu-
tion of multiple domain-specific and general-propose
meta-models. This may, however, require certain
transformations of the analyzed meta-models.
Third, we can observe that there are no changes
in the Modelica meta-model between releases 1.9.4
and 1.9.6 and UML meta-model releases 2.1.1. and
2.1.2, and releases 2.4 and 2.4.1. In case of Modelica,
this is because we analyzed only the ”OMCompiler”
that contains the definition of the meta-model. There-
fore there may still be changes affecting other parts
of Modelica. In case of UML, this may be a sign that
there may be additional properties contained in the
meta-model that are not captured by our data-model.
Fourth, we made a clear separation between at-
tributes and connectors in a way that attribute is of
primitive type while connector is of element (meta-
class) type. Therefore, it would then make sense to
include a list of primitive types (e.g. String) in a meta-
model instead of just identifying them while parsing
the meta-model into an instance of our data-model.
Finally, referring to UML as a general-purpose
meta-model is usually correct. However when it
comes to Modelica, it depends on the interpretation.
A mechatronics engineer may refer to it as a general-
purpose while a software engineer may refer to it as
a domain-specific meta-model used for modeling sys-
tems with electrical and mechanical components.
A number of studies focus on automated model
transformations, e.g., Becker et al. (Becker et al.,
2007) present a process model for updating model in-
stances according to the classification of meta-model
changes. Sprinkle et al. (Sprinkle and Karsai, 2004)
developed a visual language for describing the evo-
lution of domain-specific meta-models that can also
perform model transformations for meta-model up-
dates. Vara et al. present a process for automated
generation of model transformations using a set of
modeling tools that can be used for mitigating exist-
ing models from one meta-model release to another
(Vara et al., 2008). Kuzniarz et al. (Kuzniarz and
Staron, 2003) describe UML transformations and de-
fine a systematic way of transforming UML meta-
model, similar to our work presented in Figure 4.
Related to our data-model, Wachsmuth presents
transformation library for stepwise adaptation of
MOF compliant meta-models, that involves refactor-
ing, construction and destruction of the meta-model
elements and their properties and relations, and co-
adaptation of the complaint models (Wachsmuth,
2007). Cicchetti et al. (Cicchetti et al., 2007) de-
scribe a language for comparing different model and
meta-model versions based on the ”difference meta-
model” that is derived from the analyzed model. This
data-model is also able to describe additions, dele-
tions and changes to the model elements, but it is too
general for defining changes relevant for architectural
domain-specific meta-models.
A number of studies also analyze the applicabil-
ity of different metrics for measuring certain proper-
ties of meta-models such as the studies of Ma et al.
(Ma et al., 2013) and Di Rocco et al. (Rocco et al.,
2014) that focus on the model evolution. Combin-
ing these metrics with the measures of meta-model
change, e.g., NoC, could be used to better assess the
evolution of domain-specific (meta-)models.
Measuring the Evolution of Meta-models - A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-models
The main goal of our study was to assess the applica-
bility of the measures of domain-specific meta-model
evolution, such as NoC, on other domain-specific and
general-purpose meta-models. In order to achieve our
goal, we analyzed the applicability of the data-model
behind these measures for measuring the evolution of
Modelica and UML meta-models and calculated the
measures on a set of chosen UML/Modelica releases.
As the answer to our research question, the results
of this paper show high applicability of the NoC and
other measures for measuring the evolution of both
Modelica and UML meta-models. However, certain
modifications to the data-model used for calculating
the measures needed to be made. In particular, a
subset of the data-model elements was taken in both
cases of Modelica and UML, e.g., TaggedValues and
Stereotypes were excluded. Additionally, UML meta-
model required a transformation related to the defini-
tion of UML Associations (Connectors) that need to
be aggregated by the connected Elements instead of
s. Nevertheless, the semantics of the meta-
models was not changed and the data-model and mea-
sures could have been applied without modifications.
The thing this paper did not investigate is the ac-
tual benefit of the measurement results, i.e., using
NoC for early estimation of impact of adopting new
releases of Modelica and UML meta-model on the
modeling tools and existing models in the develop-
ment projects. This study represents a natural contin-
uation of the presented work and could be extended
in future by measuring the evolution of specific pack-
ages of Modelica, UML, or other meta-models related
to different design roles in the development process.
The authors would like to thank Swedish Governmen-
tal Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) for
funding this research (grant no. 2013-02630), and
Adrian Pop from Link¨oping University who helped
us with the access to the Modelica meta-model.
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resentation. Journal of Object Technology, 6(9):165–
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Evolution of Long-Term Industrial Meta-Models - A
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Durisic, D., Staron, M., Tichy, M., and Hansson, J. (2016).
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MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development