Enabling Focused Software Quality Assurance in Agile Software
Development Processes for Mobile Applications using Text and Usage
Mining Methods
Michael Bauer
, Kateryna Sergieieva
, Gerrit Meixner
, Konstantin Holl
and Frank Elberzhager
Usability and Interaction Technology Laboratory (UniTyLab), Heilbronn University,
Max-Planck-Straße 39, 74081 Heilbronn, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Information Systems Quality Assurance,
Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Software Maintenance Tools, Agile Software Development, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Mobile Computing.
The acceptance of mobile applications that support services, such as navigation guidance or travel manage-
ment, is highly dependent on the set of features implemented and the application quality. Information about
the acceptance can be gained quickly by collecting user feedback like explicit textual reviews given by the
application users or their implicitly given usage data. Considering an approach that bases on developing a
minimal set of functions in order to realize a minimal viable product (MVP), it is possible to place a product
with a short time to market. In this paper the Opti4Apps approach is presented. It aims at a focused quality
assurance as part of the MVP development, which enables and expands the benefits of MVP by providing a
semi-automated feedback elicitation, analysis and processing framework. The Opti4Apps process adjusts to
mobile development habits including an additional automated feedback and usage data processing infrastruc-
Mobile applications have attained an increasing im-
portance in daily use. In 2015, about 1640 million
smart phones and tablets as opposed to about 276
million notebooks and desktop computers were sold
(Yahoo, 2016). Among all smart phone users e.g. in
the U.S. in 2013, 62 percent used mobile application
and among them 74 percent used productivity appli-
cations (Nielsen, 2013). The sales numbers of mobile
devices and the possibility to reach many users lead to
more software development service providers enter-
ing the mobile application market. Scrum
is widely
adopted as an agile software development process but
there has been a noticeable shift in attention toward
lean software development although these methods
have much in common, including short iterative life
cycles, quick and frequent feedback from customers,
and constant learning (Wang et al., 2012). In lean
software development the use of a MVP is propa-
gated. A MVP is a product with just enough features
and minimal characteristics to gather validated learn-
ing in continued development (Robinson, 2016).
The posing challenges are how to collect and pro-
cess costumer respectively user feedback inside a con-
tinuous delivery (CD) environment and how to gain
knowledge to enhance the quality of mobile appli-
cations including usability issues of future develop-
ments without the enlargement of delivery times. To
address this, a focused quality assurance approach
is needed which supports the MVP-based develop-
ment of mobile applications, e.g. budget restric-
tions and short development periods. Hence, we aim
to establish an optimization for mobile application
(short: Opti4Apps) tailored to MVP-development us-
ing a semi-automated framework. The framework
consists of feedback and usage elicitation, followed
by analysing the data and load processing the analy-
sis outcome.
CD defines a deployment pipeline which enables
lean inadvertent error prevention (Fitzgerald and Stol,
2014) (Humble et al., 2006). This deployment
Bauer M., Sergieieva K. and Meixner G.
Enabling Focused Software Quality Assurance in Agile Software Development Processes for Mobile Applications using Text and Usage Mining Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0006224801280132
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 128-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pipeline comprises visibility including all aspects of
the delivery system like building, deploying, test-
ing, and releasing which are visible to every mem-
ber of the team to promote collaboration. This sup-
plies feedback as team members learn of problems
when they occur so that they are able to fix them as
quickly as possible. It includes permanent deploy-
ment through a fully automated process to install and
release any version of the software to any environ-
ment (Duvall, 2012). Beyond CD, the principle of de-
velopment and operations (DevOps) is a development
methodology that bridges the gap between software
development and IT operations, emphasizes collabo-
ration, also emphasizes continuous delivery and qual-
ity assurance (Jabbari et al., 2016). Lean software de-
velopment defines seven principles (Poppendieck and
Poppendieck, 2003):
Eliminate waste: Everything not adding value to
the customer is waste and has to be eliminated.
Amplify learning: Software development based
on iterations empowers a continuous learning pro-
Decide as late as possible: Delaying decisions as
much as possible until they can be made based on
Deliver as fast as possible: A sooner delivery of
the product without major defects enables imme-
diate feedback which can be incorporated into the
next iteration.
Empower the team: The development team takes
care of what actions might be taken and suggests
Build integrity in: The product must not look like
a collection of small solutions, but as one integral
See the whole: Not sub-optimizing to get the de-
tails right, but considering the system as a whole
empowers to adapt to project changes.
The paradigms of lean development, DevOps and CD
depend on fast deployment to gain knowledge about
the product. Therefore automation and constant mon-
itoring of the deployment pipeline is required (Hassel-
bring, 2015). Regarding automating the deployment
pipeline many tools already exist. Jenkins
can be
used for automated builds, unit- and acceptance tests,
static and dynamic code analysis by using a common
code basis from a version control system (VCS) like
. JMeter
can be used for load and performance
tests. Puppet
is a DevOps tool, that treats infras-
tructure as code (IaC), collaboration between devel-
opment, operation, information security and network-
ing. Beside this, web analytic tools like Google An-
and Piwik
are also used in mobile applica-
Despite of all those automation tools, some tasks
are still accomplished manually, especially in the area
of usability. The ISO 9241-210 defines a human-
centred design (HCD) process where the user is in-
volved in every step of the process and provides feed-
back constantly (ISO, 2011). Common methods are
used during this process, e.g. interviews, heuristic
evaluation, usability tests, and are defined in ISO/TR
16982 and are executed by usability experts manually
(ISO, 2002). Feedback can be elicited with applica-
tions like iRequire (Seyff et al., 2010) and ConTexter
artner and Schneider, 2012) where large groups of
users are able to describe requirements and requests.
Providers like UserVoice
combine the feedback of
an application with a bug tracker. These solutions as-
sume that stakeholders have the intrinsic motivation
to contribute their problem descriptions. Appsee’s
mobile analytics platform provides in-depth analysis
of users’ behavior. It provides dwell times on screens,
as well as touch heat maps, recordings of the us-
age, navigation diagrams and tracking of clicks and
other events. This usage data can be acquired in a
similar way to classify usability and failure patterns.
Based on the classification, a focused quality assur-
ance method for mobile applications increases the ef-
fectiveness of finding failures of mobile applications
during testing (Holl and Vieira, 2015).
The Opti4Apps approach is based on a semi-
/automated elicitation and analysis of mobile appli-
cation data. On the one hand data is collected within
the mobile device, e.g. from sensors, user interac-
tions, or device-resident sources like log files. On
the other hand data is collected from software stores,
e.g. Google Play Store
or App Store
, and user fo-
rums where explicit feedback is given. The idea is to
identify failure patterns using data mining and natural
language processing methods in a mobile application.
Enabling Focused Software Quality Assurance in Agile Software Development Processes for Mobile Applications using Text and Usage
Mining Methods
Figure 1: Overview of the Opti4Apps approach.
Analysing these patterns is intended to speed the de-
velopment process, allowing problems to be identified
and rectified quicker. Thus, it can provide a baseline
for the effective further development as well as the
focused quality assurance. This can mean using the
new knowledge to guide the test manager during the
inspection of the requirements specification as well as
the testing of the mobile application. It can also mean
identifying user groups that have problems with a spe-
cific task within the application. This can be useful in-
formation for a usability engineer. Figure 1 shows an
overview of the Opti4Apps approach. In the first iter-
ation the mobile application is delivered to the users
as a MVP. An agent collects feedback and sends it
to the Opti4Apps backend. The frontend presents the
processed information. The test manager uses this in-
formation to plan and execute quality assurance tasks.
After that an optimized version of the mobile applica-
tion is delivered to the users again.
The recognition of the Opti4Apps depends on the de-
gree it is encouraging mobile development habits. It
is also important not to enlarge the tasks of the de-
velopment teams with additional configuration over-
head. That is why the knowledge discovery has to be
automated. As already mentioned in the introduction,
agile development is widely adopted. Figure 2 de-
scribes a process that encapsulates an automated feed-
back cycle and knowledge discovery infrastructure for
mobile applications. Following the DevOps method-
ology it should be provided as IaC. It is based on
a CD approach presented in the research of Krusche
and Alperowitz (Krusche and Alperowitz, 2014). In
software development, requirements are stored in an
issue tracker like JIRA
. The developers who are re-
sponsible for the requirements write code and commit
it to a VCS like Git. A continuous integration server
performs checkouts of the latest version and runs au-
tomated builds, tests, and generates reports. A prod-
Figure 2: Overview of the Opti4Apps process.
uct owner releases a version to a delivery server. This
can either be software repositories like the Google
Play Store, the App Store or self-hosted reposito-
ries. Sometimes services like TestFlight
and Hock-
are used for beta testing purposes. The user
downloads the mobile application to his device from
the delivery server. The usage data is collected by an
agent attached to the mobile application. It is spa-
tiotemporal time series data containing a set of mea-
sured points. The measurements can be divided in
device specific data like the android version, sensor
data like GPS location, and application specific data
like event names. All that data is stored in a data
warehouse. Clickstreams are extracted from the usage
data and used for classification and clustering of tasks
and user groups. Data from the development tools is
also captured in the data warehouse to ensure trace-
ability of a failure pattern to issues, versions, or even
development branches. A combination of data min-
ing methods like outlier analysis, clustering, and clas-
sification are used to identify failure and usage pat-
terns. In addition to that explicit feedback from users
is scraped from the delivery server respectively the
Google Play Store, the App Store, and user forums.
Natural language processing methods like topic mod-
els are used to identify additional failure patterns. If
e.g. a group of words like failure, problem, etc. oc-
curs often with words like network a resulting topic
may indicate network problems. The frontend of the
approach is an analytics tool which is observed by the
product owner. Based on the analytics, the product
owner takes action for the next iteration. The ana-
lytics tool helps the product owner to make decisions
based on data and consult the right expert, e.g. a us-
ability engineer or a test manager. Findings can also
be stored to the issue tracker for improvements in the
next iteration of the development.
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Opti4Apps implements and extends the benefits of an
MVP development by developing and using a frame-
work based on the automatic elicitation and analysis
of feedback as well as using an effective and efficient
quality assurance methodology. In contrast to classi-
cal development this enables quicker delivery times
and early feedback from users. With Opti4Apps this
feedback is automatically processed in a systematic
way to identify failure patterns. Those patterns define
connections of typical failure causes with their com-
mon impacts. In addition to that using cluster analysis
of failure patterns the approach is capable of finding
user groups with similar problems. In future work
finding user groups and segmentation of user tasks by
analyzing clickstream data will be done. One chal-
lenge here is to label and to distinguish tasks. To solve
this it is planned to use data fusion between develop-
ment tools and clickstream data to interconnect e.g.
issue, class, and function names with user interaction
event data collected from an agent inside the mobile.
Insights about efficiency and effectiveness on tasks
also allow conclusions about the usability of the mo-
bile application. Another challenge is to identify user
groups based on the clickstream data when no other
user data is available. A promising idea is to group
users based on behavioral pattens within the applica-
tion. In parallel developing a concept to protect the
privacy of end users is mandatory. With Opti4Apps,
lean principles can be applied to the software devel-
opment of mobile applications. The framework sup-
ports amplified learning by iterations including imme-
diate and structured feedback. The outlined process
makes fast deliveries possible and enables late deci-
sions based on reasonable data. Concerning this, the
elicitation of relevant information with respect to the
user’s behavior should be automated as much as pos-
sible. Further more, the feedback and insights from
one development can be reused in parallel or subse-
quent development.
The research described in this paper was performed
in the project Opti4Apps
- Optimization for mobile
applications (grant no. 01FJ15133) of the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
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