(Multivariate test; Wilks’ Lambda F(4,54)= 7.635;
Pairwise comparisons among compression levels
and Facebook Mobile compression (adjustment for
multiple comparisons: Bonferroni) show significant
difference between both 25% and 35% compressed
pictures and Facebook Mobile pictures. No
difference between both 45% and 55% compressed
pictures and jpeg images was found (Table 3).
Table 3: Pairwise Comparisons. Table shows the mean
difference between the DMOS assigned to the Facebook
Mobile’s picture values and the DMOS assigned to the
Cogisen’s compressed pictures. Positive mean difference
values denote higher mean opinion scores assigned to
Cogisen pictures compared to Facebook pictures. A p
value >0.05 denotes that the mean difference is not
significant. The star “*” marks the mean differences that
are significant at the 0.01 level.
Diff. (I-J)
Std. Error
(p value)
FB Mobile COG 25%
2.664* 0.719 0.005
FB Mobile COG 35%
3.397* 0.794 0.001
FB Mobile COG 45%
0.534 0.571 1.000
FB Mobile
COG 55%
-1.681 0.736 0.261
2.6 Discussion
The main results show that the difference mean
opinion scores assigned to both 25% and 35%
Cogisen compressed pictures were significantly
higher than those assigned to jpeg stimuli. These
results mean that Cogisen’s compression method is
able to reduce image file size in a way that better
manages the information that affects perceived
quality. It confirms that Cogisen’s adaptive image
compression model is more effective than currently
common image compression methods in preserving
the most salient aspects of images, with a 35% file
size gain over jpeg images compressed by Facebook
Mobile while also maintaining a higher perceived
image quality.
No difference between the perceived quality
scores assigned to both 45% and 55% Cogisen
compressed pictures and those assigned to Facebook
Mobile pictures means that the Cogisen plug-in
achieves similar results than the Facebook Mobile
compression algorithm with a 55% gain over it.
The authors of this paper are working on further
studies focusing on the design and the assessment of
the Cogisen plug-in for video compression
This work investigated the subjective quality
perception of images compressed by the Cogisen
plug-in, which can be integrated into the
compression settings of mobile and desktop
applications. Sixty-three participants assessed the
perceived quality of jpeg pictures compressed by the
Facebook Mobile application and by the Cogisen
compression plug-in.
The Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale
method was used to compare the quality score. The
quality scores assigned to compressed pictures were
compared to those assigned to high quality reference
pictures, which were randomly shown during the test
(as recommended the ITU suggestions). The
presentation used a Web-based administration
procedure validated in a previous study (Mele et al.
2016). The results obtained in this study show that
the compression plug-in does not significantly affect
the subjective perceived quality of previously jpeg
compressed pictures up to a gain of 55% file size
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