The Web-based Subjective Quality Assessment of an Adaptive Image
Compression Plug-in
Maria Laura Mele
1, 2
, Damon Millar
and Christiaan Erik Rijnders
Department of Philosophy, Social & Human Sciences and Education, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
COGISEN Engineering Company, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Adaptive Systems, Image Compression Methods, Subjective Quality Assessment.
Abstract: Images are a key element for conveying information about visual systems. However, image-based
representation and communication require large information bandwidth. Image compression is currently the
leading methodology for reducing bandwidth/load problems thus improving User Experience. Synthetic
objective metrics are often used to assess the quality of image compression models, but they often do not
reliably predict subjective ratings. This work shows the end-users’ quality evaluation of a new compression
plug-in fully compliant with all on-going image formats. The subjective quality assessment of jpeg pictures
compressed by the plug-in followed a new Web-based Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale method,
whose validity and reliability have been described in a previously published study. The results of this study
show that pictures compressed by the proposed adaptive image compression plug-in have a 55%
compression gain compared to jpeg images compressed by Facebook Mobile, with no loss in perceived
image quality.
Images are often used as a representation method to
convey information in Web-based systems. Visual
content is cognitively processed in a non-
propositional way, that is to say, no decoding is
necessary to process the depicted data complexity
and its inner relations, since images keep the
perceptual structure of what they represent
(Sternberg and Sternberg 2015).
Given the importance of using images for Web-
based information and communication, reducing the
bandwidth usage due to a massive quantity of
images is a goal for practitioners, especially for
smartphones and other mobile devices. As Jakob
Nielsen highlights when describing his Law of
Internet Bandwidth, “bandwidth will remain the
gating factor in the experienced quality of using the
Internet medium” (Nielsen 1998).
Lossy image compression is still the primary
solution for reducing bandwidth and saving storage
space (Vidhya et al. 2016). The State of the Art
shows many new compression algorithms, which are
effective in reducing the size of the original
representation with no loss in image quality (Sarode
et al. 2016). Nevertheless, the jpeg file format,
which was released in 1991, is still the predominant
image format, because shifting into different file
formats files can result in compatibility issues with
systems. Indeed, many new compression algorithms
require format shifting and end-users might
encounter compatibility problems with their
software or devices.
Another problem with compression methods is
that their optimizations are driven by synthetic
objective quality evaluation metrics, which are often
not efficiently predictive of subjective evaluations.
Even though synthetic objective metrics are fast,
repeatable and do not have high costs, they are not
always able to reliably predict subjective image
quality ratings assigned by human participants. The
reason for this is that these objective metrics are
derived from subjective quality datasets, which are
subsets by definition. Instead, the proper method is
to be driven by the subjective quality evaluation
tests (Winkler et al. 2012).
Subjective quality evaluation is still a key
process in image or video compression methods
because low perceived quality contributes directly to
a poor user experience (Pedram et al. 2014).
This paper describes the subjective quality
assessment of a compression plug-in developed by
an engineering company called Cogisen
( The compression method is
based on a new visual saliency algorithm, which, for
Mele M., Millar D. and Rijnders C.
The Web-based Subjective Quality Assessment of an Adaptive Image Compression Plug-in.
DOI: 10.5220/0006226401330137
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 133-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
each image, calculates a map of the perception
threshold beyond which users might perceive any
reduction in quality. The system has been developed
to be compatible with any kind of image
compression models and flexible to all current image
formats. The system also has a minimal impact on
mobile processor usage.
The subjective evaluation of the Cogisen
compression plug-in followed an image quality
assessment method, which adapts the Single
Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale method
described by the ITU-R BT.500-8 recommendations
(ITU Telecom 2002) to a Web-based procedure
using an online testing tool and a crowdsourcing
Web platform for recruiting participants. Both
validity and reliability of the Web-based procedure
have been investigated in a previous study, which
compares the results obtained using the Web-based
method to data obtained with laboratory methods
(Mele et al. 2016).
This paper describes the subjective quality
evaluation of images compressed by two methods:
Facebook Mobile’s jpeg compression algorithm
(which represents the optimized maximum
compression level of commonly used jpeg
compression), and The Cogisen plug-in, which
reduces information in non-salient parts of jpeg
2.1 Method
The subjective quality assessment procedure used in
this study was validated using a data set of images
whose quality has been previously ranked by
participants (Mele et al. 2016). We compared the
Cogisen’s compression algorithm with the Facebook
Mobile’s one because Facebook is a public service
by definition and its compression model complies
with the State of the Art.
2.2 Material
The stimuli used for this study were obtained from a
selection of six high quality reference pictures
(800x800 pixels) provided by the Colourlab Image
Database: Image Quality (CIDIQ) (Liu et al. 2014).
Six of 23 high-quality pictures were selected to
represent a wide range of photographic subjects
(Figure 1). The selected stimuli include the
following pictures: one outdoor panorama, one
indoor panorama, one man-made object picture, one
picture with distinct foreground/background
configurations, one picture without any main
specific object of interest, one close-up shot.
The reference pictures were compressed by two
compression methods:
1. The Facebook Mobile compression
2. The Cogisen plug-in, according to the
following compression gains over
Facebook Mobile: 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%.
Four distorted pictures (not belonging to
the experimental database) were placed
twice into the test in order to control
subjects’ attention.
The test consisted of a total of 49 trials presented
in a randomized order, in order to avoid that two
identical pictures are presented consecutively.
2.3 Procedure
Participants were asked about visual acuity, contrast
sensitivity, colour vision, light condition and prior
experience with video display systems or devices, by
a questionnaire shown before the test. Participants
were also asked to check the physical dimensions of
their display and to regulate it to the maximum
brightness. If participants met the preliminary
requirements (no vision impairments, only desktop
devices, no devices less than 13-inches wide,
maximum brightness on) test instructions were
Each image was presented for 7 seconds, then a
1-100 integer quality scale, numerically marked and
divided in three parts by the “Bad”, “Fair”, and
“Excellent” labels, was displayed for at least 3
seconds. Subjects were asked to assess the quality of
each picture by dragging the slider on the quality
scale. This Single Stimulus Continuous Quality
Scale (SSCQS) evaluation method follows the ITU-
R BT.500-8 recommendations (ITU Telecom 2002).
The test has been developed by using an online
survey software tool, i.e., SurveyGizmo
To prevent errors due to subjects’ fatigue and
loss of attention, the testing session lasted a
maximum 20 minutes. The subjective quality
assessment consisted in one single session with
participants recruited by means of a crowdsourcing
platform for psychological research called Prolific
Academic ( All participants were
first time users of such a quality assessment
procedure, and they were remunerated with a £1.25
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
2.4 Subjects
Sixty-three subjects (mean age= 32.6 years old,
50.7% male, 100% English speakers), eight expert
users (mean age= 34.87, 87.5% male) and 28 non-
expert viewers (mean age= 32.3, 45.4% male) were
recruited. All the tests were completed in a single
session on March 10, 2016. Expertise was classified
according to the participants' employment as
reported in a preliminary questionnaire.
Since five outliers were excluded after the
descriptive analysis, the screened subjective
database included the scores provided by a total of
58 subjects, mean age= 37.2 years old, 48.3% male,
44.8% in-door with natural lights; 55.2% indoor
with artificial lights.
2.5 Results
The basic data analysis included:
Mean opinion score (MOS): Opinion scores
were integers in the range 1-100;
Difference mean opinion score (DMOS):
The raw opinion scores were converted to
quality difference scores:
= r
ref(j) – r
where r
is the raw score for the i-th subject and j-th
image, and r
ref(j) denotes the raw quality score
assigned by the i-th subject to the reference image
corresponding to the j-th distorted image (Sheikh et
al. 2006). Difference Mean Opinion Scores (DMOS)
were therefore obtained by calculating the difference
between the Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) (range 1-
100) assigned to high quality reference images and
those assigned to the compressed images (Table 1).
Table 1: Subjects’ Mean Opinion Scores and Difference
Mean Opinion Scores assigned to both Cogisen
compressed pictures and Facebook Mobile compressed
25% gain
35% gain
45% gain
55% gain
FB Mobile
76.96 77.68 74.83 72.62 74.30
-2.54 -3.27 -0.41 1.79 0.11
The Pearson linear correlation between the
DMOS assigned to the pictures compressed by the
plug-in and the jpeg pictures show high correlation
coefficients, which means that the perceived quality
of the Cogisen pictures is greatly correlated with the
perceived quality of Facebook Mobile pictures
(Table 2).
Table 2: Correlations between scores assigned to
Facebook Mobile compressed pictures and those
compressed by the Cogisen Plug-in. The star “*” marks
the mean differences that are significant at the 0.01 level.
Two stars “**” mark the mean differences that are
significant at the 0.05 level.
25% gain
35% gain
45% gain
55% gain
FB Mobile
0.497* 0.404
Sig. (p value)
0.008 0.047 0.000 0.002
It was investigated whether the participants’
performance has been affected by (1) their expertise
with video display systems or devices (expert, non
expert) (2) the lighting condition of the setting
(natural light, artificial light; indoor, outdoor), and
(3) the order in which pictures are shown in the
testing sequence (first half of the test, second half of
the test).
1. Expertise. The one-way ANOVA shows no
effect of expertise on difference mean
opinion scores (F(1,57)= 2.332; p > 0.05).
2. Lighting condition. The one-way ANOVA
shows no significant difference in the
DMOS assigned in two different lighting
conditions (indoor with natural lights,
indoor with artificial lights), (F(1,57)=
2.386; p > 0.05).
3. Order effect. Multiple linear regression
analysis showed that the order of the
stimuli into the test (first half, second half)
was not able to predict the subjects’
answers (R²= 0.041, F(1,57)= 2.386, p >
0.05; β= 0.202, p>0.05).
The effect of compression method (Facebook
Mobile, Cogisen) on subjects’ performance was
investigated. The repeated measures ANOVA shows
an overall significant difference in DMOS assigned
to stimuli compressed by the Cogisen plug-in
compared to those assigned to jpeg pictures
compressed by the Facebook Mobile application
The Web-based Subjective Quality Assessment of an Adaptive Image Compression Plug-in
(Multivariate test; Wilks’ Lambda F(4,54)= 7.635;
Pairwise comparisons among compression levels
and Facebook Mobile compression (adjustment for
multiple comparisons: Bonferroni) show significant
difference between both 25% and 35% compressed
pictures and Facebook Mobile pictures. No
difference between both 45% and 55% compressed
pictures and jpeg images was found (Table 3).
Table 3: Pairwise Comparisons. Table shows the mean
difference between the DMOS assigned to the Facebook
Mobile’s picture values and the DMOS assigned to the
Cogisen’s compressed pictures. Positive mean difference
values denote higher mean opinion scores assigned to
Cogisen pictures compared to Facebook pictures. A p
value >0.05 denotes that the mean difference is not
significant. The star “*” marks the mean differences that
are significant at the 0.01 level.
Diff. (I-J)
Std. Error
(p value)
FB Mobile COG 25%
2.664* 0.719 0.005
FB Mobile COG 35%
3.397* 0.794 0.001
FB Mobile COG 45%
0.534 0.571 1.000
FB Mobile
COG 55%
-1.681 0.736 0.261
2.6 Discussion
The main results show that the difference mean
opinion scores assigned to both 25% and 35%
Cogisen compressed pictures were significantly
higher than those assigned to jpeg stimuli. These
results mean that Cogisen’s compression method is
able to reduce image file size in a way that better
manages the information that affects perceived
quality. It confirms that Cogisen’s adaptive image
compression model is more effective than currently
common image compression methods in preserving
the most salient aspects of images, with a 35% file
size gain over jpeg images compressed by Facebook
Mobile while also maintaining a higher perceived
image quality.
No difference between the perceived quality
scores assigned to both 45% and 55% Cogisen
compressed pictures and those assigned to Facebook
Mobile pictures means that the Cogisen plug-in
achieves similar results than the Facebook Mobile
compression algorithm with a 55% gain over it.
The authors of this paper are working on further
studies focusing on the design and the assessment of
the Cogisen plug-in for video compression
This work investigated the subjective quality
perception of images compressed by the Cogisen
plug-in, which can be integrated into the
compression settings of mobile and desktop
applications. Sixty-three participants assessed the
perceived quality of jpeg pictures compressed by the
Facebook Mobile application and by the Cogisen
compression plug-in.
The Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale
method was used to compare the quality score. The
quality scores assigned to compressed pictures were
compared to those assigned to high quality reference
pictures, which were randomly shown during the test
(as recommended the ITU suggestions). The
presentation used a Web-based administration
procedure validated in a previous study (Mele et al.
2016). The results obtained in this study show that
the compression plug-in does not significantly affect
the subjective perceived quality of previously jpeg
compressed pictures up to a gain of 55% file size
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The Web-based Subjective Quality Assessment of an Adaptive Image Compression Plug-in